Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1065

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Chapter 1065

"You, you can't do this!"
"We are allies now," he said
"Hehe, I know."
Qin Dynasty laughed, "so, I'm not going to kill you, but to accompany you for entertainment."
Shan Sao was speechless. He didn't expect what he had said before, so quickly he was taken out by Qin Dynasty and returned to himself.
In the wide eyes of Xu Xiaoman, he watched the security guard who had been framed by himself. He put away his black sickle and turned out a pair of white gloves. He beat the mountain Sao violently.
The hairy face monster, who was beaten to cry and howl, looked very miserable in the night.
The sound of fists and fists to the flesh is particularly terrible to Xu Xiaoman.
The security guard of Qin Dynasty is also a monster!
Terrible monster.
It seems to have noticed Xu Xiaoman's strange eyes. Qin Dynasty raised his head and looked at the girl sitting on the ground.
"I almost forgot, and you're in trouble."
"I, I didn't see anything, I really didn't see anything!"
Xu thought that Qin Lian wanted to kill Xiaoman.
"What are you afraid of? I won't kill you."
Qin Dynasty saw this girl scared, can't help but laugh twice.
Xu Xiaoman how to see, how to feel that it is like a pornographic smile.
"Don't come here You pervert... "
She was so scared that she fell back again and again. She said that she had just left a pervert and had a bad security guard
However, the security guard is very strong and handsome If that's true It's not a big loss.
"Sweat, I'm not interested in you
Qin Dynasty was helpless. What was in this girl's head.
As soon as he waved, Xu Xiaoman's body flew over and floated to the Qin Dynasty.
Xu Xiaoman's eyes widened.
My God, what kind of play is this!
Myself, how can I fly by myself!
"Well, I hurt my ankle Shansao, look at what you've done. I think I should beat you up again. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have been put into the shit pot of violent security
Shansao was lying there, bruised and bruised. He didn't dare to say a word. He was afraid that he would make the evil spirit angry again.
"Don't kill me, don't..."
Xu Xiaoman shivers all over, and his eyes are filled with panic.
"I'm not going to kill you..."
Qin Dynasty is quite helpless, "your ankle is injured, I will help you to treat it. Otherwise, it is likely to leave sequelae. "
The Qin Dynasty found that the girl's ankle was badly hurt, so she stretched out a hand and gently put it on Xu Xiaoman's wrist.
All of a sudden, the Buddha power of Vajra Sutra suddenly rushed in, began to sweep the blood stasis in the wrist, and then adjusted the misplaced bone.
Xu Xiaoman began to feel crunchy and numb, and then a warm feeling.
Soon, the feeling of crispy and numbness spread to her whole body.
Involuntarily, she uttered a low voice.
This feeling, too comfortable
But he should have issued such a shameful voice, Xu Xiaoman could not help but blush, did not dare to look at the Qin Dynasty.
But the Qin Dynasty didn't put Xu Xiaoman in his eyes at all. After all, he contacted too many beauties, and ordinary goods like Xu Xiaoman couldn't get into his eyes.
Among the girls she knew in the Qin Dynasty, Yang Li's beauty was the least. But even Yang Li is also a little beauty. She is much better than Xu Xiaoman.
Soon, the Qin Dynasty cured Xu Xiaoman's ankle.
He originally wanted to wash away Xu Xiaoman's memory, but he didn't know why. When he wanted to do it, he suddenly felt a sense of disharmony in his heart.
"If someone washes away your memory, you'll be upset too."
Forget which woman said it to himself, as if it was Xi.
"Don't say anything about today. If you let me know that someone knows about it, ha ha, no matter where you escape to the ends of the earth, I will kill you!"
In the Qin Dynasty, a pair of eyes turned green, and the power of magic eyes was released.
Xu Xiaoman's soul was trembling for a while, and he quickly nodded, "I, I will never say it, I swear!"
"I see. You go. Don't hang out in the middle of the night. "
With a wave of the Qin Dynasty, Xu Xiaoman's delicate body was thrown back to the ground.
He turned his head and said to Shan Sao.
"Don't play dead. Let's go."
"Why not kill her
Shan Sao's words made Xu Xiaoman shiver again.
"I'm not a killer, thank you."The Qin Dynasty finished and turned to the school gate.
"Oh, wait for me!"
Shan Sao rushed to catch up, two people's figure, together disappeared in the night.
Xu Xiaoman stood up slowly.
The ankle really doesn't hurt.
That man, amazing
Thinking of his back, I don't know why, Xu Xiaoman's face turned red.
She has always felt that Chen Jianbo, in addition to the color of a little anxious, other conditions are pretty good.
He has a family background and is not ugly.
Even if there is no today he left this matter, this man and Qin Dynasty compared, also like slag.
Qin Dynasty, he is the real man!
Xu Xiaoman's spring heart rippling, suddenly thought of what.
"No, I'm going to do something for the man I love Chen Jianbo, you dare to leave my mother. This time I have to squeeze all your available value! "
Finish saying, do not know what plan, she turns to walk toward dormitory.
She did not know that the real man in her heart was in trouble at this time.
The campus is very quiet at night, but the Qin Dynasty did not know why, but always met people who made him numb.
An enchanting mm stands in front of him.
This mm face with a delicate Phoenix mask, also can not see what long look like.
But the figure is not to choose, perfect to the extreme.
As the saying goes, one point is more and one point is less.
She was wearing a black Lapel coat, open. Inside the upper body is a gray V-Neck Sweater, the deep gully reflected in the eyes of the Qin Dynasty, almost let his eyes sink in.
This chest, and Wu Xin that small cow also have a fight.
Every pair of leather pants is round and round.
"This Hi, did you miss my Qin Dynasty, so you secretly dated me most of the night? "
Qin Dynasty swallows a mouthful of saliva, then cannot help but tease way.
"There are so many good men in the world that I don't want to. Why should I think of a playful man?"
Xi's words are always so choking.
"Well, this, because I am more handsome than them."
After all, the Qin Dynasty didn't want to face home. He felt that Xi must have turned his eyes behind the mask.
"No wonder you have so many women. Men are shameless and women don't run far."
"I've never found that ximm is so literary!"
The Qin Dynasty praised it.
"Who is she?"
Shan Sao didn't know the woman with the devil's figure. He rubbed his hands and said, "do you want to be her?"
"Be your sister, this is my friend!"
The Qin Dynasty thought that Shan Sao was really a little abnormal.
"Ah, so, you go back to the past, we don't have much time"
Shan Sao urged.
"I see. There's a lot of crap."
The Qin Dynasty turned his head and looked at Xi. He was smiling and said, "are you really not here to date me?"
"I dare not."
Ximm said lightly, "there are too many women who want to date with you, Qin Daguan people. I can't line up and I don't have this interest."
She said, reaching out to the mountain Sao, "this is the fierce beast of Shanhai tomb."
Shan Sao suddenly became wary, a tail swung up, "how can you know my identity?"
No wonder he suspects that he is now a standard student dress, pants also in the Qin Dynasty's strong demand to come out.
If ximm didn't say so, his tail would not have been exposed to threaten people.
"Don't be excited, don't be excited. This woman is so knowledgeable that it's nothing strange to know you."
However, ximm seemed to ignore the crisis in front of him, and his voice continued coldly, "Mountain God, human face, monkey body, (one hand) and one foot, can speak human words, and can change, especially like eating shrimps and crabs. There are records in these miraculous scriptures, and I know you are nothing strange. "
"You can see through my magic
Shan Sao was still in a panic. Even the people of the eight sects could not see through it. How could she be seen by this woman.
"Because I can't see your body, I can see your soul."
Ximm said coldly.
"You You are ShiJi
This Shan Sao is not stupid, finally understand!
"It's just the walking utensils. No wonder Tut Tut, I thought it was some amazing person. "
"Do you want to fight?"
Xi mm eyes a Li.
"Compared with you, I don't even know how you are. I don't want to bully the younger generation. You'd better stay honest. "Ximm reached out and said, "I can't beat you, but he can."
Her fingers pointed to the Qin Dynasty.
"Answer the day?"
Shan Sao blinked, "we fight, will you help this woman?"
"Hey, hey..."
Qin Dynasty embarrassed smile, "I may beat you."
"Well, it's said that Ying Tian is obsessed with women and despises friends. Now it's true. For a woman, he would treat his allies like this I feel sorry for our king... "
"There's so much nonsense..."
This may be the reincarnation of the Tang Dynasty.
"I said, ximm, we'll leave if it's OK. I have something urgent to do."
Qin Dynasty did not have time to chat with ximm, so zhengse road.
"No, I won't let you leave this school."
Ximm suddenly said a surprise to the Qin Dynasty, "I know about the eight sects, I can't let you go."
"Ha? Why? "
The Qin Dynasty didn't know why ximm said so.
"No why, I don't want you to go. I just don't want you to go."
"Don't stop us, you woman!"
Shan Sao was a little impatient, but he was a man of impetuous character.
"Always tell me why."
The Qin Dynasty frowned.
"Why you don't need to know!"
Ximm is still that crazy.
Qin Dynasty, Qin Dynasty, the driving force behind all this is the guy
if you go there, you will be totally in his arms.
I don't want to let you run into the middle of the night
"No, it's about a friend of mine. I have to go."
What the Qin Dynasty decided was that 100000 cattle could not be pulled back.
"Then I will stop you with my own hands!"
Ximm said, and took out a charm from his arms, and the thunder flashed on it.
"Hey, a corpse girl can do Taoist magic. It's interesting and interesting!"
The mountain Sao beside him seemed to be watching the excitement, and he even burst out laughing.
It's no wonder that he didn't pay attention to ximm.
"Hi, I don't want to fight you."
Qin Dynasty, but deeply frowned.
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