Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 676

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Chapter 676

"Line, what line!"
The young male doctor was suddenly excited and cried, "I'm a doctor. Let me go."
"Oh, it's the doctor."
these patients were looking in the ward just now, but they didn't pay attention to their appearance. At this time, I saw that they were two white coats.
The patients made way for two people.
"Director, that's him, that's him!"
The male doctor pointed to the Qin Dynasty and exclaimed, "I don't know where the new people come from. They have broken the rules and regulations of our hospital! Director, you have to deal with this matter well! "
"Where are you from..."
The director went to the Qin Dynasty and just wanted to scold the man. But when he saw the face of the Qin Dynasty, he immediately swallowed it.
"Doctor Wang?"
He did not pay attention to the patient's condition. From the sound, you can tell who this man is.
"God, miracle doctor, good memory..."
Director Wang's respectful appearance made the male doctor beside him dumbfounded.
"Doctor, you said you would not say hello in advance. Let's arrange for you "
" no, I'm here to find Hu Ke
Qin Dynasty waved his hand at will, "you go down first, don't disturb me. There are still a lot of patients at the back. I'm afraid I'll be very busy today. "
"You are busy, you are busy. If you have anything to do, just say hello
Director Wang retreated cautiously. He pulled the confused male doctor to the outside, which was a long sigh of relief.
Director Wang was not a good thing before.
But after seeing with his own eyes what is life and death, he admired the Qin Dynasty.
At the same time, also understand that such people, is their own recruit can not afford.
"Director, why didn't you deal with him..."
The male doctor probably hasn't figured it out yet.
"You idiot Director Wang scolded, "what to deal with, such a wonderful doctor, our hospital should vigorously flaunt it! It's a pity that his whereabouts are uncertain. Otherwise, if he is willing to sit in our hospital, how famous the hospital will be Tut... "
That male doctor a listen, affection is not hospital person!
"Director, in the end, what's sacred?"
"I don't know. I only know that he is a friend of Dr. Hu. Xiao Hu doesn't know where he met such a powerful man... "
Said director Wang, shaking and shaking away. Only the young male doctor was left standing there in a daze.
Qin Dynasty's treatment speed is also quite fast, regardless of how powerful, stubborn disease, to his hands, are two minutes.
Especially when a brain tumor patient, the cancer cells in his head were scattered with Yuan Qi in the Qin Dynasty, he came back from the follow-up visit, which made these patients excited.
"A miracle doctor..."
"It's really a miracle doctor. I've been hemorrhoids for several years, and I can't cure them. He just touched it. Oh, OK
"Me, too. It hurts. If only he could touch it like that
Listen to the patient's discussion, Qin Dynasty is depressed, I touch you all!
I'm touching your wrist. It sounds like I've touched something!
Suki beside, giggling tears all came out.
Why are there so many people here
At this time, a female doctor crowded into the office. She frowned when she saw the room full of patients.
"Huke? Are you back? "
"Ah, Qin Dynasty, you are here"
Hu Ke took off his mask, hung it aside, wiped the sweat on his head, and said, "I just got back from an emergency operation. Oh, I didn't expect you to open a small clinic here. "
"I happened to happen."
After treating a patient, Qin said to others, "let's go here first today. The rest of you are not seriously ill. That one, yes, just you. You can get rid of your cold by taking two days' salt water. Don't ask me for this. "
These patients were reluctant to go back one by one.
Their illness, indeed, is not serious. But Qin Dynasty, this time, has been using the power of Vajra Sutra, a little tired.
"Well, it's fun to watch other people recover. Eh, you friend, you are very familiar with AI "
Hu Ke sat on the opposite side of the Qin Dynasty. She looked at Su Ji and her body couldn't help shaking.
"Hello, Huke. See you again."
Suu Kyi said hello to Hu Ke warmly.
"Suu Kyi!"
There are some differences in the voices of twins. Although Hu Ke has lived for thousands of years, his memory is not bad. Especially for the Qin Dynasty and Suji intimate scene, I still remember.When Su Ji spoke, Hu Ke recognized her. "You are not a Buddhist monk, how did you become a vampire?"
"An accident."
Qin Dynasty shrugged his shoulders, "I come here today to ask you how to remove the vampire curse from Suji?"
Hu Ke raised his eyebrows and said, "do you think you are playing games? Cursed, throw a holy heal and it's over? This is the curse of the vampire, also known as the blessing of Dracula. Those who are imposed will live in darkness all their lives
Suu Kyi's look was a little gloomy.
Qin Dynasty is also very anxious, this can be related to his sexual well-being!
"Can't you do anything about it?"
"Yes, there are." Hu laughs. "After all, vampires are different from us zombies. Zombies can communicate with God and cultivate to the extreme. And vampires, no matter how powerful they are, are just dark creatures. "
"Stop pulling on yourself Tell me what to do
"Do you know the three elixirs of the Xiuzhen realm?"
"Three elixirs!"
How could the Qin Dynasty not know? Li Baishan had mentioned it to him before.
"Well." Hu Ke nodded, "any of these three elixirs is the most precious treasure to overturn Yin and Yang. As long as you get a Renyuan gold pill and give it to Suji, you can dissolve the real blood in her body
Qin Dynasty wrote down silently, his task, another one.
"Where can I find the golden elixir?"
"There is only the Xiuzhen realm." Hu Ke's eyes seemed a little misty, "once, I used to steal Dan in order to turn myself back into human beings. Unfortunately, he failed and was saved by a little Taoist... "
The Qin Dynasty couldn't help but think of Li Baishan.
"Well, the place I go is a eyebrow road in Wudang Mountain. The old Taoists there like to refine the elixir. I think they may have this pill in their hands. "
"OK, then I will go to Wudang Mountain!"
The Qin Dynasty decided to stand up from the chair.
"Qin Dynasty, or forget it."
Suji was in the back, holding the Qin Dynasty.
"What's the matter? You don't want to be a man? "
"Go to you, you don't want to be a man!"
Suji gave the Qin Dynasty a blow, and then said, "you don't think of the Xiuzhen world too simply. Wudang Mountain is one of the top eight schools. If you rush into the mountain, you must be in danger. "
"Don't worry, I have my way."
When the Qin Dynasty wanted to hide swordsmanship, he had to talk to Li Baishan.
"I'd better not go. I'm a good vampire."
Su Ji said with a smile to the Qin Dynasty.
"Nonsense, what shall I do?"
The Qin Dynasty glared at Suji.
"Hee hee, then you can't be more competitive. It's better to arrive at the thunder robbery period earlier."
Qin Suji's helpless smile. He regretted and told the girl both of them.
"It's hard for me to get into my golden period. Don't mention the robbery."
Without the seventh flame and Diyuan elixir, it is very difficult to enter the golden body stage.
"Anyway, I've decided."
It is difficult to change the firm things of Qin Dynasty.
"Well, then I won't stop you." Suji took the Qin Dynasty's hand and said, "but remember, as long as we live, we have a chance."
"Don't worry, even if I can't fight, my ability to escape is still first-class."
The Qin Dynasty touched Suji's hair.
“…… You can go home sweet, is this stimulating me as a bachelor? "
Hu Ke is on the side, watching this is not happy. She has been single for nearly a thousand years. This boy in Qin Dynasty is just stimulating her!
"Cough, no, no, No." Qin Dynasty was a little embarrassed, touched his nose and said, "that what, then I will go back with Su Ji first."
"Go to Li Baishan and ask him about Yimei Dao."
Finally, Hu Ke reminded me.
"Ah The Qin Dynasty nodded, but he couldn't help asking.
"Hu Ke Can you ask if the little Taoist who saved you is Li Baishan? "
Hu laughs, "that was 700 years ago. At that time, Li Baishan had not yet been born. "
"So Thank you for your advice. When I come back, I'll invite you to eat sausage. "
"You die!"
The Qin Dynasty satisfied his curiosity, which took Suji out of the office door.
Out of the hospital gate, the little fox, but also honestly lying in the door. Seeing two people come out, she immediately raised her head and jumped up to jump around two people.Qin Dynasty bent down, picked up the little fox and put it into Suji's arms.
"Suki, you take Lily home first. I'm going to do something. "
"Looking for a woman?" Suji looked at the Qin Dynasty with her head tilted.
"Cough, don't talk nonsense. It's business."
"Why can't I go on business?"
Suu Kyi asked very sharply.
"I swear, I'm not really looking for women!"
The Qin Dynasty raised three fingers. Su Ji pressed down the hand of Qin Dynasty and said with a smile.
"Well, it's funny. Go ahead and remember to come back early Well, I'm cooking today. I'll make you something delicious. "
"Good, good, what's good for you?" When the Qin Dynasty heard that Suji wanted to cook, he laughed.
"The old rule, four dishes and one soup."
"Oh, it's hard for you to work so hard! What kind of food The curiosity of the Qin Dynasty was "scrambled persimmon with egg, scrambled egg with persimmon.". Fried persimmon with persimmon, scrambled eggs with eggs. Well, the soup is egg and persimmon soup
"I'll go..."
Qin Dynasty has a kind of impulse to faint, Suji's arms of the little fox, eyes also take a circle.
No wonder the Qin Dynasty liked this girl best. She was really different from the ordinary girl
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