Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1268

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Chapter 1268

"This guy is so shameless."
The Qin Dynasty clenched his fist and wanted to get out of the body and let Yang God kill those guys directly.
That's a good idea. Let's do it like this!
But at this time, Su Fei suddenly grabbed the Qin Dynasty.
"Let's go, let's go to the ladder classroom!"
"Are you crazy?"
The Qin Dynasty came back to God and glared at Su Fei. "There are all terrorists. Go there and find death!"
"If you don't try, how do you know you're going to die?"
"They are all my students, my teachers. I can't ignore their life and death."
"You are..."
Qin Dynasty will be speechless.
How can this girl be so stubborn!
"I don't care. I'll go even if you don't go."
Say, the PPK of Qinling also wanted to come over, one hand carrying a gun, toward the direction of the classroom steps to go.
I'll go, girl!
Holding two guns, I thought I was an invincible old woman with two guns!
"You wait, who said I would not go!"
The Qin Dynasty followed up and pulled the imperial concubine to her back, "you are honest and honest, follow me."
"I knew you would follow."
Su Fei took a look at the Qin Dynasty.
"How do you know? Do you know how to divine
The Qin Dynasty asked.
"Because Fang Wen is in there."
Su Fei said something that made Qin Dynasty speechless, "I have seen it. You two know each other. Where there are beautiful women, you will never let go of them in the Qin Dynasty. "
"This I'm a hero, OK? "
"Yes, you are a hero, but you are a hero, aren't you?"
The Qin Dynasty suddenly found that Su Fei sometimes had a good eloquence.
This time, she and Suu Kyi are so similar.
Two sisters in the way
In the video, looking at Qin Dynasty and Su Fei two people, forward to this side, Fang Wen heart more worried.
Are they really here
Brother Qin, don't stand in the way
Even if you don't come, they will not dare to kill us. After all, they will continue to threaten the Chinese government with our lives.
If you come here, don't you hit them right?
This little girl is quite clever.
But she seems to underestimate the ferocity of these terrorists.
"Half an hour is coming!"
Tabala suddenly turned on the camera and grabbed a fat teacher next to him and pressed in front of the camera.
He had a pistol in his hand and put it against the back of the teacher's head.
The teacher was paralyzed with fear.
"No, don't kill me..."
He begged, "I'm just an ordinary teacher Don't kill me... "
"Blame your government if you want to."
Tabara sneered twice, then said to the radio.
"I'm sorry, I'm a punctual man. Half an hour has arrived, and I will kill this man according to the agreement. "
"Help, help!"
The fat man wailed and struggled.
But two terrorists kept him from moving.
"Slow, slow!"
Xie Jun quickly called out through the Lama, "don't worry, we are communicating with the above!"
At the same time, he lowered his voice and yelled.
"Is the plan out?"
"Still working, team Xie. We need time!"
A police officer said quickly.
"You continue to communicate, but I don't want to break my agreement."
Said tabara, pulling the trigger.
A bullet went into the fat man's head.
His head is like a watermelon that has been photographed, blood and brain fluid flying everywhere.
A group of policemen studying outside couldn't help but look silly.
Xie Jun could not help but close his eyes.
Damn it, these guys, kill them if they really want to!
In the stairway classroom, there were many cries and screams.
Everyone's heart was shaking, and some nearly peed their pants on the spot.
"Shut up
Arsha raised his gun, fired two shots, and said angrily, "I'm so tired of crying!"
He was in a bad mood.
So many of my brothers died.
Go back by themselves, how to explain to their relatives.
But this is war.People's lives are always special in war. See, this is the price of your government's incompetence
Tabara rubbed his bloody hand on the corpse's clothes and said to the video.
"A bunch of corrupt, incompetent politicians. Your inaction can only lead to the continued sacrifice of these people. "
With that, talabas turned off the camera again.
Xie Jun kicked on the side of the door above.
In his anger, with great strength, he kicked a dent in the door.
"No plan yet! We don't have time! "
Xie Jun is trying to calm himself down.
A hostage is dead.
Up there, it's going to be very angry.
Even if this mission is over, the team leader should be taken away.
However, this is not the key to Xie Jun.
The key is, how to ensure the safety of other hostages, smoothly rescued hostages!
"Xie team, we found an underground pipeline!"
At this time, a police officer sent good news.
He took a map and spread it out on the car.
"Thank you, if you go in through this underground pipeline, the camera can't find it. We enter from here, go to the bottom of the third teaching building, and come out from there. In this way, we will be able to get close to the target without being aware of it! "
Xie Jun was excited.
However, I feel sad.
If only this passage had been discovered earlier.
Then, no one will die.
"Let the special police team take tear gas and enter from these four ports at the same time after arriving here! Remember, make sure the hostages are safe! If there are hostages injured or killed, I will ask you! "
Xie Jun said sternly.
"Make sure to finish the task!"
The head of the SWAT team immediately took the team members and began to enter the sewer in turn.
"Remember, you only have half an hour..."
Xie Jun through the walkie talkie, the special police team leader said.
"I see, Xie team. Wait for the news of our victory."
Xie Jun's heart hung up again.
At the same time, in the third teaching building, the door of the largest ladder classroom, the figures of Qin Dynasty and Su Fei appeared there.
"I knew you would come."
Talaba sat there, looked at the two figures at the door and said, "well, you seem to be missing one person."
"that person is not important to you, is it?"
The Qin Dynasty looked at talaba and said.
"Good, you are brave."
Talaba looked at the Qin Dynasty and clapped his hands.
Two anti-terrorism elements went over and took away the guns in the hands of the Qin Dynasty.
Of course, Princess Su did not let go of her gun.
"I also appreciate heroes. Even myself, I have been regarded as heroes of western Xinjiang. But as far as I know, the end of a hero is either glorious or miserable, isn't it? "
"Who knows."
The Qin Dynasty stood there and sneered, "but in my opinion, you are not a hero, just a coward relying on hostages to protect yourself."
"Hehe, you don't have to say that."
Talabas laughed. "In their hearts, I'm a hero. And I'll be the glory side. And you will be miserable. "
With that, he pointed the muzzle of his gun at the Qin Dynasty.
Su Fei, who was standing beside the Qin Dynasty, exclaimed, "don't you say you want to see us? Don't you mean what you say
"I said I wanted to see you, but I didn't say I wouldn't kill you."
Taraba laughed triumphantly, "what a stupid woman, but you are very valuable. Don't worry. When you kill him, it's your turn. "
With that, his men are going to shoot.
Fang Wen's heart is high.
Brother Qin, are you going to die?
"Stay away!"
But the Qin Dynasty pushed away the princess Su, pushed her figure out of the door and into the corridor.
And he himself, with a shot in his leg, jumped up high and grabbed the crossbeam on the door, and instantly dodged the bullets of those terrorists.
"Hateful, dare to resist! Kill him
Talabas waved heavily.
A barrage of bullets shrouded the Qin Dynasty.
The Qin Dynasty is very clever, from the hand threw a smoke to pop.
These are the spoils collected in the island country.
For a moment, thick smoke enveloped the classroom.All the people, in front of a pale.
Fang Wen is very afraid. She is afraid of what happened to her elder brother Qin.
At this time, a familiar voice sounded in her ear.
"Don't be afraid, just hide here Leave the rest to me. "
It's brother Qin!
Fang Wen widened her eyes, but in the thick smoke, she couldn't see anything.
"Well, where is that boy?"
"Shit, there's smoke everywhere. You can't see it!"
A bunch of terrorists are like headless flies.
And soon, there was a scream.
This scream is very familiar.
Arshaton yelled, "Raj, Raj, what's the matter with you?"
His voice was still falling, and another scream.
"Jacob, what's the matter?"
After that, there was a scream, one after another, in the thick smoke of no one to see, very frightening.
"Yes, here, what the hell is going on! Raj, Jacob, answer quickly
Arsha cried out in despair.
But no one can answer him alive.
"Hateful, hateful!"
This arsha raised his gun and started shooting blindly.
No matter where the other party is, it's just a shot.
"Arsha, you bastard, you almost hit me!"
The angry voice of the leader rang out.
"Leader, they, they are all dead..."
There was despair in arsha's voice.
"Don't lose heart, you are the warrior of the true God!"
Talaba, with a gun in his hand, was also looking for the figure hidden in the smoke.
Hateful, can't our own regime really be established?
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