Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1228

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Chapter 1228

Shangluo said, and the silver spear was thrown out.
The gun was so powerful that it went straight through the black smoke and came to Lucifer.
Lucifer stretched out his hand and spread a pair of huge black wings behind him.
At the same time, the black smoke entangled in the top of the gun, just stopped the castration of the gun, let the gun stop in front of him.
"There's no difference between you and me."
Lucifer said with a faint smile, "why don't we join hands and destroy the world. In time, the father's favor will be given to us. "
"Destroy the human race, I will certainly do it."
Shangluo's voice was still cold, "but it's absolutely impossible to practice with an ugly devil like you."
As she said this, she increased her strength, and the holy gun suddenly whirled and broke the black smoke around her. Then she roared out again.
Lucifer side of the head, to avoid the gun.
The gun fell on the desert behind.
Suddenly, a huge force rose.
Like detonating an atomic bomb in the desert, a huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky.
Black killing swept over, hitting about three people.
The sand can't get close to their bodies.
The Qin Dynasty was watching the cold sweat.
Boy, it's a ferocious force.
It is worthy of the strength of the meat immortal level, and it is still the meat immortal Dacheng, almost close to the scattered immortal period.
The long-term seal has made the strength of the two men retrogressive. The blown up desert has directly sunk into a huge pit.
It is hundreds of meters in diameter and invisible in depth.
The dust is still flying.
Lucifer still had that noble smile on his lips.
"Look at you. You've made this mess around here."
He said, pressing his hand.
The sand storm around suddenly quieted down and turned into a quiet sand again.
"There's only one left between us."
Shangluo's palm was shining white. "This is the price of your degeneration."
"No one can control my choice."
Lucifer said faintly, "if you insist on fighting, I can accompany you. But we've been fighting for too long. I'm just tired of it. I don't know what the world has become. I'm more interested in them than you, the boring angel
"You don't have a chance."
Shangluo said coldly, "until you, only death."
She raised her hands.
A silver light came out.
The light expands, expands, expands.
In the blink of an eye, it becomes a huge light ball with a diameter of 100 meters.
I pull a grass, Qin Dynasty in the side to see is straight dizzy.
This Shangluo is only made for the little sun to come out.
"Destroy with the world."
She said, and suddenly the huge sphere of light began to shrink and compress again.
Finally, it turned out to be the size of a basketball.
But at this time, the light group was shining with gold.
The Qin Dynasty can feel that the power of the guangtuan is so amazing.
If this piece of light goes down, it is estimated that the whole desert will disappear.
Don't think this is a good thing. It must be dead.
"In that case, all right."
Lucifer reached to the front.
The desert under his feet was constantly blown away, and soon exposed the black surface.
Then, the ground broke open and red magma rolled out.
The mass of magma flowed into his hands and soon formed a red spear.
At the same time, the black gas from Lucifer's body also gathered in the gun.
A force comparable to the light ball came out.
The Qin Dynasty knew that he could not hesitate.
"Stop it, both of you!"
He used the rhythm of Begonia, wrapped in his own voice, and quickly exploded in the desert.
The two angels trembled at the same time, then turned to look at the Qin Dynasty.
"Are you in a hurry to die?"
Shangluo said, "we don't care about you. Are you still here to die?"
"You silly angel, get out of Shangluo's body."
Qin Dynasty glared at the eye to say.
"It seems to be an ignorant man."
Shangluo sighed.
"As I said, human beings are stupid and arrogant."
Lucifer said with a smile, "I don't know why God favors them so much. But now, it's time for me to take back the favor. "
"Well, kill him, so that you don't have to worry about flies."Shangluo said, extending his other hand, grabbing out a holy gun and hurling it at the Qin Dynasty.
A holy gun comparable to a missile.
"It seems that the seal has been sealed for a long time, which has made your head amused."
The Qin Dynasty sneered.
He held out his hand and put it in front of him.
When the gun stabbed him in front of him, it stopped automatically.
Looking at the honest spear, the two angels were surprised.
"Did you keep your hand?"
Shangluo frowned, did not control the golden light group of hands, to the Qin Dynasty forward a push.
She wanted to push the gun into the chest of the Qin Dynasty.
But no matter how hard she tried, the lance was still there, honestly.
"How could Try this, then
Shangluo directly threw out the golden light.
"Let's get together."
Lucifer also dropped his lava gun.
The power above is very strong, and the effect of the mind art of the Qin Dynasty failed.
Two detonated directly on him.
A huge mushroom cloud rolled into the sky.
It's a whole desert storm.
The black and red lava also flows around, as powerful as a volcanic eruption.
For a time, the desert, like hell.
"Stupid human beings."
Standing in the desert, Shangluo said coldly, "how dare you challenge the dignity of the two archangels."
"If it's not stupid, it's not human."
Lucifer said with a smile, "well, the fly is out of the way. It's time for us to finish earlier."
"Come on."
Shangluo continued to gather strength and prepare to divide with Lucifer.
"You're all told to stop, don't you hear me?"
At this time, the voice of the Qin Dynasty began to ring again.
Two angels suddenly surprised, incredibly looking at a man slowly out of the black smoke.
There was a layer of gold on his body, and he was not hurt at all.
This, how can it be!
How can anyone resist the two big angels?
Is he a father?
"It's how much we've regressed..."
Shangluo's face was dull.
"Interesting human, maybe I should praise you."
Lucifer flapped his wings and said, "it's just half my strength. Since you're so interesting, I'll try my best to solve you. "
He was shocked.
The wings behind them suddenly became eight wings.
Four pairs of black wings, with Lucifer's body, flew into the air.
At the same time, he held a black dragon gun in his hand. Driven by his wings and body, he stabbed at the Qin Dynasty.
Meat fairy period is the whole power.
That shot directly tore the space apart, leaving a black gap, floating in the air.
"You two are really powerful."
However, Qin Dynasty held out his right hand in front of him.
The defense of Vajra's palm directly blocks the powerful shot.
The clear sound of impact reverberates in the desert.
Lucifer was stunned to see one of his shots blocked.
"How could Who the hell are you? "
"I'm just a little Oriental monk."
Qin Dynasty laughs, and then holds the black gun in his right hand and pulls it back.
Lucifer's body was immediately pulled down from the air, flapping his wings and came to the front.
At the same time, the Qin Dynasty clenched his left hand, and Jiuyou giant elephant's ability was activated, and a fist hit the lower abdomen of Lucifer.
The white air came out of Lucifer's back and brought out a lot of flesh and blood.
Lu Xifa, who was just noble, also spewed out a big mouthful of blood from his mouth, then slowly slipped down from the fist of the Qin Dynasty and knelt down in front of him.
Lucifer's eyes were dull, and he obviously didn't believe what he had come across.
"I, I'm Lucifer. How could I be defeated by a human being..."
He looked at the Qin Dynasty, and suddenly understood something. There was a sharp flash in his eyes.
"I know, it must be that my strength has not recovered Mankind, wait for me, I will come back to avenge you
After that, Lucifer turned into a black light, and then quickly fell into the ground.
He escaped to hell.
The Qin Dynasty didn't care about Lucifer. What he wanted was to take back Shangluo's body.Shangluo, who was possessed by Michael, was still staring at the Qin Dynasty.
"You are the Oriental cultivator..."
She murmured, "it's your group of practitioners again..."
A long time ago, it was they who smashed the plans of the angels to March.
I didn't expect that now, these practitioners are still so fierce.
"When I regain my strength, it will be your death."
With that, four pairs of huge white wings pop up behind her, and she intends to slip away.
"Where to run!"
The Qin Dynasty immediately threw out the prison soul lock. The black chain flew out in all directions and wound around Shangluo.
"Damn it!"
A white lightsaber appeared in Shangluo's hand and kept cutting the chains around him.
"A good seal, if you don't stay, you will run out and die."
The Qin Dynasty had already flown to Shangluo, and at the same time, her left hand was pressed on her forehead, "let me destroy your angel soul!"
With that, he would send his own divine power into Shangluo.
But Michael seems to feel the danger in general, she attached Shangluo, suddenly opened his mouth.
Then, in the eyes, in the mouth, came out the intense white light.
The white light goes straight into the sky and disappears into the clouds.
"Run away?"
Qin looked at the sky.
Shangluo's body became soft and lost consciousness.
The Qin Dynasty lifted Shangluo's soft body and looked into the air.
Although she was possessed by an angel, she must have seen everything Michael did.
Qin Chao shook his head and asked rod to wash away the memory of Shangluo.
Let's not let him take on these things.
At the same time, he was worried.
Michael and Lucifer were raised at the same time. Is the Apocalypse coming?
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