Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 623

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Chapter 623

She casually joked with Feng xiaorou about the evil point. Unexpectedly, the girl was really a informer. In a flash, she ran to Ye Qing to complain.
Ye Qing looked at his eyes or so light, but next to Wu Zhenqi, the eyes stare, as if to eat the Qin Dynasty.
Just a tear gas, plus a bullet attack, Venus company has many people injured, fortunately, no one died. The paramedics with the team are taking emergency care of the wounded.
This time, on the dock, blue shield made a small contribution.
Because in the vans of the Qin Dynasty, there were not only arms, but also gas masks.
Those security guards of Blue Shield put on gas masks one after another when the tear gas came out, and had a fierce exchange of fire with some bandits.
If they had not shared the firepower, those people in the dock would have been captured by the bandits.
At this time, after the crisis, all of them looked like heroes and were respected by everyone.
Especially Lei Zi, some of the little nurses looked at his eyes, and all of them were swish.
He was scratched by a bullet on his arm, and a nurse was dressing him up carefully, asking for his phone number by the way.
He is OK, the most depressed, is the Qin Dynasty.
All the way down, there were young and beautiful little nurses running over and asking him if there was any injury and what needed to be dealt with. A little nurse who seems to be a post-90s nurse is even more bold. She reaches out her hand directly and keeps touching her body in the Qin Dynasty. Her name is to see if there is any internal injury.
I wipe, the heart of the Qin Dynasty, is this little nurse, or the legendary martial arts master?
"Hello, nurse!" Wu Zhenqi happened to pass by, and saw the appearance of enjoying the beauty and happiness of the Qin Dynasty and was filled with jealousy. He pointed to his injured left leg and yelled, "I'm injured. Please help me with it."
The beautiful nurse looked at him, curled her mouth and said, "here is the red potion, gauze bandage, get it yourself. Such a big person, but also have to let others help make, shame is not shame. I'm not your mother. "
Then he turned his head, blinked his eyes, and looked at the Qin Dynasty.
"Handsome boy, are you really not hurt? Why don't you have a general examination, and there won't be any more hidden dangers
"Damn it!" Wu Zhenqi in the side of the gas straight scold, "what the hell, this attitude."
"You have insulted the medical staff!" The little nurse was a rabbit in front of the Qin Dynasty, but in front of Wu Zhenqi, she was a thoroughly female tiger. She pinched the waist, glared discontentedly and said, "how can you be so incompetent? Who are your leaders? I'll find him to reason with you!"
By the girl's face, Wu Zhen Qi suddenly became honest. He didn't dare to pit again and ran away resentfully.
Seeing that the other side was scolded by himself, the little nurse nodded with satisfaction, but when she turned around, she found that the Qin Dynasty did not know when, and also slipped away.
She stamped her foot hard and began to look for Mr. Qin.
At this time in the Qin Dynasty, he hid in his van and breathed a long sigh of relief.
This nurse is much more terrible than those frogmen.
"Hey, brother Qin, you are lucky!"
Leizi touched the bandage on his arm, and sat in the back row of Qin Dynasty happily, looking at Qin Dynasty giggling.
"Hey, how can you have a good life"
the Qin Dynasty looked at Lei Zi's bandage and wrote down a lovely bow. He couldn't help laughing. "This task will help you."
"Not really."
Leizi pointed out the window, "you see, brother Shan, you are upset that you are not hurt. You want to shoot yourself."
"Come on, he'll have to go up and soak up angels when he's putting his life on."
The Qin Dynasty said with a smile.
"He doesn't have the charm of brother Qin. He's not hurt. The little girls are all glued to you."
Lei Zi's eyes swept to the little nurse who was wandering around the window and said, "Oh, it's so envious and jealous that people hate each other"
"come on, I can't afford it."
The Qin Dynasty didn't want to fill in more than enough emotional debts. The harem is now very large. The chief Suu Kyi doesn't know about these things. Is he adding a nurse to it?
Come on, he doesn't want to die.
"It seems that elder brother Qin has been interested in someone." Lei Zi has heard something about the Qin Dynasty. "It's Miss Su er."
"How do you know that?" Qin Dynasty thought, this is on the news how drop.
"It's all from the Su family. There's nothing I don't know." Leizi hehe laughs, "we all know what you've done to master su."
“……” The Qin Dynasty was silent for a long time, and finally said, "it seems that some bodyguards are not very reliable in their mouths."
"no, Mr. Jiang said it." Leizi touched his bow. "Mr. Jiang and shange are good friends. They mentioned it when they were chatting. I heard it by the way.""Shit, this big mouth." "Qin Dong's mouth is broken, I'm sorry to hear that."
At this time, Chu Shan opened the door and sat in, and said sadly.
"I've been walking for seven or eight times, and there's no one here. Come and ask me if I'm hurt!"
"It's not spring yet," he said The Qin Dynasty couldn't help but laugh, "how did each one of them get estrus?"
"Brother Qin, you are a full man, I don't know if you are hungry!" Chu Shan couldn't help complaining, "it's enough to go home every day and get into bed alone."
"You're looking for a warm bed!"
The Qin Dynasty joked.
"Not really
"How nice of you to buy an inflatable doll! You can also change the style to play! "
The Qin Dynasty laughed.
"Qin, brother Qin, you..."
Chu Shan was said to be speechless, he did not expect that the Qin Dynasty could make such an evil joke! All of a sudden, the brilliant and great image of Qin Dynasty was shattered in his heart.
"Elder brother mountain..." Leizi in the side, suddenly weakly added a sentence.
"Not really I'll give you mine. I have one Or imported goods. But I don't think it's necessary in the future. I'll give it to you! "
"Fuck you! Damn it, who the hell is playing with second-hand inflatable dolls! I'm afraid of getting sick
"Shange! How can you say that! I'm in good health. What's wrong! Try it, and you'll find out! "
"Go away!" Chu Shan was so angry that he wanted to smash the car! Call one more time, I'll take care of you
“…… Shange We went out for a drink several times, and I finally got confused You, you didn't do anything to me... "
Lei Zi looks afraid
"I will be your master! I'm not gay! I want a girl, ah ah ah
Chu Shan in the car, issued a wolf howl.
The Qin Dynasty couldn't help feeling that spring was really coming, and "well, stop it."
The Qin Dynasty interrupted the topic that they were too weak to have sex with each other. "As you can see, this is just at the beginning, so big a thing happened. We will not be calm along the way. You should be alert to 12 points. "
He took a look at Lei Zi and Chu Shan and added another sentence.
"There may be more terrible enemies If you're afraid, let me know. I'll allow you to quit... "
"Hey, brother Qin, what are you talking about?"
Lei Zi said discontentedly, "I lei Zi, when have I been afraid of it! Besides, we have so many big guys. If we dare to come again, I'll make them suffer! "
"That's it, brother Qin. I'm still waiting for my injury!"
Chu Shan looked at his injured brother jealously.
"Well, I'll be content with you." Qin Dynasty nodded, "but I have to say, if you can't resist the danger, don't fight hard, hide for me, do you hear me?"
"How can it be done?" Leizi shook his head again and again, "this can be related to the reputation of our blue shield company! What's more, what a sin it is to lose the imperial seal. "
"The reputation of the company is nothing." The Qin Dynasty looked at the two of them, "moreover, the imperial seal is dead, you are alive. I'm not unpatriotic, but I don't want to fight for a dead one. If you can't resist it, there's me. Therefore, if you hide, you will not drag me back. "
"Brother Qin, you look down on us!"
Lei Zi is dissatisfied.
Chu Shan gave him a push.
"Stinky boy," said brother Qin, "just listen to me! That's a lot of nonsense
"Well, then..."
Under the oppression of two people, Leizi can only give in.
Several people chatted in the car for a while, Leizi suddenly said.
"Oh, it's noon!"
"Yes, it's time to eat." Chu Shan said, "the company's SUV has bread, ham sausage, and hamburger. I'll bring it to you for dinner."
"Who eats that?"
Ray's mouth curled.
"Don't you eat these things when you're on a mission?" Chu Shan looks surprised.
"That's normal! Now I don't have to eat any more! "
Leizi patted his chest, ha ha, a smile, "after a while, my family Xiaojing will come to deliver rice to me!"
"Quiet in your house?" Chu Shan and Qin Dynasty looked at each other.
"Yes, the little nurse who bandaged me just now."
Lei Zi laughs.
"Shit!" Chu Shan really wanted to kick Lei Zi out of the car. "Damn it, get out of the car. I'm going to eat hamburger. Don't let me see you!""I'm not going anywhere." Leizi firmly sat in the car, "my family Xiaojing said, and I will send it to eat later."
Just as he was talking, someone knocked on the door.
Leizi looked out and was overjoyed. He opened the door.
Outside the door stood two cute little nurses. A nurse had a big lunch box in his hand.
"Xiaojing, you are so kind!" Leizi happily took over the lunch box and said falsely, "look at you. Give it back to me. I'll take it."
"How can it be done?" The little nurse said in a soft voice, "you are still injured. You can't walk much. You should rest assured."
With that, he took a look at Chu Shan, and said to him directly, "you are their manager. Let me tell you that Leizi is injured in our family. You have to take care of him. Don't give him too heavy and tired tasks. If he's tired out, I'll never finish with you! "
Chushan listen to straight dizzy, I drag a wipe, these post-90s little girls, have been so direct and bold? However, it's good to be so straightforward. At least, you see, Leizi is so happy that he becomes an idiot.
"I, I'm not the head." In order to get out of the center of the war, Chu Shan quickly waved his hand, pointed to the Qin Dynasty sitting in the cab and said, "that's our head! Tell him to go
"Who?" Xiaojing took a look at the driver's cab and just wanted to say something. Suddenly she pulled her best friend and said, "lily, look, Sam, your hero is here!"
"Ha?" Touch your nose in Qin Dynasty. When did I become a hero Sam?
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