Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1081

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Chapter 1081

"Is it two to one?"
The Qin Dynasty held the Euphorbia, looked at their two firemen, and said with a smile, "it doesn't matter. Let's go together and we'll do it together. It's the so-called killing tiger brothers who commit suicide in pairs. "
Grandma's, this and what!
When hearing the nonsense of the Qin Dynasty, the practitioners of the right way couldn't help turning their eyes.
Tiandanzi was more angry when he heard the Qin Dynasty's sarcasm that they wanted to die.
"In the Qin Dynasty, I don't want you to die!"
Tiandanzi said, "do you really want to be the enemy of all the righteous ways in the world?"
"All the right paths?"
The Qin Dynasty disdained to smile, "look back, Wudang and Emei are not here, because they know how stupid it is to besiege the evil way. If you say that this seat is arrogant, that seat can only say you are a group of brain handicapped people
"Together, kill this guy!"
"It can be tolerated, which can't be tolerated?"
When a group of decent people heard this, they all got angry.
"Qin Dynasty, then you are ready to accept the anger of all of us!"
With that, tiandanzi waved his hand, and all the right paths behind him took out their magic weapons and attacked the Qin Dynasty.
For a moment, all the colorful magic arts greet the Qin Dynasty.
Kunlun's five element magic, Shushan's ten swords, Qinghong's Wuji Longxiang Gong, Huashan's sword Qi, Wulei Zhengfa of misty mountain, misty clouds and Luoxiu, domineering determination, as well as the Song Mountain's six character Daming mantra, nine character Zhenyan, and all kinds of Buddhist magic arts, all of which do not need money.
"Good come, all of you!"
The Qin Dynasty knew that it was going to be powerful.
Once upon a time, I was supposed to be the leader of the No.1 sect in the world.
As a result, he was disqualified because he didn't want to yield to the right path.
Then, let these people know what is the terror of the first sect in the world!
"Liyin, nishang, prepare for the whole of Jiulong armor!"
"Yes, master!"
The two ancient dragon women began to maximize the chaotic vitality.
The silver armor of the Qin Dynasty was scattered, and then he put on a set of black and green carved armor, which was very domineering and elegant.
Huge breath, from him spread out, spread in this hall.
The power of thunder robbery in the middle!
"Those who stand in my way will be killed."
Qin looked up, and his eyes were red.
He shuddered and hit his left palm.
"Three thousand luochazhang!"
From his body, black fingerprints were flying out of his body. They were swarms and dense like locusts. They filled the whole hall and beat the Flying Magic.
All of the people's magic, by the thunder robbery in the middle of the three thousand luochazhang, have turned into powder. At the same time, these palms continued to rush out and slap the disciples of the right path.
"Me, my arm!"
A group of righteous disciples were beaten to cry and howl.
Before clamoring to destroy these people of the Qin Dynasty, they were beaten by the Qin Dynasty.
In addition, there were several disciples who were not very strong in cultivation. They were shot dead on the spot, and Yuanying drifted out quietly.
After the three thousand luochazhang was dispersed, Qin Dynasty had completely changed its appearance, just like hell on earth.
The original luxurious hall was turned into half a piece of ruins. The walls collapsed and the rubble was flying.
Those righteous disciples who were arrogant and arrogant before were also in a mess.
Only the elders and leaders of some sects are still in good condition. They stand there shaking all over.
I don't know whether they are angry or scared. In short, they are shaking all the time.
"Qin Dynasty, you, what you did..."
Tiandanzi shakes the most fiercely, his fist clenched to death. Looking at his seriously injured or dead disciples, he would like to clap the Qin Dynasty in two.
Unfortunately, he didn't have this ability, but Qin Dynasty could clap him in two.
"Do you think you'll be all right?"
Qin Dynasty snickered, "three thousand luochagui!"
From his body, there were countless black figures flying around, and they began to suck the flesh and blood of those disciples.
"Well, we can't stay here for a long time."
A group of elders and leaders were shocked.
"Oh! Well! How about it! Boom! Mi! Hum
Master Shitian of Songshan finally made a move.
The attack of Qin Dynasty was more and more inhumane. As a Buddhist, he couldn't stand idly by.
The old monk put his hands together and recited the most common six character Daming mantra of Buddhism.For a moment, in this hall, Jin Guangyan.
His body, as if reflected in the Buddha, makes people awe.
The Buddhist proverbs filled the hall, and the golden light spread all over the body of every righteous disciple, as if to impose a layer of boundary on them to stop those luochagui's biting.
"Sword into a hundred shadows, covering the sky! The shadow sword
Tan Hai also made a move. As soon as the leader of Shushan made a move, the hall was full of sword shadows, covering the sky and earth, forcing those luochagui back.
"Two leaders, are you forcing me to fight with you
The voice of the Qin Dynasty revealed a cold and murderous spirit.
"Amitabha, Lord Qin, don't be devoured by demons."
He put his hands together beside him and sang a Buddhist name, "if you kill us, you will not be the Qin Dynasty, but the devil, the real devil."
The old monk's words, with pure Buddhist power, rushed into the Lingtai of the Qin Dynasty.
The original accumulation of the strong magic, was hit by the Buddha, began to loose.
With the help of this Buddhist power, the Vajra Sutra, which was temporarily oppressed in the body of the Qin Dynasty, started to work again and recovered his nature.
The Qin Dynasty glared.
How could he have been possessed again?
It seems that once the blood comes out, the power of this evil way will take the upper hand of the body.
"that's nature."
Rod's voice sounded in the body of the Qin Dynasty, "your nine you magic, the fire has collected eight kinds. Even nine you summon, have appeared eight. Although your realm is still at the seventh level, in fact, the demonic nature has been greatly completed. But your Vajra Sutra is only three fold, and it is far from the four major achievements. "
"Nonsense, my Vajra Sutra triple is about to break through, and it will be four major achievements soon."
Qin asked.
"No, no!"
Rhodes said, "it's easy to be possessed by the devil once, but difficult to practice for a thousand years. You can achieve magic in an instant, but if you practice Buddhism, it is very difficult without any progress. You seem to have only one layer of paper to break through, but it takes a lot of effort. This is the difference between practicing Buddhism and cultivating demons. "
"I see..."
Only then did the Qin Dynasty understand it and started the golden Sutra of luck again and continued to disperse the demonic nature.
Seeing that the Qin Dynasty suddenly stopped moving, people from all major sects were relieved.
"Take the opportunity to withdraw..."
The elder Hong Qing couldn't help it.
"That's it? Isn't that proof that we've succumbed to the devil's way? "
Fire Yan is not reconciled to anger way.
"Then you go up and kill him! Don't you see that all our disciples are going to die! "
An elder of Kunlun suddenly said.
Qin Dynasty eyebrows a pick, this elder, should be secretly support their own faction.
"Headmaster tiandanzi, we are all following your example today. Please give me an idea."
Everyone turned to Danzi that day.
"Go away, let's go It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge. "
Tiandanzi gnashing his teeth to say, eyes red, "Qin Dynasty, this deep hatred, sooner or later I will repay you!"
"Ha ha, if you have the ability, you can come to Egypt now"
the Qin Dynasty hooked up to him and said, "this seat is here, and I won't go anywhere."
Tiandanzi was angry, but Dongfang Ying pulled him to wish him well. Now all we have to do is go back and build up our strength. We won't lose to the devil just like this. Sooner or later, we will come back. "
Oriental cherry said, a meaningful look at the Qin Dynasty.
This man's cultivation, more and more terrible.
Go back and report it to the immortal emissary. With their strength, you can't make sure this man. She needs to ask the immortal emissary for reinforcements.
As long as the upper authorities send people down to deal with the Qin Dynasty, it is not easy.
There is no need to entangle here. It will only damage the existing hands of misty peak.
"It seems that we have to retreat for a while."
Tiandanzi also knew that this was the only choice. He sighed, "Qin Dynasty, this venue, I will find it sooner or later."
"Amitabha, Lord Qin, you must overcome your own demonic nature"
after a word of relief, he began to lead the disciples of Mount Song to leave.
Even if there are 1000 people who don't want to, the old monk has to leave.
I can't help it. Who makes people too strong.
However, in the mind of the Dharma, he said that his own generation could not do it. He had to find his own master to deal with it. Those who practice Buddhism are obliged to subdue demons and demons!
If the devil can't be eliminated, it will be a great disaster in the future!
Some people from Shushan have been pioneers, and other noble and decent sects have nothing to be ashamed of. They withdraw from the hall of Jinyu building one by one.After they left, Hu Qing was relieved and touched her bulging chest.
"Good hang, today the evil alliance was almost destroyed. Fortunately, you are the Lord of Qin."
The Qin Dynasty was not very happy to see Hu Qing, a charming beauty. He took back all the Jiulong armor, and it took less than a few minutes. There was not a lot of overdraft in his strength, and there was no big problem with his colorful clothes.
He snorted coldly and said, "this seat is not for your face, but for Lily's face."
"Yes, yes, they know it."
Hu Qing, with a smile on her face, said, "but I want to thank the Lord of Qin And thanks to Xiaoshan What is your identity, Xiaoshan? "
Hu Qing is not a fool. Such a powerful figure under the door is definitely not an ordinary monster.
"Ha ha ha, I'm just a nobody."
Shan Sao, with a smile, touched the back of his head and was looked at by Hu Qing's bright big eyes. He was ashamed.
"He is the ancient fierce beast of Shanhai tomb, shansao."
The Qin Dynasty directly exposed the old man.
"Wipe, Qin Dynasty, your second uncle! Don't let you say it
"Then you really think the fox is a fool."
The Qin Dynasty rolled its eyes.
Hu Qing and a kind of devil's road disciples are surprised, looking at Shan Sao.
"Well, then, has Shanhai tomb really been opened?"
Hu Qing didn't dare to believe that, "why is this so Who can open Shanhai tomb but me
"No, we don't know. When we wake up, we don't see any strangers. However, we can feel that it is a very strong force, which is so strong that it directly wakes us from our deep sleep... "
Strong enough to be incredible?
Qin Dynasty heard the ancient fierce beast say so, can't help but guess, who will have the power to make the fierce beast incredible.
Shan Sao shook his head, "but anyway, now this excrement pot is buckled on the devil's head. As a descendant of Qingqiu, we will not sit idly by. "
Hu Qing nodded and suddenly turned to look at the Qin Dynasty, "Lord Qin, there is one more thing I want to trouble you..."
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