Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 720

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Chapter 720

The eight trigrams palm is based on the palm and used by walking. It is integrated with kicking, beating, wrestling and holding. It follows each other, and there is no limit to avoid it. It follows the trend and goes with the strength. It is unpredictable about the virtual and the real. It is free from the shadow. If it is soft, there is a needle hidden in it; if it is sticky, it will melt; if it is hard, it will explode, as fast as lightning and thunder.
Zhao Jingjing, however, responds to changes with constancy, waiting for Lin Xinghai to take the initiative.
Liu Jia Quan she practiced is more suitable for defense and counterattack.
Don't know why, she felt that Lin Xinghai's smile, particularly annoying. She always has a slap, Lin Xinghai mouth to fan slant impulse.
"Director Zhao."
That Lin Xinghai swam away and said at the same time.
"I just saw the competition between you and curator Han. As a woman, director Zhao is very good at martial arts. I really admire him. However, looking at the appearance of director Zhao, it seems that there is not enough flexibility in his strength. What's more, the legs are slightly different. I don't know if director Zhao has a hidden disease? "
Lin Xinghai's eyes are very sharp.
"Nothing. Curator Lin is too thoughtful."
Zhao Jingjing stands there, serious expression, is looking for Lin Xinghai's flaw.
"This girl is not like a boy in practicing martial arts. She is always inconvenient. If it's not convenient for curator Zhao, you can say it, and we'll compare it on a certain day. "
In Lin Xinghai's speech, the meaning is already obvious.
The Qin Dynasty clenched his fist. The boy was obviously teasing his elder martial sister with words.
Zhao Jingjing also understood that, from childhood to adulthood, she had seen more and more sex wolves. Therefore, she just gave a cold smile and said, "if director Lin is concerned, curator Lin should pay attention to his feet, so as not to fall on the ground by mistake."
"Oh, I've practiced this dragon eight trigrams step since I was a child, and it's very stable." Lin Xinghai is not angry. He laughs, "it's curator Zhao. You can be careful..."
With that, the guy was like a snake, and suddenly got close to him. At the same time, he stabbed Zhao Jingjing's right rib with his left palm like a sharp thorn.
The most vicious part of the eight trigrams palm is this one. If it is really stabbed, it can directly squeeze into the opponent's internal organs. Minor internal injury, serious direct death.
Fortunately, although Zhao Jingjing has been talking, but has always maintained vigilance.
In the past, Zhao Jingjing always fought with Zhenwu Dao of those island countries. The opponent's moves were straight, so it was easier to fight.
But the Chinese art is different, the national skill is changeable, kills the opportunity four times. If you can't make it right, you'll have to kill it.
Compared with Baji boxing, this Bagua palm is more fierce and flexible. It's like a snake, constantly winding around you, chill, and give you a bite.
Zhao Jingjing's action is very fast, stretched out his arms, immediately sealed the palm of Lin Xinghai.
But Lin Xinghai just smiles.
His other hand, I don't know when, cut Zhao Jingjing's throat.
The Dragon King breaks the sky!
Zhao Jingjing reflected that she was very smart, and she instantly one side of the shoulder, avoiding the other party's cut palm. At the same time, a mallet hit the other side's chin.
Lin Xinghai's reaction was quick. Seeing the other side's head bumping, he immediately retracted his right hand and blocked it on his chin, so as to prevent a jaw from being smashed.
"Pedaling, pedaling, pedaling!"
But Zhao Jingjing's own strength is not small, let him even retreat three steps, almost disordered pace.
Those martial arts masters who were watching couldn't help but exclaimed.
"Yes, curator Zhao is indeed a martial arts genius. However, I have learned martial arts since I was young, and this Bagua palm has a little heart and virtue. Just now, it was just a little trial. Next, it's the real tough move. Please be careful. "
Then he stepped on the eight trigrams of the dragon and began to walk around the circle again.
From time to time, he would have a flash of lightning. Or shoulder to hand, a variety of offensive, tricky and changeable.
And Zhao Jingjing, then the old God in, see the move. She also thought, let Lin Xinghai a few more moves, so as to increase her experience in fighting with Chinese martial arts.
At this time, Lin Xinghai pasted it up again and slapped Zhao Jingjing.
Zhao Jingjing immediately to the side of the side, at the same time back to a punch.
But this time, Lin Xinghai is laughing. What he seemed to have done with all his strength just now turned back like lightning. It was an empty move.
At the same time, he flew out of his right hand, hit Zhao Jingjing's arm, opened Zhao Jingjing's fist, and approached her at the same time.
Zhao Jingjing was shocked and rushed out with the other hand.
But Lin Xinghai's hands clapped out Zhao Jingjing's other arm.
Zhao Jingjing played four or five fists, all pushed open by Lin Xinghai, leaving her empty door wide open.
"Safety gun!"
At this time, some martial arts masters had already seen the clue and couldn't help shouting.And Lin Xinghai took advantage of Zhao Jingjing's empty door, a hammer, hit her abdomen.
This is a very practical move in the eight trigrams. If it is hit, Lin Xinghai's power can directly beat people and lose their ability to move.
In this moment, Zhao Jingjing reacted very quickly.
She pressed her arms under her body, and at the same time her abdomen shrank. She just blocked Lin Xinghai's gun. But after the seal, Lin Xinghai continued to change his moves. With a hook on his hand, he clasped Zhao Jingjing's hands and dragged her to his body. At the same time, the other hand, on the face of Zhao Jingjing.
"Wipe your eyebrows!"
Another martial arts teacher exclaimed.
This eyebrow wiping is a unique skill of the formula Bagua palm. The formula Bagua palm is handed down from Cheng Tinghua. Cheng Tinghua is Dong Haichuan's great apprentice. When the Eight Power Allied forces invaded China, Cheng Tinghua was visiting. He met dozens of French troops and forced to search Cheng Tinghua. When Cheng Tinghua saw that foreigners had insulted the Chinese, he refused to search.
Naturally, foreigners didn't do it. At that time, they were also a group of villains who committed crimes in Beijing. With so many people and a foreign gun, he will shoot Cheng Tinghua.
Master Cheng Tinghua is a man of great agility. Without waiting for the foreigners to shoot, he had already opened his hands close to the foreigners and beat them to the head and blood. He was braver than Zhao Zilong at that time.
Seven or eight people were killed and injured at one time, and the foreigners blew up the temple, and more and more people were there. Seeing that the situation is not very good, Cheng Tinghua thinks it is better to go first. He jumped to the roof next to him, but unexpectedly, he was shot in the abdomen by foreigners and died.
Unfortunately, the decline of martial arts is due to the prosperity of firearms.
Lin Xinghai is the master of eight trigrams.
Most martial arts masters can't hide his eyebrows.
However, Zhao Jingjing kicked Lin Xinghai in the chest, forcing him to step back two steps and cut off the move.
Zhao Jingjing's habit is to kill you while you are ill. She flew up and hit Lin Xinghai's chin.
"I've been waiting for you."
Who knows, Lin Xinghai is not angry but laughs, it is the flaw that he intentionally sells again.
At the same time, he hit with his left hand around Zhao Jingjing's wrist and pushed her away. At the same time, the other hand forward, inserted into Zhao Jingjing's armpit, the shoulder hit her armpit position.
Zhao Jingjing's body is out of balance. But Lin Xinghai is not finished yet. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he takes his left hand back, pulls Zhao Jingjing's right leg, and hooks her right hand around her waist. He even holds her up and is about to fall to the ground.
This will fall to the ground, although Zhao Jingjing does not hurt, but it is also a kind of humiliation.
As soon as she changed her figure, one leg was lifted up and caught Lin Xinghai's neck.
Lin Xinghai wants to fall her, but she uses her strength to let Lin Xinghai sink. At the same time, her body lifted up, clasped Lin Xinghai's shoulder, and instantly broke free of his grasp. At the same time, the body upside down in the air, and then squat in the air, legs severely pedal in Lin Xinghai's back neck.
This Lin Xinghai was pedaled, immediately flew out directly and threw himself into the chair beside him.
A couple of chairs, they were crushed.
Zhao Jingjing fell down and hugged Lin Xinghai in the face, "Chengrong."
There is no need to explain what, that Lin Xinghai, really lost.
Although the program Bagua palm is powerful, Lin Xinghai has only learned a little bit about it. Now the decline of martial arts is undoubtedly a kind of sadness.
"It seems that only I, the old bone, can do it in person."
At this time, Hong Jiu finally got up, took a look at Lin Xinghai, who was climbing up, and then walked into the field.
The old man was a myth of the martial arts street.
When Wushu street was founded, most of them were Korean and Japanese. There are also some Taoist schools like Thai boxing and Russian jujitsu.
Although it's at the foot of the capital, it's hard for China's martial arts museum to have a foothold.
Most people think that Chinese art has declined, and they basically cheat money.
At the beginning of its establishment, Hong Jiu's first Nanquan hall was also ostracized by other foreign pavilions in this street.
At that time, he directly set up the challenge arena and defeated ten foreign experts in a row.
Taekwondo, karate, Thai boxing, and jujitsu all failed.
Therefore, Hong Jiu's status today is so lofty.
Nanquan boxing is broad and profound. Hongquan, Yongchun However, there are various factions in Hongquan. For example, Fu Hu Quan, Hu He Shuang, Wu Xing Quan, tiexian Quan and so on.
This Hong Jiu, each kind of boxing, has its own unique research.
Later on, those martial arts masters were not young and vigorous, and challenged with Hong Jiu.
For example, Han Lei and Lin Xinghai are all listed here.
But in the end, they all failed miserably."I'm a very reasonable person."
"Director Zhao, if you can win me and you want to set up a martial arts school, I will have nothing to say. However, you've played two games in a row, and you need a rest. Otherwise, it would be disgraceful for me to win. "
"Old uncle Hong cares." Zhao Jingjing hugged her fist and said, "I'm fine enough to finish this routine"
"elder martial sister, let me come to this scene. You have a rest first."
At this time, the Qin Dynasty finally spoke.
"I've learned liujiaquan for such a long time, but I haven't practiced it with a master of Chinese martial arts."
Qin said, "elder martial sister can't only come by herself, but also let me exercise."
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