Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 579

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Chapter 579

But this is not over, the wolf dog muttered, with flesh and blood on his mouth, and rushed at them again.
Legs, running on the ground is fast. Almost in the blink of an eye, it ran in front of a black hat. Then he bit into the leg of the black hat.
"Ah The black hat hurt his eyes, but the wolf dog's strength is very amazing, but his head so swing, he threw his body more than 1.8 meters high, to fly, and then throw to one side.
"Well, what kind of dog is this..."
"It's too fierce..."
These black hats know that this dog is extraordinary. Usually when they train, they used a police dog, it's good enough. Now the wolf dog is a hundred times as terrible as the police dog.
The wolf dog took out a black hat, did not stop at all, and continued to rush into the crowd.
After a while, the flesh and blood were flying and screams were repeated.
And Qin Dynasty, leaning on the Mercedes Benz, with a faint smile on his mouth, only smoking his cigarette. It seems that everything in front of him has nothing to do with him.
"Help, help..."
"Monsters, monsters..."
"Brother stone, brother stone, help us..."
The black hat troops, which were usually majestic and fearless even to the police, are now suffering to the extreme.
A total of 40 black hats, in the blink of an eye, was a big black wolf dog, bit the leg, bit the arm. But for the order of the Qin Dynasty, it is estimated that these people would be bitten off their heads without any accident.
Baseball bats, broken hands, broken legs, black hats, and blood, all over the place.
The stone looked at the hell on earth in front of him and could not speak for a long time.
Even Li Na's eyes were covered by Liang Xiaochen.
This strong female traffic policeman, now pale face, looking at what happened outside.
"Why, how could this happen..."
In a twinkling of an eye, all the black hats except for the stone were laid on the ground. The black wolfhound, puffing and wearing coarse clothes with a strong smell of blood, lay down near him and looked at him with his tongue sticking out.
The stone felt numb in his heart, and the unprecedented chill shrouded him.
As if, staring at him, not the wolf dog, but a devil.
"Well, my baby is doing well." Just as the Qin Dynasty finished smoking a cigarette, he put out the end of the cigarette and walked slowly towards the stone.
Seeing the owner coming, the black wolf dog immediately stood up and ran over.
This black fierce beast, in front of its master, is very clever. It rubbed the legs of the Qin Dynasty with its head, and then quietly followed him.
"You, who are you..."
Stone is not stupid, he has seen, in front of this called Qin Dynasty man, unusual.
"Men." The Qin Dynasty replied faintly. At this time, a black hat lying on the ground, with his legs broken, jumped up like a corpse pretending to be dead. One hand was on the ground, and the other hand was holding a dagger, which stabbed the waist and ribs of the Qin Dynasty.
Liang Xiaochen in the car let out a cry of surprise.
At this time, Jiuyou Devil Dog, who had been staying by the side of Qin Dynasty, jumped on it, as fast as lightning, and bit the wrist of the black hat.
"Ah The black cap screamed, only to feel that the wrist was not his own.
"It's a bunch of people who like to die."
Qin Dynasty pulled out the dagger from the broken wrist and bumped it twice in his hand.
"Oh, not bad, but also the master of American defense. It seems that in order to cultivate this group of thugs, CHEN Si did not spend less effort. "
Speaking of these, the stone's heart is dripping blood.
These black hats are indeed the loyal and Iron-blooded troops that Chen Si spent a lot of effort to cultivate.
Although there are only 40 people, everyone's fighting skills are first-class.
But unexpectedly, in front of this man, the black hat army lost to an animal, a wolf dog in the end!
The price of such failure is unacceptable to stone.
"Qin Dynasty, die!"
With daggers in both hands, he jumped down from the roof with the wind and stabbed at the neck of the Qin Dynasty.
"The flapping is very standard."
Qin Dynasty stood there, as if the person to be stabbed was not himself, still pointing out, "just a little bit too sudden, your own center of gravity is a little unstable."
Say, the hand of Qin Dynasty is lifted suddenly, a buckle falls on the face of the stone.
The stone's eyes were blocked before the dagger could be thrust out.
Then, a strong attack, he did not even have the strength to resist, was the left hand of the Qin Dynasty, to pressure in the car just jumped off.
I don't know how powerful it is. The car body of this Honda suddenly shrunk down.The stone was choking with pain, and a mouthful of blood came from his mouth.
"Chen Si is so polite." The face of the stone in the Qin Dynasty made him unable to move. At the same time, his mouth was still whispering, "so late, I opened such a grand paryt. I'm happy and grateful. It's Christmas, and I'm grateful to give him a present, hoping he'll be satisfied
Said, the Qin Dynasty took a stone's arm, the right hand held the dagger, when a sound, stabbed into the stone's palm.
The dagger, through the stone's hand, was hammered into the car below with a "poof" sound.
"Ah The stone uttered a scream, and his left hand trembled.
Blood, along the car, it flowed down.
The Qin Dynasty clapped hands and stepped back two steps.
"Yes, you must like this gift very much. If you can go back alive, remember to tell CHEN Si that in a few days, someone will send him to hell. Enjoy the Christmas. It may be the last holiday he can live on. "
With that, he turned away without looking back.
"Bang!" Qin Dynasty opened the door, inside Liang Xiaochen, immediately very vigilant looking at him.
"Why, I don't mean to insult you, so stare at me for what."
"You are dangerous..."
Liang Xiaochen breathes the cool breath to say.
"I'm not in danger at all, OK?"
The Qin Dynasty shrugged his shoulders, "those people, they just asked for it."
"But don't you think you've done too hard?"
Liang Xiaochen pointed to the hell on earth outside, "look at them, where there is a" complete "person
"I'm sorry, but I've been very lenient." The Qin Dynasty said casually, "at least, they are still alive."
Liang Xiaochen took another breath, only to feel that the figure of a big boy in Li Ning sportswear, standing in the snow night, became so terrible.
"I'll arrest you."
"Anytime." Qin Dynasty doesn't care, AI Xiaoxue that girl used to want to catch him every day, now he is not good, "but now, can you get off my car?"
Liang Xiaochen then remembered that she was staying in someone else's car.
Quickly jumped out of the car, she would like to seize the Qin Dynasty now, but she knew that she did not have the ability.
"Go back, too." After closing the door, the Qin Dynasty put his head out of the window and said to Liang Xiaochen, "those people, they will clean up the mess by themselves. If you stay here, you can only add to your troubles. "
With that, he backed up the car and drove back to the road.
Liang Xiaochen looked at the silver gallop, slowly disappeared in the night, and bit his silver teeth.
"Qin Dynasty, right I will catch you, I will... "
At this time, in the car, Xu Mei is still in shock.
"Little, little Qin Those, who were they? "
because Xu Mei's eyes were not very good, she didn't see the scene of Qin Dynasty stabbing a stone palm with a dagger.
"They're all street thugs." While driving, the Qin Dynasty said, "look at the good car we drive. I want to run to grab some money. So I gave them a lesson
"Oh Why is the big black dog gone now
"Maybe it's just an ordinary stray dog. Those people beat the dog, and it will get back
"Well Well, the law and order is getting worse and worse. " Xu Mei sighed and said, "but the woman traffic policeman just now is quite brave! A little girl, dare to fight so many people. If I were, I would be scared to death. "
"Yes, she was brave."
The Qin Dynasty also acknowledged this.
But he found that Li Na, who was sitting in the co pilot's seat, had been silent for a long time without saying a word.
"Little Nana, why don't you talk?"
"Brother of Qin Dynasty I, I'm afraid... "
Although Xiao Li was covered by Liang Xiaochen, she still saw the scene of Qin Dynasty piercing a stone palm through her fingers. "In the future, don't do that in the future, OK I, I don't like the violent brother of Qin Dynasty... "
The Qin Dynasty knew what Li Na meant. With a bitter smile, he reached out and rubbed Li Na's hair.
If I don't, can I protect you.
Cold blood, ruthlessness, cruelty, violence.
It is true that the Qin Dynasty now had these tendencies, but it was against the enemy. Even if they would go to hell because of these things, the Qin Dynasty would not hesitate.
As the Buddha said, I do not go to hell, who will go to hell. As long as you can protect the people around you, even if you are the worst, the Qin Dynasty will not hesitate.
As he said to Liang Xiaochen, if they are still alive, they are already merciful. For such people, if there was no Li Na and they were there, the Qin Dynasty would not let go of any of them and send them directly to reincarnation.But Li Na, who is still studying and preparing for college entrance examination, and Xu Mei, who is still working hard to support her children to go to school, will not understand these things.
Therefore, the Qin Dynasty can only in the heart, say to themselves.
Originally it was a happy treat to eat, so now, everyone is in a very gloomy mood.
On the way back, no one said another word.
The Qin Dynasty sent Li Na and Xu Mei home. They parked the car by the side of the road and sent the address to Jiang Dong's mobile phone. Then they went upstairs to go home.
The house is still that small house, with almost no heating.
In winter like this, you have to wear cotton padded clothes at home to survive.
Qin Dynasty just remembered that he had not paid the heating fee for a long time.
But if it was in the past, he would have been cold. But now, I can't feel the cold. Qin Dynasty took off sports clothes and threw them aside casually. Then he fell on his familiar and cold bed.
On this bed, it seems that there is still Suu Kyi smell.
I remember when Suu Kyi moved in, she was sleeping here. He was banished to the living room and lay on the sofa every day. Although the taste of sleeping on the sofa is not good, his heart is sweet.
SUJ, only this little girl really knows herself.
Don't worry. I'll pick you up in a minute. While remembering and Suji bit by bit, while vaguely, Qin Dynasty went to sleep.
In his bed, the Qin Dynasty had a good sleep that he had never had before.
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