Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 566

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Chapter 566

The butcher didn't look like an ordinary man. He had amazing strength. He bent his arm and tried to catch a chick. He grabbed Jiang Dong, and then he was caught and fell on the car beside him.
The car was hit by a shudder, the driver inside was scared to jump directly ran away.
After getting rid of Jiang Dong, the butcher continued to hold an air hammer shotgun and repeatedly pulled the trigger at the silver Mercedes Benz.
The bullet in this gun can hold ten rounds, and the butcher poured out another seven or eight.
Half of the car body is almost broken.
But under the protection of the Qin Dynasty, Su Fei did not hurt at all.
"Lie down for me!"
At this time, Xiaobai suddenly appeared on the butcher's head, and at the same time, the high-heeled shoes kicked heavily on the butcher's shoulder.
Even worse than Jiang Dong, the butcher's body turned into a shell and hit his own truck directly. He almost didn't overturn the truck.
Xiaobai is Xiaobai, the second of the four magic puppets. Even though her strength is not as abnormal as Zhao Jingjing, it is just enough to deal with a small killer.
"The great skeleton will come back again!"
Knowing that his assassination failed, the butcher was not discouraged. He pulled his body out of the truck, pulled the door open, jumped in, and started the car to run.
"Xiaobai, you come to protect Princess su. I'll go after him."
The Qin Dynasty had other things to solve when looking for skeletons. He had to get the headquarters of skeletons out.
Therefore, after ordering Xiaobai, the Qin Dynasty directly kicked open the twisted car door in front of her body, jumped out with Su Fei in her arms, and gave her to Xiaobai.
Su Fei beside her is a little confused. She always feels that this scene is very familiar.
Once upon a time, it seemed that a man with a black mask also saved himself. His breath, gives the human feeling, is also so familiar.
Who is that man? His power is not like human beings.
In order to avoid shocking the world, and exposed the bottom in front of Princess su. Therefore, the Qin Dynasty did not choose to fly, or take out his 28 artifact from the ring or Yamaha road race.
He chose the dumbest way to run after the truck.
But the speed of running is amazing. It is estimated that an electric car can not catch up with the Qin Dynasty even after it consumes all the power.
He's like a cheetah, and his muscles are beating.
The truck also drove very fast, exceeding the normal speed, approaching 200 miles.
And now on a small highway, the truck is running at full speed, and there are no obstacles.
"Run, I see where you can run."
Qin Dynasty, just don't care. When the traffic around him began to increase, he quietly changed his body shape and put on a black scale mask on his face to cover up his real identity.
When the butcher in the truck saw the man who had been following him in the reversing mirror, he couldn't help laughing. He put his finger out of the car and raised his middle finger to show his contempt for the Qin Dynasty.
"This idiot." He himself cursed, "he thinks he's Lewis, and runs after the truck. See how I play with you
As soon as he turned the steering wheel, the car roared into the retrograde lane.
The Qin Dynasty was also behind, catching up with the retrograde road.
Some of the drivers around are scared. What's the matter with the two people, playing speed and passion?
Good guy, now I'm starting to drive on the retrograde lane. It seems that I don't want to play with speed and passion. This is the beginning of the game.
The butcher's driving skills seemed to be good. He was driving, and suddenly he grinned grimly, then he turned the steering wheel heavily.
The truck roared, turned sharply, and in a blink of an eye returned to the original lane.
Before the Qin Dynasty had time to reflect, a large truck with a harsh whistle came down to him.
In the butcher's rearview mirror, you can see that the Qin Dynasty's body was hit high flying, like a broken kite, fell out.
"Well, you can't be killed this time!"
These tons of impact force, it is estimated that the whole body of the Qin Dynasty bones can be directly smashed. The butcher thought.
If you change to other ordinary people, it may be true.
But catch up with that guy, it is not ordinary people, but the Qin Dynasty. He was in the middle of the air with a sneer all the time.
Before the butcher could laugh at his feat, there was a dull noise from his truck.
The man looked back through the rearview mirror.
Good guy, I saw the man in black. I don't know when he was safe. He ran to the top of his car. A black chain in his hand was slowly being pulled up."Did you have a good time
Qin Dynasty said in a low voice, "now, is it my turn?"
Say, Qin Dynasty hand lift up, and then toward the car body pass in.
The sound of metal being melted.
The butcher was startled and saw a black claw, two meters long, directly through the roof and grabbed the seat beside him.
This is not over. The talons, like sharp swords, also stabbed into the car seat and directly collapsed the bottom of the car.
I don't know what was damaged by the Qin Dynasty. The truck was immediately out of control and slid out of the road and rushed into the next downhill road.
"Bang bang bang!"
It's like a roller coaster, and the truck goes all the way, and finally it goes up a small river below. The river was frozen, and the surface was so shiny that the truck came up to it and slid straight and sideways.
The body was damaged and the butcher got stuck in the cab.
If ordinary people, this way down, do not hit death is also a disabled.
But what about the butcher? He took two breaths from his nostrils. His body was shocked. He tore open the door next to him. Then he climbed out and fell on the ice.
The butcher's clothes were all tattered, which made him even more angry.
He roared at the sky.
This sound, shrill and piercing, does not disperse for a long time.
Qin Dynasty a listen, good guy, is the wolf barking again.
Sure enough, the butcher's body began to change. Different from the ordinary werewolf, he has no wolf hair at all, but is shining with a metallic luster.
"What kind of werewolf are you?"
Qin Dynasty is still more curious about this, after all, he knew more about the dark creatures, and he was more certain of the victory.
Isn't there an old saying that if you know yourself and your enemy, you can win a hundred battles.
"I am a Wolverine!"
The werewolf growled and made a heavy step on the ice. There were several cracks in the thick ice.
"I'm a fuckin 'X-man!"
What's the name of the heart of Qin Dynasty? It's really ugly. He flew and kicked the tough Wolverine. He himself was rocked back and landed on the truck.
"The guy who blocked my plan, go to hell!"
The butcher growled twice, used his limbs together, and ran over the ice. He had sharp claws and ran on the ice without obstacles.
The butcher came back and slapped the truck.
This guy's strength is not small, so big truck is directly photographed by him flying across the ice.
Qin Dynasty stood on top of the truck, he jumped out of the truck.
Then he flew, turned and kicked the butcher in the chest.
"When!" Qin Dynasty felt that this foot was like kicking on his body, which was extremely hard.
He bounced back two meters, and the so-called Wolverine turned into a shell and slammed into the ice behind him.
This solid ice, have been hit out of a hole, the cold river, with a few small breathable fish, rushed out of the ice.
"Damn it. It's really strong."
The Qin Dynasty rubbed some leather boots that were out of shape.
"Jie Jie..."
The butcher came out of the cold river with a little fish on his head.
"Laozi's body is indestructible. You can't do anything about me! Take your life, the great skeleton will send you to hell. "
"As far as you are concerned, dare you claim to be impregnable?"
The Qin Dynasty gave a Pooh. He lit a cigarette for himself, held it in his mouth, and then walked towards the Wolverine step by step.
"Ha ha! Come on, let you taste my invincible defense
The butcher growled as if the world were invincible.
"I can't even use the power of Jiuyou giant elephant to deal with you."
Qin Dynasty disdains to smile next, he a shock own arm.
"The third layer of Vajra Sutra, Vajra waves his axe!"
With that, he swept out his arm and smashed it on the butcher's iron pot like chest.
There was a dull crashing sound, and the butcher stood still, his face full of abnormal smiles.
"See, see, see!" He laughed. "You can't break my defense! It's useless, everything is useless! "
"Idiot..." Qin Dynasty takes back the arm, "are you blind?" When the voice dropped, the butcher's impregnable metal skin suddenly began to crack. It's like something's cracked."Well, how could this be possible?"
The butcher looked at the crack like a spider web on his body, and was so frightened that he could not stand still.
"I'll only give you one chance."
Qin asked coldly, "tell me, where is the headquarters of skeleton?"
You never know
The butcher is a grim smile, suddenly a embrace of the body of the Qin Dynasty. His huge strength, all of a sudden squeezed in the body of the Qin Dynasty, making Qin Dynasty this uncomfortable.
Qin Dynasty heart way, lie trough, this guy can't be a gay! It can't beat me. I want to fight hand to hand. This is it!
"Go to hell with me! Roar
The butcher's idea seems not so lewd - swing, he roared, the body emitted a black light, a huge force filled the ice. The ice scraps were blown floating, and in the blink of an eye formed a slightly bluish white whirlwind.
At last, a black air burst, tearing his body to pieces.
In the sky, there is also a skeleton cloud shape, with a ferocious mouth, a little bit of dissipation.
"Lying trough!"
The body of the Qin Dynasty was bounced out of the smoke and fell on the ice with a curl of green smoke.
This frozen river has broken ice in several places, and the river below is turbulent.
"This madman is still playing with Laozi
The Qin Dynasty slapped the smoke and dust on his body and couldn't help swearing, "if you don't say it, you can't say it. You've also played self explosion, which makes me unable to even use soul searching."
He looked at a few pieces of meat on the ground and couldn't help feeling.
"People with skeletons are a bunch of lunatics. But even if you're crazy, I'll let you talk. Today, they seem to want to attack Princess su It seems that Suu Kyi in the United States is also a little dangerous. Skeletons, if you want to attack someone I like, you'll have to die. "
With that, the body of the Qin Dynasty turned into a black light, which flew into the air in the blink of an eye and turned into light.
And when he left, the truck, finally free from the burden, exploded into scrap iron in the light of the fire.
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