Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1281

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Chapter 1281

Vick, though small, is also a town with a large demonic population.
Especially when the enemy appears, there are not a few demon soldiers who can be deployed here.
After a while, hundreds of demons poured in, but most of them were demonic civilians, low-level demons, and a few talents were middle-level demons.
These demons surrounded the Qin Dynasty.
"Audacious maniac, what country are you, name yourself!"
"I have come to destroy Lucifer."
Qin Dynasty mouth corner, hang up the gloomy smile.
You rob my woman, I destroy you!
That's what Beelzebub did, and the cost was known to all the people in hell.
"Take him! Give his head to Lord Lucifer
A middle-level demon roared.
All the demons, all rushed up.
This group of demons roared and roared, but the momentum was not correct
the Qin Dynasty held out its hand and aimed at the demons who rushed by.
Demon cannon, go!
A huge black red beam of light erupted in the past.
Blink of an eye, in front of the devil, all received the baptism of that beam.
All of a sudden, these just roared demons, turned into dust.
On the ground, there is also a huge black pit mark.
The beam hit directly on a mountain in the distance.
In an instant, the mountain was torn apart and exploded into a ground of rubble, no longer exist.
The rest of the demons were dumbfounded for a while.
Well, this guy is too tough
Isn't he a low-level devil, but a big one!
"My God, it's the devil!"
"It was the devil who came to kill the city!"
"Help, help!"
For a while, these demons did not cry out to kill Qin Dynasty, dedicated to Lucifer, one by one fled quickly, hoping to find a crack in the ground to hide.
They wanted to run, but Qin Dynasty didn't intend to let them go.
He stood there and released three thousand luochagui from him.
These Luocha ghosts find the body of the devil, and they go in one by one and take away their bodies directly.
Then, they control these demons, like the undead legion, and fight wildly in the town.
The Qin Dynasty is very angry now.
He needs to find a way to vent.
Slaughtering the city seems to be a good way.
Anyway, these are just demons. If you kill them, you'll be in a state of transcendence.
Looking at the three thousand luochagui crazy rampage on the earth, Qin Dynasty mouth corner sneer more thick.
In the end, the whole town was washed out, and the Qin Dynasty left only one living man, the civilian devil who claimed that he was an enemy.
At this time, the civilian demons are scared silly, kneeling on the ground, eyes glazed.
He seemed to have no courage to run away.
Can he run in the face of the devil?
This is basically impossible!
However, the other side can easily kill the city's existence of terror
"Tell me, where is Lucifer's wedding
"In, in the imperial capital Maya... "
The civilian devil didn't hide anything, and he didn't have the guts.
"Maya Where... "
"East side..."
The civilian devil said with dull eyes.
Qin Dynasty saw that this guy did not dare to cheat him, "you are very honest, I will send you super life without pain!"
He said, putting his palm on the other person's forehead.
The other side's eyes were wide open.
But before he could react, the white flame had burned his body to ashes.
The nine hell fire, which has devoured eight kinds of top-notch flames, is extremely domineering.
Even the demons who are very fire-resistant and heat-resistant, and can bathe in the magma, also bear no wish.
after all this, the Qin Dynasty continued to release three thousand luochagui, devouring the soul of the wandering demons, and then flew to the East and continued to move on.
"Miss Rosie, it's time for you to wear your wedding dress."
A demon maid came up, carefully carrying a beautiful black wedding dress.
In hell, the wedding dress must be black, which symbolizes respect for the Lord of hell.
"I don't want it. Get out of here!"
Rosie sat on the bed, with chains on her wrists and ankles, and glared at the maid.
The maid stood there embarrassed, still carrying the beautiful wedding dress."You're getting out of here. Do you want me to do it myself?"
Said Rosie, raising her tender white hand menacingly.
"Miss, don't..."
The maid was frightened, pale, but afraid to run away.
"Oh, my dear fiancee, it's rude of you to embarrass my maid like this."
Just then the door of the room opened itself.
Lucifer, dressed in a black dress, came in gently, fiddling with an open red rose.
"How do you like it? This is a blood rose planted with blood. It's very beautiful. I specially picked it for you. It's a pity that this kind of flower will only bloom once a hundred years. Otherwise, we must use this flower to cover our wedding bed. "
"Who will marry you?"
Rosie turned her head and said, "I don't like the flowers with the smell of blood. Take them away!"
"My dear fiancee, don't be naughty."
Lucifer did not seem to be angry at Rosie's words, but said with a faint smile, "our marriage was settled long ago. It's just that it took a little bit longer. Who made my father so angry, you say
"I have nothing to do with you."
Rosie looked indifferent. "If you want to marry me, congratulations. You can only marry a corpse."
"Rosie, don't be a lady any more."
Lucifer looked at her and said, "you and I can't decide on your marriage. If you want to resist marriage, can you pass your father's test? "
Rosie was suddenly silent.
"All this is fate."
Lucifer said, "it's as if I came here from that hypocritical place and saw you again. So you are destined to be Lucifer's woman. "
"No, I'm not!"
Roxie suddenly raised her head. Her eyes, which were full of water, were now full of firmness. "Someone will come and take me away."
"Ha? What are you talking about? "
Lucifer looked at Rosie with a smile in his eyes. "Who can take you in this hell? Your father? Hehe, he would like us to get married and tie me up with you. "
"There will be someone, you will see..."
Said Rosie, biting her silver teeth.
"Well, I'm a little curious about who can take my woman from my Lucifer's hand."
As he spoke, his whole body breathed, and a gust of wind suddenly set off in the room.
The wind and waves swept through the room and broke the glass.
"I've recovered most of my strength now. Whoever comes will die."
With that, he walked out of the room.
"Remember, no one can take you, you are mine! Almost all the guests are here. You'd better put them on quickly Otherwise, you can't stand your father's anger
Rosie sighed as he left.
Lucifer was really serious about himself.
But if I didn't meet the Qin Dynasty, I might marry the strongest man in this hell.
But now different, Qin Dynasty has appeared.
Let her go to compromise again, marry other men, she really can't do.
I don't know. Can Qin Dynasty know the news of his marriage?
If he knew, he would come to save himself.
Lucifer was right. He could not bear his father's anger.
She had no choice but to sigh in silence and take the black wedding dress from the trembling maid's hand.
Although the hands and feet are handcuffed with chains, but the wedding dress also seems unusual.
The moment Rosie met the dress, it was on her.
Rosie knew that this thing had been bound by her father.
As long as she's wearing it, it's impossible to escape.
She stood up from the bed, the black wedding dress dancing on her body, the United States amazing moving.
She walked to the window and looked at the guests.
There are so many people here.
In addition to Lucifer, the kings of other empires also came to the scene.
After all, this is the wedding of the daughter of the Lord of hell
"Lucifer, congratulations."
Mamen held his glass in his hand, and said with a smile to Lucifer, who was wearing a black dress, "it doesn't count to escape from the predicament. He married the most beautiful woman in hell. Ha ha, it's really a double happiness."
this kind of skin smile does not smile, Lucifer also uses a weak smile to respond, "well, it's my pleasure. I think I've always been lucky, haven't I? "
"Indeed, you are very lucky. Fortunately, I will be jealous."Leviathan also came over. He was in a long white dress, blond hair and blue eyes. He was handsome and dazzling.
"You married my favorite woman Ha ha... "
With that, he clenched his fist, but there was still a smile on his face.
Lucifer shook his head in his heart and said, "well, the Lord of hell chose me, not you."
"I'll let him know. He made the wrong choice."
Leviathan gave a sneer.
"Oh, dear, everyone is a monarch. Why should we make such a fuss?"
A charming woman in a basic short skirt came over. The woman's skirt was short. If the Qin Dynasty was present, she would cry out.
Boy, QIB skirt!
Her chest, almost also exposed, shaking some demons saliva.
"Besides, Leviathan, even if there is no daughter of the Lord of hell, I still like you..."
"Save yourself, asmontis."
Leviathan coldly looked at the coquettish woman, "even if I randomly find a civilian devil in hell, it will be much cleaner than you."
"Ah, that's really hurtful..."
With that, she stretched out her slender arm and put it on the shoulder of a male demon who was sleeping in a chair.
"Am I right, drowsy?"
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