Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 740

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Chapter 740

"Uncle, uncle, let's play video games!"
Yang Li took Qin Dynasty's arm and walked out of lost. She yelled, "I'm good at playing video games. I'm called the queen of video games."
Qin Dynasty raised eyebrows, "you don't learn to be a nurse all day, what video games do you play?"
"That's it. Return the video game queen!"
Han Bing in the side also cold words, "I see is a video game thick skinned."
"Die, Han Bing!"
Yang Li raised her fist in defiance and said, "you see, you dyed that green hair like a green hat. It's good to say that I am!"
"What do you know, this is fashion!"
Han Bing touched her hair. "Today is Wednesday. I need a comfortable mood, so it's green hair. And, hum, I'm not afraid of being hooded. Of course, as long as uncle doesn't give it to me
"What does this have to do with uncle?"
Yang Li said angrily, "uncle is mine!"
"You are not allowed to eat on your own. Uncle didn't admit it!"
Han Bing did not seem to take Yang Li as a real opponent, "you little girl, where can uncle like you, and don't look in the mirror!"
"Die, Han Bing, die Han Bing!"
Yang Li was shaking with anger.
"All right, all right. Don't make any noise. I'll take you home."
The Qin Dynasty advocated Taoism.
"No way!" Yang Li was in a hurry. "Uncle, don't you want something like that?"
Said, threatening to send a look to the Qin Dynasty.
The Qin Dynasty was depressed. Today, it was held by a little girl.
If Suu Kyi knew that she had been playing with other girls for a night, she would not be angry.
"let's go, people want to play!"
Yang Li took the arm of Qin Dynasty and swayed to the left and right.
"The last place!"
The Qin Dynasty put up a finger, "in addition to this, go to other places, I can turn my face and don't recognize people! I'll give you face, and you can't be too presumptuous
The Qin Dynasty made it clear.
"Well, the last place is the last place."
Yang Li nodded. It seemed that she was quite aggrieved.
Qin Dynasty this depressed ah, the heart of the little girl is clearly you threaten me, to now it seems that I bully you! It's true that angry people are not worth their lives.
"hee hee, it seems that uncle agreed
Han Bing looks very happy, holding the other arm of the Qin Dynasty and saying, "let's go to the video game city. There is one near here. I often go there. I'll go there. "
"Well, I'll sell it to you tonight."
The Qin Dynasty shrugged his shoulders and said.
This guy is a little unconscious.
When he and two showy beauties, into the video game city, can cause a lot of envious eyes.
Hold on to each other!
This guy doesn't look like he's rich.
This long, also generally handsome.
How can you have such a good treatment, damn it!
I'm not ugly, and I'm not much better than him! Why, without this love affair!
In the envy of a group of men, the Qin Dynasty was calm.
This is Han Bing and Yang Li two girls just, he took Suji Sufei out of the door, that people's eyes is called a difficult it!
Even that kind of vision can be accepted, this is a god horse!
It's a little, it's a little
Since it is playing with Yang Li, the Qin Dynasty paid for it.
He spent 100 yuan and bought a lot of game coins. He held the box and followed the two girls.
These two girls, into the game hall, one by one excited special huantuo.
"I want to play basketball first, play basketball!"
Yang Li pointed to several basketball machines in the distance and said.
"Cut, you know to play with what children like to play with."
Han Bing curled his lips and said, "it's all for lovers to play with. Who are you and me?"
"uncle and I are lovers!"
Yang Li immediately took Qin Dynasty's arm and said.
"Gold on my face again!"
Han Bing stretched out her finger and scraped Yang Li's face, "are you ashamed?"
"No matter, uncle play with me, play with me!"
Yang Li was pestering the Qin Dynasty when she came across a young man with gold earrings on his ears and nose rings on his nose.
In the young man's arms, he also held a girl with smoky and burning makeup.
"Hello, I said, man, yes, hold on to each other!"
The young man touched his earrings, and with the other hand he held his horse's waist and said with his cigarette in his mouth.Behind him, there were also some young people who looked like they were coming out to mix with each other.
Qin Chaoxin said, "what's the matter today? It's troublesome to go anywhere.".
"Who are you? We don't know you. Go away."
With the support of uncle, Yang Li has a lot of confidence to speak.
"Hey, girl, she's got a good temper."
The young man laughed, not angry, but said, "uncle, my name is Huang Mao, the famous overlord of this game hall! You're holding on to each other. We're not happy. Dare you compete with us. If you lose, you'll have to show us something. "
Qin Dynasty picked eyebrows, he always felt like a broom star, go where, there are people to challenge.
"How do you want to compare it?"
"Let's compare all the facilities here. If I lose, I'll give you a kiss. "
The girl is a little reluctant, yellow hair glared at her, also honest.
However, the Qin Dynasty estimated that the girl was pretending to be pure, because this Ya's already secretly threw several covetous eyes to himself.
No matter how bad they are, they are more beautiful than the yellow hair.
At least, I didn't wear a ring on my nose.
"If you lose, hey, you let me kiss your girl, too."
"You dream
Yang Li exclaimed, "just you, you still want to kiss me, don't pee and take care of your ass!"
"Little brother, are you a little thirsty recently? I suggest you buy two cucumbers and solve them by yourself. If you can't do it yourself, it's good to ask your wife to help you. "
Han Bing's speech is more sharp, which makes the yellow hair and a group of people behind him suddenly rub their anger.
"Damn it! Say it again
Huang Mao is in front of a group of brothers and the so-called overlord of the game hall. Naturally, he can't be swept by two girls. But the Qin Dynasty but a hand, stopped to be angry Huang Mao, said.
"Kiss a woman, it's not much fun. Well, how about a hundred dollars a game
"A hundred dollars for a game?"
Huang Mao thought about it. There are so many facilities here, and there are thousands of them. He is a famous game hall overlord, and the brothers behind him are also good hands, each has his own merits. It's not easy to win him thousands of dollars!
However, it's a little less than that. Since you want to play, play bigger.
The yellow hair was greedy, so he said.
"A game of one hundred, uncle. Have you made a mistake?"
Huang Mao said lazily, "now the RMB is so strong that I can buy a spicy iron for 10 yuan. A hundred dollars, you should be two beggars
"How big do you want to play?"
Qin asked.
"If you want to play, it's a game of 500!"
Huang Mao directly spits out a number that surprised his companions behind him.
Five hundred in a game, can you agree? He's not a fool!
"Five hundred, yes."
The Qin Dynasty didn't seem to care about the extra 400 yuan. "That's 500 yuan. Which one should we start from?"
That group of people listen, all happy.
Boy, that's an sb.
"Well, that's good! Let's start with the basketball machine
Huang Mao pointed to the basketball machine and said, "lovers play mixed or single player, you choose one."
"Lovers, lovers!"
Yang Li immediately said, "uncle, I play this very well, let's come together!"
"Nonono, you got it wrong."
Huang Mao shook his finger, "lovers mix, not two people together. It's the last game for men and the last game for women. In all, it's two sets. "
Qin Dynasty listen, good guy, this guy seems to want money crazy.
"Two games, two games."
The Qin Dynasty doesn't matter, "who started first?"
"Uncle, we are young and young. We respect the old and love the young. Naturally, we come first."
Huang Mao decided to give Qin Dynasty a bully, he pushed the horse in his arms, "baby, go up, kill that chick."
"Leave it to me."
The girl with a pair of nose rings on her nose immediately went to the basketball machine and threw two game coins into it.
At the same time, Huang Mao took out 500 yuan and patted it on the machine.
"Pay first, then race!"
Qin Dynasty doesn't matter. He takes out his wallet and reveals a thick stack of RMB inside.
A group of young people, eyes are straight.
Damn it, how much money does it have to be! At least, tens of thousands!
The Qin Dynasty took out five pieces and pressed them on the yellow hair money.
Yang Li also went to the other basketball machine, put a coin in it, pressed some protuberant chest, and took a deep breath."Come on, uncle. It's up to me."
He also did two warm-up exercises.
Soon, the basketball rolled down from the baffle of the machine. Yang Li immediately picked up a standard 38 style shot and threw it into the opposite basket.
Speaking of it, Yang Li did have a good time. Ten goals, at least eight.
But the girl seems to be more relaxed. She had longer arms, more accurate shots, nine out of ten, and occasionally made mistakes.
Seeing each other so accurate, Yang Li seems a little anxious. In the first game, the other side even had 60 points, while he had only 55 points, and then he lost 5 points.
In the next round, the rebounds began to move left and right.
Yang Li was a little worried, so she was a little unstable.
Only six or seven out of ten.
Take a look at the girl, calmly, continue to make nine out of ten, and take time to erect a middle finger for Yang Li.
"Tut Tut, little Yang Li, you yelled so much, but you let uncle lose money."
That Han Bing, still don't forget to hit him severely this love enemy.
As a result, the gap widened after the second round. The girl on the other side actually led Yang Li by 15 points.
"Big, Uncle..."
Yang Li's hand holding the ball was shaking. She looked back at the Qin Dynasty while she was changing the countdown.
"It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter whether you win or lose. As long as you have a good time."
The Qin Dynasty didn't care about the 500 yuan, but raised a fist to Yang Li and held it in front of her body, comforting her.
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