Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 542

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Chapter 542

"Ha ha, I've been a policeman for so many years, and I've never heard anyone say that I'm a bad person."
The old policeman laughed and said, "come on, what are you doing with them. Now it's a society ruled by law. If you want to arrest people, you can arrest them. You don't have this right. "
"That's it." "Qin quickly said," some of the police are arrogant, but they don't let go of their arrogance? Believe it or not, I'll handcuff you? "
"Yang Jie, help me
That Tang Ao seems to know the young police, open his mouth and shout.
"Mr. Tang, don't worry. With me, Yang Jie, I see who dares to move you today."
The young policeman named Yang Jie said as if he were just.
"Take him away." Qin Dynasty is lazy to discuss with these police what, he waved, said to the two bodyguards.
"You have eaten the gall of bear heart leopard!" Yang Jie immediately glared at the Qin Dynasty and said, "you're breaking the law!"
"Sorry, I still have the right to arrest people." The Qin Dynasty wanted to rescue Wu Xin as soon as possible, so as not to have a long dream. Therefore, he directly showed his ID card of the seventh division and showed it to the policemen.
"This man is suspected of arson, trafficking, kidnapping. So, I need to take him away and cooperate with our investigation. "
Qin said, pointing to the Tang Ao who was taken by two bodyguards.
"Ha ha ha, that's funny."
The young policeman, Yang Jie, however, bent over with a smile, "who do you think you are? James Bond? Or a national agent? Fool me with a document I don't understand? "
He pointed to the documents in the hands of the Qin Dynasty, and his front teeth were brilliant with laughter.
The young policeman laughed happily, but the old one shivered.
It seems that I have seen this certificate somewhere!
"What an idiot." Qin Dynasty can't help but curl his lips, "even the seventh section of the certificate have not seen, you this police can do now, it is really rare."
"Seventh section!"
The old policeman finally understood.
No wonder, I see that certificate, will be so familiar.
Section 7, when they just joined the police force, they were reminded of this mysterious special department.
It's just that the above people simply mentioned a few words, plus that they have never really seen this department. After a long time, everyone has forgotten it.
"Yang Jie, let's go."
Now that he thinks of this special department, the old police should remind Yang Jie.
Speaking of Yang Jie, he is the son of the Minister of security and is regarded as the prince party.
This kid, he has some influence in the police station. Besides, he has a good relationship with some local gangsters. It is said that Yang Jie has a very good relationship with long Weiqiang, the second-largest local Mafia leader. He is almost like a brother.
if Murong has the final say, the Dongchuan underground world is brother.
Therefore, the Qin Dynasty took out a certificate, that Yang Jie can not think, on the wanton ridicule.
"Lao Bi, what's the matter with you?"
Yang Jie looked at his colleague, patted him on the shoulder and said, "are you scared by such a fake certificate?"
"The other party is from the seventh subject. We can't afford to get involved."
The old Bi had to whisper in Yang Jie's ear.
"Section seven, what happened to the seventh! Which department is not under the control of the security department! "
Yang Jie some arrogant ground says.
Lao Bi's eyebrows jumped. Other relevant departments are indeed under the control of the security department, but the seventh section is not here. It is the Department directly responsible for the chairman.
"Don't challenge my patience." The Qin Dynasty was a little uncomfortable. "I'll give you a minute. If you don't get out of the way, I won't be polite."
"Not at all?" Yang Jie patted the waist with the gun, disdained to look at the Qin Dynasty, "you boy has a good courage, dare to say this to the police! Say, what's your name, say it and let me hear it. Who is so stupid as to be like this
"Blind man." The Qin Dynasty pointed to the name printed on his certificate, "can't you see it? My name is Qin Dynasty."
"Qin Dynasty?" Yang Jiegang thought, "what is the Qin Dynasty..."
All of a sudden, this guy's face was a little ugly.
Qin Dynasty, Qin Dynasty, these two words, most people may not have heard of.
Even he himself hesitated for a moment.
If in Dongchuan City Road, few people dare to mention two words of Qin Dynasty. They usually call this man, Lord Qin!
Sleeping trough! Isn't that the boss behind Murong river!
He and Tang Ao, and long Weiqiang three people made such a pile of things, is not to be able to uproot Murong Jiang's forces from Dongchuan City, and then let long Weiqiang be the underground leader?
Zhengchou couldn't find the right master. The Qin Dynasty even sent it to the door."Oh, who should I be? It turned out that he was the famous Lord Qin in the road"
Yang Jie soon calmed down and sneered, "no wonder I dare to be so lawless and dare to arrest people in broad daylight. Qin Dynasty, people call you Lord Qin, that is afraid of you. But I am not afraid of you, and I will arrest you. "
"Arrest me?" Qin Dynasty is funny.
"Yes With that, Yang Jie also demonstrated and took out his handcuffs.
"You dare to abuse your power!" Yu Lu stopped working and stood up and glared at the young policeman. "Even if it's a policeman, you can't arrest anyone at will! I'm Yu Lu, President of Dafa group. I want to see who dares to take my fiance in front of me
"President?" Yang Jie weighed it secretly.
The president of Dafa group still has some influence in Dongchuan City. After all, the government has increased a lot of GDP every year, which is also the object of government's key protection and training.
But we can't give up the whole Dongchuan underworld for the sake of a group president.
"What about the president? Everyone is equal before the law." Seeing that Yu Lu is very beautiful, Yang Jie is a bit confused and arranges his police uniform.
"as a glorious people's police officer, I'm just performing my duty. This beautiful miss president, your fiance has disturbed the public order of our society. I must take him away. "
"Yang Jie, we really can't control the seventh subject..."
Old bi was really afraid of offending the seventh subject. He reminded Yang Jie again.
But Yang Jie was a little bit giddy at this time. He didn't understand what Lao Bi meant. He thought Lao bi was afraid.
"I said," Lao Bi, what are you afraid of. Isn't he a rascal leader? Return to Lord Qin! Well, in front of me, I will become a grandson. "
Yang Jie said, pointing to the Qin Dynasty road.
"Don't you release vice president Tang quickly?"
"Damn it..." Qin Dynasty finally some patience can not help, the heart has been pressing a fire. Wu Xin doesn't know where she is now. She doesn't have time to argue with the police.
"Get out of here!"
The body of Qin Dynasty suddenly burst out a strong momentum, that Yang Jie only felt a sharp wind on the pavement, and then the whole person was blown out.
"Bang!" His body was like a kite with a broken string, which hit the police car behind him.
"When!" The police car was bumped, and it was three meters away. Yang Jie fell to the ground and spat out a mouthful of blood.
"You, dare you attack the police?"
A group of police immediately gathered around. A new policeman even pulled out a gun without bullets and pointed to the Qin Dynasty.
"No, everybody, don't be impulsive!"
Lao Bi knows the real identity of the Qin Dynasty. Don't beat Yang Jie. Even if you kill him directly, there is no way to deal with the Qin Dynasty.
Because people in the seventh division have homicide immunity.
"Good, good, you..." Yang Jie covered his chest and was helped up by two colleagues. "How dare you attack the police? I have to abolish you today."
Yang Jie is a bit of a tiger. I don't know how he got it. He flew out in a muddle.
He thought that the Qin Dynasty gave him a punch, and he was thinking about how this Ya was so powerful.
It seems that he has good skills. No wonder he will become the godfather of the underworld in Dongchuan City.
But even if he is the godfather of the underworld, he has to lie in front of me Yang Jie today!
"Tang Ao, let your friends get away from me!"
Qin Dynasty angry, a from the hands of two bodyguards, one hand raised the collar of Tang Ao, held him in the air.
This Tang Ao is fat and has to have a hundred and eighty pounds. But in the hands of the Qin Dynasty, if nothing.
At the same time, another hand of the Qin Dynasty suddenly took out a silver magnum pistol and pointed to Tang Ao's head.
Tang Ao was so scared that he almost didn't pee his pants.
No wonder people on the road are called Lord Qin. How can he still have a guy in his hand!
This magnum, the gun body is cold, although did not touch his skin, but Tang Ao has felt a chill, stimulate to his own bones.
"No, don't shoot!"
Tang Ao howled.
"Put down the gun!" A group of police are also surprised, have pulled out with guns, pointing to the Qin Dynasty.
As long as the Qin Dynasty dares to have any action, they guarantee that this guy will be beaten into a plug.
"Well, Qin Dynasty, you dare to hide guns privately. Your crime is not light!"
Yang Jie's eyes twinkled with abnormal light, staring at the Qin Dynasty, and pointing the gun in his hand to his head, "but I suggest you be smart. There are so many people here, and you only have one. If you dare to shoot, there will be no good business "
at this time, they are surrounded by a lot of people.
The building has already attracted a lot of visitors because it has been damaged. Now the police and gangsters face each other in the street, which attracts many onlookers."I only say it once."
Qin Dynasty seems to be unable to see those black muzzle at all, just a sneer, and then hang down the muzzle, to Tang Ao's thigh, bang, pull the trigger.
A bullet drill past, Tang Ao's thigh suddenly opened a blood flower.
That Tang Ao painful howl straight, with kill a pig like.
Several policemen nearby were so scared that they almost didn't stare out.
They did not expect that the Qin Dynasty actually dared to shoot.
"If you don't step back, the next shot will be his head."
Say, Qin Dynasty gun muzzle again aimed at Tang Ao's head.
Tang Ao is scared to cry disorderly, for fear that it is not the leg that will open the hole, but his head.
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