Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 593

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Chapter 593

"I feel like I feel his breath... "
The king of fierce beasts, with his eyes closed, seemed to feel the smell in the air. Her long black hair, constantly flying, the whole person, as beautiful as a painting.
"Wang, it's impossible." The golden general kneeling on the ground said, "five thousand years have passed. With that man's strength, he should have risen long ago! It can't happen again in the world. "
"But I do feel his breath Taotie, would he be waiting for me
The king of fierce beasts, who is famous for his fame, now looks like a little daughter. It's very touching and heartbreaking.
"Wang! There is no such thing as that Taotie gnashed his teeth and said, "that man doesn't love you at all! However, you don't use the ghost to deceive us! This seal is 5000 years old
"Yes, for five thousand years, I'm Xuanyuan Yingji, but I miss him very much..."
"Ha ha I miss him, is to find him, personally dig out his heart! I want to see if his heart is black
The unreasonable Xuanyuan Yingji, at this time, the look suddenly became a little ferocious. The hair behind her fluttered up, and in a twinkling of an eye, it turned into a silver white color, adding a trace of strangeness to her whole person.
"Yes! Wang! We must take revenge
Tao tie raised his fist and yelled.
"Revenge must be taken!"
Those fierce beasts behind him also raised their hands and cried out in a loud voice.
Their voice, with 5000 years of resentment, broke through the clouds in the sky.
"Whether he is in the mortal world or in the fairyland! As long as he is still in the three realms, I will find him out! "
Xuanji stands on the tomb of her own.
"Xiaoqing, please go to help me catch that trace of breath first, and check it first."
"Yes, king." A girl with blue ribbon on her hair answered. Then, she went up into the sky and suddenly turned into a big blue bird, singing and disappearing in the air.
"Yingtian..." When all the fierce beasts were looking at the sky, Xuanyuan Yingji's eyes took the same plaintive, and whispered in a voice only he could hear.
"I've come to see you..."
At the same time, inside the Crystal Cathedral in the United States.
"Hello, Hello, beautiful dragon knight. Thank you very much this time."
The Qin Dynasty followed the tyrannosaurus by the side, looking at Shana riding on the Tyrannosaurus, and said, "if it weren't for you, where can I find such a deep place?"
"Just know. Go out and invite me to dinner, pagan."
I don't know why, after a fight, Shana's mood is much better, looking at the Qin Dynasty also feel comfortable.
What's more, it seems good to let the powerful Oriental practitioners treat themselves to a meal.
"Well, I'll treat you to something delicious." As the Qin Dynasty walked outside the cave entrance, he said, "what's good to eat Well, eat McDonald's. I heard that hamburgers are very cheap here
"Why don't you die."
Shana, sitting on the back of raptor, will roll her eyes.
"Hey, don't you like it? Do you like KFC? "
"I haven't eaten any of that."
Shana glared at the Qin Dynasty, "and, has anyone said that you are a niggard!"
"Yes, too many to count."
Qin Dynasty hey hey a smile, touch nose to say.
Front is the exit, Shana's look suddenly changed.
"Ahead There seems to be something calling me! I'll go and have a look! "
Finish saying, regardless of the Qin Dynasty's obstruction, clap the tooth dragon, let this dragon carry her, bang bang bang ground first ran past.
Shana ran out of the cave, in front of which was a scarlet pool of blood.
In the middle of the blood pool, there was a woman with an oriental face.
God, is this woman the girl that Qin Dynasty is looking for!
"Small, be careful..."
The girl's lips have not been cracked for a long time. She saw a woman riding a giant dragon coming in. She did not care to be surprised. She first called out.
"Don't worry, my friend. I'm here to save you!"
Shana jumped down from the dragon's back and waved to AI Xiaoxue, "wait, I'll go to rescue you."
However, as soon as she took a step forward, a golden knife suddenly flew out and ran through her left chest with a whoosh, and then nailed her body to the stone wall on one side.
"What, what..." Shana's eyes were gray, then her pupils were slightly lax."Shana!"
Originally followed by the Qin Dynasty, saw Shana standing next to the hole. Then a flash of gold shot Shana's body away.
By the time he ran out, Shana had been nailed to the wall, bleeding from the corners of her mouth and chest, and she fainted.
"Damn it!"
When he looked back and saw AI Xiaoxue hanging above the blood pool, he became more angry.
"Ai Xiaoxue! Who caught you! I'm going to kill him! "
"Qin Dynasty, Qin Dynasty..."
AI Xiaoxue wants to cry at this time. But she found that she lost too much water, her eyes were dry and painful, and her tears couldn't flow out.
This feeling of wanting to cry but unable to shed tears is the most painful.
She has been waiting here for so many days. Finally, someone came to save her. What's more, this person is exactly the one she expects most, the Qin Dynasty
"Small, be careful..."
But AI Xiaoxue knows that this is not the time for reunion. Because there is an enemy, still lurking in the dark.
"Oh, oh Go and die
Sure enough, a figure fell from the sky.
With a bang, he fell in front of the Qin Dynasty. With a golden broadsword in his right hand, he chopped at the position where the Qin Dynasty had just stood.
And the Qin Dynasty, at the moment when the strange cry sounded, had already taken a step to the side.
In front of him was a blonde man, licking his tongue, slowly rising from the ground.
He pulled out his golden dagger and laughed at the Qin Dynasty.
"It's good to be able to avoid Carl's fatal blow! Boy, you are qualified to fight me! "
With that, he reached out, and the golden knife that ran through Shana's chest gave a cry, pulled it out of her body with blood, and flew back to Carl's hand.
"Damn it!"
Qin Dynasty a flash, appeared in the side of Shana, she is sliding in the arms of her. Then she ordered a few times on her body to stop her Qi and blood first, so as not to lose too much blood and die.
As for healing, we have to get rid of the blonde man in front of me.
Carr, holding a gold dagger in one hand, pointed to the Qin Dynasty and said, "come on, come on, uncle Carr will die!"
The Qin Dynasty gave a cold smile.
"I think you want to die!"
He put down Shana and showed up in front of Carl.
At the same time, he clenched his left hand and hit Carl on the chin.
This Carl is like a shell, and it hits the top of the wall.
The rubble kept falling down into the pool of blood.
Qin Dynasty clapped hands, "on this strength, dare to shout!"
"Your Uncle Carl is not dead yet!"
In the sky, Carl's disgusting voice came. Then, the blonde man with gravel, waving two big knives, fell from the sky again, and the two knives were chopped down toward the Qin Dynasty.
By this time, Carl has changed into a werewolf, which makes him stronger.
"It's no use." The Qin Dynasty just flicked his finger at Carl flying down.
This finger, it's bouncing on one of Carl's knives.
Clear sound.
Carl felt as if his left arm had been hit by a train, and the whole person was immediately taken by his left arm and flew out. After spinning in the air for unknown degrees, he bumped his head into the wall on the other side of the blood pool.
The rocks are flying.
"I have said that you are very weak, but you will come to provoke me."
Qin Dynasty coldly looked at the Karl who bumped into the wall, and said, "today, I will completely destroy your dark holy see."
"Qin Dynasty, Qin Dynasty..." AI Xiaoxue licked her cracked lips and said, "he, they are all skeleton people..."
"What do you say?" Qin Dynasty immediately turned around and looked at Ai Xiaoxue, "do you think they are skeleton people?"
"No, that's right..." AI Xiaoxue nodded, "in order to raise funds for the Church He, they founded the skeleton organization Skeleton, there are twelve stars in all Ka, Carl is Aries... "
The Qin Dynasty clenched his fist and looked at the blonde man in the wall, "in this way, you can die more painfully."
"Haha Hey, hey, hey... "
Carl was stuck in the hole in the wall, with blood on his mouth, and he burst out laughing.
"Pagan, do you think that's the only skill we have for the twelve stars in the dark?"
He said, pulling his body out of the wall a little bit. "And, you want to know why I, Uncle Carl, are called the strongest of the twelve stars..."
"No interest to know. I'm not interested in the dead." The Qin Dynasty was ready to launch the idea of directly killing the so-called Aries. But at this time, he found that his mind art had lost its function."Haha You don't want to know. I'm afraid you can't
Carl stood on the other side of the blood pool, and at the same time he put his knives on the ground, pinched his hands together, and made a strange gesture, "because, right now, you are going to see your Uncle Carl's horror! Ah ah ah ah ah! Come out, my border! "
"Border crossing?"
Before the Qin Dynasty understood, Carl had already burst out a layer of dazzling gold. His whole person, like a golden sun, slowly floated into the air.
"The sharing of power is over!"
Carl said, pushing his hands away. The golden light, immediately ejected out, instantly covered the whole blood pool space.
Hit by the golden light on the body, the Qin Dynasty did not feel anything strange.
And Carl was in the air at this time, his hands a move, two gold knives fly back to his hands.
"What the hell is this?"
The Qin Dynasty did not understand.
"Ignorant heretics!" Carl laughed. "This is the special power of the twelve stars in our dark part, the border! Twelve stars, everyone, has a boundary of their own. I, Carl, is the boundary of shared power. "
With that, he made a boom and suddenly disappeared into the air.
"Invisibility?" Qin Dynasty was surprised for a moment, the magic eye opened instantly, but still could not capture the figure of Carl.
At this time, a figure suddenly appeared on the side of the body of the Qin Dynasty, and the golden sword of the right hand waved over.
Qin Dynasty is startled, raise arm to block in a hurry.
"When!" The body of the Qin Dynasty seemed to be hit head-on by a truck. It immediately flew out and rolled several times on the ground, carrying a large amount of smoke and gravel.
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