Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 535

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Chapter 535

"Come on, don't boast about it."
The receptionist said sarcastically, "I don't know if you are a relative of Mr. Yu? Well, don't be funny. If you don't want to lose face, just leave your car key and get out of here
Her words attracted the attention of many onlookers.
"Yes, another psychopath!"
"Where are you, my wife? Hurry up, the excitement will be over in a while! "
"Young man, hand in the car key as soon as possible. It's a shame to save a while."
There's everything that people around you say.
But the Qin Dynasty has ignored these people, watching the fun has always been a particularly bad habit of the Chinese people.
"Show your patience and wait for a moment." The Qin Dynasty holds the arm, the hand holds that string of car keys, shakes, stands next to the front desk.
"Well, I'll wait for you, and I'll spend it with you. It's 3 p.m. and our company leaves work at 5 o'clock. I don't think Yu will come down to look for you in these two hours. Of course, if you have to say that Mr. Yu is off work, you will have a good face to a certain extent. "
"Don't worry. I don't want to come to me. I'll give you my key."
The Qin Dynasty wanted to laugh.
If you want to see Yu Lu, do you still need to wait for her to leave work?
Qin Dynasty just finish saying, the elevator door next to suddenly opened.
Then, a beautiful woman in cold and gorgeous clothes suddenly ran out of it.
Although she was wearing high-heeled shoes on her feet, she did not care about her image at this time. She ran towards the Qin Dynasty.
"Ah, Mr. Yu!"
"My God, what's wrong with Mr. Yu? This is!"
"General manager Yu, off duty?"
Some of the staff around, quickly say hello.
However, Mr. Yu, who usually would like to say hello to every employee, did not care about these people any more. Instead, he went in a hurry and went in a direction.
People are still guessing what happened to Mr. Yu today.
"Qin Dynasty!"
They are thinking, Yu Lu has already yelled, as if to see her favorite man's little girl, her face full of joy, head into the arms of a man opposite.
"Qin Dynasty..."
The front desk lady has been silly, looking at her usual high-ranking beauty president, now like a little daughter-in-law, she hugged the man who was satirized by herself just now.
"Good..." Qin Dynasty also gently embrace Yu Lu, the former little nanny, now the president of Dafa group.
Although her temperament has changed, her clothes have changed, her hair has changed However, the taste of her body did not change, nor did her love for herself
Yu Lu, or at the beginning of that for their own silent dedication of the girl.
On the contrary, it was myself. During this period of separation, there were other women, which made Qin Dynasty very ashamed and felt sorry for the beauty in his arms.
"You've lost weight..." Qin Dynasty stroked Yu Lu's back, felt the body temperature of the man in his arms, and felt a burst of emotion in his heart.
"The company is too busy to have dinner with Sasha for a long time."
Yu Lu hugs Qin Dynasty tightly, raises his head, sticks to his chest to look at him.
This girl seems to be afraid that the boy in her arms will suddenly disappear.
Fortunately, Qin Dynasty now secretly pulled his height to 1.8 meters, otherwise, Yu Lu was not short, plus high-heeled shoes. I used to be 1.75 meters, was held by her, easy to be overtaken.
Now it's good. The two are almost tall. The Qin Dynasty also slightly suppressed Yu Lu.
Well, that's the height of a couple.
"How can this work..." The Qin Dynasty also had some remorse. He felt that he should not have left the company to Yu Lu. He ran away by himself, "now I have to think about whether the company should be managed by another person. Just for such a company, I'll love it if you lose weight. "
"Fuck you!" Yu Lu gave the Qin Dynasty a good-looking white eye. Yu Lu's white eyes are the best among all the girls in Qin Dynasty.
"I don't care about the company. Are you in charge! You're the boss of the big shake hands, our chairman Qin! "
"Chairman Qin" directly petrified all the people present.
The boy dressed like a stall is actually the chairman of Dafa group?
"Well, how could this be..." The front desk lady is also stupid.
The person who satirized himself for a long time should be the chairman of the company?
What kind of joke is this!
Today is not April Fool's Day!
Just when the front desk lady was in doubt, Qin Chaosong opened Yu Lu and looked back at her.
That young lady is frightened, the heart way this man won't really let oneself apologize.
"Miss, the results have come out. It's time for you to keep your promise."Qin Dynasty took Yu Lu's hand and said to the girl.
"Qin, Qin Dong It's my fault. You won't argue with me... "
The front desk lady immediately looked pathetic, and she was totally two people with her arrogance before.
This woman is not embarrassed to apologize, but worried about whether she will be fired.
Working in Dafa group is something that many people can't envy.
he has a postgraduate degree, but he can only be a front desk for the time being.
Even so, her monthly salary is more than 2000 yuan, I don't know how much higher than her boyfriend. In addition, there are five insurances and one gold. If you lose it, you can't find such a job again.
therefore, even if you swallow your anger and apologize, you have to keep your job!
"Mr. Qin, I know it's not good for me. I apologize to you. I hope you have a lot of adults. Don't see me as a little girl."
The girl said, still can't see Yu Lu, to the Qin Dynasty secretly cast an eyebrow.
She thought that she was as young and handsome as the chairman of Dafa group. What is young gold, what is young and promising, what is diamond golden tortoise son-in-law! This is it! If I catch him, I will never have to struggle again.
However, in terms of beauty, he is much inferior to president Yu. But she felt that, in terms of Mei Gong, she was definitely better than Mr. Yu.
Men are animals that think in the lower body. At that time, as long as you take the initiative and hook people a little, you won't be afraid that Qin Dong will not climb into her bed!
What the front desk lady thinks is very beautiful. She even imagines that she will sit on the golden horse cart or Rolls Royce in the future, and look around the whole city of Dongchuan and accept the envious eyes of the masses. When the time comes, everyone will scream and envy themselves.
"Ha ha, you have a good attitude to admit your mistake."
Miss Qin said, "looking at the front desk, I'm not convinced. I just want to advise you not to look at people with colored glasses. It's not only disrespect for others, but also not good for yourself
He didn't know that the front desk lady was having such a wonderful dream, but the Qin Dynasty didn't have time to entangle with the girl. He just advised her.
"Yu Lu, let's go up. I haven't seen you for a long time. I want to talk to you a lot."
As he spoke, he put his arm around Yu Lu's waist.
Yu Lu's face was red, but she soon settled down, tidied up her clothes, and then said.
"Come on, I don't know about you. If it wasn't for Wu Xin, would you come back to me? My Mr. Qin? "
"Cough..." The Qin Dynasty coughed twice, then wiped the cold sweat on his head and said, "where's the matter, will I be that kind of person who likes the new and dislikes the old?"
"You are." Yu Lu said definitely.
The receptionist was listening, but she was fascinated. In her mind, Qin Dong is such a playful person, so it's easy to handle. Hum, Qin Dong, Qin Dong, even if you are a monkey grandson, you can't escape from the palm of my Tathagata Buddha!
Qin Dynasty and Yu Lu do not know the girl's mind, two people quickly on the elevator.
There was no one in the elevator because it was not time to leave work.
Qin Dynasty looked at the beauty in his arms, and immediately couldn't help but feel some emotion. He held tightly the Yu Lu which had not seen for a long time, and then his lips heavily kissed each other's lips.
Yu Lu's lips are soft and cool with a little freshness. Qin Dynasty kiss up, as if in the nature, very comfortable and kind.
That Yu Lu "whining" a sound, the body suddenly soft down, as if water in the arms of the Qin Dynasty.
How long have I been without touching this hot kiss.
Sometimes, Yu Lu feels that she is like a resentful wife whose husband is at war and keeps an empty house by herself.
This always makes Yu Lu feel crazy. But she still takes this kind of missing as the motive force, and makes great efforts to do the things of the group.
In this way, I can be worthy of Qin Dynasty and Liao Shasha.
All of a sudden, she felt a big hand sliding into her uniform skirt. The hand, like magic, was walking downstream of her, making her mind break down.
"Qin Dynasty, it's not good here..."
"What's the matter No one else, anyway Qin Dynasty bad ground laughs, "all old husband and wife, still shy."
"Yes, there are cameras." Yu Lu warned.
"It's OK." Qin Chao didn't look back, but as soon as he waved his hand, the camera hanging in the upper corner of the elevator was immediately broken.
"Ah, you're such a loser." Yu Lu exclaimed.
"What's the matter? Who let it interfere with both of us." Qin Dynasty says, kiss in Yu Lu's ear root.
Yu Lu's body was so hot that she immediately became soft again.She just wanted to integrate herself into the body of Qin Dynasty, and wanted to be a part of this man.
In this way, he will not leave himself, will not leave himself to run far away.
After all, I don't know when I'll be there. The Qin Dynasty didn't go too far. I had to fight with the elevator directly. He just made a bad hand and touched some places that had not been touched for a long time, which made Yu Lu unable to stop.
"Well, don't do it. Come on, it's almost there..." Yu Lu's eyes can all drip out of the water, turning over the Qin Dynasty, Dao.
"So fast to the 30th floor?" Qin Dynasty took a look at the figures on the elevator and said with some regret, "why don't we do two more laps? Anyway, we don't need money."
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