Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 726

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Chapter 726

The setting sun is about to set and the red afterglow hits the pedestrian street.
"My God..."
The martial arts masters around were shocked. They believed that the learning speed of Qin Dynasty was so fast. Just now that you Xiang has just played a small backhand, and now it has been used freely by the Qin Dynasty.
That Youxiang lay on the ground for a long time.
She just felt that everything was a little too magical.
He practiced for several years, to be flexible use of small backhand, the man, even in an instant to learn. He, who is he in the way of
"Go back and Practice for decades and come back to me."
The girl clapped her hands from the ground Cough, some of the action of freeing up, of course, can not be avoided.
But Youxiang was at a loss and was still immersed in the haze of her own failure.
"I, I don't believe it. Let's do it again!"
Youxiang bit her silver teeth and said to the Qin Dynasty.
"You've lost."
Qin Dynasty shrugged his shoulders, "your Qi has been disordered."
Youxiang was stunned for a moment, and her eyes seemed to flash over something. "Indeed, my anger has been disordered This time, I give in. But you wait, and I will challenge you again! "
With that, he left the arena in a hurry.
She left the stage for a long time, and there was no movement.
"It seems that today's challenge competition has come to an end." The Qin Dynasty, with his hands on his back, stood proudly on the challenge arena, "our Renwu guild hall is the Qin Dynasty in the martial arts street facing the horse face Chang Hong.
"Well, I like to be direct."
That Chang Hong suddenly laughed three times, and then his body quickly leaped, pedaled a few steps, and ran to the Qin Dynasty.
At the same time, he flew a fist and hit the face of Qin Dynasty.
The Qin Dynasty did not dodge this blow.
He just wanted to test what kind of power this big talker Ma Lian has.
The body of the Qin Dynasty rotated in the air for an unknown number of degrees, and finally broke through the crowd, and then smashed into the stone steps behind him. That hard stone step, directly hit a broken hole.
"My God..."
The people around me look silly.
Qin Dynasty is now the strongest man in Xiwu street. Now he is beaten so far by a boy who has never seen him before. Moreover, he smashes the stone steps down!
Well, how can it be, is it possible to make a movie?
"Qin Dynasty, are you ok?"
Su Ji and Zhao Jingjing both cast concerned eyes.
Cao Yu, however, just picked his eyebrows and looked at the horse faced man a few more times.
"Hey, it's this guy. After sleeping in the coffin for thousands of years, can't you hold on to it? "
"Cough I'm fine. "
Qin Dynasty was choked by ash and soil. He patted the dust on his body and came out of the gravel.
Everyone's eyeballs fell to the ground. It's all right. Is this man made of iron?
"Good guy, I was cheated by you."
The Qin Dynasty shook his neck, walked back to the center of the challenge arena, and stood in front of the horse face Chang Hong, "I don't know which sect expert you are?"
"I'm not a bunch of idiots in the cultivation world."
The opposite Chang Hong said scornfully, "they are not even worthy to lift my shoes. By God, for thousands of years, only you can fight with me. "
"Answer the day?"
The pupil of Qin Dynasty shrank suddenly, "you, you are a fierce beast..."
"That's right. My original name, it's called you! I don't bully you today, let's fight with the same level as usual! Let's come again! "
It seems that he suppressed his own strength in the Yuan Dynasty in order to have a good war with the Qin Dynasty.
He roared two times, the air around him trembled slightly, and then he punched the Qin Dynasty.
"Go with the flow."
This time, the Qin Dynasty did not choose to meet the hard.
With a wave of his hands, he opened the blow. Then, the shoulder bumped into the body of Yu, and the bumping guy stepped back slightly.
Then, the Qin Dynasty took a big step forward. With the strength of his waist, his whole body was full of strength, and his hands and elbows pressed heavily on his body.
"Iron mountain depends on!"
This iron mountain depends on, is also the skill that learns from Baji boxing before Qin Dynasty.
Put the whole body's strength on the other side. If you are accurate, you will be killed. But if the pressure is not accurate, it will become a big defeat.
Fortunately, he didn't know martial arts, so he was suppressed.
His body was knocked out for a while, his feet stepped on the ground and glided for a long distance before he could stop.
"Not bad, not bad, but you've become much more interesting."
He said twice, his eyes flashed red light, his body flashed, and he banged like a cannon ball. He rushed to the Qin Dynasty again.And the crowd around, just feel a flower in front of them, they lost the figure of the horse faced man. When I see it again, it is in front of the Qin Dynasty.
People can't help but exclaim, this man's figure is so fast.
This time, the Qin Dynasty took the lead. He punched the horse in the face.
But he held out his big hand and took his fist.
The other fist of the Qin Dynasty was immediately made up, but it was also picked up by the fan.
Rao is so, Qin Dynasty still launched an attack. He hit his chin with a mallet.
This body, overturned a circle, nearly lying on the ground. Thanks to his flexibility, he landed steadily in the end.
"Yingtian, you are still so cunning!"
He said, his fists clasped together and smashed down.
When the Qin Dynasty stepped aside, the fists fell to the ground. Suddenly, the hard stone floor, there is a small pit, cracks all over.
"It's boring to fight like this."
He stood up and ignored the surprised eyes around him and said, "I'll take out my real ability to fight with you."
"Not here!"
Qin Dynasty said quickly, "it is absolutely not allowed to show magic in front of mortals."
"Hey, when are you supposed to obey the rules?"
She couldn't help laughing, "and when did we obey the rules?"
Say, the body appeared a kind of red light faintly.
The heart of Qin Dynasty, cluttered all of a sudden.
Indeed, he was the one who practiced the devil's way and didn't abide by all kinds of rules.
But he also knew how much trouble it would bring to show magic in front of mortals.
"I won't fight you. I'll go."
Qin Dynasty's eyes turned, and suddenly he began to laugh.
Then, his body moved, the wind was blowing under his feet, and he rushed away from the crowd.
"Where to run!"
When you look at the trough, you should want to run! I lost you today!
Therefore, also with the gallop up, must seize the Qin Dynasty.
At present, a little bit black, Qin Dynasty seven turn eight, this slip of smoke, soon disappeared in the crowd's line of sight.
It's also very close. It seems that he has a strong belligerent heart.
"Elder martial sister, shall we follow up and have a look?"
Su Ji still respects Zhao Jingjing very much, asked her opinion.
"Of course I will see it!"
Zhao Jingjing said, "if there is any danger in the Qin Dynasty, we should also help him."
The two girls said, following the breath of the Qin Dynasty, they caught up.
"I should have seen it."
Caoyu mouth with a smile, he turned into the dark, a blink of an eye, disappeared without a trace.
At this time, the Qin Dynasty took the gun and ran wildly among several buildings.
jump between one and one vertical, across 100 meters, more awesome than Liu Xiang.
After running for more than half an hour, the sky in Kyoto will be completely dark. Everywhere, the lights are bright and the level of bustle is not different from the daytime.
"Where to run!"
The horse face, an arm suddenly soared, for a long battle, directly caught in the air on the body of the Qin Dynasty.
The two men approached in an instant, collided with each other, then rolled and fell from the air.
Fortunately, at this time, two people fell into a stadium.
On this day, there was no competition in the stadium. There was only a dark lawn inside.
At the same time, they fell to the ground from hundreds of meters in the air, smashing the grass into a deep pit.
The next day, someone checked it. Maybe they thought it was a meteorite.
"Hey, hey, I see where you're going this time."
The shadow of the shadow stood up, slightly changed the body.
Originally 1.9 meters tall, now it is more than 2 meters high. Both hands and feet are covered with red scales. Especially that horse face, more long, eyes also flash burning red light.
"Yingtian, although you defeated me in the last battle, I was unwilling. Now you reincarnation reincarnation, I will use the strength of Yuan infantile period, and you! Let you know, we are the strongest fighting creatures
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