Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 490

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Chapter 490

"Also, even now the red big star Chen Xin, when she looks at you, she also has such a kind of hidden love."
Does Chen Xin like herself? Pull it down, when he has become a sweet cake. Is Luo Qinglin a little too sensitive.
"I know you won't believe me if you hear me when you're awake. But you have to trust a woman's intuition, especially when it comes to this kind of thing, a woman knows it best. "
Luo Qinglin seems to have opened the valve in her heart. She took advantage of this opportunity to recite some words that had been suppressed for a long time, trivial and trivial, with the Qin Dynasty.
Qin Dynasty in vegetative state was a good listener indeed.
"I told you a lot today..." It seems that there is no light in the room. It seems that Luo Qinglin has said it for a long time. The sun has set in the West and the night is coming. At this time, Luo Qinglin's mobile phone suddenly rang, she answered the phone, the voice seems to be some unhappy.
"Mom, I said, I don't want a blind date."
Qin Dynasty in the heart is surprised, Luo Qinglin wants to make a blind date? It's also a big girl who graduated. She's a good girl and has a good career. It's time to talk about marriage. Even if Luo Qinglin likes herself, she can't possess her because of the favor of others. I have a debt of affection, and I don't know how to pay it back. Plus a Luo Qinglin, the Qin Dynasty can only learn the legendary separation technique.
"That man has some money, and I am not short of money. Why should I marry him? What's the matter with your father, Ma? When did you become so snobbish? "
Han, the heart of the Qin Dynasty, Luo Qinglin seems to have a good relationship with her mother. If she said that to her mother, she would be so angry that she didn't kill herself with a broom. Anyway, I don't agree. I already have a boyfriend. "
Eh? Luo Qinglin has a boyfriend? So she's today
"Don't you believe it? Well, I'll take him back to see you in a few days! I don't want to work here
With a bang, Luo Qinglin hung up the phone.
She suddenly took the hand of the Qin Dynasty and said bitterly, "you enemy, when can you wake up My mother forced me to go on a blind date again. The other party is a descendant of Kyoto family. I hate it. If you could wake up and be my boyfriend, I wouldn't have to lie to my mom
Said, Luo Qinglin gently pinched the finger of Qin Dynasty, "forget it, shouldn't tell you these troubles. Anyway, I'm not going to marry the son of some Beijing official. I, Luo Qinglin, can survive even on my own. It's a big deal. I'll be a bachelor all my life. "
Tut Tut, if you become a single aristocrat, how many men are so depressed that they die?
"well, I have to arrange a document for the company in the evening. I'm going to make a movie with Chen Xin. Qin Dynasty, you know, you changed a lot. You used to be chubby and cute. Now you, thin, also mature a lot. Well, it's on the camera. Maybe when you wake up, consider making you a man. In this case, Chen Xin, that girl, must be very motivated! "
Let me act? You might as well kill me. The Qin Dynasty shook his head in his heart and would not agree to this proposal.
"Good, I'll see you tomorrow." A burst of hearing the sound of Suo, it seems that Luo Qinglin is standing up, and finishing her clothes.
Are you going?
In the Qin Dynasty, he was worried about his gains and losses.
The Qin Dynasty was neither a saint nor a eunuch. Luo Qinglin, such a beautiful girl, confessed to him so much that he didn't feel excited. It was a fake.
But men always bear some responsibilities. Suji, Yu Lu, Qiandai, Huizi These women were responsible to them in the Qin Dynasty.
As a result, the Qin Dynasty suppressed his own worries about gain and loss and tried to calm himself down.
Luo Qinglin, Luo Qinglin, I hope you can find a good man for you. I'm not handsome, and
Qin Dynasty's body suddenly a stiff!
Because on his mouth, he was wrapped by a burst of softness, wishing him cool and soft, with a faint fragrance.
This, this is Luo Qinglin's lips!
She kisses herself! Damn it, she even secretly kisses Laozi!
This, this is how happy a thing to hinder There was a sudden impulse to cry in the Qin Dynasty. I didn't expect him to have such an affair after his whole life.
Finally, someone secretly kisses me Just when he was considering whether to pretend to be the legendary sleeping beauty man and wake up by a kiss, and then take the initiative to stretch out his tongue and Luo Qinglin for a wet kiss, the softness has left his lips.
Luo Qinglin stood up. Qin Dynasty could feel that the temperature in the air was rising.
The girl seems to be shy and speak in a hurry.
"Well, then what. I, I'm leaving first Tomorrow, I'll see you again... "
Finish saying, a rush trot sound, and then the ward door slammed, the girl seems to have run away.The Qin Dynasty, which had been a vegetable for a long time, finally opened its eyes in the dark.
That pair of eyes, in this ward, seemed to twinkle with some strange brilliance.
The boy licked his lips shamelessly and sat up.
"This girl has always been so active..." In the Qin Dynasty, she took the initiative to teach herself a lesson, but today she kisses herself. It seems that I'm taking advantage of myself How can this be, mother said, can not take advantage of others. Well, find a time, pro back, in short, can't let people Luo Qinglin suffer losses.
What's more, Dishui en should be reported to Yongquan. If Luo Qinglin kisses me, I'll kiss it back for a minute!
I'm so damn great! I can think of it all.
The Qin Dynasty had been thinking about it for a long time, and he became addicted to smoking.
He took a Cuban cigar from his Xumi ring and held it in his mouth.
However, after a long time, I suddenly found a very terrible thing. That is, their lighters, as if the last time in Tokyo fighting, do not know where to lose.
Oneself But it's just a lighter, Yi Niang's, or Zippo, a newly bought Shanzhai. It's twenty yuan!
He secretly scolded the Tianzhao troops who had disturbed his smoking. The Qin Dynasty began to think about how to light the cigar.
Jiuyou Yin Fire?
Ha ha The Qin Dynasty couldn't help laughing a few times. If you can't, light a cigarette and use Jiuyou Yin fire. Moreover, as soon as the flame comes out, the whole cigar will turn into fly ash.
Br >
, it's time to do it yourself?
Qin Dynasty bite teeth, there are rare things to live his lord Qin! As the old saying goes, do it yourself.
The Qin Dynasty searched around and finally found several old newspapers left by Hu Ke on the head of the bed.
Our predecessors left us a lot of great wisdom and experience. The Qin Dynasty, with a smile, called out two platinum lotus swords and held them in both hands. Then, facing the old newspapers, he began to hit two swords.
If Li Baishan knew that the Qin Dynasty even used the broken heart sword array to make fire, he would surely be angry and spit blood.
But the Qin Dynasty did not care so much. As long as he could smoke, he would be satisfied. When people become addicted to smoking, they usually ignore it.
Therefore, in this ward, there is a very strange scene.
A big man in a medical suit, sitting on the edge of the hospital bed with a cigar in his mouth and two swords in his hand, tried to light the newspaper below with sparks.
"Come on, baby, help yourself!" At the same time, the Qin Dynasty, with expectant eyes, was waiting for the miracle.
After a long time of impact, finally, there was a light on the old newspaper.
"How handsome! I'm so handsome! I really admire myself
the Qin Dynasty was excited like a child, grabbing a newspaper burning a faint flame, adjusting the direction of the flame, and letting the flames climb up the air.
After a while, the fire was big.
The Qin Dynasty was holding a newspaper and lighting his cigar with a flame.
Cigars are not as flammable as cigarettes, so the Qin Dynasty held a posture, waiting for the cigars to burn.
At this time, the door of the ward was suddenly pushed open.
Luo Qinglin came in quietly. Then he saw the Qin Dynasty sitting by the bed, carrying a newspaper and lighting a cigar. The University commissar was stunned and covered his mouth because of his surprise.
"Qin, Qin Dynasty, are you awake?"
Her voice was full of surprise.
"Ah, ha ha, wake up, wake up..." The Qin Dynasty was a little embarrassed, but on second thought, Luo Qinglin didn't seem to know that she was a vegetable. She thought that she had just come back from the disease.
Well, it's not that embarrassing for the two.
"Great I knew that you would not fall down so easily... " Luo Qinglin's eyes could not help but ripple a circle of tears.
"Mm-hmm, I'm bad. As the saying goes, bad people live for thousands of years, and they don't die so soon. But why are you back? "
"In the way of I left my briefcase with you. Come back and get it... " Luo Qinglin reached out and saw a white woman's handbag hanging on one side of the wall.
Or LV, it seems that the girl is really not short of money.
"Ah Luo Qinglin suddenly widened her eyes and looked at the Qin Dynasty in disbelief. Her body, trembling slightly, seemed to have much fear.
"What's the matter? Look at you. What scares you? Do I look scary? "
"You, you've been awake before, haven't you..." Luo Qinglin's voice trembled, "I, what I said You heard it all, didn't you Also, and I.... ""No! Absolutely not The Qin Dynasty immediately said, "I really don't know you kiss me! Really, I swear to God
"Ah This night in the ward, there was a clear scream.
"Qin Dynasty, I hate you to death!"
Luo Qinglin is going to be ashamed to her grandmother's house. She thought that the Qin Dynasty was in a coma and didn't know anything. Only then did she dare to say so many bold words and make such bold things
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