Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 815

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Chapter 815

"Why are you free to come to Shanghai?" Looking at the uniform of Qin Dynasty, Shi Ying couldn't help asking, "it doesn't look like a tourist."
"Well, come to work." Qin Dynasty nodded, "stay a few days and go back."
"I should have asked you to come and sit down with me..."
Shi Ying said, "but something happened recently It's not very convenient. "
"What's the matter?"
Qin Dynasty is curious, a discordant voice suddenly flew over.
"Yingying, you are here. Let me have a good meal."
The Qin Dynasty turned his head and saw a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes, but he was bald. With a disgusting smile on his face, he came to them.
Still Yingying The Qin Dynasty thought that this person was very annoying, because his eyes had been sweeping up and down Shi Ying's body. If it is not found that this is an ordinary person, the Qin Dynasty must think that his eyes have the ability to see through.
"Section chief..."
Shi Ying looked at him awkwardly and flustered. This Shi Ying is also unnatural, the other side's eyes, like a needle like prick in her body. At the same time, she felt as if she was standing in front of each other with nothing on.
Section chief? It turns out that this old lecher is the section chief of Shi Ying?
Qin Chao thought, stood by the side and continued to listen.
"Yingying, it is said that I didn't take care of you when I was the section chief." The middle-aged man said with a bureaucratic accent, his eyes were like a thief, "you always ask for leave. It's not very good. You have to know how many people are jealous of our bank job. If you have this opportunity, you should cherish it. If you go on like this, even if I am in love with you, I can't keep you
"Sorry Section chief, I just feel sick today, so I asked for leave and didn't go. "
"Yingying, you have to speak responsibly."
The other side, with his hands on his back, said with great dissatisfaction, "you are obviously good. You still have the mind to take your daughter out for a walk in the park. Naturally, you have the strength to go to work."
Qin Dynasty can see that Shi Ying doesn't want to go to work, but wants to hide from the annoying ghost on the opposite side.
"I see, section chief..."
"Today's little comrades are always quick to promise, but they listen in the left ear and leap out in the right ear."
The section chief didn't intend to finish like this, and then said, "it seems necessary for me to give you a lesson alone and give you a good guidance! Well, tomorrow, when you come to my office after work, I will have a good talk with you
The section chief's expression was serious, but Qin Dynasty caught a trace of erotic light from his eyes. This guy doesn't seem to be doing anything good! Obviously, I want to take advantage of Shi Ying as an excuse!
"Section chief..."
Shi Ying is very embarrassed, also very uneasy. But when she looked at the Qin Dynasty, she suddenly felt full of courage. She took a breath and said.
"Don't worry, section chief. I will never agree to what you said. "
"Yingying, Yingying."
The chief's face changed slightly, "I don't think you should reply me so quickly. Think about everything and don't answer in a hurry. Young people are bold. You have to know how difficult it is to work in our bank. This year, in order to select the best among the best, our bank has several indicators, that is, we must eliminate a group of people. Yingying, you don't want to lose your job with a child. "
"But my work has always been completed on time, and my performance is excellent..."
"Don't talk about it!"
The section chief abruptly interrupted Shi Ying, "if you can't satisfy the leaders, it's a big mistake in your work! If you don't want to be fired, you should know how to do it! "
"How can this be..."
Shi Ying panicked again.
"Wife, after chatting for so long, why don't you introduce it?"
Qin Dynasty looked at it for a long time, and suddenly inserted a sentence.
Shi Ying and the section chief were both surprised and looked at the Qin Dynasty.
But Shi Ying was smart and soon understood.
"Ah, husband, I forgot to introduce you. This is the section chief of our unit, Mei Renyang."
"Oh, oh, it's chief Mei!"
Qin Dynasty immediately reached out his hand enthusiastically and shook with Mei Renyang a few times.
He deliberately increased the strength of his hand, the pain of the other side bared his teeth, felt that his hand was going to be broken!
"Ah, ah!"
This guy didn't have any guts. He cried out the pain directly and his tears came down.
"Oh, chief Mei, are you ok? I'm sorry. I'm a boxer. Maybe I'm a little bit stronger. "
At the same time, the Qin Dynasty said that he was sorry and let go of his hand.
Mei Renyang looked at his hands. He was red and swollen, just like two steamed buns."You, you've been divorced for a long time!"
Meirenyang Ninja pain, staring at Shi Ying, way, "how now suddenly more husband?"
"Oh, chief Mei, you don't understand."
The Qin Dynasty held out her hand and hugged Shi Ying's waist affectionately, which made Shi Ying blush. "We are a second marriage. We have to keep a low profile."
"second marriage..."
Chief Mei was a little silly, and Shi Ying was embarrassed and angry. How could she get out of the second marriage.
What's more, the hands of Qin Dynasty are more honest. They knead on my waist
Shi Ying felt that the Qin Dynasty didn't care. He usually put his arm around Suu Kyi's waist and made such intimate movements, which became a subconscious act.
The section chief was a little angry. He was cold and threatened Shi Ying.
"Shi Ying, how many snacks do you have. Even if you have a husband, it's the same thing. If you don't, you don't have a job. Anyway, come to my office after work tomorrow. If I can't see you, you won't have to come back to work the day after tomorrow! "
"Are you threatening my wife?"
The Qin Dynasty suddenly loosened Shi Ying's waist and pinched his fist. The crackling of his joints made Mei Renyang shrink his neck.
"You, what are you doing?"
He was a little panicked. Seeing the fists of Qin Dynasty, he felt the swelling and pain on his hands and felt numb all over his body.
"You, do you dare to hit people, you?"
"Qin Dynasty, don't be impulsive..."
Shi Ying knew that the Qin Dynasty had some extraordinary skills. She quickly grabbed the Qin Dynasty and was afraid that he would do something amazing.
"I'm a man of civilization and new culture, so I never beat people."
Qin Dynasty said with a smile.
"Well, that's good. You're a good judge."
Mei Renyang breathed a sigh of relief. But in this moment, he was black in front of him, and he got a heavy blow on his chin. A burst of unstoppable pain flowed all over his body in an instant. At the same time, in a huge force, he flew up and smashed a piece of garbage behind him.
"I only beat animals."
The Qin Dynasty took back his fist and sent it coldly.
This son of a bitch, dare to use his own power to let Shi Ying have a relationship with him! If you don't kill him with one blow, it's cheap.
"You, you dare to hit me!"
The Qin Dynasty was kind. Although Mei Renyang had a sharp pain in his chin, he didn't hurt his bone. He got up and took his cell phone. "I'm going to call the police and get you!"
"I'm afraid you won't live to that time."
The Qin Dynasty took a step forward. Mei Renyang was so scared that he dropped his mobile phone on the ground and his legs trembled.
"Good, good, I'll take it down!"
He knew that this time the police was equal to being beaten, so he cleverly put away his mobile phone and stepped back a few steps, but he still said, "Shi Ying, don't let me see you tomorrow!"
"You deserve to be beaten!"
Qin Dynasty pretended to chase a few steps forward, which scared Mei Renyang to run away.
"This fool!"
The Qin Dynasty raised a middle finger to Mei Renyang's back, which was very disdainful.
"Thank you..."
Standing behind him, Shi Ying suddenly had a feeling. If this man has been by his side, she will be very warm God, how could you have such an idea I, I should only love my dad, how can I have these messy ideas!
"You're welcome. I'm so familiar with everything. I don't want to help you."
Qin said, taking out his business card from his arms, "Shi Ying, you take this, go to Dafa group tomorrow, I will arrange a new job for you, which is much better than you in the bank."
The Qin Dynasty thought that Shi Ying was a capable girl, and she would not have a free meal when she went to the company.
Unexpectedly, Shi Ying refused his kindness. "Qin Dynasty, I know you are a good man. But you can help me this time, not all my life. I, Shi Ying, have finished my work best, and my performance has always been the first in the bank. I don't believe it. Then Mei Renyang dares to fire me like this. "
"People with a little power like this are the hardest to deal with..."
The Qin Dynasty wanted to persuade Shi Ying, but seeing her persistent eyes, the rest of the words immediately swallowed back.
This woman is very stubborn, belongs to the kind does not hit the south wall does not look back. In this case, I can only think of some other ways to help her.
"In that case, I will not insist. You still take my business card and call me if you need anything
Shi Ying took the card carefully and put it in her bag.
"Qin Dynasty, why don't you have dinner together at night, and let me express my thanks to you."
The Qin Dynasty looked back at the little princess who was sitting next to him and said with a bitter smile, "I really want to go, but it seems that work is not allowed."
At this time, Shi Ying saw the little blonde girl sitting on the side of the bench, and immediately laughed, "so it is. Well, when you are free, call me. I will send you a text message and tell you my phone number.""Then contact again."
When the two said goodbye, Shi Ying turned back and left the park.
"Not bad."
Seeing the Qin Dynasty coming back, the little princess said in a strange way, "I caught a beautiful woman so quickly. Tut Tut, the hero saves the beauty. This is the most old story. "
"Of course, the real beauty."
Qin Dynasty is also too lazy to explain with the girl, "which is like you, a little girl without development."
"Have you dropped your eyes? I've grown up!"
The little princess was very angry.
"Then let me examine it."
"Go away! Hooligans
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