Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1069

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Chapter 1069

Hate to hate, hate to hate, but at the moment of Qin Dynasty, is to consider how to get this Renyuan gold elixir.
This man yuan Jindan, related to the agreement of the two people.
One is about Hu Qing. She said that Yuan Jindan could save her daughter.
The other is about Suu Kyi, and most importantly, to transform Suu Kyi from a vampire queen to a human being.
If it is an ordinary girl, bitten into a young vampire queen, it is estimated that the United States will be happy fart.
But Suu Kyi is different. She is a practitioner herself. She has a permanent appearance.
Moreover, the Qin Dynasty was born with a demon body. Suji, as the queen of vampires, has a strong dark power. If she matches with the Qin Dynasty, she will be sucked clean.
Cough, the Qin Dynasty admitted that this was the key factor that made him pay so much attention to.
Tiandanzi's face was a little ugly. The Qin Dynasty didn't give him face at all.
But what's the matter? I'm not afraid that he won't give in.
As the Xiuzhen world knows, the Qin Dynasty is a famous amorous seed. For his woman, he must have got the golden elixir.
"In fact, it's very simple. As long as the leader of the Qin clan can do three things for me, this man yuan Jindan is yours."
"Is it still simple?"
Qin Dynasty sneered, heart said that this day Dan son is greedy enough, unexpectedly let oneself do three things!
"It's not difficult. It's just three things. This is the golden elixir of Renyuan, and there are probably few in the cultivation world. If you miss this one, it's hard to find the next one. "
"So naked to open the conditions, is the leader of tiandanzi not afraid, this seat to grab the treasure?"
"Ha ha, the Lord of Qin is joking."
Tiandanzi's face was stiff, and said, "how can the Lord of Qin know that what I have brought out must be the real man yuan Jindan?"
Although he said so, he took the white porcelain bottle back into his sleeve.
"I really want to get this man yuan Jindan. Tell me three things about you."
"Happy, worthy of being the master of luochamen."
Tiandanzi laughed, "I haven't thought of the other two things. But the first thing, I hope the Lord of Qin can cooperate with us to wipe out the evil gate together."
Qin Dynasty did not speak, just looked at Danzi that day.
This guy, dare to use this to force me, interesting, very interesting.
Looking at the Qin Dynasty did not answer, tiandanzi laughed twice again, "Lord Qin, I don't know what you are thinking about? It's hard to say whether Hu Qing has a daughter or not, but I do have yuanjindan... "
Tiandanzi was luring and confusing the Qin Dynasty.
The Qin Dynasty admitted that he was indeed misled.
This man yuan Jindan, he needs, and urgently needs.
After all, Suu Kyi is such a beauty that she can only touch and not eat the red fruits in front of him!
Uncle can bear it, but aunt can't!
After thinking about it, Qin decided to get Renyuan gold elixir first.
He's trying to figure out how to deal with Hu Qing.
After all, no matter how important Hu Qing is, it can't be more important to him than Suji.
Besides, if he can get Renyuan Jindan, he can also save Hu Qing's daughter.
It's OK for Hu Qing to sacrifice for her daughter.
Qin Dynasty evil want to finish, finally in the sky Dan son slightly look forward to in the eyes, nod the way.
"Well, for the sake of justice, let me just agree."
In a word, the glasses fell all over the floor.
I've just blustered and said that our gang's right way is actually to win treasure, not to uphold justice.
Now how good, this goods has made such a flag by itself!
Where's the pit father!
Do you want a face!
Where did these people know that the Qin Dynasty never knew what a face was.
"What, when shall we start?"
"Take a day off, get ready, and we'll start tomorrow!"
Tiandanzi said.
"As far as I know, the people of Mormon are very secret. Headmaster tiandanzi, you only held this meeting. Do you know where to besiege the demon gate? "
"Oh, of course I know that."
Tiandanzi laughed, "when the time comes, the Lord of Qin will go with us. But, Lord Qin, don't you take your disciples with you? "
"Ha ha, leader tiandanzi, do you think the strength of this seat is not enough?"
The Qin Dynasty also sneered.
"Of course not. The Lord of Qin is young, but he is already a great master in the period of thunder robbery. With you here, nature is a strong help to us."
The most powerful of these practitioners in the hall is a body of eight or nine.The great masters of the thunder robbery period are all busy crossing the robbery. Who will come to join in the excitement.
And the unique ability of Qin Dynasty, let his own strength of golden body period, can have the strength of thunder robbery period, all kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred!
Some things, envy is not envy.
This time, make good use of this guy and fight with those people in the magic gate. After you die, I will!
They should sit in the back to reap the benefits of fishermen.
"That's good. I'll arrange a rest place for you, headmaster Danzi."
"Don't worry, the Kunlun Mountain is so big that there is no place for the Lord of Qin to live in."
Tiandanzi said with a smile, "today's meeting will be here first. We'll all prepare for it. All of you will be wronged in Kunlun for one night. Tomorrow morning, we will start."
After tiandanzi finished, he asked his disciples to start to arrange the right path of each famous sect.
"Lord Qin, please follow me."
Responsible for receiving the Qin Dynasty, it was Ximen rain.
The Qin Dynasty was very surprised that tiandanzi would send this woman to receive him.
"Simon fairy, please."
Although he didn't like tiandanzi, he was very polite to Ximen rain.
Cough, no matter how to say, people are also beautiful women.
Two people hurried out of the hall, toward a row of houses in the distance.
Both of them were speechless all the way. Qin Chaoxin said that the girl might be angry with herself.
Also, in front of so many decent sects, he pouted the face of tiandanzi, and fought in the hall, breaking the walls of the hall.
If you are a Kunlun disciple, you will hate yourself.
"Master of the Qin clan..."
And in the Qin Dynasty, when the west gate rain, looked at no one around, suddenly opened his mouth.
This woman's voice is very nice.
Qin Dynasty was surprised and pointed to himself, "are you talking to me?"
"Of course, or I'll talk to the ghost!"
Ximen rain turned his eyes and said, "can you be reliable, Lord Qin?"
"Is this seat very unreliable?"
The Qin Dynasty laughed.
"What do you look like?"
Ximen Yuqing continued, "it's not easy for you to come to Kunlun. However, in this big scene, my master and I have spared no effort to speak good words for you in front of the headmaster."
Some of the Qin Dynasty didn't quite understand.
"You don't know, Kunlun is now divided into two groups. One is for you and the other is against you. There used to be a middle school. The leader was a middle school. My master supported you. However, your performance in the Hongmeng Taoist Association later directly angered the leader and turned him against the faction against you. "
"Thank you and your master for helping us."
The Qin Dynasty is still very grateful, "but I understand in my heart that the evil way and the right way are always irreconcilable. How can you, the leader, be in the same company with the people in this evil way
In the words of the Qin Dynasty, all said sarcastically.
"Don't run on the little girl with these words. Not all the famous and decent sects are like what you think."
Ximen Yuqing rolled his eyes and said, "this time, Wudang and Emei have retreated from the demon gate. There are only six schools left. Although the number is equal to that of the six sects, the strength is still too much higher. This time, it's dangerous. "
The Qin Dynasty shrugged its shoulders and refused to comment.
"Do you really want to see the destruction of the evil way?"
Qin Dynasty still did not give Ximen rain an accurate answer.
"Damn it, you are not reliable at all! I don't care about you! Your house is there. Go by yourself
Ximen rain has been opposite a small house, road.
Qin Dynasty took a look, it is a small small cottage. However, on Kunlun Mountain, such buildings are everywhere.
The people of Kunlun are pursuing the cultivation of Taoism. They don't pay much attention to foreign things. Everyone lives in a small hut.
Even tiandanzi himself is also a cottage.
Therefore, to Qin Dynasty such a house, also did not calculate to treat him badly.
Qin Dynasty was happy and leisurely. He walked past and entered the house.
The room is also very simple, a table, a chair, and a wooden bed.
"You fellow, you really ignore me and come in!"
Ximen rain chased in and stomped at the door, "do you want to take Renyuan gold elixir?"
"Well, don't you say you don't care? Why are you chasing in again
Qin Dynasty sat down on the wooden bed, then stretched out a finger, "sit casually, don't be polite. Well, it seems that there are only chairs, or you can come with me and squeeze on the bed"Go away!"
Ximen, trembling with rain, looked at the wooden chair and did not sit down. Instead, he stood there, encircling and standing, "do you really want Renyuan Jindan?"
"Renyuan gold elixir? I have already made an exchange with your leader, ha ha. "
The Qin Dynasty sat cross legged on a wooden bed, lit a cigarette, put it in his mouth, and took a puff. "This person has no advantages, it's just that he keeps his word. It's very rare. He completely inherits the fine qualities of the ancients."
"Can I despise you on behalf of the ancients?"
Think of the hall before, Qin Dynasty that want to uphold justice, Ximen rain can not help but despise.
"Well, the ancients would not agree."
Qin Dynasty played the ash, "how, do you want to betray your leader, and privately discuss with me what conditions?"
"Yes, I'll get to the point and say what I want."
Ximen Yuqing nodded and shook his head, "I really came to talk about something, but I didn't betray my leader. You should know that in Kunlun, the head has the final say. Each of the five elders has the right to speak. My master, of course, has the right. Therefore, I come to talk with you on behalf of my master. "
"What are you talking about? Do you have yuanjindan
The Qin Dynasty laughs.
"We don't have it, but we can have it."
Ximen Yuqing laughed, "and we are also very interested in your ethereal treasure house."
The eyelids of the Qin Dynasty moved for a moment, "more interesting than the broken heart sword array?"
"Yes, the things in the ethereal treasure house are more attractive to us!"
Ximen Yuqing's eyes twinkled, "the immortal method there, and the rebuilding pill!"
Sure enough, they came for this.
"You are so empty to negotiate with me, really, you have no sincerity at all"
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