Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 945

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Chapter 945

The cemetery in the east of the village.
It has a long history here and seems to have existed since the village was founded.
The villagers do not know how long the village has been established. Naturally, they do not know how long the cemetery has existed, and when and when the first resident moved in.
The Qin Dynasty didn't like such places. There were tombs and tombstones everywhere.
There was a lot of Yin around. It was originally a bleak autumn wind, but now it's a bit cooler.
The evening sun had set and night fell on the small village.
The dim moonlight lit up the grave in front of him. Qin Dynasty stood there and opened his magic eye under the moonlight.
In his devil's eyes, the graveyard began to come out of one ghost after another.
These ghosts, who are not willing to reincarnate after death, are still attached to the world, so they still stay here.
These ghosts gathered together, chatting and chatting. A few of them were sitting there throwing cards and playing mahjong.
"Why, there are living people!"
"Oh, pretty handsome. When I was alive, I was so handsome. "
"I haven't been living for a long time. I'm so bored recently."
Seeing the Qin Dynasty, these ghosts pointed out and discussed Tao one after another.
Man and ghost are separated.
People can't see ghosts, but ghosts can see people. But if people don't provoke ghosts, ghosts will not take the initiative to provoke people.
Because there are three lights on the human body, which are on the head and shoulder respectively.
These three lamps burn Yang fire, which is what ghosts and ghosts fear most. So it's easy, ghosts don't provoke people unless they can't think of it.
Of course, another kind of situation is revenge.
There are probably several ways to form the fierce ghost. One is to die in vain and accumulate his own resentment. The other is to die in a special place, the unique geomantic environment caused the formation of the fierce ghost.
The magic power of the fierce ghost is naturally much stronger than that of the ordinary ghost. Even three bright lights can fight against it.
Qin Dynasty took a look at it. It seems that there is no ghost in the cemetery
Qin Dynasty thought for a moment, he can only turn to these ghosts.
"Hey, this guy is crazy. He seems to be talking to us."
"How can a living person see us? He must be a nervous wreck"
a group of ghosts surrounded and pointed to the Qin Dynasty.
"You can see me..."
Qin Dynasty opens a way, "and can hear you speak."
He held out his hand and pointed to a little girl in a cotton vest. "Little girl, how long have you been dead?"
The little girl was stunned to see a living man pointing at her, but subconsciously replied, "more than ten years."
"What a pity."
Qin Dynasty shakes his head, "if can live to now, certainly is a big beauty."
"Oh, he can see us!"
"Hell, for the first time I saw a living man talking to us!"
"You're stupid. You're a ghost!"
The ghosts quarreled, and at the same time, they watched the Qin Dynasty arguing endlessly.
"Stop fighting..."
The Qin Dynasty was very noisy by these ghosts.
It's a pity that these ghosts are so lazy that no one pays attention to him and continues to make noises.
The Qin Dynasty raised his right hand, pinched a Buddhist seal and gave a big drink.
The Golden Buddha light from his body lit up, like a little golden man, lit up a large cemetery.
"My God, what's this? It's frightening!"
"Buddha light, this is the Buddha light that can surpass us. Run!"
The ghosts fled in panic and fled to the cemetery.
In the blink of an eye, the cemetery is quiet, and all the ghosts are hiding.
In the Qin Dynasty, Buddhism was withdrawn, "all of them lack lessons."
With that, he put his foot on the ground and said, "come out to me!"
This foot shook the ground twice.
The graveyard is still quiet. Those ghosts are really scared, and no one dares to show up.
"Don't come out, right? Good. Make me knock on the door."
In the hands of the Qin Dynasty, a white lotus chop appeared. He thrust the sword into the soil under him.
He pinched a Buddhist seal and hit the hilt with one hand.
The Golden Buddha light spread to the ground along the sword, and then flowed out.
"Oh, my God, how can this be hit!"
"Forgive me, sir. I'm afraid. I beg for mercy."
A group of ghosts came out one after another, avoiding the ground covered with gold thread and praying for mercy to the Qin Dynasty."It's not so painful to come out early."
The Qin Dynasty pulled out the platinum lotus chop, income into the body.
"Sir, what's the matter with you..."
"Great Xia, we are all good ghosts. We have never done anything harmful to nature."
"Wuwuwu, I thought everything would be empty when I was dead. Why should I be bullied..."
A group of ghosts cried and yelled, which made Qin Dynasty unhappy.
"Shut up
He drank, and in an instant, all the ghosts were honest.
"I'm here to inquire about something. You'd better answer honestly, or I'll surpass you
"No, no!"
These ghosts are not willing to live on earth. They are all flustered when they hear that they are going to be overstepped.
"what do you say?"
The Qin Dynasty was very satisfied with their response. Sometimes, the big stick policy worked well.
"Have you seen strangers show up recently. These people have a kind of magic that can control you
"I don't know, Wang, did you see that?"
"No problem I've been out for a walk every night, but I haven't seen any strangers.
"it's strange that the only stranger I've seen is you, great Xia"
a group of ghosts said they didn't see it.
"I, I have seen..."
The little girl who had been asked by the Qin Dynasty before said timidly, "I, I was naughty one day and came out to play during the day..."
"Little flower, you don't want to die! The sun is so heavy during the day, you come out to look for death! "
Cried the ghost.
"It was a cloudy day..."
Xiaohua pinched the corner of her dress and said, "I'm not interested in staying below Come out and have a look Well, when I came out, I saw two strangers. They're in the graveyard, furtive, don't know what to do I see that they seem to be working on the grave of Zhen's daughter Then suddenly it cleared up and I went back
"My God, Zhen's daughter!"
"That woman..."
All the ghosts don't look normal.
"Zhen's daughter, what's wrong with her?"
The Qin Dynasty asked.
"Great Xia You don't know... "
A ghost quickly said, "although we ghosts died in different times, we are all growing up in an orderly way. We live in a harmonious society and live in peace every day. However, suddenly one day, the oldest living Zhen's daughter, the whole ghost has changed. In the past, although she had a lot of resentment, she was peaceful to everyone. Now, it's vicious. As soon as she appears, we have to hide. "
"When does this woman appear every day?"
The Qin Dynasty thought that this Zhen's daughter was a breakthrough.
"At 12 o'clock every day, I come out crying on time. Look, great Xia, this cemetery looks messy, but in fact, some experts have arranged a geomantic array. This geomantic array has trapped US ghosts, so that we can't go out to make trouble. That Zhen's daughter, if not because of this Fengshui array, would have run out. If she goes out, the people in this village will have a bloody mildew. "
"Fengshui array?"
Hearing this, Qin Dynasty could not help but look around.
He didn't notice that.
Speaking of fengshui, he is also proficient in some.
The Qin Dynasty could not help jumping, stepping on the sword of the evil king of yin and Yang, and ascended into the air, overlooking the tomb under him.
But he looked around for several times, but he didn't see any clue.
"Of course you can't see it."
Rod was proud of himself. "That little Feng Shui you learned is just a scratch."
"Oh? You know, old man
"Of course, who is this seat? This is rod! The first devil in the sky and the earth
"Yes, yes, you are the greatest. Can you tell me what the situation is."
"Well, since you have asked in good faith, I will tell you with great mercy. Do you see the five thickest locust trees around the cemetery
"Well, the locust tree is also a wood ghost. This is a very old five ghost cage array. These five locust trees can continuously absorb the ghost's Yin Qi, forming a pattern, and continuously. As long as there are ghosts here, the five ghost cages will always exist. "
"Do you mean that if you want to destroy these five ghost cages, you must first get rid of all the ghosts?"
"Nature. However, in this way, if there are no ghosts, there will be no significance for the existence of the five ghost cage array. But in fact, there is no such perfect array. So, it has the most important eye. As long as the eye of the array is destroyed, the big array will not attack itself. "
"Eye? I don't seem to find out"The eyes of the five ghost cage array are on the ghosts. If something goes wrong with that ghost, the battle will be over. "
Luo de wakes up the Qin Dynasty, "I guess the eye is Zhen's daughter. The people of yanluomen don't know what they are doing at night, and they hook the gate of luochamen with the sound of flute during the day. It's really hateful. "
"Then I will meet the Zhen's daughter today in the Qin Dynasty."
Zhen's daughter is really a breakthrough.
The Qin Dynasty slowly fell down and stood beside a tombstone.
"Brother, this is the door of our house."
Said the little girl before.
"Dear, let me stay for a while."
"Does that brother want to come in and sit down?"
The little girl is very warm.
"This I won't have to... "
There were two dry coughs in the Qin Dynasty. To be a guest in the coffin It's better not to
It's rare for strangers to come and communicate with their ghosts. So the little girl asked about the changes in the past ten years.
After hearing this, the little girl was very sorry.
"Do girls nowadays really wear so little Miniskirt I also want to see and see... "
The little girl sighed with regret.
"If you want to reincarnate, you still have a chance."
Suggestions of the Qin Dynasty.
"I dare not..."
The little girl shook her head, "they say there is reincarnation However, I have never seen In case, what should I do I don't want to. I don't even have the last thought That's terrible... "
"Don't worry, there is reincarnation."
The Qin Dynasty said with a smile, "I've played in Yanluo hall several times. At that time, there will be an uncle named Lu Pin who will tell you which reincarnation road you go to. "
"What if I become a little animal or something..."
"It's not always good to be a man"
the Qin Dynasty shrugged his shoulders, "but some lived long and some lived short. What's more, I think you're so kind that you'll be reincarnated. "
The little girl is looking forward to it.
"Of course, I don't talk to ghosts."
"I, I still think about it..."
The little girl was just talking, and suddenly her expression changed, "big brother I, I can't accompany you Zhen's daughter Come out... "
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