Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 713

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Chapter 713

But with so much power, the Taotie knight has not reached a limit and his body is still expanding.
It's 100 meters. It's as high as high-rise buildings.
After a burst of outbreak just now, the Qin Dynasty is running out of power.
But he is a little unconvinced, difficult to reach, he really can't kill this hateful gluttonous knight?
Maybe, the power after synchronization can make you burst this guy.
But this will damage Suji and their longevity yuan. Qin Dynasty will never use it!
"You can't do it."
The voice of the Taotie knight, like a Hong Zhong, was buzzing, "swallow up my dear, ignorant pagan."
But in the Qin Dynasty strength exhausted at the same time, a larger force, but suddenly filled his body.
"Little Western demons, dare to be wild in my east?"
Qin Dynasty this moment, all of a sudden a shock. Then, involuntarily, he said these words.
"Let's show you what real power is!"
In the Qin Dynasty, something seemed to wake up.
Then, his body burst out a golden light, a huge golden flame, on the fly's head.
"Ha ha ha, no use, no use!"
The Taotie Knight caught up with the trumpet, his body continued to expand, and he was still laughing at the Qin Dynasty, "you just wait, I'll suck it up! Ignorant heretics
However, this time, the Qin Dynasty felt that the strength of his body was as boundless as the sea.
when he was possessed by rod with the strength of Feixian period, he had such a full feeling.
But this time, I feel stronger than that! More terrifying!
The golden sword was taken back. Instead, he pasted up his shining golden right hand.
"Amazing palm!"
A circle of golden awns, around the palms of the Qin Dynasty, bombarded the flies.
The two big green eyes of the fly's head, with a bang, burst out and spurted out green disgusting liquid.
However, the body of the Qin Dynasty was shining with gold, and the liquid was directly evaporated into smoke!
The gluttonous knight felt as if he had swallowed the whole sea, and his body expanded to more than 500 meters in that moment! It is 200 meters higher than the highest Dragon Tower in Asia.
This is not over. He is still expanding and breaking through the kilometer barrier. After a while, he was towering into the clouds, and his head was above the clouds.
This time, he is really expanding to the limit.
But the power of the Qin Dynasty is still inexhaustible. Vaguely, like the tip of the iceberg, the Taotie knight has not seen the whole picture.
The Qin Dynasty said it involuntarily, as if he had already known the limit of Taotie knight.
"Bang bang bang!"
At this moment, the body of the Taotie Knight began to collapse, and became a fan, which went with the wind.
After a while, his huge body of kilometer high turned into fly ash, as if it had never existed.
"Too, too terrible..."
The four seven virtue knights, feeling the pressure from the Qin Dynasty just now, all of them were sweating and sitting on the ground.
After the death of the Taotie knight, the Jiulong ring on the wrist of the Qin Dynasty kept buzzing and shining with dazzling golden light.
"It's not time for you to wake up."
Qin Dynasty did not know what he was talking about, he unconsciously touched his bracelet, the gold light on it immediately scattered, and the bracelet was quiet.
Then, he became soft and fell quickly in the air.
Finally, he fell into the top of the building and nearly broke through the roof.
Energy, almost used up.
"Qin Dynasty, you, are you ok?"
Suji woke up with a start and ran to the Qin Dynasty, trying to heal his wounds with her own Buddhist power.
However, she was surprised to find that the Qin Dynasty was extremely healthy and had no injuries at all.
"Don't worry. I'm fine."
The Qin Dynasty got up from the pit and patted the dust on his body. His sword hiding state, ghost will be attached to the state, all with the fall, scattered.
"In any case, it's killing this guy."
If it wasn't for the last moment, Yingtian's soul would wake up in his body, and the huge power of God would break out, he would be killed.
This impulse also taught him a lesson.
But at the same time, he knew. When it comes to the critical moment, Yingtian's soul will surely wake up. I wish you a hand. The last time I fought with Scofield, Yingtian's soul didn't wake up because the other side was not murderous.
Yingtian, Yingtian, who are you
"If it's OK, if it's ok..."Suji also faintly some fear, hugged the Qin Dynasty, "later, don't do such a dangerous thing."
"I don't try my best, but you're going to suffer."
Qin Dynasty embraces his beloved girlfriend and murmurs.
"If you are not here, what's the meaning of me living alone..."
Suu Kyi even shed tears.
"Sire, we will follow you to the death!"
At this time, four seven virtue knights, hastily half knelt down to show their loyalty.
"From today on, you are the real dark pope! All the property, rights and glory of the dark Holy See belong to you
Pooh said, holding Longinus's gun in both hands and handing it to Suu Kyi.
Pie in the sky.
Qin Chaoxin said that Suji was also found.
"Well, then I should."
Now that we're here, we have to face it.
Suji thought that she had set up a stall for the dark Holy See, which also helped the Qin Dynasty.
After all, the pressure of the Roman Church cannot be left to him alone.
"Pooh, twelve stars in the dark part of the Holy See of darkness. How many people are left?"
"There are only four of us."
"The rest of Leo, Virgo, Capricorn, Libra, cancer, Pisces, are all skeletons. They separated the skeletons and wanted to make money and live a smart life. These people have completely fallen into darkness and forgotten the glory of God
"That means I'll get rid of them myself, and you won't have a problem, will you? "
The Qin Dynasty clenched its fist.
The skeleton once assassinated Suji and Sufei. He must repay the hatred.
Pooh nodded.
"But your majesty, you still have three candidates for seven virtue knights. You need to find them quickly."
"That's right."
John also said, "only the seven of us are together, and you are the safest. Moreover, if one of the seven sin Knights dies, he will die completely. And we seven virtue knights, as long as your cross is still there, even if you die, you can continue to make it. "
When he said that, he had no fear of death.
"You all have to live well."
Suu Kyi warned.
"You see, it's fair."
The Qin Dynasty said with a smile to Suji, "I have nine magic puppets. You also have seven guard Knights now."
"How can it be the same?"
Suji glared at the Qin Dynasty and said, "your nine are all women. Well, there are a few people left. I'm looking for men as well as handsome men. "
"Don't get in the way..."
The face of the Qin Dynasty collapsed immediately.
"There will always be the right person."
Seeing the couple, Winnie felt a little sour in his heart. "The most powerful power of seven virtue knights is that they can give ordinary people the same ability as gods. But, your majesty, you must be careful. The person you are looking for must be absolutely loyal to you. "
Suu Kyi nodded. She took a look at the school, which was already in a mess. She couldn't help but look bitter.
"It's too bad now. I guess the school will be closed tomorrow."
"Let's get out of here as soon as possible. The police will come soon."
Vinnie suggested.
"By the way, Cao Yu is still here!"
Suu Kyi suddenly remembered that there was such a person.
"Mr. Cao?"
Qin Dynasty expression strange, "he has been following you?"
"Yes, chase me every day."
Suu Kyi said quickly, "but I didn't promise. No matter how you say it, it's all a life. You can't let it go. "
After all, Suji jumped downstairs and found Cao Yu from the ruins of a building.
This guy, happy passed out.
"Well, it's just a little weak. Just leave it here."
The Qin Dynasty inspected it and said.
"Well, yes."
Anyway, the police will come soon, so Suu Kyi doesn't care where to throw it. As long as you don't throw it into the stomach of the gluttonous knight, it's OK.
"Let's go."
A few people flashed away and left the dilapidated campus.
After they left, a yellow bird suddenly flew down from the upper floor of a building. In a flash, it turned into an owl two meters long. It grabbed the Cao family master who fainted on the ground, flapped its wings, turned into yellow light, and flew into the clouds in a blink of an eye.
The yellow light was like lightning. In a blink of an eye, it crossed thousands of miles and came to a place surrounded by black clouds and smoke.
He turned into a bird, grabbed the Cao family childe, drilled into the dark clouds, and fell into a tomb.Cao's childe was thrown to the ground and suddenly woke up in pain.
He saw around, are a cold tombstone, each tombstone, there are all kinds of monsters, suddenly, scared repeatedly scream.
"My God, what is this! I, am I dreaming! Mom, I want mom... "
"Yellow bird, who are you catching?"
A voice like the sounds of nature penetrated into Cao Yu's ears, and immediately made him calm down and turned his head.
This one eye, see a beautiful suffocating woman. She was dressed in silk and white yarn. She was shaking her little feet on the largest tomb.
At that moment, Cao's childe became crazy.
"Why didn't you bring Yingtian?"
A big black faced man roared.
"He, he seems to wake up..." Yellow bird timidly said, "the divine power at that time, let me move without moving..."
The big black faced man grinned.
"This man is useful."
At this time, a handsome young man in white, holding a book in his hand, said.
"Baize, what's your idea?"
The black faced man said.
"Ha ha, you see."
In Cao's frightened eyes, the handsome young man turned into his own.
He walked slowly to his body, a finger, in front of his forehead.
"I'm sorry, I can only send you to be reborn..."
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