Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1174

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Chapter 1174

"Brother Qin..."
After a long time, Li Na, lying in the back seat, woke up in a daze.
Before the Qin Dynasty, Li Na had been recuperated with vitality and Vajra Sutra, but the girl should be a little tired and took the opportunity to sleep for a while. When I wake up, I find myself sitting in elder brother Qin's car.
"Is it all right..."
Li Na asked.
"It's all right. It's all right."
Qin Dynasty's car has been parking in the parking lot of Kyoto University, "don't do tutoring again, it's too dangerous."
"Well, it's not always like this..."
Li Na said in a hurry, "I have taught so many students, they are all very good This is the only one, so bad... "
"Anyway, no going!"
Qin Dynasty glared at Li Na, "don't make me angry! I'm not always by your side. What if it's still so dangerous next time? Who can save you? "
"Brother Qin Don't be angry with little Nana I won't dare next time. "
Li Na saw that the Qin Dynasty was angry, so she didn't insist. She said, "then I If you don't want to be a tutor, do something else... "
"Other jobs? What do you want to do? "
"There's a KFC near the school, and I'm going to work there."
Li Na tilted her head, thought for a while, and then said, "in this way, it can not only improve my communication skills, but also increase my social experience, which is good. I always work as a tutor, and I don't have enough contact. "
This little Li Na has a single mind.
The Qin Dynasty had no choice but to sigh.
"Well, then you should pay more attention to safety."
"Oh, brother Qin, this society is not as dangerous as you think. There are bad people, but there are still many good people. As you say, other people will not come out to work to earn money! If you don't cook carefully, you will cut your fingers. Don't you cook because you are afraid of pain
"I can't resist you, but if there's anything wrong, call me right away."
Said the Qin Dynasty.
In this world, girls are vulnerable groups.
As a girl, it is very difficult, especially a beautiful girl.
If you look beautiful, you will attract men's covet.
General men also even, may just appreciate, may also pursue.
But some men are not.
Deal with your bad heart.
The powerful and powerful will lure you with money and threaten you with power.
They all envy beautiful girls, but in fact they have their sorrow.
Because they give people the first impression, only the surface of the beautiful.
What people can remember is their beauty.
But ignore, they often have other a little bit.
And some beautiful girls also use their looks as weapons to make money and get promoted.
But little Nana is not such a person. She cares more about her ability.
She is so simple that sometimes she doesn't know how to guard against others.
In this way, she can easily be cheated by some men who have plans.
Therefore, people who see her can not help but have the desire to protect hope.
"I know, brother Qin. I will protect myself carefully."
Li Na said.
"Well, that's good I'll take you back to your bedroom. It's getting late. I have to do something else
The time appointed with Luo Qinglin is about to arrive, and she can't accompany her any more.
A good date was ruined by the beast of Tang Zong.
"You know, brother Qin, you have to come to see me often..."
Li Na was reluctant to part with her.
"Well, I will..."
Two people also said some words, Qin Dynasty just sent Li Na back to the dormitory.
When he was back in the car, he suddenly felt some emotion.
There are too many people and things to worry about.
There are few warblers and swallows around me that can save my mind.
Suji, Zhao Jingjing, these women, have strength in the body, and are also practitioners, she can not worry.
But girls like Li Na, Wu Xin and Liao Shasha are both ordinary people and beautiful women. There must be a lot of trouble.
It seems that I have to consider and send these girls on the journey of cultivation.
Not to mention anything else, just to let them live a long life, always accompany themselves, should do the same.
But they have already passed the best age of practice, and they can't train a lot of people to transform themselves.
Then, there is only one way left, that is, the power of God.
"Master, if you want to instill the power of God, you'd better enter the realm of the meat fairy. Even if you use Jiulong armor to enter the realm of meat fairy, you can. However, there are slight side effects. "At this time, the voice of the off tone began to ring.
The Qin Dynasty quickly asked, "why enter the realm of meat immortals?"
"Because the power of God can also achieve the effect of rebirth. But this effect consumes energy. If the owner does not reach the realm of meat fairy, you may not be able to afford the consumption. And under the stimulation of your meat fairy, the woman who fits with you can wash the bones and cut the marrow, and directly enter the realm of primordial infant. "
"Ha? Young baby
The Qin Dynasty was stunned.
It takes hundreds of years, even thousands of years, to cultivate a young master.
You just need to do one shot?
"Master, you were the first person in the sky and the earth. You should be the immortal! What's more, what you master is the original power of the universe, the power of God. This is the power of creation and destruction. If you go back to the state you were, don't mention the master of yuanyingqi. You can make any immortal level master. Originally, nine of our sisters are masters of immortal level Unfortunately, in this, only empty sister and you have been together You will die. "
Hearing this name, the Qin Dynasty couldn't help asking, "who is empty?"
"Kong is the only one of our sisters who has been favored by you"
Li Yin said, "master, you really forget everything. If sister Kong knows, she will be sad. However, empty sister is still sleeping, and sleep is very heavy. It will take a long time for you to awaken her, the immortal level ancient dragon clan. "
I'll wipe it!
The Qin Dynasty was stunned.
How did he not know that there was a master of immortal level in Jiulong ring.
"Hee hee, master, it's not that I don't tell you, but it's useless to tell you. Your present strength is too long to wake up the empty elder sister. However, it is not far away to wake up the fourth dragon girl
Li Yin laughs.
"Well What else should I pay attention to when I use this divine power to infuse? "
"Yes, it's the master. You can only infuse one woman in seven or forty-nine days. Because the consumption of energy is huge. Moreover, it not only consumes energy, but also consumes your essence. Therefore, it must take 49 days for the owner to bear it. "
Yuan Jing, it's a little evil.
"Therefore, no matter how anxious you are, you have to wait for 49 days before you can carry out the next indoctrination."
Li Yin reminds me.
"Well, I see..."
Qin Chaoxin said that 49 days to build a master of the yuan infant period, has been a very strong speed. Let the people of other sects know that they can't be angry.
Although, this method of making is a little evil.
While communicating with Li Yin, he drove to Luo Qinglin.
At this time, in a courtyard in the suburb of the imperial capital, Tang Xianhe was standing in front of a middle-aged man, looking at him nervously.
The middle-aged man put his palm in front of the comatose Tang Zong and groped for a long time.
"Mr. Tang, the young master has indeed won the unique seven day Jue Ming Qin of our school."
The middle-aged man finally let go of his hand and said, "the music is the unique skill of my younger martial brother, long San. It's too difficult to dissolve it. Only if he comes in person, can it be solved successfully. "
"Master Jiang, don't you have any idea..."
"I've tried my best. I can't help you. It's just my younger martial brother's magic. It's really overbearing I don't know who can beat my younger brother... "
"In that case, Mr. Jiang, I'm thinking about other ways."
With a pale face, Tang Xianhe picked up his son and turned away.
"Mr. Tang, take your time."
The head of Jiang clan watched Tang Xianhe go away, and he said in his heart.
It's not that they can't be saved, but they have to spend half their life. At that time, he, the master of the yuan infant period, is afraid to drop a stage directly and become a supernatural power period.
Who can do this loss making business!
Tang Xianhe left the other courtyard he bought for the music gate, put his fainted little son into the copilot, and took his own ride back to the car.
He was very depressed, sitting in the car, slowly lit a cigarette.
Is it that the little son is so hopeless?
He Tang Xianhe, the master of the Tang family, can't even save his own son?
"Jiang Shimin, you rubbish! Now, I can't help you with money
"Mr. Tang is right. Jiang Shimin is a waste indeed."
Just then, in the back seat of his car, a man's voice suddenly rang out.Tang Xianhe was startled and looked back in a hurry.
A man in a black overcoat and a clown mask on his face was sitting there.
"Who are you! How did you get in my car
Tang Xianhe was worthy of being the head of a large family. He soon calmed down and yelled.
"Oh, don't panic, Mr. Tang. I'm here to help you."
The masked man said with a smile, "your childe's disease, that Jiang Shimin can't see, but I can see it."
"You, can you save my son?"
Hearing this, Tang Xianhe could not help but move in his heart, but his face was still.
"Naturally, otherwise I would not sit here. My favorite thing in my life is meddling. Now, if we run into another one, I can't help but come out and take charge of it. Although your young master has a unique skill in music and temperament, Jiang Shimin can't solve it. But it's a piece of cake for our military division. It's not difficult at all. "
"What you say is true?"
"Is there anyone else besides me who can be trusted?"
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