Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 504

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Chapter 504

"Qin, Qin Dynasty, what's wrong with you?"
Luo Qinglin was really surprised.
I saw that the Qin Dynasty, which was originally dressed in a gentle style, now has his glasses removed and his suit torn off. He has scars on his arm and a cigarette in his mouth. He feels like a hooligan standing there.
And Xiao Hui is beside her, tears hanging from the corner of her eyes, a look of trembling.
Luo Qing Linton was very nervous.
Could it be that the Qin Dynasty couldn't stand it and began to have a lust for Xiaohui, and what did he do?
She quickly denied the idea.
No, Qin Dynasty was not such a person. Although he is not serious and unreliable, he will never do such a thing to girls.
"Dear Linlin baby, I've come to pick you up and go home."
In the Qin Dynasty, with a cigarette in its mouth, the corners of his mouth slightly pulled up a radian, but with a different flavor of charm.
Even Gu Ruo Ying, who is already a man wife, can't help jumping when she sees that smile.
Luo Qinglin is more happy to faint, but soon was replaced by panic.
God, they didn't agree that way before!
In this way, isn't she going to be scolded to death by her mother?
What's more, how did the Qin Dynasty get such a rogue look? Didn't you say it was a little more polite?
"Shut up!"
Wang Suhong was infuriated by the intimate words of the Qin Dynasty, "you don't look in the mirror to see your virtue, or you want to chase my daughter, and say that shameless words! Get out, get out of my house! Don't get dirty here. "
It's over
As soon as his mother said such words, Luoqing Linton felt the darkness and despair.
Vaguely, she could guess what had happened.
My mother must have said something insulting the dignity of the Qin Dynasty when she went downstairs just now.
Qin Dynasty this person, looks anything does not matter the appearance, but in the bone is specially arrogant. Therefore, he will ignore the agreement of both sides, and directly tear off the disguise of that Sven.
"This kind of place, of course, I want to leave." Qin Dynasty shrugged his shoulders, "but I have to leave with my woman. Linlin baby, would you like to come with me
"Nonsense! How can my daughter go with you like this
Luo Qinglin has a kind of whirling feeling.
And the Qin Dynasty also deliberately embarrassed Luo Qinglin. For Luo Qinglin's feelings for himself, the Qin Dynasty must have an account. If it continues to drag on, it will not be good for both sides.
Fortunately, this time, force Luo Qinglin.
If she followed herself, she would break with her family.
If she obeyed her mother, the feelings she had just established with herself would have vanished.
Whether she hated herself or blamed herself, in short, the Qin Dynasty had to do so.
"No, don't push me..." Luo Qinglin felt a burst of pain in her heart, she could not help squatting on the stairs, pale face.
"You have no right to say such things to my daughter. Get out of here!" Wang Suhong wanted the Qin Dynasty to get out of the house now.
"Mom, don't say that again!"
Luo Qing Lin hysterically, suddenly called out, immediately let Wang Suhong quiet down.
This seems to be a kind of warning device, because as he pressed the badge, soon, the Qin Dynasty felt that all kinds of calm breath gathered from all directions.
After a while, outside the gate, there were also neat footsteps.
"Bang!" It seems that because of the emergency, people outside directly kicked open the door of the deputy commander's house.
Then a line of heavily armed soldiers rushed into the hall.
"Report to deputy commander Luo!" One of the leading officers stood upright, fixed in the middle of the hall and saluted Luo Zhentian, "all the soldiers in the second row of the third company of the 702 Division Infantry Regiment, ask for the instructions of the commander!"
"Surround the house for me, and don't let this man walk out of the house. If he dares to go out, he will be shot on the spot! "
Luo Zhentian said this more to scare the young man.
Even if he is so powerful and powerful, he can't do this kind of thing.
"Yes The young officer only knew to obey. With a wave of his hand, his soldiers immediately surrounded the building.
The Qin Dynasty naturally knew that the old man was bluffing him, but he was still a little upset.
"It's worthy of deputy commander Luo. It's very big."
"Good boy." Luo Zhentian saw the calm appearance of the Qin Dynasty, but also some appreciation, "so many years, you are the first person who dare to speak to me like this."
"You're not the first person who dares to speak to me like this in Qin Dynasty." Qin Dynasty shakes his head, he feels sometimes forbearance seems to be a kind of mistake.
He took out his cheap cigarette, took out a light and put it in his mouth."But usually those who threaten me are dead."
"Young people, like to talk big, understandable, but not too marginal." Luo Zhentian sneered, "I have killed more enemies than you have eaten in my whole life. Today's young people, who have not suffered from hardship or experienced the baptism of war, do not know what is fear at all
"You are wrong. In fact, I am a very afraid of death." The Qin Dynasty shrugged his shoulders, "but it's no use talking to you. You are an old general who has made great achievements in war. I admire you, but it doesn't mean you can insult me at will. And Linlin's mother. You are the wife of the deputy commander. I'm just a small man with a flat head. But that doesn't mean that you are superior to me or that you can call me a junior
"It's not xiasanlao. What is that?" Wang Suhong disdained to say, "we did not invite you, you come to my house, without our permission, smoke our cigarettes and drink our wine. It's the first time I've seen such a person with no quality like you
"Wang, Aunt Wang..." Xiao Hui seems to want to say something, "well, that's not big brother Qin..."
"Xiao Hui, it doesn't matter." The Qin Dynasty waved his hand, "in her eyes, we ordinary people are the kind of rotten goods that can not be dignified for the sake of good smoke and wine. It's useless for you to explain. I this kind of rotten goods, naturally also does not deserve your family, should let me go. Do you want me to stay for dinner
"You dare to step out of this door and try it!" Luo Zhentian didn't want to let the Qin Dynasty go.
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