Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 672

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Chapter 672

The swords of the two men collided with each other, and the red sparks came out.
Qi Jin, also in an oval shape, runs in private, sweeping the surrounding snow and gravel.
"These two people, the power of terror..."
People in Shushan were surprised and speechless.
One of the youngest disciples almost cried with fear.
A series of blows, this is two people in the dust, constantly chopping sword. Qin Dynasty is fast in speed and strength, while haotiansheng is skillful in sword moves.
Two people in a moment, no less than hundreds of moves. All the surrounding walls and soil were broken, and even the ground under their feet was cracked by the strength of the two men.
"Qin Dynasty, you are dead! I will kill you
Haotian at this time, like an impulsive madman, constantly roaring to kill the Qin Dynasty.
In contrast, the Qin Dynasty is very leisurely. The sword of the big Yin and Yang evil king in his hand is constantly fighting back at each other's sword moves. From time to time, throw out a few evil king Canyue to kill, add some trouble to the other side.
"If you have only this strength, I'm afraid you can't do it today."
Qin Dynasty blocked Haotian's attack while still in the mood to talk to him, "I advise you, or go back to practice for hundreds of years, maybe you can catch up with me."
"Looking for death!"
Can Haotian be convinced? Before he met the Qin Dynasty, he was praised as a gifted and beautiful boy on the mountain of Shu, comparable to Shen Qing in those years!
But in the small town of Shanhua, this beautiful boy with talent was defeated by the Qin Dynasty!
What a shame!
"Sword into a hundred shadows, covering the sky! The shadow sword
Haotian releases nearly a thousand sword lights and falls from the sky.
There was a clear blast, and finally, a loud bang.
The building, which had been built to more than seven floors, collapsed and became a pile of ruins.
The body of the Qin Dynasty was also submerged in it.
On the ruins, there are still sword shadows everywhere, proving what a terrible sword rain just broke out here.
"Well, it's up to you to die..."
Haotian gasped for breath and raised his reincarnation sword.
"Three thousand samsara!"
His blue sword, flying into the ruins above, slightly rotating, like a wheel of reincarnation.
This circle of samsara, towards the bottom, falls down.
"Bang bang bang!"
A series of explosions, as if someone had lit a string of firecrackers, the sound was harsh.
The earth began to tremble, as if unable to bear the power of the disk of samsara.
Once again, the ruins were filled with dust and rocks.
"Well, that guy will be ok..."
Bai Jiaojiao clenched her sword and couldn't help saying.
"Don't worry."
The Dharma minister said, "the Vajra Sutra of the Qin Dynasty has reached the level of Vajra waving his axe! This is the third level of Vajra Sutra. There are too few people who can hurt him... "
At this time, the place just hit by the wheel of samsara has become a terrible pit.
It's like being hit by a meteorite.
The former seven story building is now gone.
"Finally, it's over..."
Haotian breathed a long sigh of relief and took back his reincarnation sword. "Demon, remember, the one who killed you is Haotian of Shushan mountain!"
"Well, I remember."
Haotian can't close his mouth.
"Bang!" In the black light, the Qin Dynasty patted the windbreaker and stood up from the rubble in the pit.
Even his windbreaker was not damaged.
This result makes Haotian's soul tremble.
"Three thousand samsara is really powerful!"
The Qin Dynasty twisted his neck and gave out a crackling joint, "but it's not enough for me."
even the Paladin with angel's body can't hurt the Qin Dynasty at all, let alone Haotian at the end of Yuanying.
The Vajra Sutra of the Qin Dynasty broke through to the third level, which was too terrifying. If you want to break his defense, I'm afraid only the master of thunder robbery period can do it.
"The Qin Dynasty You should die... "
Haotian's mouth, suddenly spit out two cold air, "don't think, in this way, I can't kill you in Shushan..."
With that, the reincarnation sword in front of him suddenly vibrated.
The bright moon behind suddenly covered his mouth and couldn't believe to look at his elder martial brother.
"My God!"
"What's the matter?" Bai Li Ming doesn't know what Haoyue is surprised at.
"Yes, it's a secret skill of Shu mountain that can only be cultivated in the golden age!"Haoyue's master once revealed such a magic secret. Therefore, Haoyue recognized it at a glance.
"You mean..."
Bai Li Ming was not a fool who knew nothing about it. He immediately realized that he couldn't close his mouth in surprise, "it's Tibetan swordsmanship! How could it be! The elder martial brother is just at the end of Yuan Dynasty. He can use the Tibetan sword skill which can only be used with the body of gold for seven times! "
In their consternation, the reincarnation sword suddenly turned into thousands of sword shadows and entered Haotian's body.
At this time, Haotian also raised his head, as if in great pain, and roared at the sky.
His body, constantly out of the silvery white sword.
And this moment, even the Qin Dynasty, felt a terrible sense of oppression, from the other side of the body.
"What a powerful force..."
He couldn't help but see what the move was!
What is Tibetan swordsmanship like.
"I have a sword, sword name reincarnation! Samsara, Tibetan swordsmanship! "
He called out the name of his sword.
The silver and white sword Qi on his body suddenly dissipated.
At this time, Haotian's figure changed slightly.
His clothes, from the original white robe, turned blue. On his back, the word "Samsara" was written in small seal script.
His hair, too, turned blue. When you open your eyes, one eye is black and the other is blue.
"How do you feel that you are not a man, a demon or a demon..."
The Qin Dynasty couldn't help thinking of music.
This scene, he thought, should be changed. Haotian should raise his arm and shout, I'm Shirley, give me strength!
Although the transformation method is very interesting, but the Qin Dynasty can also feel that Haotian is stronger.
Besides, it's not half past one.
"It's time for you to die."
Haotian stands there with a smile on his lips.
In a flash, he suddenly stood in front of the Qin Dynasty, a punch in the body of the Qin Dynasty.
Qin Dynasty's body, immediately flew out, one after another to fly out a hundred meters away.
He shook his head and stood up. This fist is full of sword power. Moreover, in terms of strength, it is already the triple power of the golden body.
It seems that Shushan also has a secret skill that can enhance strength
And when he just stood up, there was Haotian's cold voice in front of him. He looked up and the guy was standing in front of him.
"There's something better."
With that, Haotian grasped the shoulder of Qin Dynasty with one hand, and struck the chest of Qin Dynasty with the other hand.
"Bang! Bang! Bang
One punch after another, with a huge sword power.
Moreover, each punch is accurately landed in the same place, that is, the location of the heart of the Qin Dynasty.
Soon, the Qin Dynasty felt that there was a damage on the defense of his Vajra Sutra.
With the bombardment of Haotian's fist, the damage is getting bigger and bigger.
It seems that one more punch, his chest, should be punctured.
Haotian seems to be aware of this, and his eyes flash with excitement.
The next punch, high and high, will fall on the body of the Qin Dynasty.
But at this time, the Qin Dynasty suddenly seized his wrist.
At the same time, said coldly.
"I'm sorry, I'm not a sandbag..."
Finish saying, Qin Dynasty flies a palm, hit directly on this Haotian's chin.
Dragon King opens the sky!
That Haotian's body also flies high, then flies out 100 meters, smashes into the ground.
"You think you're the only one who's going to change?"
Qin Dynasty spits out a mass of flame, and then wait for the white flame to roll into black, and swallow into the stomach.
"Jiuyou summoning skill · attachment!"
A pair of white gloves, suddenly appeared on his palm.
In fact, the Qin Dynasty was very interested in that Haotian's Tibetan swordsmanship.
Another day, he will ask Li Baishan if he knows how to cultivate Tibetan swordsmanship.
What I hold in my hand is the eternal magic sword, the great Yin and Yang evil king sword!
If it can be combined with the sword of the great Yin and Yang evil king, I'm afraid it will be much better than Haotian.
Haotian didn't seem to be hurt. He floated up from the ground and waved his hand to the Qin Dynasty.
A yellow water wave, suddenly lifted over.
The Qin Dynasty felt that the water waves seemed to have a very terrible energy, so he quickly dodged to the side.
At the same time, a stray dog just ran past here and was caught by the waves.
When the water wave passed, the stray dog had already dried up and became a mummified dog."This is the water of the netherworld, which can directly drag you into samsara."
Haotian is smiling. Beside him, the yellow spring is constantly turning.
The Qin Dynasty suddenly became passive.
It seems that the Jiuyou giant elephant, which is good at close combat, can't get close to the Haotian surrounded by the yellow spring water.
Fortunately, the Qin Dynasty had other abilities.
"Jiuyou summoning skill · attachment!"
He changed the state of the appendage and immediately entered the appendage of the nine you poisonous spider.
He wants to learn Xiaobai's fighting style.
"Go to hell!"
Haotian once again threw out his own yellow spring water, like a slender water dragon, shooting into the air of the Qin Dynasty.
But Qin Dynasty's body, but suddenly disappeared in the air.
"Do you think you can get close to me behind me?"
But when the Qin Dynasty appeared, it ushered in Haotian's sneer.
Two water dragons flew from his back and entangled themselves in the Qin Dynasty.
"Disappear for me!"
In a hurry, the Qin Dynasty threw out the wormhole and sucked in two water dragons.
He used this method, not fluent enough, not like Xiaobai.
It seems that it is Xiaobai's unique way of fighting!
Each of the nine magic puppets got his own ability, but it was totally different from his own way of fighting.
Take Zhao Jingjing's nine you giant elephant as an example. Giving her this ability is just like adding wings to a tiger. It's terrible!
"I see how much you can suck!"
Haotian turns around, a yellow water dragon roll, suddenly whistling, lifted up!
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