Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 710

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Chapter 710

Who knows, this knife, finally cut in the empty place.
Tina, the huge sea monster, turned into water spray and disappeared under the knife.
And soon, behind the Qin Dynasty, there was a cold breath.
He quickly turned around and saw a pair of blue crystal lights coming out of Tina's two giant snake arms.
The Qin Dynasty subconsciously dodged to the side.
The two blue lights swept in the teaching building behind him. Suddenly, the six story teaching building was covered with thick frost.
Fortunately, the summer vacation is the most important time for us to study in the University. No one else.
Otherwise, it is estimated that many people will be affected by this battle.
"Tough guy."
Qin Dynasty found that Nadina can be turned into liquid, suddenly some big head. But anyway, I have to kill this guy myself, so that Suu Kyi won't be in danger.
At this time, Tina constantly launched attacks on the Qin Dynasty.
As soon as she lifted her arms, rows of water snakes rose from the water, biting at the Qin Dynasty.
"Diamond hand!"
The Qin Dynasty waved its right palm, and a huge transparent golden palm flew out, beating all the water snakes.
"It's no use!"
At this time, Nadina sneered, "who is invisible, everything you do is useless."
With that, the several water snakes that were scattered were condensed out again, whizzing around the body of the Qin Dynasty.
"Pagan, you are powerful, but you are not equal to our seven sin knights. The angry guy is the weakest of us. It's a little surprising that you killed him. But Lord Scofield has said that you are just a little human being, and any one of us can solve you
When talking, those water snakes are winding closer and closer, which seems to strangle the Qin Dynasty.
"Your Scofield seems to have overestimated yourself."
The Qin Dynasty suddenly swept the corners of his clothes, and the sharp sword spirit rushed out, tearing the water snake on his body. At the same time, with his arms outstretched, two small hooks on his sleeve disappeared into the air on both sides.
"Let me see if you can escape the full screen attack!"
The Qin Dynasty said, the internal power to start, "prison soul lock · end!"
The sound of chains kept ringing, and then, around the Qin Dynasty, black chains flew out of the void and interspersed in every gap here.
After a while, it was like a chain cage. There were chains everywhere, with sharp hooks and thorns.
Tina did turn into a liquid and wanted to escape, but she could only appear in a certain position in the pool.
But the chain of Qin Dynasty has sealed every position.
So, as soon as she came out, she was stabbed by several chains.
Prison soul lock, not only hurt the body, but also the soul.
"Ah, ah!"
Even the Knights of the seven deadly sins also gave out a cry of pain.
"Wicked pagan, how dare you hurt me
"Ugly, you'll die soon!"
"How dare you call me ugly!"
"I envy you, I envy you that you have the most perfect body that God has created! I envy your beauty, handsome! I'm jealous, jealous... "
While she wailed, the white light on her body became more and more bright.
"Are you going to enter the perfect body..."
The Qin Dynasty recalled several states of the furious Knight at that time. At first, he was a human Paladin, and then a humanoid monster. In the end, it's a total monster.
Tina, it seems, is moving towards the final stage.
Perhaps, I should take advantage of her evolution, the first step for the strong!
Thinking of this, Qin Dynasty immediately to the body of Tina, waving a knife.
The black light was shining, but there was only a shiver on Tina's body, without any loss. Instead, the black light was bounced out by a white light and dissipated in the air.
"Can't we break the defense?"
The Qin Dynasty frowned. When he was ready to call the sword of the great Yin and Yang evil king, the white light suddenly disappeared together.
At this time, the monster appeared in the pool, more huge and terrible.
She couldn't see the human face at all. At this time, she had become a big white snake with nine heads, wandering in the water, constantly shaking her several heads.
"Hiss, pagan, this time, let you taste the trial of our seven sins!"
With that, nine heads opened their mouths together, facing the Qin Dynasty, emitting blue light.Like a few laser guns, the blue light kept chasing the body of the Qin Dynasty flashing.
"Brush, brush, brush!"
Where it was swept, it became ice.
In the Qin Dynasty, the body flashed, and finally turned into black smoke, hovering around the White Snake, avoiding her blue mansions.
Tina let out a cry.
The water suddenly exploded, several water guns rose from the water, almost filled the whole pool, and finally hit the body of the Qin Dynasty.
A cloud of black smoke was immediately hit and flew out, changed into a human form, coldly staring at the monster below.
The perfect seven sin knights are really hard to deal with!
"Water lock!"
At this moment, Tina called out.
On the surface of the water, a few water snakes flew out immediately, and then turned into chains and wrapped around the legs of the Qin Dynasty, making him unable to escape.
"Go to trial!"
Taking advantage of this opportunity, Nadine's nine heads, twined together like a big flower, and opened her mouth.
Nine blue lights, in her mouth, more and more bright.
It seems that she is trying to release a big move, once killed the Qin Dynasty.
"In this case, let's try my unique skill of the seventh level attachment..."
Qin Dynasty took a deep breath, his body suddenly fell into a trance, and the black light flickered continuously.
This is a move he learned from Mo Tianya when he fought with him that day.
"Killing in a desperate way!"
The voice of the Qin Dynasty has been stretched infinitely.
At the same time, his body turned into a huge black knife, cut the two chains made of water, and immediately flew out.
And the nine blue rays of the nine headed snakes also flew out and gathered together to form a huge light column more than five meters thick, which rushed to the black knife in the air.
The end of the black knife should be above the blue light, and ice crystals are constantly cut out.
Soon, in Tina's eighteen eyes, there was panic.
Her huge beam of light was finally cut through the middle. The terrible black knife, from his body all but pass.
There are two larger snake heads, and in this way, they are cut off, with blood, and slowly fall into the water under them.
Let's do it! The Qin Dynasty turned around and turned into a human and looked at Tina.
At this time, Tina's mouth issued a howl, as if because of pain, shaking the remaining seven heads.
And two broken heads, blue liquid spread up, and finally formed two liquid snake heads.
"How dare you hurt me, damned pagan!"
With the anger of opening that, water arrows broke away from the water and shot towards Qin Chaofei.
The Qin Dynasty dodged the water arrow, prepared to go all out and cut off the rest of her head.
At this time, Su Ji, who was standing on the top of the building, suddenly let out a cry of surprise.
"Who are you?"
Qin Dynasty's mind was immediately attracted to the past, he looked up and saw an ugly fat man standing on the top of the building, filling his mouth with French fries and spraying potato chips at the same time.
"Hey, little beauty, it looks delicious. This kind of delicious food should not be sent to his holiness. Let me eat it. "
With that, he stretched out his greasy hand and grabbed Su Ji.
Suu Kyi quickly stepped back, at the same time, her right hand hit a Buddha light.
Who knows, the fat man even opened his mouth and swallowed the Buddha light flying past in one mouthful.
"Tut Tut, delicious, good, delicious."
He chewed a few mouthfuls, as if eating delicious food, then swallowed the Buddha light. Then, pat the belly, hey, a smile, "beauty, more, more, I haven't eaten enough."
"Give me shit to eat!"
At this time, a magic array flashed out of the void.
Then a man in black armor jumped out and hit the fat man in the face with a big fist.
The fat man's body bounced out and smashed into the cement platform.
"Your Majesty, are you all right?"
The big man turned around, and he was also a foreigner.
He was very respectful to Suu Kyi and half knelt down. "I'm John Taurus. I've met your majesty."
"Darkness, not me
Suu Kyi knew what the Taurus meant, and she waved her hand.
"Your Majesty, do not refuse any more."
But John the Taurus said, "now, you are on the blacklist of the Roman Church. Whether you admit it or not, the Roman Church will kill you. If you don't promise to be the dark Pope, you won't get our help. Only by inheriting the power of darkness can we compete with the Roman Church"But, but..."
Suu Kyi still hesitated.
"Your majesty!" That Taurus a little anxious, "you don't think about it, promise it! Otherwise, you are always in danger of death! The Knights of the seven sins, in fact, were originally the research project of the dark holy see. But in the end, it was used by Argus and the plan was cheated away. "
"The Roman Church should have done such a thing..."
Suu Kyi couldn't help feeling.
"Damn the dark 12 stars, I'll eat you!"
At this moment, the fat man came out of the rubble and glared angrily at John the Taurus kneeling on the ground.
He patted his belly and was about to come.
"Falling star!"
At this time, a figure appeared in the sky. He pulled out a long bow in his hand and kept shooting down with arrows, which landed in front of the fat man's feet, blocking his pace.
"Go to hell!"
Another dark figure man also flashed out, holding a pair of giant pliers in his hand, and chopped it on the fat man's stomach, but he was bounced open by the fat belly.
"Eat you!"
The fat man roared and reached for the man.
"Your Majesty, do not hesitate."
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