Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 645

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Chapter 645

"Well, I'm serious. Let's go."
The Qin Dynasty deliberately said with a straight face.
"Well, that's about it!" Suu Kyi nodded with satisfaction. She also took back her legs and put them all on the sofa. One leg is crossed, the other leg, intentionally or unintentionally, was put on the body of Qin Dynasty.
This makes Qin Dynasty, in the heart itch.
Little fox seems to be very interested in the so-called h game of two people. She didn't eat French fries any more and climbed onto the back of the sofa to see how the two people played.
"This game is like this. The two of us, each of us, asked each other a question. The other side must tell the truth! If you do not want to tell the truth, you can not answer, but as a punishment, take off one of your clothes! Pay attention. Don't ask any more questions. "
"Undress!" The Qin Dynasty looked at Suji's lovely Winnie bear pajamas and said, "OK, OK, let's start."
"Don't just think about taking off your clothes! Pay attention to all the questions. You must answer the truth! "
"The truth, of course! When did I cheat you? "
"Bah! When did you not cheat me! As the essential foundation of the game, we must swear first. "
Suu Kyi raised her three fingers and put them in her ear. "You also raise them. What are you doing?"
"Oh The Qin Dynasty also raised three fingers.
"Well, gentlemen. Swear it. "
"Good!" Qin Dynasty nodded, "if I lie in the game, let me play five thunders!"
"Bah! That's not good Suu Kyi stopped immediately, "you'll be robbed by thunder sooner or later! Change it
"Ah? For what? " The heart of Qin Dynasty, isn't it cruel?
"Of course you'll be afraid of another one!" Su Ji kicked the Qin Dynasty with her foot and said, "if you lie in the process of the game, you won't lift it for life! Be a living eunuch
"I, I Wipe... " Qin Dynasty almost fainted.
"Do you swear? Don't swear not to play! "
"Fa, FA, I swear! In the Qin Dynasty, if I lied in the game, I would not raise it all my life. I would be a living eunuch Wipe it
"Well, now it's my turn." Suji grinned and held up three fingers and said, "if I, Suji, lie in the game, I will let my husband not lift it for life and become a living eunuch."
"Damn it! It's not fair! "
Qin Dynasty has a violent trend, "you change one, quickly change one! Why, it's Lao Tzu who suffers at home and abroad! "
"Another one? Isn't that tough enough? "
"Tough, tough enough! But this is cruel enough to me
Looking at the gnashing teeth of the Qin Dynasty, Suji had to shrug her shoulders, "OK, I'll change it. But For what... "
"You swear, if you lie in the course of the game, let the chest part, one small, one big!"
"Shit! Qin Dynasty, such a vicious oath, you even want to come out! "
"I can think of anything for you!"
"But, are you willing to Don't you feel sorry for others... "
"No pain! Swear
"Shit! Qin Dynasty, I hate you In order to ensure fairness and justice, Suu Kyi has to swear, "if I lie in the process of the game, let me chest Chest part, one big, one It is necessary to
"Well, that's right." The Qin Dynasty finally laughed.
"Here we go, ladies first, I'll ask you first!"
Suu Kyi raised a finger. "First question, what did you eat tonight?"
"Ah?" The Qin Dynasty was stunned. How could it be so simple.
"Can I ask, coke and chicken wings, fried persimmon with eggs, sweet and sour spareribs, laver and egg flower soup Oh, and honey chicken wings! I almost forgot. "
"Mm-hmm, qualified." Suu Kyi nodded. "The first question is just a little experiment."
"In this way Let me do a little experiment
Qin Dynasty hey hey a smile, touch nose to ask, "what brand of sanitary napkin do you use?"
"Qin Dynasty, your uncle!" Suu Kyi was covered with black lines, "seven degrees of space! All right, change me! Now, it's not a small experiment! I ask you if you have any other girlfriends besides me
"Er..." The heart of Qin Dynasty, lying trough, originally this girl is waiting for this!
He simply took off his coat.
"Why don't you answer?"
Suu Kyi gritted her teeth.
“…… I don't want to be a living eunuch... "
The Qin Dynasty also answered very simply.
"You It's up to you to ask! "
"Do you have any other boyfriends besides me?"
"No!" Suu Kyi answered categorically, "well, it's time for me to ask. Did you have anything to do with other girls while I was in America? "Qin Dynasty stood up directly from the sofa, began to untie the waistband, and then took off the trousers.
Suu Kyi wants to eat.
"Qin Dynasty, I have the impulse to kill you..."
Qin Dynasty is more depressed, he took off two pieces, so for a while.
"Well, when I ask Let me think What would you do if you knew I had other girlfriends? "
"I'll kill you..."
"Well, you're not lying..." The Qin Dynasty wanted to cry.
"Third question!" Suu Kyi continued aggressively, "how many girls do you like! Besides me
Qin Dynasty also took off the small shirt, bare arm.
"Don't you dare not take off your clothes!"
"I dare not..."
"Take it off. When you only have your underwear, do you dare not answer?"
Suu Kyi's been tough.
"Keke, let's talk about it. Now it's up to me to ask you..."
The Qin Dynasty was thinking of a question that Suji couldn't answer. The purpose of this game is to let Suu Kyi get rid of the obstacles During this half day, he has been busy working inside and outside.
All of a sudden, he had a very evil question.
"Suu Kyi..."
"If you want to ask, you have to play P!"
"Cough, that Have you ever played that game with your sister before... "
"What kind? This one of us? "
"Of course not. It's a little more sinister..." The Qin Dynasty touched his nose and said with a smile, "it's just that the two sisters don't wear them. They hold each other and rub against each other..."
Su Ji's beautiful big eyes stare, and the Qin Dynasty is a little numb.
But to his surprise, the girl's face suddenly turned red.
She reached out and slowly took off her nightgown.
Inside, it's a sexy black bra. Suji's model is D, the bra has a faint feeling that it can't be wrapped, so that Qin Dynasty's eyeballs almost fell in.
"Don't look! It's up to me to ask! "
Qin Suji almost kicked the sofa, which made her blush.
"What was the first time you met a girl before or after you met me?"
Qin Dynasty took off his trousers directly, and now there is only a pair of big shorts with four corners.
"Hey, don't say it. It's cool."
"Qin Dynasty..."
Suu Kyi's teeth clenched.
"There's only one pair of underpants left I see why you don't answer
"Well, it's up to me now."
Qin Dynasty looked at Suji's snow-white chest, swallowed saliva, and then continued to ask.
"When you played that game with your sister Do you and your sister feel... "
"Qin Dynasty, are you going to die?" Suu Kyi seems to be running away.
"If you don't die, we'll talk about it later Now answer the question
"I, I..."
Suji bit her silver teeth and, under the gaze of the Qin Dynasty, blushed and took off her pajamas.
Inside, it's a lovely pair of little Pooh pants. However, Suji picked up the pillow of the sofa and pressed it on her body, making Qin dynasty times helpless.
"You don't have to play with me..."
"No matter, the sofa pillow is mine! If you ask me something I can't answer, I'll take it off! "
Suu Kyi took a deep breath and went on with her problem.
"Qin Dynasty, I ask you, who will you marry in the future?"
To Su Ji's surprise, the Qin Dynasty did not hesitate to look Su Ji in the eye and answer this question.
"Well, then your other girls What to do... "
"This is the next question!"
The Qin Dynasty waved, "it's me! Did your sister propose to play that game or did you propose to play it? "
Suji took off the sofa cushion, beautiful figure, all show in front of the Qin Dynasty.
The Qin Dynasty felt its blood boiling
The shape of the boxers had changed, and he put his hand up to block it.
At the same time, the heart said silently, but must not have the question which cannot answer again Otherwise, the ugliness will be lost
"Go on with that question."
Su Ji was more generous than the Qin Dynasty when she showed herself in front of the Qin Dynasty. She looked directly into the eyes of the Qin Dynasty and asked, "if you marry me, those other girls, what should I do?"
"To be honest, I don't know." But I only want to tell Suu Su who I want to marry
"Why, why Don't put it on the next question. Now answer me... "
"It's simple." The Qin Dynasty said, "when I was in the most depressed and incompetent Qin Dynasty, it was you, Suji, who appeared beside me. You know, I don't have a job, I don't have a house, I don't have a deposit, but I can still be so nice to me. ""I, I was It's just gratitude... "
"No!" Qin Chao shook his head, "different. You are a daughter, you can throw a lot of money on me, and then go away. But you don't. You take care of my ideas. I knew then that you were different from the other girls. What's more, the chance encounter in Chaoyang Park, I think, is the greatest gift given to me by God. SUJ, originally, my life was hopeless. And you are my best gift... "
"Qin Dynasty..."
Suji's eyes were a little wet. She leaned over and hugged Qin Dynasty. She held his waist tightly, and her face pressed against his chest.
"I, I'm actually afraid of One day, you will forget me because of other girls... "
"Fool, how could you..."
"Qin Suji's back is unique to me Even if you give me the whole world, I will not... "
The word "change" was blocked back into her mouth by Suji's kiss
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