Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 681

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Chapter 681

The Qin Dynasty didn't even move a step, allowing the lightning to explode on his body.
Yang ting in the back was stunned.
Well, what's the matter with this
Qin Dynasty, not security? Why, fight with Taoist?
And, what's all this? And got all the lightning out Are you watching Xianxia TV series?
"Really, you are so weak that I don't want to hurt you."
Qin Dynasty to these people, shake his head, "change some fierce come also line!"
"Don't be wild!" The first Taoist rebuked, "martial brothers, prepare to subdue demons!"
At the same time, these men took out a handful of runes and sprinkled them into the air.
Then, the hand of the demon sword a swing, those charms fell down, surrounded by the Qin Dynasty.
"Subdue the demon!"
Three people, in three directions, at the same time in the hands of the demon sword, inserted into the ground.
All the runes on the ground vibrated.
Then, a blue light, flying out of the rune paper, like a net, stabbed toward the Qin Dynasty.
"It's no use."
Qin Dynasty looked at these dense spots of light, just smile.
He put a hand out in front of him and spread it out like this.
Mind set, go.
These little Taoists, the realm is just the end of the foundation.
Those flying light spots, even stopped in the air, as if bound by something.
"Well, how could this be possible?"
As soon as the Qin Dynasty reached out, these Taoists seized the magic power jointly launched by three people. This makes them, have to be surprised.
"Go back."
As soon as the Qin Dynasty waved its hand, these light spots flew out immediately, and in turn hit those Taoists.
Frightened, the Taoists took out their mantras in a hurry and exerted their abilities.
The first Taoist priest, a fixed body mantra, actually scattered these light spots. The Qin Dynasty had to admire the wisdom of this Taoist priest.
"Your level is too weak. You'd better inform the leader."
Said the Qin Dynasty.
"Damned monster!"
The first Taoist bit his teeth, but he also understood that he was not the opponent of the man in front of him.
"Tell Uncle Taixu!"
A little Taoist ran to the hall immediately.
The Qin Dynasty didn't stop him, because he came up the mountain with dignity.
Face, he gave a full eyebrow way.
Soon, not far away, there was a roar.
"Who has no long eyes and dares to deceive me! When I look at no one
Before people arrive, the voice comes first. Later, I saw the man.
He was dressed in purple and white Taoist robe, with a seven star sword in his hand. He had a long beard and a little red complexion. He was a master of temper.
"I'm just one eyebrow, too empty! Boy, is it you who come to bully me with a quiet eyebrow
"Immortal Taixu, what you said is a little wrong."
The Qin Dynasty was also a bit upset. He said, "I am indeed a member of the devil's road. That's right, but since I went up the mountain, I've been disciplined, and everything has not been abrupt. I treat each other with courtesy. Is that how I treat guests with one eyebrow? "
"Come on
The Qin Dynasty got it, but it was that too empty a burst of drink, "and you this evil door curfew, what reason can be said! Pull out your sword. I will kill the demons and Demons today
With that, he felt a charm in his hand.
"It seems that even with the same eyebrow, they can't escape from the secular world."
Qin Dynasty shakes his head, also did not pull out big Yin and Yang evil king sword, just beckoned to this Taixu immortal, "come on
The cultivation of the other side is just a golden period. What's more, the Qin Dynasty could feel that it was not more than the body weight of seven.
Within this realm, the Qin Dynasty was not afraid.
"Looking for death!"
Taixu burst to drink, the charm in his hand was thrown to Qin Dynasty.
There was a series of lightning on the charm.
It seems that in the end, it is a fierce cultivation in the golden body period. The thunder talisman is so powerful.
A series of lightning, accompanied by thunder Fu, came out. The ground was blackened by electricity.
The Qin Dynasty took a deep breath, and the realm of Vajra waving his axe was fully launched.
He pointed at the Leifu and grabbed it.
Thunder snake constantly, in the hands of the Qin Dynasty.
But the Qin Dynasty did not fear, it seems that they did not fear the power of thunder and lightning. He grabbed the Lei Fu and ran to Taixu's side, ready to paste the Lei Fu back to him.
"Vajra Sutra!"
Too Xu's eyesight is not bad, one eye saw the way, immediately exclaimed.But at the same time, his movement is not slow, horizontal seven star sword, block in front of his body.
Leifu hit the seven star sword, the lightning suddenly burst out, two people to the impact open.
"You know the magic of Baotai temple in Songshan mountain!"
"I will, but there are many."
Qin Dynasty said, a move nine you magic palm, hit that too Xu's chest.
"Li Dai Taogan!"
But Taixu pasted a charm on his body and took the hand of Qin Dynasty.
A pine tree beside him exploded and turned into sawdust.
But too empty oneself, then have nothing at all. On the contrary, throw a charm to Qin Dynasty and take it out.
"The seal of heaven!"
Huge golden Charms appeared in the air and bombarded the Qin Dynasty.
"The evil king kills the moon!"
Not willing to be outdone, the Qin Dynasty pulled out his sword, a black crescent moon, and the golden charm collided with it.
The Qin Dynasty was shaken upside down by huge earthquake waves and then fell to the ground.
It's not so good to see that it's too empty. I just spit out a mouthful of blood.
"Good boy, I didn't expect your magic power to be so strong!"
Taixu shook his seven star sword and said, "but today, you are doomed to splash blood on Wudang Mountain!"
"I said, Taoist Taixu, are you finished?"
Qin Dynasty jumped up from the ground, looked at the opposite Taixu, frowned and said, "I said it all. I'm here to talk to your leader. It's good for you to come up and fight and kill. I'm killing your wife or killing your family! "
"Yellow mouth child, shut up!"
Taixu was furious and threw the seven star sword to Qin Dynasty.
"Demon subduing sword!"
Two golden swords flew towards the Qin Dynasty.
With a wave of the Qin Dynasty, Vajra's palm started and scattered the galloping sword Qi.
"Don't you have a normal person? All mad dogs? "
"Yellow mouth child! Leave your name
Taixu repeatedly waved the demon subduing sword to the Qin Dynasty, and the golden sword Qi kept flying, but all of them were clapped by the King Kong palm of the Qin Dynasty.
"It's no use. It's almost as good to tickle me with this kind of attack."
This Taixu Taoist priest at most has the strength of four gold bodies. The Qin Dynasty didn't have much effort to deal with it.
"In this case, Huang Kouchi, let you see the magic way of one eyebrow way!"
Taixu said, the seven star sword received before the body, in his own finger scratch.
Suddenly, a drop of blood flew out.
Taixu controlled this drop of blood and wrote several mysterious words in the air.
"One eyebrow way secret skill, the holy beast obeys my order!"
After drawing, he pointed the finger dipped in blood to the west, "quemoo! Lou Jingou! Stomach pheasant! Pleiades chicken! Bi YUEWU! Fire monkey! Water ape! At the command of the west, the white tiger appears! "
With his voice, the blood in his hands, dissipated in the air.
Then, a fierce tiger's roar resounded from the top of the mountain.
In the western sky, under Lang Lang's day, seven stars twinkle.
The stars, very dazzling and bright.
Then, a huge white tiger with hanging eyes emerged from the clouds. It has wings on its back.
As the saying goes, clouds follow the dragon and the wind follows the tiger.
As soon as the fierce tiger appears, the wind will blow on Wudang Mountain.
White tiger beast, also from the sky, fell in front of the Qin Dynasty, covetously stare at him.
"The magic of one eyebrow is really interesting."
The Qin Dynasty had to praise it.
It's interesting in the back
Taixu snorted coldly, the trend of white tiger, toward the Qin Dynasty.
The tiger's speed is very fast. In the blink of an eye, it appears in front of the Qin Dynasty.
The body is long, and the body is strong to the wind.
The Qin Dynasty held up his own sword of the evil king of yin and yang to block the attack.
Hukou, slightly numb.
It is worthy of the power of the holy beast, which can not be underestimated
and when the white tiger attacks, Taixu is not idle. He jumped into the air and threw a sword to the head of Qin Dynasty.
"I wipe and play double line operation with me!"
In the Qin Dynasty, Jiuyou giant elephant was attached to the body.
"Go to hell!"
He flew and kicked the white tiger beast.
At the same time, the right hand Vajra palm shot out, to the eyes of the golden sword, to scratch."It's too empty. You're a bull nose. You're deceiving people too much."
The Qin Dynasty couldn't help but throw aside Li Baishan's warning to him.
Today, it seems that we can't do without kicking the mountain.
"You want to die yourself!"
Taixu stabilized the seven star sword, touched the white tiger's fur and said, "it's bad luck for you to offend me today."
"I don't know who's in trouble yet."
The Qin Dynasty sneered and walked slowly towards Taixu.
"The holy beast obeys orders, eliminates the demon!"
Taixu's seven star sword points to the Qin Dynasty.
The white tiger roared, and suddenly a strong wind began to condense in his mouth.
This is a wind spell, and the level is not low.
But the Qin Dynasty did not care, he just walked forward.
The white tiger quickly condensed the magic, opened its mouth and spewed out a white light.
The white light was blowing across the ground, and the fierce wind had made deep gaps in the ground.
The whirling wind, after the white light, mixed with the gravel dust, formed a small tornado, which topped horizontally.
"Diamond hand!"
The right hand of Qin Dynasty contains the power of Vajra waving axe and great Vajra Bodhi hand. It can be said that it is a fighter in defense. That white light spurted, he waved his hand, unexpectedly to be bounced open.
"Boom A deep hole was blown out of the ground.
But Taixu was a little stunned. He didn't expect that the Qin Dynasty only used his hands to blow such a strong blow to fly.
He did not know that the Qin Dynasty did special training for himself in Hu Ke's home before coming to eyebrow road.
The Qin Dynasty felt that he had too many things and was too chaotic. We must sort it out and have a new way of fighting.
Otherwise, even if the strength is strong, the way of fighting will be too savage. Like Xiaobai, if the combat effectiveness is only 5, she can send out the power of 10 with the help of skills!
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