Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 729

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Chapter 729

"Yingji, you will be in this forest. There's a border set by my mother. No one can get in. "
At that time, my mother told herself that. Xuanyuan Yingji believes her mother very much, because she is a ghost Zun. No one is stronger than her father.
Therefore, Xuanyuan Yingji stays in this forest every day and lives with all the animals in the forest. She never went out, and no one came in.
Xuanyuan Yingji knows that she can't get out of the woods. Because she is very dangerous, all people close to her will be brought disaster. Even father and mother come to visit themselves only once a year.
Her daily entertainment is to soak in the lake water in the forest and play with the fish.
Until one day, the arrival of a stranger, broke her original quiet.
"I can't believe that there are such beautiful women in the wild mountains and mountains."
The man, who didn't know where he came from, stood by the lake in a black suit, staring at himself without blinking.
Xuanyuan Yingji, for the first time, had a feeling called shyness.
She asked, hiding behind a stone in the lake, looking at the man.
"Who are you and how did you get in?"
"Me? My name is Ying Tian The man laughed. "This place, of course, wants to come in, so it comes in."
He raised his foot and walked towards the lake.
Xuanyuan Yingji is scared. She is very frightened, like a frightened deer, trying to escape from the lake.
But the man's strength was terrible, and with such a gentle wave, he led himself to him.
The man kisses Xuanyuan Yingji.
Suddenly, Xuanyuan Sakura Ji's mind became a blank.
This man is the second man Xuanyuan Yingji has seen since she was sensible.
He was rude and domineering and possessed himself.
At that moment, Xuanyuan Yingji was surprisingly calm. Because she felt, in the future, finally can no longer be lonely. Because this man has left a deep brand in her life, and the seal is broken, and the whole forest suddenly becomes a desert.
The trees, the grass, began to wither. In the twinkling of an eye, it is the yellow sand all over the sky.
And all the creatures in the forest, at this moment, because of their fierce spirit, began to evolve into a powerful and fierce beast.
In the face of the blame of ghost respect and human respect, Yingtian doesn't care at all. He only took Xuanyuan Yingji's hand, took her to the heaven, and created an illusion, where two people have been living together.
Xuanyuan Yingji felt that that time was the happiest day for two people.
He accompanied him with all kinds of strange postures and taught himself to write.
Until one day, he said it was the birthday of the emperor of heaven. He wanted to celebrate his birthday, so he left the dreamland.
And after that day, he never came back.
Xuanyuan Yingji is very frightened and scared. Because she has been used to the days around her.
She felt that life was meaningless.
To this end, she regardless of Baize's opposition, resolutely left the dreamland, with the sand all the way, came to Yingtian.
When she saw Ying Tian standing hand in hand with another woman, she seemed to hear the sound of heartbreak.
"I want this woman to die."
At that moment, Xuanyuan Yingji knew that she only wanted to kill that damned woman. Even if she put on all her own, she was not worthy of pity!
As the king of fierce beasts, when the seal is broken, almost no one can stop his power.
Moreover, her parents are human respect and ghost respect, even if the Immortal Emperor, also dare not take her how.
But Ying Tian, his favorite lover, has made a move.
He gave up all his accomplishments and built a mountain and sea tomb. He sealed himself with the power of Jiulong ring, and there were 100000 fierce beasts.
But he also entered the terrible situation of the five decline of heaven and man, and soon fell into reincarnation.
"I'll be back!"
Xuanyuan Yingji told Yingtian so before she was pressed under the nine dragon wall.
"I know I'm sorry for you, so I gave you a gift with half of my accomplishments."
Yingtian, standing in front of the tomb, told Xuanyuan Yingji, "when you walk out of the tomb, you will find out what the gift I gave you."
What did he give me?
Xuanyuan Yingji sits on her tomb, staring at the sky.
"Wang, the news from Baize tells us that he and Yingtian are fighting."
Taotie kneels in front of Xuanyuan Yingji and says.
"Did he go to Yingtian?"
Xuanyuan Sakura Ji's expression does not change, "how does Bai Ze say?"
"He said it's better to send someone over for rescue." "But I don't think it's necessary. Yingtian, it was not the immortal statue that was unique in the world. Now, he is just a little monk. Among our fierce beasts, he is also one of the strongest. He can crush the present Yingtian with only one finger. ""You go and prepare to save him."
Xuanyuan Sakura Ji head also does not hang, still looking at the sky, only dropped a word.
"Why, Wang?"
"Because he is the answer to the day."
I don't know why, Xuanyuan Yingji feels that she can't beat Yingtian. Maybe not why, as he said, he is just Yingtian. Even if reincarnation, he is also the heaven and earth, the only one who should be immortal.
Taotie had no choice but to turn into a black beast and disappear in the air.
That huge fan, the head of a swing, immediately hit the body of the Qin Dynasty, his head to fly.
The Qin Dynasty felt as if he had been hit by a speeding train and smashed into the audience behind him. The auditorium with concrete steps collapsed.
And he opened his biggest mouth, facing the direction of the Qin Dynasty, spit out a rolling flame. The flame hit the auditorium and immediately blew up a quarter of the stadium.
In the Qin Dynasty, he had already appeared behind him.
It seems that you can see the same as the Qin Dynasty, and the Qin Dynasty quickly turned into black smoke and fled.
It seems that the power of Feixian period has not been fully exerted. Even so, the Qin Dynasty can't fight this guy head-on. If he gets hit, he's going to be miserable.
"Qin Dynasty, we come to help you."
Just at this moment, six lights flashed out on the messy stadium.
Qin Dynasty fixed eyes on a look, suddenly full of cold sweat.
Su Ji, Zhao Jingjing, Xiaobai, Qiandai, Liu Ying and AI Xiaoxue are all here again. They were six girls, in six directions, around the ancient beast.
At the same time, their body, each lit up a different color of light.
"Kill the big array!"
The Qin Dynasty felt a destructive force, which came from those girls, and suddenly turned pale.
This killing array is powerful, but it consumes vitality!
This kind of damage oneself likes the girl's thing, Qin Dynasty absolutely will not do.
Qin Dynasty drinks a way, "I can kill him!"
"No kidding!"
Su Ji raised her head and said to the Qin Dynasty, "Qin Dynasty, we know that you always wanted to protect us. But now it's our turn to protect you. "
"You fools."
The Qin Dynasty was a little angry, and Suji's idea was so right that she really made herself angry.
"Careless recitation, let me quickly enter the Feixian period of cultivation, all the magic reached the completion."
The Qin Dynasty knew that he could not wait any longer. He stretched out his hands and pinched a Dharma decision. At the same time, he applied the skill of responding to every request and the skill of general idea.
The gear of fate turns quietly.
At this moment, the body of the Qin Dynasty, constantly shining nine colors of brilliance. Then, the sky thunder clouds rolling, there are various attributes of lightning, split in the stadium above.
"Here, what is this?"
Suu Kyi and several of them saw this scene and couldn't help being stunned.
The light of nine colors, the cloud of thunder robbery, why do these things appear
Soon, they understood. Because at this time, the body of the Qin Dynasty issued a golden light, which was entering the Feixian period and reached a perfect state.
"Oh, die!"
Qin Dynasty stood in the air, wrapped in a golden border flashing Sanskrit. At the same time, nine kinds of flames revolved around his body.
"I am Yingtian, I am here, come up to die!"
Although he was a little bit irrational at this time, his subconscious goal was to kill Yingtian's son of a bitch.
Therefore, by the Qin Dynasty's provocation, he did not take care of the girls around him, but jumped into the air. He stepped on the fire and fierce clouds under his feet, and his body was full of fierce fire light, and galloped toward the Qin Dynasty.
"Good coming!"
The eyes of the Qin Dynasty flashed light, allowing the huge fierce beast to bump into his body.
The golden one was blocked by more than 30 meters in the sky.
But he couldn't break the golden ball which was not as big as his fingernails.
"Three thousand luochagui."
Qin Dynasty stood there, a black cloud of skeletons, out of his body, frantically tearing at the body.
The hard scales on Shen's body were exfoliated by those luochagui. Blood, quickly stained with that body.
"Broken heart sword array."
The Qin Dynasty held out a finger and pointed to the body of the fish.
Suddenly, tens of thousands of white lotus flowers were cut off and flew out of his back. With a whoosh of white light, he pierced his huge body and disappeared in the air in the blink of an eye.This series of attacks, let you also fear. He seemed to have regained his senses, and with his seriously wounded body, he wanted to turn around and run away.
However, with such a drag in the back of the Qin Dynasty, the idea technique was launched, which directly grabbed his body and made him unable to run out.
"Since you have come all the way to die, how can I disappoint you?" Qin said, the other hand, turned into misty black smoke. The strongest nine you magic palm is in the making.
As long as a moment, his palm, can stab into the chest, pinch his heart.
"Leave someone under your hand!"
But at this time, a rough and familiar voice sounded. Then, a big black hammer, across the sky, roared toward himself.
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