Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 925

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Chapter 925

"Miss Su, is that right?"
In the dance room of Guangyuan college, a row of girls in tights lean against the iron bars in front of the mirror, pressing their legs.
A girl's leg pressing action is not very standard. She is also stubborn with her classmates. They argue with each other and ask Suji, who is also pressing her legs.
Suu Kyi, in her tights, turned her head and looked at both of them.
"Straighten your legs a little more. If you bend your legs like this, it will have no effect."
Suu Kyi laughed, pointed to her slender calf, and said, "for example, it can be straight. Students, do a little standard, stretch the tendons, we can learn today's action
These girls are all here for dance elective.
Suu Kyi recently took a graduate course, and she rarely opened professional physical education classes. Therefore, Su Fei only arranged dance elective courses for her, only one class a week.
Suu Kyi's dancing quality is famous in school. Every time her dance elective class is released, the registration is very popular, and every time it is released, it is filled in instantly.
Sufei once suggested that Suji should arrange more places in her courses. But Suu Kyi always disagrees, always keeping 30 people. In fact, in her opinion, 30 people are a lot, if only 10 people, will teach more happy.
These 30 girls are undoubtedly lucky ones.
At the same time, Suu Kyi's dance elective course not only attracts girls, but also attracts countless boys.
Because those girls are wearing tight pants one by one and practicing various dance movements, it makes all the boys crazy.
A lot of boys in groups want to run to see the excitement. But every time, Suu Kyi locked the door of the classroom from the inside, and the windows were pulled so that none of the students outside could see it.
"NIMA, this is really disturbing."
A student was lying on the crack of the door for a long time. He could only see a little outline, and his tears were about to come out.
"Who has a pinhole camera, use it quickly!"
One boy suggested.
At this time, a group of male students gathered around the entrance of the dance room, and the eight immortals crossed the sea, showing their magical powers.
It's a pity that their means have long been seen through by Suji, and they are strictly guarded.
"Who has that! Even if there are, they can't get in! "
"Well, let's break in."
A boy with black glasses suggested.
"You, you're crazy!"
Next to him, someone immediately gave him a head, "if you break in, Miss Su is not angry! Su teacher angry even if, who does not know that Su teacher's boyfriend, is the security director Qin Dynasty! Lie trough, in case Qin Dynasty comes to you, you can stand it! You didn't hear that Fang Hua, CHEN Si's dry son, was beaten by him! "
"Well Well, forget it
Fang Hua was a bully in school.
After Qin Dynasty beat him up, he became famous in the school.
Later, when Yu Qian jumped out of the building, the Qin Dynasty was very brave. She jumped down from the upstairs to save her. If not for a gust of evil wind, he would have died with Yu Qian.
Now he squeezed Wang's baton away and became a security officer.
Before, many male teachers couldn't help showing their good feelings to Suji and offered flowers to sell them. Now, how dare you.
"Get out of the way."
Just when the students were worried, a tall man, wearing a leather jacket, came over with great vigour.
The boys around him couldn't help but talk.
Who is this man? It's not too hot in summer.
He also brought a pair of black sunglasses. When he was the black super hero, the leather jacket went to the door, took a breath, and then raised his legs to the locked door.
In the daze of the crowd, the closed door was kicked open.
"Lying trough, this guy is not going to die!"
"Let's run quickly."
"Run what run, follow the crowd This, finally can see, no! "
A group of hungry boys immediately followed the classroom.
A group of girls in the classroom were also scared. This time, they met with such a situation.
Like frightened birds, they all hide behind Suu Kyi.
Suu Kyi is frowning and staring at the leather jacket opposite.
"Who are you?"
"I'm sorry to see you in such a rude way."
The leather jacket took off his dark sunglasses and showed a westerner's face. "I'm local actress Arthur."
Suu Kyi was immediately in danger, but she believed that with her own strength, she should be able to kill a skeleton killer. As long as they're not the Knights of the seven sins, or the goddamn angels, that's fine.However, in this place, with so many students' eyes watching, it will be very difficult to fight. There is a rule for the practitioners, that is, they can't show their strength in front of ordinary people
Arthur waved his hand. "I'm not here to fight against you. I have a letter for you. Please have a look."
He took a piece of parchment out of his arms and handed it to Suu Kyi respectfully.
Suu Kyi was puzzled, but she still looked at each other warily. She held out a hand, took the parchment carefully, looked twice, but did not open it.
"The letter has been delivered. I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused you. Goodbye."
With that, Arthur turned and left without leaving a word.
A group of boys blocked at the door made way for the fierce man.
Suu Kyi put away the parchment and shut the door of the classroom.
Hearing the wail of the boys outside, she couldn't help saying that a group of little lecherons.
"Miss Su Who's in the way... "
Turning back, some female students couldn't help asking.
"I don't know. Keep practicing. We'll practice for another five minutes. We'll start to learn the dance steps."
Suu Kyi clapped her hands to signal the students to continue practicing.
She did not open the parchment until after class, she came to the office of the Qin Dynasty.
"You mean it's a letter from a skeleton?"
Qin Dynasty locked the door of the office, and no matter what the people outside thought, they looked at the parchment on the table with Suji.
The parchment was lined in red, like a magic scroll.
"I'm afraid there's something fishy on it, so I don't dare to open it."
Said Suu Kyi.
"Well, fortunately you didn't open it. In case something happened, I couldn't even cry."
"Hum, really?"
Suu Kyi said she didn't believe it. "If anything happened to me, you would be free. After that, no one will restrain you and go to your harem ladies. "
"It's like I'm Chen Shimei."
Qin Dynasty took Suji's hand and said, "as I said, in my heart, you are forever No.1. Don't make such a joke in the future. As long as I'm alive, I won't allow you to have an accident. "
"Well, well, I won't be in trouble with you."
Suji pinched the finger of Qin Dynasty. "I'd better study this parchment. I don't know what the skeleton wants to do."
"Well, well, I'll get a professional."
Qin Dynasty closed its eyes and began telepathy.
Soon, in this locked office, the air suddenly fluctuated, and then two figures appeared.
Xiaobai takes Li Fanfan's hand and breaks free of space and appears in front of Qin Dynasty and Suji.
"Mr. Qin, I have brought Li Fanfan."
At this time, Li Fanfan, with headphones on his head and a bag of popcorn in his hand.
"Hello, I was watching a movie and saw the high tide part. Why did you call me here in a hurry?"
"Comrade Li Fanfan, you have to work hard for something."
The Qin Dynasty pushed the parchment to her, "this is a letter from the skeleton. You can see if there are any dark magic, traps and so on."
"Oh, let me see."
Li Fanfan picked up the parchment at will, snapped it, untied the red rope and opened it.
"I'll cut it off. You're crazy!"
Qin Dynasty startled, he did not see what Li Fanfan had.
"I don't think so. Take it."
Li Fanfan threw the parchment to the Qin Dynasty, "I don't want to check it. I just tear it up. Even if there is dark magic, it can't hurt me. The skeletons, what can you do
"It is also..."
Qin Dynasty took a look at the sheepskin paper. It was all in English. Although he is now proficient in the languages of various countries, he has a headache when he sees these things subconsciously, so he throws them to Suji again.
"It's for you, my holiness."
Suji looked white at the Qin Dynasty, then took the parchment and looked at it.
After two eyes, her expression began to become a little strange, so that the Qin Dynasty on one side could not help but guess what was written on it.
"Well, are you invited to dinner?"
Qin Dynasty jokingly said.
"You're right."
Suu Kyi put the parchment on the table, "said the skeleton, what would you like to talk to us, and then go back to the dark holy see. So, this weekend, I'd like to invite us to dinner in Collins, a restaurant on the sea. "
"Sea Restaurant Collins?" The Qin Dynasty thought for a moment, "isn't that restaurant a famous luxury cruise ship on the high seas?""Well, yes."
Li Fanfan nodded. "Yes, that's the Collins. In fact, it was originally the property of the dark Holy See, but when the skeletons were separated, they were resolute
"Well, it should be Miss Su's property."
the Qin Dynasty said, and looked at Su Ji with a smile.
"How can swelling be separated?"
Suu Kyi immediately waved her fist, "that has to be taken back!"
"What?" Li Fanfan was surprised, "Suji, do you really want to go?"
"Of course, if I don't go, I will be looked down upon by the skeleton people."
Su Ji smiles, that kind of confident smile, and Qin Dynasty is very similar.
Li Fanfan looked at it and was a bit dazed.
"I'd better ask another professional."
The Qin Dynasty thought for a moment, "you can't answer blindly. Xiaobai, help me find Winnie
"Well, Mr. Qin, just a moment. I'll find the coordinates of Winnie."
Xiaobai said, eyes closed for a moment, and then the body through the space, disappeared in the room.
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