Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1134

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Chapter 1134

After returning to the hotel, the Qin Dynasty cleaned up Zhan Chang and took Zheng Siqi and Cheng Ying back from the Yinyang bell. In the Yinyang bell, there was a part of rod's separate body, which was also taken back together.
This old man, not old and honest, is really staying in the Yinyang bell and has to run to his body to see the spring palace.
I'm really convinced.
If he is going to die, he will be finished as well. It is better to hide in the Yin and Yang bell.
But in old rod's words, wealth is in danger, and beauty is on the knife.
Grandma, what's the theory.
This fragmentary hotel can not stay, Qin Dynasty felt that such a large place is not safe. Finally, he took two beauties and went to a small hotel.
There are few rooms in this kind of small hotel. There are only two floors in it.
The boss didn't even look at the ID card, just looked at the Qin Dynasty and Cheng Ying.
The middle-aged woman's eyes are a little ambiguous.
Good guy, one man and two women, this is to play with us!
"Fifty yuan a night, one yuan for hot water, go straight to the end of the bathroom and turn right. I'll be out of bed by 12 o'clock tomorrow, plus 10 yuan for an extra hour. If the sheets are soiled, they should be compensated according to the price What's more, if you spoil the bed, you'll have to pay for it. "
The woman boss is a little bit in love with her bed.
"What are you talking about?"
When Cheng Han came to stay, he just thought that we didn't look like that
"Yes, yes, yes, with money and keys."
Female boss should a few, also do not know to go to heart.
"You are..."
Cheng Ying frowns, just want to continue to say what, but by the side of Zheng Siqi a pull.
Zheng Siqi waves her hand to Cheng Ying. It's time to stop being a girl.
Although she didn't want to live in a place where she couldn't even take a bath, she had to make do for safety.
Cheng Ying had to swallow the rest of the words back into his stomach.
"Sixty in all. Ten dollars for the key."
The female boss held out her hand and faced the Qin Dynasty.
The Qin Dynasty quickly took out a piece of red paper.
"Bet 50. We may leave later and look for it when we leave."
The female boss saw money happy, put the money in the drawer, and then handed the key to the Qin Dynasty.
She said to herself, it seems that these three people should not be trifled with.
"three people go upstairs, Room 202!"
"Thank you."
The Qin Dynasty took the key and went upstairs with two beauties.
When they went upstairs, they could hear the murmur of the female boss.
Cheng Ying frowned and turned to go downstairs for theory, but was dragged by the Qin Dynasty to wish
"when is it? Don't make a fool of yourself and go upstairs!"
This staircase is also very narrow, Qin Dynasty pulled Cheng Ying, Cheng Ying in front of Zheng Siqi block.
Tight enough to let the next person through the small stairs, is really unable to let her have other plans.
"Forget it. I'll settle with her later."
Cheng Ying had to continue to follow the Qin Dynasty upstairs.
Damn it. Did he open a room on purpose?
However, only in this way can we be more secure.
Is it true that he is a burden to him?
Thinking that he may be a burden, Cheng Ying's look can't help but feel a little gloomy.
He is also an excellent agent of mi7, but in front of those foreigners, he can't even fight back, so he can only hide in confusion.
Especially the winged priest
Is he really an angel?
These words, she has not asked, just want to find a quiet opportunity to ask.
Maybe, just a moment.
The Qin Dynasty did not know Cheng Ying's mind and took them to the second floor.
The corridor on the second floor was narrow, damp and damp, with a faint musty smell.
The two beauties frowned.
Qin Dynasty is common, these small hotels, as long as the room is clean.
"Which is 202 The house numbers on the room are all worn out... "
Zheng Siqi looks left and right and doesn't know which 202 is.
"This is it."
Qin Dynasty pointed to a room in front of the door, 202 words, vaguely can be seen.
"Wait, listen to me..."
Zheng Siqi suddenly made a shush gesture and pressed the hand of the Qin Dynasty to open the door.
Qin Dynasty and Cheng Yingzheng wanted to ask questions, but they immediately heard a weak voice.
Cheng Ying's face turned red.
This mm-hmm-ah-ah-ah-ah-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h!Damned Zheng Siqi, you big color girl, listen to this for what!
She pulls Zheng Siqi, but Zheng Siqi smiles, pats Cheng Ying's hand, and then points to the room behind the three people.
It means that the room comes out of this room.
As she pointed, she crept over, then lay on the door, listening carefully to what was going on inside.
Although she has seen a lot of AV, she is still listening to the live accompaniment for the first time.
So, Zheng Siqi was excited.
She was so excited that she couldn't help getting closer in order to hear more clearly.
As a result, the door broke with a click.
The whole gate was pressed open.
Zheng Siqi's body flashed in and saw two upright meat worms on the bed inside.
"Well, that, sorry, passing by, passing by You go on... "
Zheng Siqi was so embarrassed that she was going to close the door and go out.
"Where are you bitches?"
"Grass Mud Horse!"
Two people in the room reacted and scolded one after another.
The man jumped out of bed directly shaking the bird, picked up a machete beside him, and said angrily, "paralyzed, disturb me * *, do you want to leave like this?"
"I didn't mean to What else do you want... "
Zheng Siqi steps back and leaves the room.
The man did not care about his bird flying outside. He took a look at Zheng Siqi and found her big chest and pretty face. He couldn't help swallowing his saliva. "At least, you little girl will stay and sleep with Mr. Ma."
Hearing what Mr. Ma's request, Zheng Siqi was stunned.
"You're kidding. If you don't want to die, go away."
Cheng Ying had been in a bad mood, but now he saw a jerk to make trouble, and suddenly got angry.
Qin Dynasty is helpless, originally wanted to find a small place to hide, did not expect this just for a while, these two girls caused trouble again.
Seeing that Cheng Ying is so watery, Ma Ye takes another mouthful of saliva.
Sleeping trough, two beautiful girls!
And they all follow a man. This is for three batches, Shuangfei?
I pull a grass, this little white face is very lucky!
In terms of appearance, I may be inferior to him.
But in terms of ability and bird size, my lord Ma is the top three of him!
This Ma ye, full of unhealthy ideas, is really too beautiful for Zheng Siqi and Cheng Yingchang.
"You are so shy. You two, following this little white face, are obviously coming to three batches. I think you'd better not follow this little white face, but with my ma Ye! My master Ma's ability is worth three little white faces
"I think you deserve to be beaten!
Cheng Ying is not afraid of the Lord, originally she was not very beautiful today, heard this guy said, immediately quit.
Even if Cheng Ying is poor, I will not share a man with other women!
Also, what three batches!
What the hell is this!
I really want to do with the Qin Dynasty, but not three batches! I've had a chance to be alone for a long time!
Ah, bah, what chance, what kind of mess do you think!
It's all this son of a bitch, talking nonsense and confusing himself!
He deserves to be beaten!
"I want to be beaten? Hey, girl, you should pay attention to your manners. "
This Ma Ye lightened the machete in his hand, "in this area, someone dares to say that my lord Ma's, isn't it? You don't open your eyes and ask questions. Things that don't have eyes. Tell you, you offended me today, is to accompany also to accompany, not to accompany also to accompany! Besides, it's you two together
Say, the machete in the hand, when a sound, cut into the wooden door beside.
Cheng Ying really wants to beat this guy, but the army is disciplined and can't do it at will. If it wasn't for this iron discipline, Cheng Ying would have beaten this horse into a pig's head.
"What are you? You're a hot chick!"
Ma Ye laughed two times, and his heart said that he was blessed today. "Don't say you, you ask the little white face behind you. Does he dare to make a noise?"
With that, the point of the knife pointed to the Qin Dynasty standing behind.
Little white face?
The Qin Dynasty couldn't help laughing.
He deliberately pretended to be afraid, stepped back two steps and shook his head.
"You see, he's just a bully! When you get to bed, it's over
Ma Ye laughs, "come on, girl, let me miss you."
Say, a black hand toward Cheng Ying's body to grasp.
I can't bear it anymore!
Cheng Ying couldn't hold back the fire. She flew up and kicked on the horse's bird.Qin Dynasty heart a jump, only feel a little pain below.
What is that?
Cheng Ying's broken egg style?
A little bit How terrible
The horse is the most painful, covering his crotch, directly pouting his buttocks and kneeling on the ground.
The machete also fell to one side, it is estimated that there is no strength to pick up.
"Next time, show me the bright spot, and ask me what Cheng Ying does! Things with no eyes
Cheng Ying left a word, too lazy to pay attention to this what Ma Ye.
The woman in the back didn't even care to put on her underwear, so she ran to see Ma Ye's injury.
It is estimated that the pain is not light. The horse's mouth is foaming.
Cheng Yingcai didn't care about the scum. She grabbed the key of Qin Dynasty and opened the door.
"Go to bed early and hand in the task tomorrow. I'm so tired!"
After opening the door, Cheng Ying goes in first. Qin Dynasty and Zheng Siqi look at each other helplessly and follow behind.
When I went in, the two girls frowned a little.
This room is a little It's too small.
There's no more than 10 square meters. There's a single bed.
There is a small table next to it with a box of safety covers.
The Qin Dynasty took a closer look at it. It says that the state provides it free of charge, and the brand name is bingdilian
There is also a piece of paper under it, ten yuan for a box!
I'm a grasshopper!
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