Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1212

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Chapter 1212

To be honest, I haven't seen Roxie for a long time. The Qin Dynasty really missed this female devil.
She and Suu Kyi are in their own hearts, and their status is almost as important.
I can have today's achievements, and she also has an inseparable relationship.
If she hadn't found herself, seduced and bewitched herself to sign the soul contract.
Themselves, it is not the Qin Dynasty at this time.
Qin Dynasty will always remember that day, a woman from behind her embrace herself, a good smell into the nose.
She whispered in her own ear.
"People born with demons Hum, I'm lucky Be careful. Don't be bitten by the devil before I come to you... "
It is such a female devil, who wanted to take away her soul, but now she has really fallen in love with herself.
"Every time we meet, people don't like to give you a surprise."
When Rosie saw the Qin Dynasty, she gave him a charming white eye and said, "why, I don't like AI"
"I really like seeing you. It's just that I don't like this annoying Birdman. "
Qin said helplessly.
"Damn it!"
Guevara's body glowed with silver and flew out of the broken water tower with water.
"Who are you to despise the messenger of our God?"
Guevara's eyes glowed, trying to see the depth of the Qin Dynasty.
It's a pity that no matter how hard he tries, he can't see through it.
What kind of power is this man? How mysterious!
"As a birdman, don't you even know me?"
The Qin Dynasty patted his clothes and said, "everyone calls me a bird butcher, Qin Dynasty."
"The Qin Dynasty It's you
Guevara was shocked.
The name of Qin Dynasty is famous in Roman Church and heaven!
How many angels died in his hands and became his burial objects.
There is no soul left of any Angel killed by him.
This guy really has the name of butcher.
"It's just that I met you. It's your time to die!"
"I want to avenge my dead brothers!" he said with clenched teeth
"As I said, I'm a bird butcher."
Qin Dynasty shrugged his shoulders, "if you come, it's just a dead end."
"Arrogant! Let me send you to hell
He said, grabbed a holy gun and threw it at the Qin Dynasty.
But the Qin Dynasty just stretched out a hand, very casually took that quick coming holy gun, grasped in the hand.
"Are you Angels so clever? Dare you change another one?"
The corner of Guevara's mouth, however, appeared a successful smile.
Then, the sacred spear in the Qin Dynasty was very twisted and exploded into a silver light in the blink of an eye.
This set off a huge explosion, cage smoke and dust, the entire teaching building to tremble.
"This is the way to deal with God"
said Guevara triumphantly.
Then he turned his head and looked at Rosie.
"Now, it's time to deal with you."
"The man who saved me is not dead. How can it be my turn?"
Rosie was working on her long nails with a dagger.
"The devil's stupidity is hopeless!"
Guevara sneered, "how can you survive if you've been hit by my holy gun! Give up your illusion of ignorance. The pain of reality is beyond your imagination. "
"I'll give it to you, too."
Rosie laughed sarcastically.
Geva stretched out his hand and threw a chain of silver light at Rosie.
At this time, a white sword fell from the sky and cut the chain directly.
Guevara was surprised. "Do you have any help?"
"Sorry, I'm alone for the time being."
The Qin Dynasty clapped hands and came out of the smoke.
Guevara was shocked and looked at the safe Qin Dynasty, "you, how can you be ok? No one can stop the power of the light! How could that be possible! "
"You Birdman, you don't know the power of the East."
Qin Dynasty slowly walked to him, "good Western Paradise, you don't want to go to the east to die, then I will make you!"
This force angel is also the five power of the golden body.
He is a gold body of seven, the gap is very large.If you want to kill him, you can't even use Kowloon ring.
"Hateful, arrogant heresy, die!"
With a wave of his hand, the white cross fell from the sky and bombarded the Qin Dynasty.
The Qin Dynasty raised his right hand and snapped his fingers at random, and forced the fallen cross to stop in mid air.
"This is What power... "
Guevara was afraid at last.
The power of the Qin Dynasty It's already the power of the superior angel!
No, I must go back and report this news to heaven!
Let the stronger superior Angel kill this heretic!
This is where Guevara flies.
"Run away if you can't beat it? You angels are not angry
Qin Chao shook his head and then shook his hand. The prison soul lock flew out of his hand. Like lightning, it twinkled around the waist of Navarra in the blink of an eye.
The Qin Dynasty dragged the prisoner soul lock and smashed Guevara to the concrete platform.
This concrete platform directly hit a big hole, and was almost smashed through.
If it is not well controlled by the Qin Dynasty, it is estimated that this force can directly penetrate the whole building.
When Guevara was thrown, it was pitch black.
As a force angel, he was in such a mess for the first time.
Damn it, this guy, where did it come from!
Does Oriental practice really exist?
This Guevara is also a new angel. He does not know the East West armistice agreement long ago.
At that time, it was also the Western divine world that was ready to move. A group of angels wanted to subdue the eastern continent and let the people here become their believers.
However, their journey to the East was blocked at the border of the mainland.
A group of practitioners, with their magic, magic tools, easily smashed the delusions of these angels.
However, as time goes by, most of the angels have been reincarnated so many times that they have forgotten the lessons of that year.
In their view, if the 1.3 billion people in the East are their believers, then their strength will be unprecedented!
"You will be punished by God!"
Guevara is also a new generation of angels, in his eyes, the power of God is the strongest.
They, the messengers of God, are invincible here!
Although his body is under control, his mouth still works. As a result, they kept singing a kind of notes that the Qin Dynasty could not understand.
Although I don't know what ghost he was singing, the Qin Dynasty knew that it must be some kind of big magic.
Because, around the angel, there is a steady stream of bright elements, converging at a terrible speed.
"With my soul, open the door to punish evil."
Guevara's eyes suddenly gave off a fierce light, "God, come down!"
The students of Kyoto University have seen all kinds of wonderful things today.
The first is to pursue the dissolution of Li Na group.
That once domineering chief and deputy commander, was repaired by the black and blue face.
It is said that in the end, they all slipped out of the meeting hall in dismay.
And karate is also equivalent to dissolution.
Xu Ming, President of the karate society, dare not even fart in the face of a freshman.
In addition, the members of the karate club are knocked down by the same freshman, so the community has no meaning to exist.
I remember that before, these students were very proud to tell others that they were members of karate society.
Now, no one dares to mention these words, as if karate did not exist at all.
This is enough to stir up the campus.
As a result, many students were shocked by what happened on campus when the sun was setting.
First of all, the water tower on the fifth floor exploded. The water directly spread over the roof and flowed down the stairs.
At that time, several students who were walking downstairs were directly drowned.
It's late autumn, several have cold, and some have fever.
This is not over, the No. 5 teaching building is just like a ghost, roaring and shaking.
Many people almost thought it was an earthquake.
At the end of the day, there was something strange in the sky.
Originally red sunset sky, now shrouded in a layer of oppressive dark clouds.
Among the rolling clouds, the golden light flickered.
Then, in the eyes of everyone's surprise, a golden light came out of the dark cloud, and then fell on the top of the No. 5 teaching building.
"I'll kill you! What is this
"Is 2012 really coming..."
A group of unidentified students gathered around the fifth floor.Several girls even shivered with fear. If you have a boyfriend, you'll hug your boyfriend; if you don't, you'll take the opportunity to be hugged.
Almost all the students are recording this moment with their mobile phones.
A vision from heaven!
The teaching building was immediately shot through by this light column.
"Hoo Hoo..."
Looking at that holy light, which runs directly through the whole building, Guevara, who is gradually dissipating her soul, can't help laughing.
"Ha ha, ha ha This, this is the copydown against God... "
But the light column finally disperses, a man's figure, actually stands opposite.
His body, wrapped in a layer of golden shield.
"The power of this divine punishment is nothing compared with the power of the ninety-nine heavenly power."
The words of Qin Dynasty, Guevara can not understand, and this force angel, is completely stupid.
"Even God can't kill you Are you Satan... "
"Satan is nothing."
Qin Dynasty knew that this guy was talking about the Lord of hell, "even if he came, I didn't pay attention to it either."
It's not about the cultivation of Jinxian period. Now Jiulong armor broke out, which is also the Sanxian period. Add Luo Rumeng, spell him, it's not a problem at all!
This is the capital of Qin Dynasty!
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