Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1031

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Chapter 1031

"Brother Qin, how did you come back..."
I didn't expect the Changchao to come back.
"My brothers have been beaten. Can I continue to be out there as if there was nothing wrong with me?"
The Qin Dynasty walked forward and tore the gauze on the tension forehead.
The tension ate pain, bared his teeth and murmured.
His heart says, Qin elder brother also to female's starting hand to be able to be lighter, this is too he? Ache.
See tension forehead that centipede like needle mouth, Qin Dynasty eyebrow can't help wrinkling up.
By contrast, Chen Yingyang's eyes are already light.
"Good, good..."
The Qin Dynasty was full of anger. His fists were clenched tightly. Everyone in the room could hear the crackling of his fist and hair.
"Brother Qin, don't be impulsive
Tension quickly advised, "brother, this is a small injury, do not hinder anything!"
"Do you want to bear it?"
The Qin Dynasty squinted at the tension.
"If it's not big, I'll bear it."
Tension was a little guilty in Qin Dynasty.
"Tension, this is not like your character"
the Qin Dynasty held his arm and asked.
"Brother Qin, if those scumbags in the society dare to make me nervous, I will certainly have more tension with them. But it's the students in our school who hit me this time. If I entangle myself with him, my impression on the school and Su Dong will certainly be bad. "
Tension turned his head and looked at Su Fei standing beside him and continued, "Su Dong takes us not thin. We have a good idea. We should not damage the reputation of Su Dong just because he was beaten. If it is said that the security guards of Guangyuan beat the students, it will certainly be a lot of trouble. "
Qin Dynasty has some accidents, he did not expect, young, or the tension of the post-90s, would say such thoughtful words.
Su Fei was also surprised and moved.
I usually don't treat these security guards well.
At the critical moment, they are all capable of supporting themselves.
In the position of Princess Su, there is no lack of money and power. What she needs most is the people who can be loyal to her and work for her.
It's a pity that there were too few people who could rely on Su Fei before. Besides Qin Ling, she could not use them at all.
Qin Dynasty is also a completely reassuring help, but this guy's ambition is too small, want to be a security guard. He didn't want to do anything else about the company.
At the beginning, blue shield company was almost forced into his flag.
Later, I learned that this big brother was the chairman of Dafa group.
I'm a small Soviet style enterprise, which people don't look up to at all.
But Su Fei didn't understand one thing.
Why is it that the Qin Dynasty has been the chairman of Dafa group, covering up the economic field of the north, but still insists on being a security guard in his own school?
This point, Su Fei very can't think of.
In order to understand where the beauty of Qin Dynasty will not live, in order to see where she lives.
Today, she was almost appreciated by the Qin Dynasty.
Of course, the Qin Dynasty would not tell anyone about the fun.
"Tension, thank you for your consideration. But my princess Su is not a pure businessman who is greedy for profit. You are my subordinate. I have an obligation to ensure your personal safety when I work
With such a sincere subordinate, naturally, Princess Su will not let him suffer such a great injustice, "this matter, I will give you an account."
Qin Dynasty but a hand, said, "boss Su, tension, you all continue to do your own. I'll take care of it. Isn't Si Longkang contemptuous of our security guard? This time, I'll let him know who is the one he despises. "
"Qin Dynasty, don't mess around!"
Suu Kyi had been watching, but suddenly she said, "don't make trouble for my sister."
Suji knew the Qin Dynasty, and this guy was a model of reckless action.
If this Si Longkang really annoys him, he may have done it directly in the school.
The Qin Dynasty would not have any influence even if he had been a silongkang.
After all, the background of the seventh branch was covered by the Qin Dynasty. As long as he was not a national political figure, there was basically no big deal.
In addition, he had no place to vent his anger at the Hongmeng road meeting.
As a result, as soon as he came back, he made such a big mistake.
"In the Qin Dynasty, I was the director of the school, so I had better deal with this matter."
Su Fei also said in a hurry, for fear that the Qin Dynasty's temper might cause any trouble. "If Si Longkang's behavior is bad enough, I will dismiss him."It's a big deal for Princess Su to expel a family secretary.
"Fire him? Nonono, it's too cheap for him. "
Qin Dynasty ha ha a smile, "he hit my brother, only expelled him, that is too cheap him. In the Qin Dynasty, I never made a loss making business. "
"Qin Dynasty, don't be impulsive
Su Fei is a little anxious. This guy, how can he be so single-minded that he doesn't listen to people's advice!
Suji pinched Qin Dynasty quietly behind her, indicating that he was obedient.
"All right, all right, boss Su," he said
Qin Dynasty is quite helpless, and he is not going to kill Si Longkang. The two women are nervous.
Kill him? It's too cheap for him.
I don't want him to kneel down. I'm sorry for my years of practice!
If there is a righteous practitioner who knows the idea of the Qin Dynasty, he will jump out and scold him for his immorality in practice and abuse his accomplishments to bully ordinary people.
But the Qin Dynasty didn't care about this at all. He didn't say that he was a demon cultivator, but his own character was always. If you don't come to annoy me, I won't mess with you.
However, if someone really bullied Qin Chao, he would never let go of each other.
This society, seemingly harmonious, is actually a world of cannibalism. If I don't eat you, you'll eat me too.
If you are too kind, you may be eaten without bones.
I can be friendly to people, but don't treat my friendliness as a bully.
Qin Dynasty is such a person.
So, this time, he didn't intend to let go of the Dragon Kang.
Relying on a little power in the family, we treat others as people.
Then let him know what real power is!
"I will negotiate with Si Longkang first."
Su Fei didn't know what Qin Dynasty was thinking. She still said to Qin Dynasty, "I will persuade him to apologize to Zhang Li. After all, this matter is his fault. Since I am the boss of tension, I have to get justice for tension. "
Su Fei said every sentence in reason, if the average person listened to, will certainly nod to agree.
But Qin Dynasty is not the so-called ordinary people.
If you call people like this, it's enough to apologize?
The Qin Dynasty didn't think so.
Even the eldest young master of the Si family, the Qin Dynasty had to make him pay a little price.
But Suji pinched the Qin Dynasty again.
Well, his wife has spoken, what else can the Qin Dynasty do.
Then, just like killing Fang Hua, he secretly goes to deal with Si Longkang.
"Good, boss Su, I promise you not yet."
Su Feiyi is happy.
She knew how difficult it was to let the stubborn ghost of Qin Dynasty listen to his own opinions!
Unexpectedly, Qin Dynasty really gave her Su Fei a face this time.
Therefore, Su Fei was very happy, and she looked like a little girl.
Su Dong was so happy in front of people for the first time, and his mouth was still smiling.
All the security guards in the room were stupid.
Beautiful woman, boss Su is a real beauty.
Look at her smile once, even if they are dead, they are worth it!
The so-called Peony under the death of ghosts is also romantic ah!
In the future, if anyone went to boss Su, he must have a happy dream and would laugh!
but Qin brother as like as two peas, and Su and his boss are almost the same. They are also very enthusiastic.
The Qin Dynasty didn't know that he became an idol in the eyes of the public at this time.
He is still secretly thinking about how to find a chance to put Sloan Kang down and let him take the initiative to find tension kowtow and admit his mistake.
"That's settled. I'll send a guide to talk to Si Longkang first."
The director of a school does not talk to a student in person, even if he is a family manager.
Su Fei decided to ask the counselor of Si Longkang to talk with the student first to see what he thought.
Then Sue turned around and decided to leave.
Su Ji remembered that she had a dance class, and she left in a hurry.
This group of security guards is left in such a large security office.
The two beauties all left, and the old men suddenly felt empty.
Sure enough, as soon as a man leaves a woman, especially a beautiful woman, he immediately feels less.
Looking at the twisted scar on the tension forehead, Qin Dynasty intended to cure him with his ability.
After thinking about it or forget it, I still don't always take out these non-human skills.
Otherwise, they will certainly see themselves as monsters.
Guangyuan school was one of the few evangelical places in Qin Dynasty. He didn't want to spoil it.Liu Gengsheng, 26.
The man with some pockmarks on his face is a recent graduate.
After graduation, he interviewed everywhere and finally worked as a student counselor in Guangyuan.
Now college counselors are not like before.
I remember when he went to university, the counselor graduated from college. Where like now, each top requires you to have a graduate degree.
Alas, with the continuous expansion of the school enrollment, graduate students continue to expand, this degree is becoming more and more worthless.
If he is not just studying psychology, it is even more difficult for him to be a counselor in Guangyuan as an undergraduate!
Guangyuan is half an aristocratic University, and his salary is not low. In a month, with bonus or something, it can be about 4000 or 5000.
In southern Jiangsu, these four or five thousand are not a small number. Although we can not afford to buy a house for the time being, at least the basic living standard can be guaranteed.
Because of his stable job and salary, he just talked about a girlfriend. The other party is an executive in an enterprise. Although he is ordinary in length, it is not easy to find a partner now.
the two families have met each other and agreed that they will get married as soon as they get a loan to buy a house.
My family has already collected more than 200000 yuan for myself, and my salary is enough to repay the loan every month. So Liu Geng Sheng decided that after the new year, he would settle the marriage with his partner.
Therefore, he made great efforts and cherished his work.
No matter what task is given to him, he can do well because he understands the psychology of students and is willing to spend his mind on it.
However, this time, in the face of the task assigned to him, Liu Geng Sheng for the first time sprouted the idea of retreat.
Walking on the way to the student dormitory, Liu Geng Sheng felt that his legs were constantly shaking. What the director of the office said just now still lingers in my ears.
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