Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1160

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Chapter 1160

The little nine was startled, "big brother, what's wrong with you today? Isn't it just a Kung Fu practitioner? As for you, you're afraid that we'll kill him with one knife."
Huang Mu raised his hand and gave his confidant a mouth, "less of him? Nonsense, is this man you can touch? Do you want to die? I let you break my leg, is to let you keep my life! Are you trying to kill your brother
Huang Mu throws this word out, several younger brothers understood immediately.
Love, my boss provoked a great man
well, that leg, for another life, is worth it.
"Well, big brother, you have to bear with it..."
Xiao Jiu is also a cruel character. He grabs a solid wood chair from the side.
"Boss, put your legs on the chair."
"I see..."
Huang Mu was in tears because he had helped the wrong person and had to lose his leg In the eyes of a group of people, Huang Mu put his right leg across the chair.
Small nine looked at the boss, quickly picked up a chair, immediately hit his boss's calf.
This chair is quite strong, suddenly hear the voice of bone fracture, mixed with Huang Mu's scream.
Huang Mu's eyes were black and he could not stand steadily. "Help me, help me..."
Several younger brothers rushed forward and helped Huang mu.
"Yes, it's all over today. After that, we'll show the highlights. "
The Qin Dynasty nodded, and Huang Mu Ru was released.
As long as the master let go of himself, one leg is just a hair.
It's worth
"Let's go Take this son of a bitch with you. I broke a leg, I can't spare him! "
Xiaomu was yelling at the door.
Qian Tielong raised his legs to run. He was kicked directly from the back by a little brother, and then he pressed his neck and gave him two mouths.
"Want to run, wait for you to die!"
Qian Tielong was beaten dizzy and was resisted by two younger brothers.
"Sir, I won't disturb you. You are busy, you are busy I will never appear in front of me again... "
"Get out of here and I'll keep you for dinner?"
Said the Qin Dynasty.
"No, I dare not!"
Huang Mu didn't have the courage. He was so scared that he let his younger brother carry him out of the room.
These people come and go quickly.
After a while, the room was cold again.
Qin Dynasty, the more happy.
This young man has the ability!
In their hometown, if this is a mixed society people, who dare to provoke ah, all horizontal.
You see, I kicked an old man in the door.
As a result, a few words from the young man were settled.
Oh, have ability!
It's lucky that my daughter can marry such a one!
If you want to talk about your daughter, she is also a great beauty. When I was a child, there were a lot of relatives in the neighborhood.
But the girl is striving for success. She went to the University and became a college student.
But luck is not very good, my husband died early and became a widow with children.
If the young man is willing to marry, he will clap his hands to welcome him.
as long as his daughter can have a good home, he will do whatever he wants.
Shi Ying didn't know her father's thoughts, but felt that she owed a lot to the Qin Dynasty.
"The Qin Dynasty You're in trouble again. "
"How can that make me trouble."
Qin Dynasty laughs, "is this money iron dragon to look for my trouble. But I don't think he will dare
The Qin Dynasty knew that Qian Tielong damaged Huang Mu like this and broke his legs, which would certainly not be good.
Not to mention anything else, at least it's a broken leg.
The Qin Dynasty did not pity this kind of person, they all asked for it.
"Almost wake up little love, I let them go is a great mercy."
Qin Dynasty very impolitely said.
"Xiao Qin, you are a good boy."
Shi Feng came forward and took the hand of Qin Dynasty. "Don't say anything. Come on, let's have a drink."
Shi Ying's father wants to have a drink with herself. How can she refuse.
Qin Dynasty naturally should come down.
The three of them sat down. While drinking, Shi Feng opened his conversation box.
A storm brought by Qian Tielong seems to have nothing to do with it.
The Qin Dynasty watched the beauties drink and eat here, while on the other side, Cheng Ying and Zheng Siqi, sitting in the special police team's car, had slowly driven out of the suburbs of Shanghai.Recently, there was an air force station. They were going there and flying to Kyoto.
The reason why she didn't take civil aviation was that Zheng Siqi's business was too important. The civil aviation route was not safe. It was safer than the air force base where all the people were under martial law.
The tower lights of the air force base can be seen in the distance. Cheng Ying pushes Zheng Siqi, who is sleepy.
"Sister Qiqi, wake up and get to the place."
Zheng Siqi rubbed her confused eyes and looked around at the dark night.
"Well, it's boring without Qin Dynasty! There's not even a bicker. "
Zheng Siqi stretched out and said.
Her two arms were raised to make her fullness more amazing.
Cheng Ying couldn't help but gape. How much milk did she drink in America!
That's too much, a little bit.
"And it's so quiet on the road that no one comes to make trouble."
She muttered.
"God, sister Qiqi, you don't think there are enough things to do"
sometimes Cheng Ying doesn't know what Zheng Siqi's 150 IQ head is full of.
However, I seem to miss the Qin Dynasty I wish I could help you if something happened
God, how can you think so.
However, to return to think, Cheng Ying still thinks that the road is safe and sound.
After all, I have arrived at my own country, so there should be no more trouble.
Before those people, are not Qin Dynasty to solve it.
"Three, is that them?"
In the darkness of the wild, a man's cold voice, with the distant gradually approaching motorcade, sounded.
"Yes, according to the data, it is."
The other voice was equally cold, without any emotion.
"For such a fleet, we have to send out our complete plane?"
No. 2 couldn't help asking.
"Yes. It is said that there is a destroyer of the same level as ours, and has eliminated the experimental questions No. 0 and No. 1. As a complete machine, it is necessary for us to take back the experimental body, so as not to make the Chinese people cheaper. Although their creativity is poor, they are too imitative. What's more, the important satellite data is the key. The task is given. If Zheng Siqi can't be settled, bring her brain back. "
"I see, the other side has only one complete machine, and we have two, which can be suppressed. At that time, I need you to cooperate with me. "
"Don't worry, although I prefer the intelligent type, I'm not much worse than you in terms of material performance."
"In combat, only our fighting type is the strongest."
No. 2 said haughtily.
"Without my command, your strongest is just empty talk Well, don't talk about it. They're almost there, ready to intercept. "
The two voices died down first. Then the figure of a blonde man came out of the darkness and stopped in the middle of the road.
The slowly moving motorcade suddenly had to stop.
"Why did the car stop?"
Cheng Ying asked in the walkie talkie.
"There's someone in the way."
The voice of the special police officer rang out in the walkie talkie.
"Be careful. It's not good coming."
"It's just a person. It may be a passer-by who is lost."
The SWAT team began to have an operation, two SWAT jumped out of the police car and walked over.
"Excuse me, my friend. This is the military lane. Please give way."
"Chinese special police soldiers..."
The blonde man's eyes fell on them, and his mouth uttered an emotionless voice.
Two swats were about to continue talking when the blonde man held up two desert eagles and slammed two shots at them.
The sound of the gun, especially in the dark.
The two special police officers were shot in the head and fell into a pool of blood.
"Enemy attack!"
The number two gave such an obvious answer that the SWAT team immediately started to work.
"Be careful. It may not be easy for people to come."
Cheng Ying also heard the gunshot and said to the person in charge.
"This man must have killed himself!"
The person in charge was just heartache for two dead comrades in arms, "a madman! He thought he could fight against our three platoons
Just as he was saying, a group of special police soldiers had already rushed out of the police car, and the guy in his hand shot at the blonde man repeatedly.
Their comrades in arms died miserably. All these soldiers were bleeding in their hearts. Therefore, their subordinates were merciless.However, the bullet landed on the blonde man, and only red sparks were ejected.
The man's body is like steel, not afraid of bullets.
"I'll take care of it. Is it the United States that has developed the Terminator?"
The person in charge couldn't help cursing, "how could such a ghost come out! Lying trough... "
The No. 2 held up a SWAT car with both hands and smashed at the other one.
The collision of the two cars caused a violent explosion.
The fire was so blazing that many SWAT soldiers were far away from the explosion.
Even the person in charge fainted.
No. 2 glanced around, and No. 3's voice was also in his ear.
"The police are basically in contact. We have our target in the third car."
"I see."
No. 2 nods, crosses the fire line and walks towards Cheng Ying's third car.
At this time, the special police officer sitting in the cab jumped out of the car and pulled the trigger at the head of number two with a pistol in his hand.
"Bang bang bang!"
The number two's head tilted back a few times, but it didn't matter.
"Trough, what the hell is this?"
The soldier couldn't help swearing.
The answer was a cold bullet.
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