Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 500

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Chapter 500

After driving for more than ten minutes, Luo Qinglin's white BMW slowly stopped at the door of a senior community.
To the surprise of the Qin Dynasty, what stood at the gate of the community was not ordinary security guards, but guards. The green uniform guard, with his rifle on his shoulder, stood upright as a javelin.
Seeing Luo Qinglin's car, he immediately stretched out his hand and stopped.
"ID, please!"
"Really." Luo Qinglin laughed and took out her ID card from her bag and gave it a light to the guard. "Xiao Wu, you don't know me. How can you check my ID every day?"
"Miss laurel." The guard, known as Xiao Wu, saluted and said, "this is my mission."
With that, open the sliding door and release the BMW.
At the same time, the little guard, with a very special look, looked at Qin Chao, who was sitting in the co pilot for several times.
"The young guard named Wu Miao, who used to be my father's guard, is now transferred here to stand guard."
Luo Qinglin is turning the steering wheel and explaining to the Qin Dynasty.
At this time, the Qin Dynasty had understood that Luo Qinglin's father was a soldier! It seems that this level is not low. Those who can be equipped with security guards must at least be cadres at or above the regiment level.
Therefore, the Luo Qinglin family lived in the compound of the military region.
Almost all the houses in the courtyard are similar, and there is no big difference. Therefore, if it is an outsider, he has no idea where the chief executive lives and where the ordinary military family lives.
Luo Qinglin, of course, will not forget where her home is. She parked her car in front of a small three story building which is not very impressive.
This is also a very good villa, showing the background and power of Luo Qinglin's family.
But for the Qin Dynasty, who once lived in a huge house like Liao's, it didn't have much deterrent effect.
On the contrary, he thought it was normal for a girl like Luo Qinglin to live in such a house.
"Well, that Home... "
Don't know why, Luo Qinglin suddenly a little nervous.
For so many years, she was still in the army, different from the officialdom. If you have a senior official, you will have a smooth career in the official career, and your promotion will be very fast.
But in the army, even if you are the chief's child, you are treated the same as other soldiers. If you want to be an excellent officer, you can't do it without real skills.
Two men's eyes collided for a while, it seems that there is a spark (cough, don't think it's crooked).
"Are you Lin Lin's boyfriend?" The young officer spoke simply and directly sat on the sofa opposite the Qin Dynasty and asked.
"Well, I am." Qin Dynasty nodded. Today, his task is to play Luo Qinglin's boyfriend. Naturally, he won't give this girl a chain.
"Ha ha, Hello, my name is Luo Yufeng. I'm Lin Lin's brother." The young officer grinned and held out his hand politely.
"Hello, my name is Qin Chao." Although Luo Qinglin repeatedly stressed that her family might not be easy to get along with, the Qin Dynasty felt that her elder brother was quite good.
So he also stretched out his hand and held it with Luo Yufeng's big hand.
As soon as they shook hands, Qin Dynasty frowned slightly.
This Luo Yufeng is very cruel. If he is really just a planner who only knows how to write and write, I'm afraid it will swell his hand for several days.
However, I was not a schemer, but a special commissioner of the seventh section, a descendant of luochamen and a successor of the power of God!
Therefore, despite Luo Yufeng's hard hand, the corners of the Qin Dynasty's mouth still hung with a faint smile.
This time it was Luo Yufeng's turn. He had wanted to try the gentle looking man in front of him. After all, if you want to be Linlin's boyfriend, if you don't have the ability to protect her, she will not rest assured.
But unexpectedly, he used 30% of the strength, the other side is actually safe and sound, like nobody, but also happy with himself.
The grip strength of normal young men is between 30 and 50 kg. With a little training, it can be over 60 and below 100. And their grip strength, is full of 160 kg.
If allowed, he can wring a person's neck directly.
Even if it is 30% of the grip strength, for ordinary people, it is already very terrible. Originally, in his expectation, this childe, who did not know where he was pampered, should have a pale face, holding his own hand and crying with pain.
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