Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1070

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Chapter 1070

In the face of the Qin Dynasty red fruit conditions, Ximen rain widened his eyes, heart said you this guy is too obvious!
"Well, at present, we can't give you any benefits. We can only give you a promise first."
Ximen Yuqing said, "because even now, you can't open the misty treasure house now, right?"
"So, are you going to have an empty handed white wolf?"
Qin Dynasty picked pick pick eyelids, smoke a cigarette, "or think I Qin someone, especially good to fool, hit a white note on the past?"
"This, of course not..."
Ximen Yuqing felt that she was not the rival of the Qin Dynasty in these worldly sophistication.
Fighting is not the opponent of Qin Dynasty.
Well, of course, she's not an opponent yet.
"Why not?"
The Qin Dynasty continued to be aggressive, "you think, renyuanjindan is rare and precious, but compared with the legendary zaizao pill, renyuanjindan is a fart! You want to exchange a fart for my zaizao Dan and so many immortal methods. Do you think I am an idiot in Qin Dynasty
"Lord Qin, that's not what I said..."
Ximen Yuqing was stupefied by the words of the Qin Dynasty, but he quickly responded and said, "the ethereal treasure house is not as simple as the Lord of Qin imagined. If this treasure house is opened, a few scattered immortals of the misty peak will know about it and go there at the first time. "
She took a breath, looked into the eyes of the Qin Dynasty and continued, "it's not just them. Once the ethereal treasure house is born, it must be earth shaking. At that time, many masters at the level of scattered immortals will come. If there is only one sect of luoshamen, even if master Luo's skill is higher, he can't cope with it? "
"What do you mean?"
"Not me, but my master."
Ximen Yuqing said, "my master is very interested in cooperating with the leader of Qin clan, including our great wood Pavilion in Kunlun. If you promise, we will try our best to get it for you. "
"I want to trade a fart for my zaizao Dan again. Your abacus is very good."
Qin Dynasty played the ash, as if not for Ximen rain before the words moved.
"Well, what else do you want?"
Ximen Yuqing also knows that with a few words and a Renyuan gold pill, it is difficult to impress the master of luochamen, who has a great appetite.
"What else do you have in Jumu pavilion? Did your master not weigh the weight of zaizao pill and asked you to discuss the conditions with me
Qin Dynasty curls the mouth to say.
Do you really want an empty glove and a white wolf? When I was a fool in Qin Dynasty!
If you want to take advantage of me, there is no way.
"Well, in this case..."
Ximen looked around the rain, then stepped back two steps, gave the door of the house to he Yanshi, and then walked quickly over.
She blinked a pair of big moist eyes, the expression seems to be a little nervous, has been looking at the Qin Dynasty sitting on the wooden bed.
"You, what are you going to do?"
The Qin Dynasty suddenly felt that something was not so wonderful. He moved back and moved his buttocks, tightly covered his clothes, and looked afraid. "You don't come here. I'm not that kind of person. You can't do this to me, no! A butterfly
The words of the Qin Dynasty make Ximen rain want to stamp their feet.
But she bit her silver teeth and held back.
This guy is so irritating.
However, we must refrain from all this for the sake of Jumu Pavilion.
Ximen rain seems to decide something, she suddenly stretched out her hand, opened the ribbon around her waist, and then gently untied her silk, and then took off.
Qin Dynasty is stupid.
This girl gave him a body shock directly!
So big must kill skill, he Qin Dynasty some cannot live!
A small red belly bag, wrapped in her body, two obvious protuberances, stimulate the senses of the Qin Dynasty.
The lower part of the body is a piece of near transparent profanity trousers, this kind of looming visual impact is the most unacceptable.
You said that if you were all naked and exposed a big white buttocks, maybe Qin Dynasty would swallow their saliva.
However, this kind of half cover, so that you can see and see is not true, is the temptation - confusion to the extreme
there is always a feeling in the Qin Dynasty, I would like to go up and tear off the profanity pants, to see what the god horse looks like inside.
"What are you doing? This is not my seat
Qin Dynasty suddenly woke up to God, looking at the blush about to drop blood like Ximen rain, said.
Ximen Yuqing was biting his lips tightly, almost biting.
The words of the Qin Dynasty almost didn't piss her off.
You're not a casual person. I'm the one?
If it was not for the sect and the giant wood Pavilion, I would Standing in front of you so shamefully?
"I, I don't know what else to give you. I am a weak woman, and I am the only one who can give youXimen rain said.
As she finished, a little firmness flashed in her eyes. Then she leaned forward and pressed on the wooden bed. Her legs were supported on the bed. Her arms were standing on both sides of the Qin Dynasty. The red belly bag almost stuck to the mouth of the Qin Dynasty.
A touch of light powder fragrance, floating into the nose of the Qin Dynasty.
"Come on..."
"Wait a minute!"
Qin Dynasty suddenly stretched out his hand and held Ximen Yuqing's white tender shoulder, and then said.
"Beauty in the arms, although we should not destroy this beautiful moment, but we do not like to hold on to something, we must say it."
"You, what else do you have to say?"
"Two things. I have two things to say."
That Ximen rain moved, the belly pocket slightly floating, inside the snow-white and bright red shaking Qin Dynasty dizzy, eyeball son would like to fall inside.
But he refrained, coughed twice, and continued to receive it.
"First of all, you are not like a willow or a remnant willow. You are very beautiful. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever met. Second, do you think that you can bribe me with your body? Will you pay the price of the ethereal treasure house for sleeping with a woman? You look down on this seat
"I, I don't mean that."
I don't know whether it's because he was said to be good-looking or because he was satirized about his behavior. Ximen Yuqing blushed like blood and bit his lips and said, "I just want to tell you the sincerity of our Jumu Pavilion If you are willing to help us, we can give you whatever we can
"Zaizao Dan In terms of your attractiveness, is that all? "
Qin Dynasty was pressed by a beautiful woman on the body, the voice was a little shaking.
Is it that I was pushed back by women in Qin Dynasty?
The Qin Dynasty was filled with emotion.
"Lord Qin, you are not an immortal. You don't know how painful it is. My master has been distressed for a long time. If he can break through the realm of scattered immortals, he will be promoted to the fairyland, and he will never grow old or die. He will give everything for these. What's more, my master is the strongest in the sect. If he wants to give you yuan Jindan, even if tiandanzi opposes it, it's useless. "
"Well, zaizao Dan is really useful..."
"Not a little good! Let every one of them be crazy
Ximen rain white Qin Dynasty one eye, this fellow is the body treasure house does not know!
"Why don't you keep this baby in this seat..."
Qin Dynasty hehe smile, "in case the sky thunder rolls on the day of our ferry robbery, if there is any accident, our soldiers will become scattered immortals, and we can use this thing to break through. How good!"
Ximen Yuqing quickly added, "you, Lord Qin, were not even involved in the most terrifying Jiujiu Tianwei at the Hongmeng Taoist meeting. How could you have been captured by thunder! It's just a waste to give you this recycling Dan. It's better to let you take it and develop a strong ally. "
If Ximen rains, every word is reasonable.
"Well, according to what you say, I'd better take this zaizao Dan and develop a stronger alliance and friendship! There are many immortals on the mountain of Shu! If we are willing to cooperate with them, I am afraid they will be very interested in it! "
"No way!"
Ximen rain a listen, immediately shocked, said, "you, you can't trade to others!"
"Why can't this seat be traded to others?"
The Qin Dynasty asked, "the key to this ethereal treasure house, in this seat, this is the greatest advantage of this seat. You can trade with whoever you want. "
"I, I have done this to you. How can you trade with others again..."
Ximen Yuqing's eyes were a little red, "you, how can you..."
"What about this seat?"
Qin Dynasty laughs, "this seat one did not touch you, two did not go up you, is you dressed like this to run to seduce this seat, how also became this seat's mistake?"
"You, you said you didn't touch me!"
Ximen's face flushed with rain and said, "you touched it!"
"I'll give you a wipe. You don't have to be a liar. Where did I touch you? Chest or butt? "
"You, you touched my shoulder!"
Hello, elder sister, have you made a mistake
"Isn't the shoulder mine?"
Ximen rain seems to want to pull back a game.
"It's yours. It's yours. No one's fighting with you..."
"That's it
Ximen Yuqing said with a little pride, "since you have touched it, you have to be responsible! This time, you must do business with us in the giant wood Pavilion of Kunlun. No one else can do it. "
"You are too overbearing..."
"I hope the leader of Qin clan is not that irresponsible person."
Ximen Yuqing felt that things were right and couldn't help laughing.With this smile, the Qin Dynasty felt as if there were flowers all around, and a kind of fragrance also spread.
"Well, that seat has agreed to you."
It is better to fight for a strong ally than to set up an enemy.
That zaizao Dan, also only has incomparable attraction to Sanxian. He didn't care much about it in Qin Dynasty.
The Qin Dynasty was very happy to take something that he thought was a fart in exchange for benefits.
"Really, that would be great!"
Ximen rain was excited, "these masters should be happy! We have hope in Kunlun. "
"Not yet. I haven't offered my terms yet."
The Qin Dynasty threw a basin of cold water.
"And what are the conditions?"
"Besides Kunlun's unconditional help me, you can only take away those magic methods from the ethereal treasure house."
Ximen Yuqing is a little silly, "the same?"
"That's good enough, isn't it?"
The Qin Dynasty said, "I don't know how many immortals there are in the treasure house. Maybe it's just one.". Can I give you one? It's a very generous seat, right? If there is only one, this seat must also be shared with Kunlun. "
"This, this..."
"If you don't agree, it's OK."
"Yes, we promise."
Ximen rain quickly nodded, "no other conditions?"
"No more."
"Well, then I'll go. I'll go back to my master."
"Go? Who let you go
Qin Dynasty hey hey a smile, Ximen rain feeling a bit hairy, "what do you want?"
"Fuck you!"
The Qin Dynasty pulled Ximen rain situation over, and then pressed it under the body, "small sample, touch your shoulder, I want to let this seat agree to such conditions! Anyway, the shoulder is also a touch, the whole body is also a touch! You Ximen rain today, all of you belong to this seat! "
With that, in the exclamation of Ximen rain, the long wooden bed began to shake and chant
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