Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1182

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Chapter 1182

"Mr. king, you are not in a good position. Do you need me to arrange someone to take you away?"
Luo Qinglin mouth with a sarcastic smile, looking at the jinmingfeng, "here, may not be very welcome to you."
Jin Mingfeng now has a leg amputated. It's very sensitive to hear about the inconvenience of legs and feet.
He immediately gnawed his teeth, his eyes were cold, and he looked at Luo Qinglin.
Luo Qinglin doesn't care. She just wants to stimulate this guy.
Who made him come to trouble again and again.
"Brother, let's go first..."
Gao Jiacheng also can see that today's trouble is impossible to find. Instead, the two of them turned out to be a joke.
Several people left the hotel in dismay.
"MAHLE Gobi! I don't like it! I'm going to kill that little girl! Is that broken bodyguard? What kind of identity is he? "
Jinmingfeng out of the hotel, this temper on the explosion, clapping a wheelchair called curse.
"Elder brother, it seems that your identity is not weak"
GAO Jiacheng sees a clue, "you don't look at Liu Yiming's ID card, your face changes greatly, and you dare not even fart."
"Grass him, Liu Yiming is also a waste! The Commissioner of police of Hong Kong is a fart
There was no one nearby, and Jin Mingfeng scolded wantonly.
Can't we take revenge
"Big brother, it seems that we really want to swallow this tone..."
Gao Jiacheng shook his head and said.
"Second, you're not breaking your leg
Jin Mingfeng is discontented. His two younger brothers are really standing and talking without backache.
"Big brother, how can it be? Although the elder brother broke a leg, what's the difference between it and me?"
A haze flashed in Gao Jiacheng's eyes. "Brother, don't worry. I'm sure I'll avenge you! Neither Luo Qinglin nor her bodyguards can leave Hong Kong alive. "
"Good, second brother. How are you going to get revenge?"
Jin Mingfeng did not know how many pictures of killing Luo Qinglin and Qin Dynasty.
"Well, this one needs to be discussed."
Gao Jiacheng can't do anything for a while.
"Mr. king, Mr. Gao."
At this time, Xiaoming, standing behind jinmingfeng, suddenly said, "I have an idea."
"What's the idea? Say it."
Jin Mingfeng waved his hand.
"I met a killer when I was in prison. He himself has been sentenced to death, but he has a brother who also does this I think we might as well... "
Xiao Ming made a gesture of chopping.
"It seems that this is the only way."
Jin Mingfeng nodded, "I can't make them bright, so I can only play with this kind of dark. No matter what method, if you offend me, you will die. "
"Well, it works."
Gao Jiacheng also agreed, "hire a killer, but if you are an expert, you must be safe Xiao Ming, is the killer you mentioned reliable? "
"He is the number one killer in the world. His name is Xiaobai."
Both of them were shocked, "is it really him? If he does it, it's sure it's OK. "
" yes, boss, this man has never failed. "
Xiao Ming said again, "however, according to my words, it seems that please don't move him..."
"It doesn't matter. Jiacheng and I will go out. The other party's status is not low. We both asked him to come out of the mountain, which also gave him face. "
Jin Mingfeng says a word that makes Xiao Ming secretly happy.
"Well, I'll follow the boss and let brother long follow, so that we can have more security. After all, the other party is a killer. We'd better try to be as safe as possible. "
Xiao Ming suggested.
"Yes Gao Jiacheng also thinks that it is reliable to see a killer with his proud subordinates.
"Xiao Ming, how can I contact the killer?"
"I know his address, Mr. king, Mr. Gao. I'll drive you."
Xiao Ming said and turned to open the door.
At the same time, he said in his heart.
I'll take you to hell.
"Hum, those who have offended me will die!"
Jin Mingfeng has fallen into the feeling of revenge. Gao Jiacheng pushes him personally and takes him to the car.
This Mercedes Benz slowly drove to the poorest part of Hong Kong, Sham Shui Po.
Maybe some people think that Hong Kong is a paradise, and everyone is rich.
In fact, there are many poor people here.
Once upon a time, Hong Kong people looked down upon the mainlanders and thought that the Mainlanders were villagers, poor and backward.
At that time, they liked to laugh into a can from the mainland.
The prototype of a can is a TV series named "people in the net" released by TVB in Hong Kong in 78. Among them, Hong Kong artist Liao Weixiong plays the hero, a story about a can, a farmer who sneaks into Hong Kong from the mainland. Serving, a can in the world Chinese community, has become a farmer, stupid pronoun.But now the word has been transformed into "gangcan".
As early as 2003, Hong Kong's economy suffered a heavy blow.
In the eyes of Hong Kong people, Putonghua and Cantonese symbolized backwardness and advancement respectively.
But now, more and more people in Hong Kong are learning Mandarin. Especially in 2007, the value of RMB was higher than Hong Kong dollar for the first time.
Those Hong Kong people who went north to spend suddenly found that their Hong Kong dollar was not worth money overnight. At that time, taxi drivers in Shenzhen also began to be justifiable and refused to accept "Hong Kong dollars".
Nowadays, more and more Hong Kong people have begun to settle in the inland.
Just like when a can went to Hong Kong, those Hong Kong people who went north were amazed at everything. Therefore, he began to call himself gangcan.
Maybe many people in mainland China are beginning to feel proud, but actually, according to Hong Kong can, more should be the self mockery of Hong Kong people.
especially in recent years, many mainland pregnant women have run to Hongkong to have children. Because of the landing policy of Hongkong, the children's residence is Hongkong registered residence, enjoying the welfare there.
"After finishing Luo Qinglin and them, I will send my elder brother to America to hide from the limelight."
In the car, Gao Jiacheng suddenly said.
"Luo Qinglin's father, after all, has some power. The elder brother is not convenient now. It's good to hide."
"Yes, I'll leave it to you. But remember, I have a relative in the mainland who will come to Hong Kong to have a baby in a while. Just take care of her for me. "
"Having a baby in Hong Kong again?"
Gao Jiacheng's eyes widened. "I really don't understand what's wrong with these mainlanders having children in their own homes, but they have to run here to have a future life."
"The benefits here are better than those in mainland China."
After all, although the mainland has a large population, it has a good economic development. My distant relative has always thought that Hong Kong is particularly good. She is not a Hong Kong person herself. She wants her son to be a Hong Kong person. "
"I see. I'll arrange it for you."
As Xiao Ming drives, he says in his heart.
I'm afraid neither of you will have a chance to deal with it.
He drove into Sham Shui Po, where there were old buildings and old houses.
There was not enough road for cars to get in, so several people began to get out and walk.
Xiaoming pushes jinmingfeng, turning seven and eight, and finally comes to a broken building.
The stairs are outdoor. Xiao Ming holds Jin Mingfeng and the cage carries a wheelchair. He goes to the sixth floor all the way.
"This building is so high..."
Gao Jiacheng gasped a little.
After all, when he was old, he was hollowed out by wine and lust. He could not eat his body if he only went up to the sixth floor.
"Here it is."
Xiao Ming goes to a room with the word "pay back" painted with blood red on the door and knocks on the door.
No one in the room responded.
Both Jin Mingfeng and Gao Jiacheng look at Xiao Ming suspiciously.
Xiao Ming didn't speak, and continued to knock at the door according to a rhythm.
Finally, the door was opened and a woman in a long black dress came out.
Seeing that woman, Jin Mingfeng's eyes flashed a lustrous light.
This woman is more beautiful than naloxonine!
Is she the number one killer in the world?
"Are you here?"
Xiaobai looks at Xiaoming and smiles faintly.
"Well, it's going to be hard for Butler white."
Xiao Ming smiles, which is a kind of relieved smile.
When Jin Mingfeng and Gao Jiacheng listen, they feel something is wrong.
"Xiao Ming What on earth are you doing? "
Jin Mingfeng bumped his head and asked.
"For what?"
Xiao Ming suddenly laughed, "Jin Mingfeng, Gao Jiacheng, I don't know if you still remember Feng Zijun!"
"Feng Zijun? The traitor? "
Gao Jiacheng flashed a fierce light in his eyes.
That guy actually wanted to jump out of the building with himself. Fortunately, when he rushed over, he was shot dead by a long who was rushed in by the wind. Otherwise, I would have seen God.
"Traitor? What do you call him? "
Xiao Ming's mouth twitched for a moment, "but I call him brother..."
"Xiao Ming, you betray us!"
Both of them were human beings. They understood it immediately.
The cage took out a pistol from his arms, pointed to Xiao Ming's forehead, and pulled the trigger.
But then he screamed because his palm was pierced by a thin white line.
The blood flowed out along the thin line, and the pistol fell to the ground because it couldn't bear the force.
"Who are you? Even pretending to be the number one killer in the worldGao Jiacheng turned his head and looked at the beauty in black and said uneasily.
"Posing? You are wrong. I am the number one killer in the world, Xiaobai However, I am now the housekeeper of Mr. Qin's side. "
Xiaobai said with a smile. She didn't lift her hand, but she didn't know how to shoot through the palm of the cage.
Gao Jiafeng and jinmingfeng are desperate for the first time in their lives.
"Yes, who asked you to kill me I, I am willing to give you a higher price... "
The only active leg of jinmingfeng began to tremble.
"I'm sorry, Mr. king. I won't let you spend my money."
Xiao Ming said something.
"Xiao Ming, what do you mean?"
"That's what it means."
Xiao Ming kicks the wheelchair by the side. The wheelchair slides out and rolls down the stairs to the bottom.
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