Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 778

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Chapter 778

With Fang Wen tossed together, finally came to her home.
"Brother Qin, this is it."
Looking at Fang Wen to Buick, slowly stopped in front of a manor style villa, Qin Dynasty was surprised.
"Good guy, Fang Wen, your family is too rich."
Although this manor is not comparable to the size of Liao Shasha's family, it is definitely not affordable for ordinary people.
"It's OK. It's all my dad's family earned. It's not much to do with me."
Fang Wen pressed the car horn and opened a big iron door slowly.
Fang Wen drove her Buick into the manor.
The area of this manor is not small. The Qin Dynasty paid attention to the gardens, fountains and a swimming pool.
It seems that Fang Wen's family is not an ordinary family. Naturally, it is much worse than Liao Shasha's.
Liao's house is almost a small kingdom. Inside, there are not only swimming pools, but also man-made lakes.
The life of rich people is different from that of ordinary people.
"brother Qin, let's get out of the car."
Fang Wen parked the car to the side of the garage, and then took the Qin Dynasty out of the car.
"It will be nice to see my parents later. However, brother Qin is serious. Don't make fun of it. My parents are very conservative, you know. "
"Well, I see."
The Qin Dynasty patted his chest and said, "I'll handle the business. You can rest assured that it will be done for you."
"Thank you, brother Qin."
Fang Wen took a deep breath and walked to the Qin Dynasty. Finally, she took the arm of Qin Dynasty.
Fang Wen's body is very soft, she pasted it, Qin Dynasty even felt the hot temperature on her body.
Although it is spring, the weather in southern Jiangsu is still very cold, but this little girl, in the heart, is hot.
"Well, yes, it's more like that."
Qin Dynasty patted his windbreaker, "let's go."
Fang Wen lowered her face to prevent Qin Dynasty from seeing her blush and shyness.
They walked out of the garage and came to the door of a beautiful red villa.
"Miss, you are back."
When a maid saw Fang Wen, she immediately opened the door and waited for her to enter.
"Thank you, Ma Wu."
Fang Wen nodded to the maid, then plucked up her courage and took Qin Dynasty to the villa.
In the living room of this room, a middle-aged woman and a middle-aged man in Tang costume are sitting on the sofa, as if waiting for Fang Wen's return.
"Dad, mom..."
The middle-aged woman stood up, tidied up her clothes, and then said.
"Well, is that what you call a boyfriend?"
Fang Wen nodded, holding Qin Dynasty gently, she said, "he is the boyfriend I told you about, called Qin Dynasty. "Hello to Uncle Qin."
Qin Dynasty very gentle, to the middle-aged woman and man bowed.
The middle-aged man turned the newspaper in his hand and heard the greetings of Qin Dynasty, but snorted with his nose.
But the middle-aged woman is a little better, is politely nodded, stretched out a finger.
"Sit down, please. Let's have a chat."
Qin Dynasty and Fang Wen sat side by side on the sofa opposite.
The middle-aged woman, up and down, looked at the Qin Dynasty several times.
After a long time, he said, "this dress is bought for you by Wenwen, isn't it?"
Fang Wen was suddenly coquettish and angry.
"Ha ha, don't worry. I just ask, just ask."
The middle-aged woman gave a faint smile and then said, "I don't know how long you and Wenwen have been together. Maybe you know us, maybe you don't know. However, as a courtesy, I'd like to introduce myself briefly
She pointed to herself and said, "my name is Jingli, Wen Wen's mother. This is my husband, Wen Wen's father, Fang Baichuan. I think you should have known the name
"Oh, ha ha..."
Qin Dynasty was embarrassed and asked Fang Wen, "I haven't heard of it. What can I do..."
Fang Wen was also stunned and blinked her eyes. She was surprised that the Qin Dynasty didn't know the name.
"Brother Qin Mr. Fang is the chairman of our group
"Oh Ah? "
The body of the Qin Dynasty was suddenly shocked.
Chairman of Fang's group?
Qin Fang, chairman of the board of directors, remembers that he killed his own son.That is to say, Fang Hua is Fang Wen's cousin!
I went there
The world is too small.
And we are all the children of Fang's group. Why is the gap so big!
"Originally, we didn't want Wen Wen to associate with other boys." Jingli looked at the Qin Dynasty and found that he looked strange. She thought he had a ghost in his heart. She sneered and said, "but since you are here today, you are the guest. Let's have a light meal at home tonight. Let's talk about it. "
Chinese people like to talk at the table, even the fangs are no exception.
However, this meal seems to be a Hongmen banquet. However, since it's here, let's help Fang Wen to the end.
"Well, I'll trouble my uncle and aunt."
"No trouble, Ma Wu. Prepare dinner."
The maid on one side immediately went to set up dinner.
Then there was a long silence. Jingli and her husband Fang Baichuan were both cold faced and did not say a word. The Qin Dynasty wanted to find a topic. When they saw their faces like Changbai Mountain, they couldn't say it.
Finally, he just shrugged his shoulders and turned around to talk to Fang Wen.
Fang Wen is also nervous. She is afraid that her parents will find out that they are just acting.
Qin Dynasty and her talk, she also has a sentence to answer. Most of them are observing their parents' faces.
This made the Qin Dynasty very unhappy and felt particularly embarrassed.
After more than an hour, the maid came back and said.
"Sir, madam, dinner is ready. Please have dinner."
Mrs. Jingli and her husband Fang Baichuan all stood up and walked toward the restaurant. No one said they would invite Qin Dynasty.
"Brother Qin, I'm sorry..."
After her parents first went out of the living room, Fang Wen took the hand of the Qin Dynasty, lowered her head, and apologized with shame on her face.
"It's OK. It's not your fault."
The Qin Dynasty gently rubbed Fang Wen's hair and said, "it's your parents who don't look up to me. What does it have to do with you. However, I'm surprised that your father is the chairman of Fang's group. Girl, you're hiding a lot. "
Fang Wen sighed, "from primary school to high school, people around me know that I am Fang Baichuan's daughter. Everyone's attitude towards me is excellent. But I know, they are not sincere, just because my father is good to me. At that time, I didn't have a real friend except Lily
She raised her head, looked at the Qin Dynasty, took his hand, and said, "so, brother Qin, when I got to the University, I hid my identity. That's why I made some really good friends. Brother Qin, you are not angry with me... "
"Angry with you? Why? "
The Qin Dynasty blinked.
"Because, because I'm not telling big brother Qin..." Fang Wen lowered her head again.
Qin Dynasty felt that the girl was very cute. She stretched out her hand and scraped her nose. "Silly girl, who has no secrets. You, elder brother Qin, I have more and more secrets to keep from you. "
Especially the secret of killing Fang Hua. Even if it's rotten in my stomach, I'll never tell you.
Fang Wen looked up at the Qin Dynasty. Her eyes seemed to twinkle. "Can you tell me what your secrets are Anyway, you know my secret now. It's a little unfair if you don't tell me about you. "
"Cough, keep secret, can't say, can't say."
The Qin Dynasty would not have said that.
"No, brother Qin..."
What else did Fang Wen want to say, and the maid came in and said to her.
"Miss, Madame has called you to dinner."
"Yes, Ma Wu."
Fang Wen waved her hand.
"It seems that your mother is worried about us." Qin Dynasty shrugged his shoulders, and then went to the restaurant hand in hand with Fang Wen.
"Brother Qin, no matter what my parents say later, don't take it to heart."
Fang Wen did not forget to remind the Qin Dynasty.
"Don't worry. I've seen so many scenes like this."
Qin Dynasty thought of the last time and Luo Qinglin went to her home, also received humiliation.
But what's the matter? It's not painful.
It's just the chairman of Fang's group. As long as you want to do it and wave your hand, you can let the flag of Fang's group collapse.
After all, the real economy of the north is controlled by itself.
Whether it is the white or the underworld, the Qin Dynasty is a well deserved overlord.
Fang's group also has some shares in the hands of Dafa group. In addition, the two have many cooperative projects. These projects have eaten up most of the funds of Fangshi group. If they withdraw their own capital, Fang's group will be completely destroyed.Of course, the Qin Dynasty would not have done such a thing.
Because once this is done, the economy of the north will move away, countless people will be unemployed and laid off, and countless industrial circles will collapse.
Although the Qin Dynasty was a practitioner of truth, he had not yet practiced the step of forgetting love. He still cares about the life and death of ordinary people.
Qin Dynasty into the restaurant, slightly Leng for a moment.
In front of you is a long and luxurious dining table. On the table, there are all kinds of rich dinners.
Fang Baichuan is at the top of the table, and his wife Jingli is sitting next to him.
On both sides, there was a row of servants serving their meals.
Ah, good guy, what a splendid show! Is Fang Baichuan treating himself as a king?
"Sit down, please."
Fang Baichuan still did not speak, but Fang Wen's mother, Jingli, opened her mouth, although her voice was quite cold.
"Thank you, uncle and aunt."
Qin Dynasty is very polite, after all, how to say, to give Fang Wen a face.
What happened to Fang's group? I killed Fang Hua and killed CHEN Si. Are you afraid of Fang Baichuan?
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