Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1276

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Chapter 1276

"Stop it!"
The Qin Dynasty couldn't look down.
Even if he's just an ordinary person now, he can't see it anymore.
This Fang Hua, in reality how or so excessive?
It's disgusting.
"You want to be a hero?"
Fang Hua looked at the Qin Dynasty with a slanting smoke, "boy, you can think clearly, but the hero has no good end. Besides, you are not a hero. At best, you are just a bear. "
What are you doing, boss
A student flattered Fang Hua, "boss, you are rich and handsome, he is a poor loser, a fool's life. You can just watch it. Let's get rid of him. "
"Don't go too far!"
Su Feixing eyes angry, "I can call security!"
"Shout, you shout!"
Fang Hua ha ha ha a smile, "is really ignorant, don't you know, this school security guard, no one dares to take care of our side little matter?"
Su Fei was surprised.
Even the boss can't protect the security guards who are hired by themselves?
What's wrong with the ethos of this school?
"Go with Fang, and you won't be treated badly."
One of the students reached over and pulled over.
"Go away!"
Qin Chao flew up and kicked the student.
It's a pity that he is an ordinary man now and his body is heavy.
Ouch, a few steps of the other side, and the students step back in the case of a small step.
Sure enough, this is ordinary people
"Lying trough, this boy dares to do it!"
As soon as the students looked at the situation, they immediately blew up the temple.
"Go on, beat him up and let him know why the flowers are so red!"
A student waved.
Immediately, this group of students swarmed on, surrounded the Qin Dynasty and beat them violently.
Qin Dynasty can't fight at all now. In a flash, he was kicked to the ground by a student, and then his body and face were covered with fist marks and foot cherry! Beat him to death
"Fuck, let him kick me!"
It hurts
How long have I tasted the pain
Qin Dynasty mouth, nose is full of blood with a fishy smell.
They are all ordinary people. Why do you have to pretend to be heroes.
A trace of chagrin sprang up in his mind.
But soon, he broke the chagrin.
Because of Princess Su!
Su Fei can't be bullied by others!
Even if it was just a dream, two people had contact. In reality, Sufei's status in her heart is still very important!
Because she's Sufei!
"Stop it, you stop it!"
Looking at the Qin Dynasty was surrounded by explosive kicks, Su Feifei was shocked and yelled.
"Hey hey, as long as you accompany me to dinner, I'll let go of your little boyfriend, OK?"
Fang Hua said with a triumphant smile. At the same time, a hand touched Su Fei's chin, which was full of meaning.
"Asshole, you bastard!"
Su Fei was so angry that she suddenly flew up and kicked Fang Hua with her right foot in high heels.
Fang Hua but nimbly evaded her one foot, "the young girl is also quite fierce! that 's ok! Give me a good beating on that guy. I'll pay for it
"No way!"
"Fang Hua, you are going to die in this way!"
"What's wrong with killing people?"
Fang Hua smiles triumphantly, "my godfather is Chen Si. If he goes on, some people will come to convict me. I am still free to be the eldest master of the Fang family. Well, are you thinking about going to dinner with me now
"I, I..."
Princess Su hesitated.
If this fight goes on, Qin Dynasty really has an accident, what to do.
"Don't promise him!"
The Qin Dynasty endured the pain and suddenly roared.
Su Fei was surprised to hear the sound.
Now, is he still worried about himself?
Why does he care so much about himself
It's just the first time I met
"Boy, talk hard!"
Fang Hua frowned, "hit me hard!"
Several students played harder.
Qin Dynasty can feel that his ribs seem to be broken.
There was a constant flow of blood from his mouth.
Life, seems to be gradually away. Now, it's getting darker and darker.
Hehe, but what is this?What is the meaning of my existence in a world without Suu Kyi?
If you die, you can stay in your dream forever
"Kill him!"
"A fool, what kind of hero?"
"Poor loser, I don't know how to live or die!"
These students, kicking and swearing.
And the pain of Qin Dynasty, pain to the extreme, as if also in a little bit of dissipation.
Maybe it's better
"Don't leave..."
At this time, Qin Dynasty's ear, faintly sounded a voice.
Is this the voice of Princess Su
Did you hear yourself
It's said that when you die, you will see something that doesn't exist
Now, it should be
The real imperial concubine is standing on the other side of the line
At this time, the voice became clearer.
The whole world, as if all left this sound.
The pain of Qin Dynasty seems to disappear, leaving only the hearing of the sound.
"The Qin Dynasty Come back, I need you... "
Is this really the voice of Princess Su
However, Su Fei Ming stood on the other side and confronted Fang Hua.
However, what's the matter with the sound in my ears
"I need you, I need you Qin Dynasty
The voice is more and more urgent, like a small drum, beating in the heart of the Qin Dynasty.
Whose voice is this
Princess Su, which one is the real princess
"Qin boy, wake up quickly!"
The voice of rod!
Is that rod's voice this time?
"Don't let the devil devour you!"
Am I dreaming again?
Or a pre death hallucination?
Qin Dynasty is more and more confused.
Or is it that everything now is a dream?
In the end, which is a dream, which is true?
At the beginning of the Qin Dynasty, it is not clear.
"Son of a bitch, kill you!"
"Let you pretend to be forced!"
The students are still kicking themselves.
It hurts
So painful, can it be illusory?
"Qin Dynasty, come back, please..."
However, the voice of Princess Su is so real
Ah ah ah!
Who can tell me!
No matter which is true, let me return to reality!
Just then, behind the students, a white halo came out.
Is this the exit
"Don't try to get out!"
At this time, the students around, as well as Sufei, all stopped.
They stepped back two steps and stood aside.
Fang Hua, however, frowned.
His figure gradually changed, and in a blink of an eye he became the same as the Qin Dynasty.
"It's hard to get you trapped here. How can you leave so easily?"
"You are..."
The Qin Dynasty slowly got up from the ground and looked at another Qin Dynasty opposite, "Qin Dynasty No. 2..."
"Qin Dynasty No.2? Nonono, I am the real Qin Dynasty. "
The Qin Dynasty on the opposite side suddenly laughed, and his mouth was full of evil spirits. "Look at yourself, a fat man and a poor loser. It's better to immerse yourself in your reality like this. Here is your reality
"No, my reality, on the other side of the door."
Qin Dynasty suddenly laughed, "I have to thank you, finally let me understand, I care about the things, is what."
With that, the Qin Dynasty walked towards the white light.
That Qin Dynasty No. 2 suddenly some flustered, he suddenly to Qin Dynasty a hand.
A strong force of mind came over and threw the body of Qin Dynasty away.
"You're not allowed to go anywhere. Just stay here!"
"That's impossible..."
Qin Dynasty slowly climbed up again, "I'm no longer confused..."
"Damn it, you're a waste now! Lie down for me
Qin Dynasty No. 2 palm pressure.
Suddenly, a large golden handprint appeared in the sky, patting the body of Qin Dynasty on the ground.
As if a mountain, pressure on the body of the Qin Dynasty.
"Ha ha ha, you're just a waste now. You can't do anything!"
"I won't stay here..."
A few words were squeezed out of the Qin Dynasty's mouth. He slowly climbed up from the ground with the golden handprint on his shoulder."How, how could it be You shouldn't have defeated me... "
Qin Dynasty No. 2's hands began to shake.
He was pale and full of disbelief.
"Because there are people waiting for me on that side..."
Qin Dynasty got up and looked at the opposite heart demon, "so, I want to go back!"
"This is your world! Look at it
The heart demon roared.
"Qin Dynasty, don't leave, go!"
Su Fei, who stood in a daze, suddenly brightened her eyes and said to the Qin Dynasty.
"You are the school counselor and I need your help."
"You're not the real princess."
Qin looked at her and said, "because you don't have a sister. So don't lie to me any more. "
"Brother Qin, don't leave..."
After the Qin Dynasty, he was suddenly pulled to Zhu again. He turned to see Li Na in her high school uniform.
She is now, pitifully, pulling her sleeve.
"Brother Qin, don't leave me behind..."
Little Li Na looked at the Qin Dynasty pitifully, "I like you, elder brother Qin..."
"I know..."
Qin Dynasty turned around and gently shaved Li Na's nose, "but in that world, the real you are also waiting for me So, I'm sorry... "
With that, the Qin Dynasty pushed Li Na away.
He walked with firm steps towards the white light.
"No, no!"
The heart demon roared two times, suddenly turned into a black smoke and rushed towards the Qin Dynasty.
"Go away!"
Qin Dynasty exploded to drink, his body, out of a fierce golden light.
Buddhist Vajra Sutra!
The Golden Buddha power protected the body of Qin Dynasty.
The heart demon bumps into above, immediately wails a sound, vanishes.
And Qin Dynasty in this moment, into the white light.
Everything, as if pulled very long.
In front of us is a long road, the Qin Dynasty step by step in the past.
At the end of the road stood a very, very familiar person.
"Princess su..."
Qin Dynasty opened his eyes and pulled the woman behind him to the front, "I've come to find you..."
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