Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 669

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Chapter 669

"Ha ha, you are so interested"
a man stood there with his hands on.
His sleeve robe and a gold sword were embroidered on his chest.
The whole person, Yushu Linfeng, dignified, with integrity, majestic standing there.
This person is Haotian, the eldest disciple of Shushan. Beside him, there were also many disciples of Shushan. However, Haotian's robes are white, others are navy blue.
This is the difference between the entry disciple and the ordinary disciple.
In addition to Haotian, there are two disciples, one male and one female, who are also wearing white long robes with arrow sleeves.
The beauty of a woman and the beauty of a man are the bright moon and the hundred Li Ming.
FA Xiang and Bai Jiaojiao turned around and noticed the people of Shushan who appeared behind them.
"I've been looking for you for a long time."
Haotian's mouth was covered with a faint smile, "although you've done good concealment magic, you can't escape my Shu mountain finger demon needle."
With that, Haotian opens his hand.
In his hands, the worker was holding a small golden compass. The upper pointer, not crooked or slanted, refers to the body of Bai Jiaojiao in front of her.
The rest of the crew are watching the excitement. What's the matter? We have to shoot costume drama!
"If you want to do it, you'd better find a quiet place."
FA Xiang feels bitter. Haotian is also a young master of Shushan. Against him, I don't have much hope of victory.
What's more, he also has a white Jiaojiao.
Bai Jiaojiao's cultivation is very weak. She just broke through to the early stage of magic power a few days ago.
In front of them, the disciples of Shushan are not weak in all their accomplishments.
The worst is the end of the foundation. In addition, there are Haoyue and Baili Ming, both of them are little masters of Yuanying period. If they go together, they are irresistible.
It's no wonder that Shushan is a great school for thousands of years. In this way, it is worthy of the name Haotian carried his hands with pride, "this is the rule of the cultivation world. You should abide by it."
"Obey a P!"
The white light in Bai Jiaojiao's hand flashed, and the sword suddenly came out. She scolded, "whatever his rules, let me stab you, a hypocrite in Shushan, now!"
FA Xiang quickly grabbed her. And Haotian just looked at the snake demon lightly, as if she didn't pay attention to her.
"It's a beast. It doesn't know the rules at all. Come with us, FA Xiang
"Hold on!"
At this time, the Qin Dynasty suddenly stood out and stopped FA Xiang.
"I said, man, if you want to take my people away, you have to say hello to me."
"Qin Dynasty?"
That Haotian, the pupil shrinks obviously.
He didn't expect that Qin Dynasty was here. At this time, Suu Kyi slipped back. Now she can't leak into the realm of practice. Otherwise, once the Xiuzhen world knew about her and the Qin Dynasty, it would be very bad. And Suji didn't worry, because there were two magic puppets around Qin Dynasty.
Besides, Xiaobai was there, and other magic puppets could also appear around Qin Dynasty at any time.
"It turns out that immortal Qin is also here Oh, no, it's time to call you Lord Qin. "
Although the other side is a demon, but out of the rules of the cultivation world, Haotian still made a courtesy to the Qin Dynasty. The other party is the master of a door, so he should receive this gift.
"Shushan is becoming more and more powerful now"
the Qin Dynasty looked at a dozen people in front of him and couldn't help saying, "in broad daylight, I dare to run to the street to arrest people. Think of yourself as a policeman, don't you? "
Haotian snorted coldly. His side of the Haoyue younger martial sister, relying on the teeth sharp mouth, mouth way.
"I think why these two demons dare to run out? It turns out that there is such a big supporter of luochamen. However, the Lord of Qin is the only one in luochamen, which makes it difficult for him."
"This friend of Shushan, I'm afraid you are wrong."
At this time, Xiaobai took a step forward and said with an arched hand.
"I am not the only one who is the master. And before you are two of our disciples. "
Say, point to oneself and thousand generation.
"Oh, it's not the commander of bare rod"
but Haoyue turned her lips and said, "there are still two subordinates. It's said that the leader of the Qin clan is lustful and sexual. Now I can see that it's true. The only two disciples of AI are still gorgeous women. Ha ha. "
She had just laughed twice when she was slapped.
They were just a flower in front of them, and even Haotian didn't see it clearly.
Chidai patted his hand and said coldly.
"If you are disrespectful to your master, it's the fan!"
"You When was Haoyue beaten by people's mouth, his heart suddenly angry up. But the next hundred Li Ming pulled her.Just now, when chidai started, all the fast people didn't see it. But they don't know that the ability of chidai is not speed, but chopping.
It's just the speed of Qiandai.
But even so, it is dazzled, just like the movie of fast light.
Haotian also judged at that moment.
This thousand generations are not ordinary practitioners.
Her realm, at least has the yuan infant period!
"Since the Qin clan is mainly responsible for these two evils, then you must be the enemy of the whole Xiuzhen realm!"
Hao Tian said coldly.
"Against the whole Xiuzhen realm? Well, you can say that. "
The Qin Dynasty stood there with a cigarette in his mouth and said, "as early as a thousand years ago, luochamen was the enemy of the whole Xiuzhen world. Since I dare to join this sect in the Qin Dynasty, I have this consciousness. "
"Lord Qin, you can weigh it carefully!"
Haotian sneered, "needless to say, the whole Xiuzhen world, even if we are in Shushan, you are a small luochamen, which can't be provoked."
Qin Dynasty vomited a smoke ring, "can't be provoked, you try to know!"
Then he reached out his hand and asked, "since there are rules of the cultivation world, we should act according to the rules."
"Hum! Welcome, Lord Qin! "
Haotian took his hand and followed the Qin Dynasty.
Qin Dynasty said hello to Luo Qinglin and Chen Xin, and took them to a construction site nearby.
Because it is very cold winter, even if spring has begun, but in this season in the northeast, it is still quite cold.
Therefore, some of the buildings under construction have to stop working temporarily.
The Qin Dynasty took these people to a construction site nearby. Here is a cold concrete building, surrounded by deep snow, a look is that no one has been here for a long time.
"Right here." Qin Dynasty stood in the middle of the snow. FA Xiang, Bai Jiaojiao, Qiandai and Xiaobai were all standing behind him.
"Tell me, if you want to besiege or fight alone, you can row down the road."
Haotian stood there with his hands on his back, looking like a great disciple of Shushan.
"We don't need so many disciples to deal with you. Bai Li Ming, you take the first scene first. "
"Yes, elder martial brother."
Bai Li Ming bows his head to answer the way.
Carrying a sword on his back, he walked slowly to the middle of the snow, pointing to the Qin Dynasty on the opposite side and saying.
"In the next hundred Li Ming, the 37 generation disciples of Shushan. His sword is called scorching the sky! Who will die first. "
"This disciple of Shushan is very generous."
Bai Jiaojiao was playing with her sword and couldn't help but curl her mouth.
"Qin Dynasty, since they are for me, let me come to the first scene!"
FA Xiang took a step forward, but was stopped by the Qin Dynasty. Zhu Zhu said, "I said, how can you be my brother-in-law? In this case, I don't protect you. Who are you going to protect?" Qin Dynasty chuckled and touched his nose. "If something happens, who will not kill me?"
"Qin Dynasty..."
"All right, don't say it. You're going to protect your little snake demon."
The Qin Dynasty pushed FA Xiang back a step.
He was about to go forward, but he was stopped by the thousand generations.
"Master, they are calling, but the strongest has not yet appeared. How can you come forward?"
With that, she went forward two steps. Standing on the snow, she looked coldly at Bai Li Ming, "in the lower Qin Dynasty, the disciples of luochamen, the sword in their hands is called ghost chop. It's not a matter of dying, but it can take you to death. "
With her hand moving, a long black knife suddenly appeared in front of her, constantly hanging Fu
on the knife, there was black smoke, constantly winding. It seems to show that this is a very evil evil knife.
"In the end, it's the devil's way, full of evil spirit!"
Bai Li Ming said scornfully.
His back trembled, a bright sword, suddenly scabbard.
It is also a famous sword in Shushan. Bai liming, as an entry disciple, inherited the sword.
As soon as the sword comes out, heaven and earth will change color.
To despise heaven means to despise even heaven.
The hundred Li Ming is holding a sword, and the vitality is constantly transported to it.
On the sword, the golden light was shining like a little sun.
"I'm a member of Shushan mountain. I'm upright. I'll kill you today!"
Say, hundred Li Ming finger move, that sword immediately toward thousand generation, turn into a golden light and go.
"The sword is like a rainbow, and the meteor's shadow is fast! Like a rainbow sword
The golden rainbow light is in front of thousands of generations in an instant.
Thousand generation's steps did not move, just floating ghost chop, fell into her hands.When she moved her hand, a black light came out.
The golden light, like a splash of water, burst out.
Qiandai took the black knife in his hand and knocked it out like a rainbow sword.
"Some strength, but no use."
Bai Li Ming sneers, fingers move, that is knocked fly of the contemptuous sword, again fell down.
"It's just a little skill."
However, chidai didn't pay attention to it. Her knife was still very fast. In an instant, she knocked the falling golden sword into the air again and again.
"Ghost Ming chop!"
At the end of the day, Chihiro seems to be getting impatient. Finally, her body is also full of black gas, blinking into her knife.
The thousand generation is facing the direction of hundred Li Ming, swinging the demon knife in the hand.
A black light suddenly exploded on Bai Li Ming's body.
He suddenly surprised, hands a support, the body suddenly opened a golden border.
This is the sword shield of Shushan.
The black light from the top down, just separated by the golden sword shield.
On the ground, a knife deep cracks, as if tofu has been cut a general cut.
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