Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1040

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Chapter 1040

"Hehe, where, where."
Qin Dynasty has no hand to wipe the cold sweat, said with a smile.
One side of the sales Miss for Suji swipe card, while watching the Qin Dynasty silent.
Harem beauty?
Is it that this man has such a beautiful girl girlfriend is not satisfied, but also a foot in two boats? However, he is quite handsome, but he is a little too stingy.
A bag is only more than 100 yuan, and you are not willing to buy it for your girlfriend. How can you still use two boats?
It's really strange that "where, in southern Jiangsu!"
Suji white Qin Dynasty one eye, "you dare say, you did not receive a small nurse's telephone today?"
"Well, this..."
The Qin Dynasty was even more embarrassed. Indeed, early this morning, he received a call from Yang Li. The girl, shouting to accompany her to the amusement park. But because he had said in advance that he would go shopping with Suji, he pushed Yang Li's business away, which made Yang Li very dissatisfied.
In Yang Li's words, she's a one-sided house. She can't fight for the palace. But she also did not entangle, said that is the small three must have the small three consciousness, let the Qin Dynasty this cold sweat.
But how did Suji know about Yang Li?
I don't seem to have told her about it.
"What's the matter? It's a phone call from Huke hospital. I wanted to ask me for voluntary consultation, so I pushed it. You see, there is a vinegar jar, and you've caught a shadow again. "
The Qin Dynasty laughed and tried to hide it from the past.
"Dress, dress."
Who knows, Su Ji is a curl of the mouth, did not believe the Qin Dynasty that set, "I see you can install to when."
"Where do I pretend to be My heart to you, heaven can tell you "
" heaven is dead. "
These four words are the same as the five Thunders of the Qin Dynasty.
"Jiang Dong told me that he was a nurse in a health school and a white-collar worker who had just graduated Hehe, the Imperial Palace army of the Qin Dynasty has a tendency to expand again... "
The sales lady with Suki's credit card obviously shook her hand.
Good fellow, this man, originally not only pedal two boats, unexpectedly is three!
I admire you so much!
Fortunately, his boyfriend is still single-minded, and doesn't mess around outside. Otherwise, he, a poor weak woman, will not be able to fan him to death!
The girl in front of her is good enough. She looks so beautiful. There must be many excellent boys going out.
This, the man is dead hearted.
The Qin Dynasty was still angry.
Jiang Dong is such a big mouth. He's a mother. He told Suji such an important thing!
Didn't you say it was not allowed to reveal the secret!
Granny, I have to tell his wife in the country about his ridiculous things in the hotel!
We must find someone to uphold justice for him in the Qin Dynasty!
Jiang Dong, you are merciless. Don't blame me for the injustice of Qin Dynasty. Hum.
The Qin Dynasty was thinking about revenge, and Suji opened her mouth again.
"Why don't you talk? Is that default? "
"No, no..."
The Qin Dynasty was in a cold sweat. "Suji, you must not listen to the rumors of villains. As the saying goes, rumors stop at wise people. Those hateful elements like Jiang Dong who want to destroy our firm revolutionary friendship should be resolutely eradicated and face future troubles."
"Well, you mean I'm stupid? Is it right or wrong? "
Suu Kyi raised her eyebrows.
Cold sweat made the back of Qin Dynasty wet.
It's too dangerous to find a beautiful woman, especially a smart and beautiful woman.
Although the Qin Dynasty knew that he was not an emperor, he understood the sufferings of some ancient emperors.
"I don't mean that. You see, you little comrade, have misinterpreted the meaning of the organization again. This is not good. It is very bad. The organization appreciates you very much. Don't let it down... "
"Don't be poor with my mother. I don't know you yet!"
Suji glared at the Qin Dynasty and said, "huaxingui, this word is most appropriate for you! Hum, when I knew you, you were a poor boy, but at least you devoted yourself to my mother. How are you doing now? You are concentrating on all kinds of little girls... "
"Well, what do you say?"
The Qin Dynasty knew that she couldn't say Suji, and this woman was invincible.
Two people have also settled accounts, is going outside, Qin Dynasty in order to cross the topic, quickly asked.
"By the way, why didn't boss Su come along this time?"
"Why, do you want to go shopping with my sister?"
Su Ji did not answer the question of the Qin Dynasty, but asked back.Qin really wanted to slap himself in the mouth.
Well, this time, I really carried the stone and hit my foot.
Suu Kyi brought the topic back with a word. It was cruel.
"No, I didn't mean it."
the Qin Dynasty said quickly, "it's just curiosity. Don't you like to take boss Su out with you before?"
"In this way..."
Suji looked back, looked at the Qin Dynasty, and then suddenly asked.
"Honey, do you think our two sisters look alike?"
"Of course
Qin said, "if you don't look carefully, I don't know who you are. Fortunately, I know you very well. I can see it at a glance
"Well, what's the difference between us?"
Suu Kyi seemed curious about the question and asked again.
"You two sisters, one as warm as fire, the other as cold as water, can be described as ice fire double sky."
"In this way Who is the prettier sister, then
"Spring orchids and autumn chrysanthemums have their own merits."
Qin Dynasty eyes a turn, and added, "but, of course, is my su Xiaomei, more beautiful."
"Uh huh..."
Su Ji seemed to be very satisfied with the answer of Qin Dynasty. She nodded, and suddenly her eyes lit up, staring at the Qin Dynasty, and asked again.
"In this way, you think that our two beautiful twins, one water and one fire, surrounded you in the Qin Dynasty and accompanied you to go shopping, which made you more face-saving, and even more dark and cool to the extreme, right?"
Su Ji's words poked into the heart of Qin Dynasty. He suddenly changed his face and said in a hurry.
"How can it be? What's the matter! Honey, you can't make a blind guess. It's a matter of great importance to your husband and my reputation! "
"So you don't think our two sisters are qualified enough to go shopping with you. You have no face at all?"
Suu Kyi raised her eyebrows and raised her voice by an octave.
"No, no!"
The Qin Dynasty did not expect that she was surrounded by Suji into her language trap.
This time, cold sweat can take a bath.
"Well, you, Qin Dynasty."
Suji walked forward two steps. They were in a corridor of the shopping mall. As soon as she went forward, the Qin Dynasty retreated and leaned against the smooth wall covered with tiles.
The queen arrived.
"You tell me honestly, are you lustful to my sister?"
"As God is my witness, absolutely not!"
If Qin Dynasty can take out the hand, must stretch out three fingers hair oath.
"You die, do you believe in God?"
"I believe it now."
Qin Dynasty explained.
"I'll take you to see him now."
Su Ji Jiao was angry and stretched out her hand and pinched several pieces of Qin Dynasty.
Alas, although the Qin Dynasty had the Vajra Sutra to protect the body, the Jiuyou giant elephant was not small in strength. Unexpectedly, it was pinched.
"My wife, heaven can tell Ah, no, everything in the world has proved for me that I really have nothing to do with boss su... "
Suji looked at the Qin Dynasty with disbelief.
She suddenly stepped back two steps, then turned around in front of the Qin Dynasty and said.
"Honey, do you think I am beautiful?"
"Beautiful, as beautiful as a fairy!"
The Qin Dynasty didn't know what Suji was up to, but she still had to flatter.
Suu Kyi continued with a coy face.
"Well, what about my figure?"
"First class!"
"Thin legs?"
"Is your ass cocky?"
"Are you straight?"
"Very, very well!"
"Do you feel like I'm on fire when you see me Do you want to push people down? "
Suu Kyi asked, blushing and licking her lips.
The Qin Dynasty was so satisfied by Suji that she really wanted to burn herself. She nodded repeatedly, "of course, how could it be my wife..."
"Since I'm beautiful, my legs are thin, my chest is very thin, and my buttocks are cocky Then my twin sister, how can it be worse! Can you see my lust and be calm when you see her? "
Su Ji turns her words and says angrily.
"Are you a wild man in front of my mother. When I get to my sister's, I'll be the head of the big house! "
"I, I this..."
The Qin Dynasty cried.
He couldn't clean up the Yellow River after he jumped into the Yellow River.
fighting with Suji and tying up the three Qin Dynasties with him, he was no match"Hum, Qin Dynasty, I see what you have to say! Admit it to me honestly! Do you mean my sister badly
"I really don't, wife, absolutely not Although I have some color, I have a sense of shame and moral standards after all. She's your sister. She's my sister. How can you have such a bad idea for your sister! If you are my wife, you should respect me instead of insulting me like this! "
Qin Dynasty is to bite the teeth not to let go, absolutely can not yield to Suji's erotic power.
If you give in, the end will be even more terrible.
Unexpectedly, after listening to the words of the Qin Dynasty, Suji came forward with her eyes red, and said in a soft voice, "you are so kind to me..."
"Well, you see, I'm not good for you. I'm good to whom."
Qin Dynasty heart big Ding, borrow pole to climb up, laugh a way.
"But, husband, I know I'm sorry for you, too."
"Well? That's not what it says
"I'm a vampire. I can't be like my husband As a normal man, my husband can't stand it. I want to... "
Su Ji bit red lips, looking at no one around, quietly in the Qin Dynasty ear, exhaled like LAN, quietly asked.
"Well, this Of course there are But it doesn't matter. I can bear it. "
Qin Dynasty dry cough two, said.
"We are husband and wife. I know my husband must be miserable, right
"Well Also, it can be said that... "
"In fact, as a wife, I have a great responsibility for the needs of my husband. So, it's not that we haven't thought about a solution. "
Suji turned her black and white eyes and said to the Qin Dynasty.
"Ah? What can I do? "
Qin Chaoxin said, after entering or mouth service? But Suu Kyi is such a proud girl, these estimates are all illusions
"Hee hee, I thought for a moment..."
Su Ji said with a smile, "since my sister is the same as me, let my sister, who is a mortal, replace me and my husband. Isn't that the same as my husband..."
I have to say that Su Ji's words made Qin Dynasty's heart beat.
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