Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 183 You Will Go Back On A Stretcher

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With this Devil Hound possession, Qin Chao’s strength doubled.
“Moo!” The black bull heavily stepped on the ground as he ran toward Qin Chao once again, shaking the ground.
Qin Chao suddenly jumped up, leaping into the air above the black bull’s head. At the same time, his paws grazed the black bull’s skin.
His nails caught several bloodstains and flesh.
The black bull painfully roared, but when he turned his head, Qin Chao has already jumped to the nearby tree.
Qin Chao felt extremely comfortable, his strength, agility, and speed are far beyond his peak. He crouched on the tree and got rid of the flesh on his fingernails.
“Holy sh*t, this is really dirty….”
“I am going to kill you!” The black bull said in human voice and he angrily stamped his hooves. He pounced the tree with his head, breaking it in the middle.
But Qin Chao somersaulted and landed on the black bull’s back.
At the same time, he pierced the black bull’s ribs with his hands.
“Auu!” The black bull issued a miserable wail. His skin suddenly turned stone-like, in the blink of an eye turning into one giant stone cow.
Qin Chao promptly withdrew his hands and moved sideway to dodge.
That stone cow took a step, shaking the ground. His eyes were red as he stood on his hooves.
“Gee….” Qin Chao reached out his hand and pulled out a small red shirt from his ring. This is the shirt that he wanted to give Su Ji as a gift, bought when he went shopping.
Although it was not very expensive, but he thought it was pretty good.
Right now, it can also be useful.
Qin Chao held out the top part of the shirt and shook it back and forth.
“Come on, stupid cow, look here!”
“Moo!” Mang Shan’s eyes seemed to turn blood red and he sent out bursts of roar.
The red color can infuriate the bull. Even if Mang Shan has been cultivating for hundreds of years, he still has this base nature.
Seeing Qin Chao took out a piece of red cloth, he immediately wroth and he gradually lost his reason. After treading the ground a few times, he pounced on Qin Chao.
Qin Chao hummed a bullfighting song that he learned from the Spanish Matador on the TV. He put the little red shirt on his side, baiting Mang Shan.
That stupid cow promptly took the bait, shaking his stone head in shock. The Earth trembled as he rushed toward Qin Chao, leaving behind deep hoof prints. The two horns on his head became more sharp and hard.
“Moo!” He rushed over, Qin Chao flexibly shook the small shirt and dodged to the side.
“Bam!” The big tree behind the small shirt was immediately knocked down. Its trunk fell down crookedly, pressing the stone bull’s body.
“Fool, here.” Qin Chao shook the small shirt again and again. The stone bull roared, again and again, shook the trunk to the side, turned around and rushed toward him.
“Ok, it’s time to finish you!” Qin Chao withdrew the small red shirt, made a horse stance and waited for the stone bull to arrive.
Like the heaven collapsing and earth crumbling, that stone bull finally arrived. At the same time, he lowered his stone head and aimed his horns at Qin Chao.
“Come on!” In lightning speed, Qin Chao reached out his hands and grabbed those gigantic pair of horn.
“Moo!” The stone bull’s momentum pushed Qin Chao several meters back. But Qin Chao stomped the ground, directly creating two deep pits with his feet.
“Stop!” Qin Chao shouted as he exerted all the strength in his body, his legs were stretched and his muscles shook. He finally stopped the backward momentum, at the same time, Qin Chao raised his arms high.
That stone bull is several tons in weight but was lifted by him into the air.
“Go play with your egg!” Qin Chao flicked his arms and flung that stone bull away.
“Boom!” The stone bull hit the ground hard and the earth trembled again. At the same time a giant crater appeared again.
This time it was nearly three meters in radius and half a meter deep. The stone bull laid there in the crater, constantly wailing and shivering, unable to climb up for a long time.
“Go to hell!” Qin Chao jumped up and landed on that stone bull’s body. At the same time, he summoned his Soul Binding Lock and wrapped it around that stone bull’s neck.
“Moo!” The stone-like skin of the stone bull blocked the chain from hurting him. But Qin Chao roared again and again as he gathered all his power; His trench coat fluttered unceasingly under the impact of his strength.
Meanwhile, his arms muscles popped out, the chain that he grabbed with his hands has deeply pressed his skin, making it bleed.
“Let….Let me go….” The stone bull began to suffocate and finally could not help but exclaim.
“Letting you go is the same as me committing suicide!” At this time, Qin Chao hardened his heart and added several points of strength into his hands. The muscles in his arms even started to burst out blood because of the pressure.
“Demon, Demon Beast Sect will avenge me!” The stone bull’s pair of copper-gong-sized eyes burst out.
Finally, with a thud sound, Qin Chao’s chain severed his whole stone head from his stone bull’s body.
“Bang!” As the head was pulled, the stone body loudly crashed to the ground and broke into pieces of stones. The gigantic bull head also fell apart. The only things left were his horns, which fell down to the ground and turned into two giant great swords.
Each of these giant great swords was one point five meter long and half meter wide. They were extremely sharp and can be used to stab and chop.
Looking at these swords, Qin Chao was somewhat amazed. How did I block such weapons? It seems like there’s only one explanation for this, I am a genius, wakakaka!
After indulging himself in a little bit of narcissism, Qin Chao picked up those two very heavy great swords.
After his Nine Secret Summoning technique reached its limit, the black flame suddenly went out of Qin Chao’s body and gradually dissipated in the air.
His physical form also change back to his original self.
A heavy feeling of exhaustion suddenly washed over him. Qin Chao’s legs weakened, which almost made him fall to the ground. Fortunately, he propped himself with the two great swords in his hands.
“Ai, that was a true battle of cultivators. It makes me so distressed.” Qin Chao looked down at his own body and found out that, besides his magically patched trench coat, his body can only be described as a mess.
The true qi in his body weakened a lot. What was previously a river has now become a trickle. Moreover, he has many injuries on his body, along with his damaged arms.
If he has no Diamond Heart Sutra he would have been the one who lied down here. But his victory was completely because of the Nine Secret Summoning Technique.
No wonder Luocha sect was so strong in those days. Luode alone can only be defeated by the combined power of all the upright sects.
My level is just peak Divine Concentration (Lvl 3) but I can kill an expert of, at least, mid Foundation Building (Lvl 4) stage. This is so amazing, and this is just the first level of the summoning technique. When I master the eighth or ninth level in the future, what would it look like?
Qin Chao’s heart faintly began to look forward to that day.
He sat cross-legged and meditated to recover his true qi. After he slightly recovered, he stood up.
He put the Horned Soul Binding Lock back into his ring. A moment ago, because he lost many of his true qi, he could not open his ring.
After rearranging his clothes, Qin Chao took out his old lucky bike from his ring. He continued his journey to Mandala Bar. However, there is one thing that’s on his mind.
And that is Tang Ao.
If he guessed it right, the one who sent this Demon Beast sect’s expert to kill him is clearly Tang Ao. If I don’t remove Tang Ao, when I leave Dongchuan City, would he make a move to eliminate Yu Lu and Liao Shasha?
It should not be. After thinking about Yu Lu’s arrangement, Qin Chao calmed down. If something happens to them, I will become the major stakeholders, at that time he would have no chance to make a comeback.
The only way for Tang Ao to become the leader of the Dafa group is to eliminate him. Unfortunately, his almost foolproof operation failed.
In this point, Qin Chao must give his thanks to Rosy. Without this devil woman, he may have died this time.
At the most critical time, she would appear by his side and constantly help him. If in the car Rosy did not teach him the Nine Secret Summoning Technique and just drive the car while he busied himself with Yu Lu, perhaps he would have been a corpse.
Rosy, Rosy, how can ever repay you?
Qin Chao pedaled his bike while sighing in his heart.
Because his body was still in recovery mode, Qin Chao did not pedal too fast. Under the moonlight, he gradually cycled into downtown.
Unlike the outskirt of the city, the city nightlife has just begun. Every entertainment centers were bustling. In Dongchuan City, the city would probably calm down a bit after midnight.
When he arrived at Mandala Bar, Qin Chao was speechless.
Mandala Bar has been renovated and has a new look that is completely different than before. The last time he came here, he can already hear the thunderous sound of heavy metal music.
Now, they put a classical decor at the entrance and he can no longer hear that deafening music. Various luxury cars were parked on the either side.
Previously, the people who came were all dressed in gangsters outfit or depressed people looking to intoxicate themselves. But now, they all dressed up in high-quality suits. A beautiful hostess stood at the door instead of two bouncers.
“Sir, can I help you?” A young man who seemed to be the valet came over and politely asked Qin Chao. But there were traces of disdain in his words.
“Gee, this place is now a restaurant?” Looking at the change at the front, Qin Chao could not help but marvel.
“Yes, if it’s alright to you, sir, please do not stand in our doorway.” That valet politely said.
“Oh, right.” Qin Chao jumped off his bicycle, “Help me park this, I am looking for someone inside.”
“Sorry, Sir.” Who knew, that valet stopped in front of Qin Chao, “This is a high-class restaurant, not a place to park a bike.”
“A high-class restaurant?” Qin Chao could not help but smile, “It seems like a few days ago, this is just a bully camp.”
“Sir, please do not talk nonsense. As you can see, the people who come here are all important people. Sir, please go back.”
“Can’t I look for someone?”
“No, you cannot.”
“What if I insist?”
“Then you will go back on a stretcher.”
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