Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 877

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Chapter 877

Demons are all mercenaries.
What they like most is the human soul.
Once upon a time, there was a legend called the trading at the crossroads.
If you put the soil from the grave, your picture, and the cat's skull in a box and bury it at the crossroads, you can trade with the devil.
What you trade is your soul.
You can use your soul to buy you ten years.
In this decade, your wish for the devil can be achieved.
There was an old blues singer who sold his soul to the devil in order to get inspiration from music. For this reason, he got ten years of brilliant life, in which his creation reached a peak.
But ten years later, the ruthless devil took his soul.
Crafty as they are, demons are the ones who follow their trading rules best. In these ten years, they will never come out and disturb your life. But ten years later, they won't give you an extra day.
In devil's words, if you don't abide by the principles, who will sign a contract with you.
It was this group of demons who were mercenary that made the Qin Dynasty very popular.
If there is only one devil who is good to Qin Dynasty in hell, it can only be Rosie.
When Qin Dynasty needs her and calls her, she always appears in front of this man.
"May the queen bless you. May I help you, sir?"
Qin Dynasty kneels on the ground, the ear rings a familiar voice.
He slowly looked up and saw a tall horse listening to him.
On that horse, sitting a noble and heroic girl. A red police uniform, but with a saber on her waist, as if she were a policewoman in ancient Western Europe.
"Rosie, your Cosplay problem has come back."
The Qin Dynasty stood up and looked at the girl on the horse.
"Don't you think I'm very heroic in this dress? Is there any style that you can admire under my skirt?"
Luo Xijiao smiles again and again, looking at the Qin Dynasty under her.
"When's the time? I'm kidding."
"You must have met the devil again."
Rosie sat on her horse and looked around. "I felt a familiar smell. It seems that you are in trouble again
"Rosie I think I need to promise you... "
Roxie's figure suddenly came down from the horse and immediately appeared in front of the Qin Dynasty and put her hand over his mouth.
"Don't mention these two words. Don't you know what you're doing now? You still have two souls left. Don't make a fool of yourself
"Rosie, but I really need help this time!"
Qin Dynasty opened Rosie's hand and looked at the beautiful and sexy female devil, "my friend, she was taken away by a very powerful devil. I'll get her back, or she'll be finished! "
"Don't worry. Let me take a look at it for you."
Roxie saw the Qin Dynasty is particularly eager, and quickly clapped his hand, "this must be some devil's trick. If you want to give your soul, don't be fooled."
"But I have no other way. You can help me selflessly before. But now, the king of hell is very close to you, and I can't help it. "
"Hee hee, that was before. It's hard to say now."
Roxie leaned on the body of Qin Dynasty and breathed out gently in his ear.
"Now hell is in a mess The battle between the seven demons does not mention It seems that some winged birdmen have come to the hell to join in the fun The king of hell is busy dealing with the birdmen's affairs, but he has no time to take care of me. Otherwise, do you think that with the character of the king of hell, you will let the other seven demons deal with his prey
"I'm not a prey."
The voice of Qin Dynasty is cold, clenched his fist, "the person who regards me as prey, I will let him pay for his stupidity."
"Well, well, they know you have the best character."
Roxie kisses the earlobe of Qin Dynasty, "this time, I can help you for free. But, in this way, you can be very dangerous. "
"In my Qin Dynasty dictionary, there is no word danger."
"What a nuisance! You always like to take risks for others!"
Roxie looked very dissatisfied. "It's not good to live well. Why do you do those dangerous things?"
"Running away won't make me happy."
The Qin Dynasty laughed, "and if even the people around me can't be saved, then what's the meaning of my life. Rosie, if something goes wrong with you, I will try my best to save you
"Of course I know! You are such a fool
Luo Xi white Qin Dynasty one eye, "well, I can take you down to hell, let you find your little lover. But this time, you can't use your baby to get out of the body. You know, your soul is like mutton pancakes for us demons"Well, I mean, you demons have a strong taste."
"Don't cut in and keep listening!"
Rosie rolled her eyes again. "So I'm going to take your body to hell. According to the truth, only the soul can enter the hell. But you're different because you have demonic power in you. As long as you incarnate as a devil, you can go in and out of hell freely. And in this way, your demonic breath can mask the smell of your soul. "
"Oh? How can I be a devil
The Qin Dynasty was a little interested.
"You have the power of the dark flame, but not completely. What I'm going to do now is lead you completely out of the demonic power. But since then, your Buddhist power and angel's power can't be used. "
"All right, all right, I see. Come on."
The Qin Dynasty felt that he had no time to wait. Shi Xin was now dragged to hell. He didn't know what would happen.
"You are in a hurry!"
Rosie complained, "really, you dare to do anything for your little lover. Don't worry, no matter who catches your lover, it's for your soul exchange. Therefore, he certainly does not dare to hurt your little lover, unless he does not want your soul
"Well, I see. Come on."
Qin Dynasty nods, the words say so, but let him not anxious, that is impossible. After all, a big living person is dragged away in front of you, and everyone is angry.
"The stone of hell!"
In the demon Wonderland, what the Qin Dynasty and Roxie did would not be found by the people around.
The two of them, as if they were in a different world.
With Roxie's soft drink, the ground around Qin Dynasty slowly shook up.
Then, a large black stone tablet, pulled out from the surface, appeared around the Qin Dynasty.
There are four stone tablets, each more than three meters high. On the stele, they all opened a red eye, with bloodstains, turning back and forth, and finally staring at the body of the Qin Dynasty.
"This hellstone can awaken your demonic power. This process is a little painful... "
"How painful is it?"
The Qin Dynasty couldn't help asking.
"Well, it's like being bitten by a mosquito."
Roxie winked at the Qin Dynasty.
The Qin Dynasty was relieved.
"Hey, I was bitten by a mosquito Ah
In the bloody eyes of the four stone tablets, they suddenly pulled out a ray of light from the body of the Qin Dynasty.
Qin Dynasty is like the soul is torn by people, the pain of his hysterical cry.
My sister, it's a hundred times more painful than when the archangel stabbed me with the sword of soul!
This is a mosquito bite!
Damned! What a big mosquito, what a mouth!
And this painful effect is also very obvious, the Qin Dynasty felt that the flame of the dark flame in his body was constantly strengthened.
Soon, his body, began to appear a layer of black hard shell.
His body, like this, began to change.
Black Demon Armor, tightly wrapped around his skin.
Behind him, there was also a pair of black meat wings.
Hands and feet, also become sharp claws.
The most annoying thing was that a thick tail appeared behind him.
Of course, if you don't count the long black horns on top of your head, the Qin Dynasty is still cool.
All around the stone tablet suddenly burst, the body of the Qin Dynasty stood up in a burst of smoke and looked at his mutated body.
"Lying trough This is your sister Roxie, what are you going to do with me in the future
"It's not bad. It's very handsome."
But Rosie laughed. "It's all the handsome guys in hell."
"Sleeping trough, is that what you guys in hell are doing
"Ann, you are just in the state of devil transformation. If you don't like it, you just have to get rid of it. But if you're going to keep a low profile in hell, I suggest you keep this transformation. With the powerful restoring power of your natural demon body, you can support it completely
Indeed, the innate demons of the Qin Dynasty were very abnormal.
In particular, magic Dan, like a powerful nuclear reactor, delivered power to the Qin Dynasty.
If you are a normal practitioner, whether it's Jiuyou summoning skill or Tibetan swordsmanship, it's very expensive. You may only need to consume one point of vitality when you make a move. However, when you enter into summon, Tibetan sword and Jiulong armor, you will consume ten times or even 100 times of vitality each time.
Ordinary people can't last a few minutes.
The Qin Dynasty was born with magic body, and the operation of magic elixir made the vitality flow continuously, just like the vast sea, inexhaustible.
This is also the key weapon for Qin Dynasty to be so powerful."How, how do you feel?"
Roxie touched the face of Qin Dynasty, which was half wrapped in Demon Armor, and asked.
"Not bad, now the strength is probably five gold body, it is really a very interesting way of transformation."
"When you continue to absorb the flame of your kin's life, your power in this transformation state will continue to grow."
Roxie didn't worry about her life at all. Instead, she hugged Qin Dynasty and whispered in his ear, "if you do well this time, maybe your growth will surprise the king of hell..."
"With your good words, shall we start?"
The temperament of the Qin Dynasty has always been very urgent.
"Look at that monkey in a hurry!"
Rosie couldn't help being jealous. "There's still some preparation to do, you see!"
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