Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 798

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Chapter 798

"Your mom can really buy it. It's Transformers 3."
At the gate of the cinema, Qin Dynasty took a look at the ticket in his hand and said with a smile.
"Hee hee, it's just that I haven't seen a 3D movie yet."
Yang Li took her uncle and said happily.
"Then you can't do it. It's not a 3D ticket."
The Qin Dynasty shrugged his shoulders and said. This movie has just been shown. It's too popular. It's hard to buy 3D tickets.
"Well, it doesn't matter if it's normal."
Yang Li said, "I'd love to watch dog poop with uncle."
"That's not easy."
Qin Dynasty stretched out a finger, "there is a toilet, let's go to the toilet to have a look at it and go home."
"Fuck you!"
Yang Li quit, patted the Qin Dynasty, "know to tease me."
"Who is teasing you?" Qin Dynasty said very seriously, "not you said, as long as you are with me, are you happy to see dog poop?"
"That's polite manners!" Yang Li yelled, "is it the dog who goes to the men's room?"
This voice, immediately attracted a lot of men's eyes.
Occasionally a few just came out of the men's room, are very sad, looking at this lovely little girl.
Qin Dynasty quickly covered her mouth, to those men beside smile way.
"Sorry, there's something wrong with her head. Please forgive me more."
Yang Li was angry and took a bite on the hand of the Qin Dynasty.
This mouth is very cruel. Yang Li's teeth hurt so much that her tears came down.
"Wuwu, uncle, are your claws made of iron?"
"You deserve it."
"I don't care! It hurts so much. You have to compensate me! "
When dealing with girls, the Qin Dynasty understood very well that they should not reason with them. Because there's no reason.
"Cheng Cheng Cheng Cheng, how do you want me to compensate you?"
"I want popcorn!"
Yang Li said, pointing to the popcorn stall.
"Yes, I'll get you a large one. But you don't have a toothache? "
"It doesn't hurt to eat popcorn."
Yang Li pouted and said, "and coke."
"No coke!" Qin Dynasty immediately said, "do not know coke is preservative!"
"I can drink Pepsi instead of Coca Cola."
"Yes, Chinese people are used to eating additives and other things. If you want to commit suicide, I will not stop you."
The Qin Dynasty took Yang Li, bought popcorn and coke, and then lined up at the gate of their game.
Not to mention, there are still many people who come to see the film, many of them are lovers. This pair is right. If you don't like me, I think it will be sweet to death.
"Uncle, you see, people kiss me, and I want to hold them too!"
Yang Li said.
"Just hold me."
"Then you get popcorn and coke, and I'll hold you."
Yang Li held up her snacks.
The Qin Dynasty shrugged his shoulders and stretched out a hand around Yang Li's boneless waist. The girl is a little happy, waiting for the line.
Qin Chaogang wanted to say something to Yang Li, but suddenly his eyes swept and saw two beauties walking side by side. Suddenly, the neck shrinks, and he wants to hide in the crowd.
At the same time, there was a fat girl beside her. Qin Dynasty loosened Yang Li's waist and stood beside the fat sister, blocking her body.
Yang Li saw Qin Dynasty standing on the other side, tilted her head and asked, "uncle, what's the matter with you?"
And the Qin Dynasty did not care about Yang Li at this time, because that pair of beautiful women, not far from the Qin Dynasty, stood in line with a few people.
"Chang Chang, you said that I had a hard time taking a holiday today and wanted to sleep in at home. You had to drag me to see a movie."
One of them dressed up very hot beauty, stretched a charming stretch, said.
"You are my best friend. If I don't look for you, I'll run to see it myself. It's so boring. "
another beauty pushed her good friend.
Two beautiful women appeared at the same time, and there was no boyfriend around, which immediately attracted the attention of many people.
"Let Xiaoying accompany you!"
"She still has to go to school."
"Then you call Qin Dynasty, don't you think about him every day and read him?"
"Fuck you!"
Liu Chang rolled a white eye, "who thought of that guy, Playboy ghost, big color wolf! You also said me, that time you fell asleep in the lounge, but you called someone's name in your dream! Oh, that voice, it's so lewd that I can't hear it! "
"No, don't talk nonsense!"
Shangguanyan's face turned red, "I don't like him! Even if all the men in the world are dead, I will never look him in the eye! ""Oh, no eye."
Liu Chang said with a smile, "every time we meet, the eyes will fly to others."
"You girl, more and more excessive!"
Shangguanyan's face was flushed with anger, "I said it like spring!"
"I didn't say, but it's spring! How about I make a phone call and make an appointment with him? This guy must be very happy
"Come on! With so many girls around him, where can it be our turn? "
Shangguanyan curls its mouth.
Liu Chang covered his mouth and snickered.
"This word, have a deep palace to complain about a woman's feeling."
"You're the one who resents the deep palace!"
Although the sound of two people's banter is not big, but Qin Dynasty's hearing is quite sensitive, let him listen to all.
These two girls, have nothing to talk about what they do!
But you're dreaming, girl?
Is it true that your charm is so great?
This guy was guessing, and the fat lady beside him opened his mouth.
"Hooligan, where are you going! I'm so rude
Qin Dynasty a Leng, turned to look at the side of the fat sister.
I didn't rely on her, just a little closer, with the help of her unique figure, to cover for myself.
"What are you looking at? I haven't seen a beautiful woman!"
The fat sister opened her mouth and the Qin Dynasty couldn't help covering her mouth.
The sister seems to have just eaten garlic I went there.
"I'm sorry, I'll stand far away."
The Qin Dynasty didn't want to cause trouble, so it stepped back two steps.
"You don't admit it after you've played rogue, do you?"
Who knows, that fat elder sister actually endlessly, went up to catch Qin Dynasty's clothes collar, "hurry to give an account to old woman, otherwise today with you not finished!"
I'll go. What's the situation
Qin Dynasty by this so-called beauty a drink, almost closed breath.
"What are you doing? Let go of my uncle!"
Yang Li doesn't like it. How come you are a fat girl! Can my uncle tease you like this?
"Cheap girl, your uncle is a rascal. Don't talk to him!"
The fat girl glared at Yang Li.
Hey, youngliton quit.
This girl usually is not the main stop, immediately coke and popcorn to the ground a throw, pinched the waist angrily denounced way.
"Who do you say? Say it again!"
As soon as you shout here, there will be people watching.
Of course, they include shangguanyan and Liu Chang.
These two beauties, come and have a look. I'll go. Isn't this someone just discussed.
"Ouch, my Qin official."
Shangguanyan was also a master who was afraid that the world would not be in chaos. She twisted her waist and walked forward and said with a smile, "I haven't seen you for a long time. The taste is much heavier"
"in the Qin Dynasty, what's the matter with this?"
Liu Chang was much more normal, frowning at the Qin Dynasty.
"Misunderstanding, everything is misunderstanding."
The Qin Dynasty shrugged its shoulders.
"I misunderstood you, mistakenly!"
That fat sister is also very shrewd, holding the Qin Dynasty will not let go, "you impolite old lady, but also mean to say misunderstanding! If you don't give an account today, you can't leave! "
"You let go
Yang Leighton rushed forward and took the fat lady's arm to pull her away. Unfortunately, the girl's strength is too small to pull the fat girl.
"Who insulted you."
The Qin Dynasty felt that this woman had gone too far, and she was really immortal.
"I'm not rude. What do you do to me! I tell you, I'm still a big girl! We don't finish this today. "
"You dream less."
Qin Dynasty sneers, "my eyes are blind, will be rude to you."
"I've caught the current situation, you don't play rogue!"
As soon as two people quarrel, people around them are talking.
"Oh, ah, I didn't expect that, in front of the public, some people would play rogues."
"Oh, the wind of the world is going down, the wind of the world is going down."
"It seems that this guy has a strong taste. He must be suffocating! I don't have a girlfriend
There's a lot of noise here, and the security guards are alarmed.
Several security guards came up, separated the crowd and asked the two men.
"What's the matter? Don't make trouble with us. If you want to make trouble, go home. "
"This guy's impolite, you judge me!"
The woman still held on to the Qin Dynasty and said to the security guard.
Several security guards looked at the Qin Dynasty with a very complicated look. The Qin Dynasty could read one of them, that is, your taste is very bad
"Please don't be bloody."Qin Dynasty calmed down, suddenly a hand, pushed away the fat sister, way, "I have a girlfriend."
"Yes, I'm his girlfriend!"
Yang Li held the waist of Qin Dynasty and said with her head held high.
One side of Liu Chang and shangguanyan look at each other, and then shake their heads one after another.
Get, this Qin Dynasty, every time around you can have different girls, but also beautiful women.
But this time, is it a little younger.
"She said nonsense!"
The fat girl pointed to Yang Li and said, "isn't he your uncle?"
"He's my uncle, not my uncle. It's not a concept at all!"
Yang Li curled her lips. "I don't even know that. It's from Mars."
"Hey, you guys are really good at acting!"
The fat lady said, "don't think that's all. I tell you, it's against the law to harass my mother in broad daylight. "
"I'll go Sexual harassment... "
The Qin Dynasty touched his nose and said, "I have to think too much about it..."
"Husband, don't make trouble with this idiot woman. The movie will start soon."
At this time, shangguanyan suddenly came over and gave a kiss on the cheek of the Qin Dynasty and said, "she's sick. Why do you have a good idea with her?"
The kiss of shangguanyan made everyone realize.
It turns out that people have such a beautiful, so punctual girlfriend.
As expected, she was pale and trembling, and she didn't know what to say.
The security guard gave her a push. "You disturb public order. Come with us."
"What are you doing? I want to see a movie!"
"The ticket has been returned. You must come with us."
Several security guards took the fat girl away. At this time, shangguanyan pointed to Yang Li and took a quiet look at the Qin Dynasty.
"Husband, who is this girl?"
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