Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 732

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Chapter 732

After a while, the tension hand with a digital camera, a shake three shake to walk out. While walking, I was still browsing.
"Oh, the boy has really photographed a lot of beautiful women I can't do this. It's forbidden for 18! It's really abnormal. The couple are making love in the woods. Damn it. Ah, here, I found Hu Lili
Tension said, went to the Qin Dynasty in front of the photo, pointing to him.
"Brother Qin, look, this is Hu Lili. You two used to have such a good relationship. How could you forget her? "
The Qin Dynasty looked at the beautiful girl in the picture and couldn't help touching her nose, "this girl It looks like Hu Qing... "
"Yes, yes!"
Fang Wen and Hu Lili are close friends and quickly add, "Hu Qing is Hu Lili's mother! Elder brother Qin even knows aunt Hu Qing. How can he not know Lili! Are you teasing me all the time
"Just take it as it is..."
The Qin Dynasty always felt that he had lost something.
He couldn't help but feel the fox's head on his shoulder and asked quietly.
"Are you Hu Lili?"
The little fox bit the finger of Qin Dynasty lightly.
"But who is Hu Lili..."
Fang Wen did not hear the murmur of the Qin Dynasty, and explained to the Qin Dynasty for a long time. The little girl looked at her watch and exclaimed.
"Oh, no, there's another meeting this afternoon. I'm going to be late."
With that, she grabbed her briefcase and stopped a passing taxi in a hurry. She got on the bus and ran away.
However, before driving, the girl pulled down the window and called out to the Qin Dynasty.
"Brother Qin, don't forget me!"
"Don't worry, brother Qin, I'm not Alzheimer's disease."
Qin Dynasty ha ha a smile, wave hand to say.
"Brother Qin, I'll stand guard for you. Go and have a rest."
The security officer doesn't have to be on duty at all. That Wang electric stick used to walk around every day, frightening students and molesting girls. Anyway, he didn't do any good.
But the Qin Dynasty waved his hand and said.
"No, I'll stand for a moment. Sitting in the office every day makes people moldy
With that, Qin Dynasty stretched out a big stretch to the sun in the sky.
The recent calm, let the Qin Dynasty feel a bit relaxed. Because he has been unable to find the relationship between Diyuan and Lingdan, he has been unable to break through the golden period. Moreover, he has no heart to practice, and always helps Xiaobai with some things about luochamen.
After all, I am the real sect leader of luochamen now, shouldering the whole big sect.
It's no wonder that Tan Hai was forced to take off the burden of the leader of Shushan for the time being, and his skill improved by leaps and bounds.
It's also a good thing to be able to concentrate on cultivation.
when the Qin Dynasty was trying to attract more practitioners into the sect, the mobile phone suddenly rang.
"Master, the guy called again..."
He knows the tension of his thousand year old bell.
"Brother Qin, the mobile phone rings."
Qin Dynasty took out a mobile phone and saw that it was a strange number.
Did Li Baishan call him? That guy, every time he calls himself, he changes into a different phone number.
The Qin Dynasty picked up the phone with suspicion, but in the phone, it was not Li Baishan that fucked up, but a beautiful and sweet girl's voice.
"Brother Qin?"
"Well, who is it?"
The Qin Dynasty thought that the voice was very familiar, but it was a little difficult to remember who it was. I can't help it. There are too many girls in Qin Dynasty Cough, it's too much.
"I hate it. I really forgot people so soon..."
The girl over there, her voice became a little grumpy, "no wonder I haven't been contacted for so long. It makes me sad..."
“…… Cough, that... " Qin Dynasty touched the nose, "really a bit can't remember."
Qin Chaoxin said, today can not think of things, can really hinder
Hu Lili, and this girl.
Is this girl Hu Lili.
"Brother Qin You, you really can't remember me? "
The girl over there is really sad, it seems.
"Wait, I have an impression!"
The Qin Dynasty boldly said his guess, "you, you are Hu Lili!"
The phone over there was hung up.
Qin Dynasty this confused, the heart said how, is it not? Why still angry hang up the phone.
The fox on his shoulder bit his ears."Strange, who is she..."
Just thinking, the phone rang again.
Qin Dynasty a look, or that number.
"Hello, anything else?"
"Well Well, since brother Qin doesn't remember me, I'd better remind you. "
The voice sighed a few times, and then said, "brother Qin, don't you forget that there is a gentle and lovely little nurse who is always firmly following you when transporting national treasures."
"Cough, it's Yang Li."
Qin Dynasty's head has not cramped, the other side said this, he remembered, "how do you have time to call me, something?"
"It turns out that brother Qin has not completely forgotten me!"
I don't know why, Yang Li's voice is a little cheerful again, "but I can't call you if there's nothing else? When you are, everyone is as heartless as you are? Is it true that brother Qin usually doesn't call his girlfriend? "
"Well, this..."
Xiao Yang Li said that, behind the Qin Dynasty, the cold sweat of brush came down.
It seems that it really doesn't hurt He didn't take the initiative to call Suu Kyi. She called him all the time. And the other girls, too. Unless it is really idle egg pain, will take out the phone book, find a few girls chat bullshit talk heart.
"Little Yang Li, what's the matter with me..."
"Brother Qin asked again! Hum
Yang Li is not comfortable. Is this Qin Dynasty one track minded.
"Well, Yang Li, what are you looking for me for?"
In the Qin Dynasty, Yang Li wanted to die.
In fact, it is not to blame the Qin Dynasty. If he wants to tease Yang Li, it is still a very easy thing. Telephone flirting, for him, is not difficult at all.
But now, he just doesn't want to get involved.
There are too many women behind him. More than a few more, Suu Kyi may be beaten badly.
Besides, he didn't want Suu Kyi to be more upset.
"Brother Qin, why do you suddenly look like an elm head? You are so angry! Well, I'll tell you. I want you to pick me up from school this afternoon! "
"How can it be done?" Qin Dynasty quickly refused, "I have to go to work."
"Well, I knew brother Qin would refuse me. However, brother Qin had better come, because Xiaojing has a very important letter to leizige, which is in my hand. This is very important to Leizi's lifelong happiness. Does elder brother Qin want to watch helplessly, his good brother, lonely and miserable life? "
"Shit, that guy is dead or alive, it's none of my business!" The Qin Dynasty couldn't help saying.
"Well, it seems that people kill the earth for themselves! Then I'll tear up the letter. Hang up, brother Qin. Bye
"You, you wait!"
"What time will school be over?" the Qin Dynasty yelled
"Hee hee, I know that brother Qin is kind-hearted and will not care about his brother's death."
Little Yang Li was a little proud and said, "four twenty, school on time! Brother Qin, be on time! Remember, pick me up in the car! Otherwise, you can only see the body of the letter, hum
With that, the girl hung up the phone.
Qin Dynasty this depressed ah, pressure a bah, old paper was actually threatened by a little girl.
Forget it, pick her up from school, no loss to yourself.
Thinking of this, Qin Dynasty took out her mobile phone and sent a short message to Suji who was in class.
"There's something wrong with the school at night. I can't pick you up. Take a taxi home, don't play
Qin Dynasty sent text messages, looked at the mobile phone, eyes immediately straight.
I wipe, patronize to call, this is not 3:60.
For Lei Zi's lifelong happiness, I really want to sacrifice.
"Tension, help me stand for a while. I'm going first."
The Qin Dynasty said hello to Zhang Li and then went to the shed.
He thought for a moment, Yang Li asked me to drive. But where can I get a car? I have to borrow it from Jiang Dong. It's a real problem.
Finally, he simply took out his handsome Yamaha and stepped up.
It's not enough for Yang Li to ride out.
Now the little girl is really, tut
The Qin Dynasty left Guangyuan college with his love.
Tension or the first time to see the Qin Dynasty riding a motorcycle, suddenly exclaimed in the back.
"Good guy, brother Qin's car is more and more handsome However, brother Qin, ah, brother Qin! Now in southern Jiangsu, motorcycles are not allowed on the road
He yelled several voices in the back, but it was a pity that the figure of Qin Dynasty had almost disappeared in his sight.
"Lying trough, this is bad..."
Where did Qin Dynasty know some traffic regulations of Sunan city recently? Tension is to ride an electric car to work every day, so we still know a little about these.Recently, the new planning city of Southern Jiangsu controls motorcycles and trucks. Running the path is OK, if you want to get on the main road, the traffic police will block it.
But the poor Qin Dynasty, who knew these things, drove his Yamaha motorcycle and walked on the road.
On this small highway in the suburbs, in addition to the surprised eyes of the drivers around, the driving is smooth.
However, when you get off the viaduct and get downtown, you'll be fucked. The Qin Dynasty, which opened motorcycles, was immediately watched by the traffic police who had been ambushed for a long time.
"After waiting so many days, I finally got a bold one."
A traffic police sitting in a small micro smoking, saw the Qin Dynasty from the viaduct down, immediately said.
"Keep up with him."
He gave an order, and several people in the minicar started to move. Except for this traffic policeman, all the others are casual clothes. The mini car started quietly and followed behind the Qin Dynasty.
Qin Dynasty did not know, did not expect that there will be traffic police on their own. He drove his motorcycle in the direction of Southern Jiangsu health school. On the way, he suddenly thought of a thing, let him slow down the speed.
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