Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1147

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Chapter 1147

Qian Tielong is fed up with Li Xiaoai's little girl.
The thing that torments oneself is not once or twice.
Shi Ying is a good girl. Without Li Xiaoai, she would be more perfect.
A woman of about 27 years old still has a good appearance in her early 20s and a great figure.
He is also divorced from a marriage of people, talking about the last marriage, Qian Tielong very egg pain.
I married a girl who was more than 1.5 meters tall and could be long enough.
At first, he thought that the girl was late in development, and maybe she could continue to grow at 1.5 meters, or even 1.6 meters. Unfortunately, the girl's height was fixed, and she still didn't grow up under Qian Tielong's strong expectation.
He was so full of blood that he would have explained it.
Therefore, when he moved here, he saw Shi Ying at first sight and decided to marry this woman.
This is the perfect woman. Of course, it would be better if there was not that hateful little devil.
Qian Tielong is full of Shi Ying in his mind, and soon divorced his wife, and then launched an offensive against Shi Ying.
In his opinion, he is the director of a large company. He is young and promising. In his age, he is also the most brilliant age of a man.
The other party is a widow who lost her father. If you are more romantic, mature and gentle, it is not easy to catch her.
As a result, unexpectedly, Shi Ying did not even bird him.
This makes his self-esteem, some can not accept.
But the charm of beauty is not small. After many painful reflections, he still decides to pursue Shi Ying and try to turn the widow into his wife.
When the time comes, how to conquer, how to conquer, let her accept their own punishment!
Ha ha ha, at the thought of Shi Ying shaking under himself, Qian Tielong couldn't help shaking.
Anyway, Shi Ying will always go home. She will go out and buy two bottles of good red wine. When she comes back, she will have a warm and romantic candlelight dinner. She will be invited to have dinner. Then she will have a good communication and communication.
As long as you work hard, you can marry a widow!
After Qian Tielong decided, he dressed up neatly and went downstairs in a very fashionable fashion.
They are always at the forefront of fashion.
The cashier girl in the supermarket downstairs is very beautiful. It's a pity that she is too young. She looks green and astringent. She has the unique charm of a young woman like Shi Ying!
waited until she was in bed, and awesome women like Shi Ying!
When it comes to women, Qian Tielong is not short of women.
Several of the young female employees in their company secretly winked at him.
Although Qian Tielong looks average, she still likes some young girls who have just entered the workplace.
And he is still the director, the position and the prospect are very good, also is a diamond king five.
Therefore, Qian Tielong is very confident, but unexpectedly, Shi Ying has destroyed his confidence again and again.
This time, it's still the case!
In the supermarket, Qian Tielong was comparing the two bottles of red wine in his hand. When which one was better, a pair of pretty people beside him immediately attracted his eyes.
The beautiful woman in a black and blue uniform, tall and perfect, gently leaning against the black windbreaker man beside her, is not the perfect widow in her heart Shi Ying!
Qian Tielong was stunned. The two bottles of red wine in his hand fell to the ground and smashed.
The movement immediately attracted the attention of people around.
The Qin Dynasty and Shi Ying were originally choosing the ingredients for cooking, but they also turned to look at the man dressed like a guest in fashion front-line programs.
This man is so interesting. He is in his thirties. He also wears black glasses that young people like to wear.
Well, it's the kind of pure eyeglass frame, in order to look cute.
At this time, the frame of the glasses is constantly shaking, reflecting the strong fluctuation of the host's mind.
"Mr. Qian, what a coincidence."
After seeing the man, Shi Ying was slightly surprised, but she still politely said hello to Qian Tielong.
However, she took the arm of the Qin Dynasty, but did not let go.
This man has been pursuing himself for a long time.
Although he has good conditions, is a very good economic applicable man, but his heart only Qin Dynasty does not say, this money Tielong is absolutely unacceptable to her.
That is, he doesn't like little love.
He looked at little love's eyes, but they were not right.
Shi Ying is a very sensitive person. She can find that every time Qian Tielong sees Xiaoai, there is a little hatred in her eyes.
Shi Ying knows what this man is thinking.
If you don't give birth to a child, you should meet his requirements.How can you associate with such a man?
"Yingying, you, why do you..."
Why do the fingers of Qin Dynasty and other men tremble together
Qian Tielong is very reluctant to believe that, with his ability, the woman he pursues should be holding another man!
There is a feeling that he has been betrayed!
In his heart, Shi Ying seems to have been his ban for a long time!
No one else can touch it!
"I'm sorry, Mr. Qian. It's my private business. You don't seem to have the right to interfere."
Shi Ying is a little unhappy. Who am I dating with? What's the relationship between you and Qian Tielong? I think too much about you.
The Qin Dynasty looked at that suddenly crazy Qian Tielong and couldn't help asking.
"Shi Ying, who is this"
"no one, just an ordinary neighbor of mine."
Shi Ying quickly told the Qin Dynasty that she seemed very nervous about the Qin Dynasty's mind, for fear that the Qin Dynasty had misunderstood something.
"Oh, so it is"
since you are a neighbor, it should be nothing to say hello.
As a gentleman, you should be polite.
Therefore, the Qin Dynasty took the initiative to extend a hand to go, "Hello, Mr. Qian, I am a friend of Shi Ying."
"Go away!"
Unexpectedly, this money Tielong actually clapped open Qin Dynasty's hand, then disdainfully looked at Qin Dynasty, "what identity are you, still want to shake hands with me! Those who can shake hands with me are famous international entrepreneurs and businessmen. You are something. "
As the director of a well-known advertising design company, Qian Tielong naturally met the boss of many large companies to design product s for them.
For a long time, he has developed a kind of pride.
Especially looking at the appearance of the Qin Dynasty, wearing a broken windbreaker, not fashionable at all, not like a rich appearance. What's the difference between this kind of person and the new college students from the company!
The Qin Dynasty was a little angry, but still suppressed.
"Qian Tielong, how can you do this to my friend!"
Qin Dynasty can endure, but Shi Ying is not happy, "you have to apologize for your impoliteness!"
"Sorry? Why should I apologize? "
Qian Tielong looked at Shi Ying, "what's my status as Qian Tielong, artistic director of Huarui advertising! What kind of man is this guy? It's not from us. He's rustic. I can talk to him, is to give him a lot of face. Shi Ying, you should also pay attention to it. Not everyone can associate with each other. "
"I want someone to take care of you! Qian Tielong, since you don't want to apologize, get out of the way and don't block our sight! "
Shi Ying is not a strong woman.
Otherwise, she can't be bullied by her mother-in-law's family and her boss.
But Qin Dynasty because she was scolded, then she absolutely can not show weakness.
The insult of Qin Dynasty is ten thousand times more serious than that of herself!
So, she broke out.
Shi Ying suddenly lost her temper and said something so serious that Qian Tielong was shocked.
Shi Ying, who is usually gentle and elegant, how could she be so irritable today?
Is it because she said something about her friend?
Suddenly, the fire of jealousy burned up in Qian Tielong's heart.
Rob women with my money Tielong! You are a loser!
"Boy, Shi Ying is the woman that Qian Tielong likes. If you want to chase her, you should weigh your own weight."
Qian Tielong suddenly sneered.
"Qian Tielong, you..."
Shi Ying is very angry. How can this person be so annoying!
I really want to tear his mouth!
But the Qin Dynasty pulled her gently and stopped her words.
"Oh? How can I weigh it? "
The Qin Dynasty looked at the Qian Tielong and thought of it.
There's nothing wrong with liking a person, but because you like it, you should decide that the other person must be your own, and then interfere in other people's life. This is absolutely not allowed.
If a boy pursues a girl in this way, the result must be to die once, and the other party will never like himself.
Few women go crazy to like a man who thinks he's right.
Those self righteous men in idol dramas always let the mistress's love die and die. That's all nonsense.
This kind of man, if you fall in love with him for a few days, maybe girls can accept it.
But if time is long, or married, ha ha, then wait to cry.
Love and marriage are two people's mutual affairs.
If we can't understand each other and tolerate each other, then the love and marriage will die miserably.
Of course, if you are a junior, that's another thing.Anyway, it's about other people's money.
Still together for a lifetime?
As a junior, you need to have the consciousness of a junior. When you are old or tired of playing with others, you will be kicked away.
When the time comes, what should women who have been used to spending money recklessly?
These are not what the Qin Dynasty can think about. Many people can only see the present, but not the future.
However, it seems that he is not qualified to speak of others. His own Junior is in a big row
But his women are not with him for money.
Those who have emotional basis also mean.
Whether it is disease, old age, or other, the Qin Dynasty, will be unswerving, and they stand together!
"You say, how should I weigh it..."
Looking at the Qian Tielong, the Qin Dynasty repeated this sentence again.
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