Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 644

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Chapter 644

"Qin Dynasty! I'm hungry! Have you finished it yet? "
Suji sat on the leather sofa, looking at the LCD TV hanging on the wall, shaking her big white legs and shouting to the Qin Dynasty.
At this time, she was wearing a household dress. The upper body is a lovely Winnie bear pajamas, the neckline is very low, she is lying on the sofa, a pair of crisp chest, looming. Below is a pair of loose pajamas, just to the bottom of the thigh. Long legs, like a masterpiece of God. She was a beautiful woman, and now she is so white. If other men see her, her eyes will fall out.
The little white fox, lying on her beautiful legs, ate French fries that Suu Kyi fed him from time to time.
This person and a fox have watched TV for most of the day, and the remote control is placed at her feet, so that Suu Kyi can change many channels with her delicate toes.
It's been so long, so long, so long! Qin Dynasty that damned, how has not cooked the meal!
"Soon, soon!" Qin Dynasty was in a hurry in the kitchen. "Elder sister, it's only 20 minutes since it's over. It's so fast to cook!"
"Hum! Cooking should be delicious, quick and timely Suu Kyi shook her little fist. "You can't even do this. How can you be my lady's cook?"
"It's easy for you to say that. You can do it yourself." The gloomy black line of Qin Dynasty.
"Well, I'm testing you!" Su Jiyi said solemnly, "besides, I can do all your dishes with my eyes closed."
"Yes, yes, I know. You can do it with your eyes closed!"
Last time when sleepwalking, did not do persimmon scrambled eggs!
"Come on! Lily is hungry
"I'll go. Isn't he eating french fries all the time?" The Qin Dynasty retorted.
"It's a snack. It doesn't matter if it's full!" Su Ji protested for the fox, saying that she also touched the little fox's white fluffy tail, "isn't it, Lily?"
"JOJO!" The little fox seemed to agree, and called twice.
"Do you hear me! Lily is on my side, too
"Well, you are on the same front." Qin Dynasty is helpless, he is thinking, oneself can summon nine you creature, have can help cook?
It seems that there is no one who can help cook, but there are piles of people who can help to eat.
More than 20 minutes later, the Qin Dynasty made three dishes and one soup and served them on the table.
"Dinner, dinner
He was wearing an apron and wiping his sweat. Damn it, cooking a meal is more tiring than fighting.
"Hee hee, what delicious food do you make?"
Suu Kyi immediately took the fox and ran to the table.
"Fried persimmon with eggs, Coke chicken wings, sweet and sour ribs. The soup is laver egg flower soup
The Qin Dynasty was triumphantly pointing to his own dishes, "well, it's all master level. Look at it. It's full of color and fragrance
"It's OK. It's about the same level as the small hotel next to Guangyuan." Su Ji giggled, "I'll wash my hands first, and you'll serve Lili dishes!"
Then, like dancing, he slipped into the bathroom.
"Wipe, cooperate with me, this is the standard of small restaurants"
the Qin Dynasty was not happy. He picked up the small fox's rice basin and put some vegetables in it. This little fox is also picky. Besides KFC, his favorite food is chicken. Therefore, the Qin Dynasty only gave it some coke wings.
"Damn it, it's a fox in the end. It doesn't eat pork."
Sweet and sour spareribs are not even smelled by little foxes.
"Foxes don't like chicken. What do you like to eat. Don't you like chicken, too
Su Ji just finished washing her hands and came out laughing at the Qin Dynasty.
"I'm not a fox."
"Of course you are not a fox! How can you be so lovely, you are a weasel
"I Wipe... "
There was a black line in the Qin Dynasty.
"I am a weasel. What are you? The mother of the Rattus
"Go to you, you are the Rattus rattus!"
Suji is good at this point. She never turns her eyes. Instead, she gives Qin Dynasty a fist.
She sat down and picked up her chopsticks.
"Hee hee, I'll just taste your craft."
Said, eat on the point is not a lady, like the wind and clouds, began to sweep the table of food.
It seems to have known that Suji had this characteristic for a long time, but the Qin Dynasty never snatched from her. She just sat on one side and watched Suji finish eating quietly before he began to eat.
"You really do, why do you watch me eat every time, you eat it too"
Suji vomited out a chicken bone and glared at the Qin Dynasty.
"I can't take you. You're a Rattus."
The Qin Dynasty was happy.
"Fuck you! If you don't eat the weasel, I'll eat all the chicken wings! "
"Eat it. I'll make it if it's not enough."
In Qin Dynasty, he still didn't know chopsticks."Well, how can you look like a cook and daughter-in-law?"
Suji stood up, bent down, stretched out her little hand, and gently caught the chin of the Qin Dynasty.
"Girl, the food is good. Go and bring the old man's Cuban cigar. "
Su Ji was originally amusing the Qin Dynasty. Unexpectedly, the Qin Dynasty listened to her words, not only not depressed, but silly.
"Hello, what's the matter with you
Qin Dynasty did not build stubble, just swallow mouth saliva.
Suji followed the straight eyes of the Qin Dynasty, looked down, and immediately the red clouds covered her face.
The little fox, who was biting his wings, looked up at a pair of men and women at the table.
I saw the boy covered his face, a face of injustice.
"You, why did you hit me?"
"Who told you to look at my breast?"
Suji covered her chest and glared at the Qin Dynasty.
"Damn it, I didn't mean to. It's clear that you've gone all by yourself."
"Is it?"
Suji stood up again and went to the Qin Dynasty to gather together. Her hand, which was covered in her body, was put down slightly, revealing a little round snow-white, "is it good-looking?"
It's good to see Qin Chao's saliva
Qin Dynasty right face, also appeared five finger print, he was going crazy.
"Shit, you did it on purpose!"
"No, they will beat mosquitoes for you again."
With a smile, Suu Kyi sat down again and began to mop up her dinner.
"Damn it, you lie to me! In winter, where are the mosquitoes? " Qin Dynasty is about to run wild, "and, can you eat a lady, like a starving ghost!"
"I like your cooking, so I eat like this..."
Suu Ji put down her chicken wings and twitched slightly. It seemed as if she was going to cry, "no, I didn't expect that you would attack me My sister is right. You are not a good thing I'm not married yet. I'm starting to bite me After that, what can I do No, no more! "
"No, no!"
The Qin Dynasty was startled, and quickly stood up and walked over to pacify his little girl friend, "don't marry me. I don't want to be cruel to you. I just want you to be a lady..."
"Then you just dislike me If you don't marry, you don't have to... "
Suji twisted twice to keep the Qin Dynasty from touching her shoulder.
"I'm wrong. I won't hurt you any more! Don't be angry, darling... "
"Hee hee, then you can make me another plate of chicken wings..."
Suji saw the gloomy face of Qin Dynasty, and suddenly she was happy and said.
"I..." Qin Dynasty stubbornly took the exercise back to the stomach. Feelings, this Suki, is playing with him
"Rattus! I won't make it for you
"Well, it seems that I still dislike others Not married... "
"Give me fifteen minutes Chicken wings should be melted... "
Su Ji looked at Qin Dynasty walking toward the kitchen, with a proud smile on her face, "this time I want to eat honey! Once in a while, I have to change my taste! Isn't it, Lily
"Damn it, you'll know how to bully me! I won't cook tomorrow night, strike! "
"Husband, I'd like to eat pork in a pot tomorrow!"
"Ah, there is not enough pork. I'll go to buy some from work tomorrow..."
Suu Kyi waved her victory fist to the little fox who was eating chicken wings.
Two people were full of wine and food. The Qin Dynasty washed the dishes and walked out of the kitchen with wet hands.
At this time, Suu Kyi is on the sofa, playing with the little fox with French fries.
She was sitting there, beautiful. What is beautiful food? Qin Dynasty finally knew.
"Hey, Suu Kyi, don't go back tonight. You see, it's too late to go back. "
"Then how can it be done? My sister should be worried." Su Ji's potato chips are finally robbed by the fox. "Besides, I'm not going home alone. You ride a bike to see me off..."
"Cough, it seems that the tire of the car was punctured just now. I'm going to repair it tomorrow."
"Who are you kidding? Your car is a magic weapon. You can ride on daoshan mountain!" Suji gave the Qin Dynasty a punch, "and, even if 28 is broken, you seem to have a Yamaha."
"No, no oil."
"Then take a taxi! All in all, you have to go home! " Suji glared at the Qin Dynasty, "hum, don't because I don't know what you're thinking! I tell you, don't think about it
The Qin Dynasty was helpless. In the struggle with Suji, he never had the upper hand.
"Well, my dark queen, it's up to you.""Fuck you! I'm not the dark queen! Look at me, how white I am
Suji showed off her fair skin to the Qin Dynasty. Seeing the gloomy appearance of Qin Dynasty, she suddenly laughed, turned her eyes and said, "otherwise, let's play a game?"
"Game? What game? "
The Qin Dynasty blinked, a little curious.
"Well, a fun game, H's."
"What, what, what?" Qin immediately stuttered, "you say, h, H?"
"Yes, you don't understand English letters? No, it's a college student anyway. "
"Well, which h?"
"Of course, it's the h you boys think it is!" Suji gave the Qin Dynasty a punch. "What kind of garlic do you want! Do not play to pull
"Hey, hey, don't do it. Play. How to play? Do you want a whip and a candle? I'll go downstairs and buy it. "
"Buy me two grenades! I'll put it in your mouth Su Ji was so angry that she said, "can you be pure in your head! If you want to be so evil again, you won't play! "
"Well, well, I'm serious, I'm serious."
Qin Dynasty sat on the sofa with his knees crossed and rubbed his face to make his expression more serious.
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