Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 803

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Chapter 803

"I think you've made a mistake."
The Qin Dynasty took a puff of smoke, puffed out a cigarette ring, and said, "Wen Wen, she is not a commodity, but a living person. Do you respect her by selling her like goods? "
Qin Dynasty said, pinched off his cigarette end, took a look at Fang Baichuan couple opposite, and continued, "in your heart, do you really regard Fang Wen as your daughter? Or is it a pet you pay for? "
"Are you teaching me a lesson, boy?"
Fang Baichuan raised his chin and said angrily, "do you have this qualification?"
"It's just a small group of fangs. Do you really regard yourself as the king of heaven?"
The Qin Dynasty snorted coldly.
"Oh, what a big voice!"
Si Zhengkang took out a check book from his arms, signed a one million, and pushed it from the table to the Qin Dynasty, "it's better to say less about those supporting the scene. Look at this number, you will be satisfied."
Qin Dynasty looked at the six zeros on the paper and shrugged his shoulders.
"You can't be too greedy."
With a cold face, Si Zhengkang took back the check.
"It's a million dollars. Ordinary people can't earn it all their life."
"I know. It's just your monthly income."
The Qin Dynasty laughed, "but what does it matter. Although I can only earn 4000 a month, I eat well, wear warm, live comfortably, and live freely. In fact, life is like this. You are eating well and mixing well, but you don't know which day you will leave the world without taking anything away. At that time, you will find that everything is nothing
"Don't talk about the useless ones."
"Si Zhengkang curled his lips," typical can not eat grapes, said sour grapes. Put a million dollars here, or you take the money and leave. Or, you are driven out by us, Fang Wen you can't see, you can't get a cent. If you're a smart person, you should have the right choice. "
"Ha ha..."
Qin Dynasty stretched out his hand and picked up the check on the table.
"Look, I know that no one can resist this temptation." Seeing the Qin Dynasty pick up the check, Si Zhengkang sneered, "this price, given to you, is really worthless."
However, to everyone's expectation, after the Qin Dynasty picked up the check, it was a slight pinch of fingers and a tear to pieces.
"This money is not worth it"
Obviously, he didn't expect Qin Zhengchao to tear the check.
"Can't even a million dollars please you?"
As soon as his voice dropped, Fang Wen came back with an Armani suit that the waiter had dried.
She was surprised to see her parents present.
"Dad, mom, why are you here?"
"Wenwen, are you back?"
Jingli stood up, took her daughter and sat beside her.
"Since everyone is here, let's get straight to it."
Fang Bai Chun, who is the head of a family and the chairman of Fangshi group, began to show his magnanimity and posture. "Fang Wen, you are my daughter, and I has the final say in your marriage. Si Zhengkang can be your fiance. As for the Qin Dynasty, I promise you that I will give him a sum of money and a good job, which will be regarded as good for him. "
Fang Wen immediately stood up, that Armani directly fell on the ground, "how can you do this! You are insulting the Qin Dynasty! It's insulting, too
"I am your father. I have the right to decide what you will look like in the future."
How can Fang Baichuan yield to his daughter.
"Are you really going to drive your daughter crazy?"
Fang Wen cried and just wanted to say something, but Qin Dynasty held her.
"Mr. Fang Baichuan, in fact, I have a question to ask you."
Fang Baichuan glared at the Qin Dynasty, and did not speak or refuse.
"Do you want to marry your daughter to someone who loves her, or to marry a golden man?"
"What do you mean?"
Fang Baichuan frowned.
"If you just want to marry your daughter to a rich man, that's easy."
Qin Dynasty hit a ring finger, said, "I am also very rich, and than you side of this boy do not know how much money."
"Ha ha."
Si Zhengkang couldn't help laughing, "are you kidding. Do you know who I am, one of the four little boys in Kyoto, the eldest young master of Si family. My property is a figure you can't imagine. You're a little security guard, how dare you say such big words. Ha ha, I really feel sad for your IQ... "
"Young man, I know you like my daughter."
Jingli also said, "but in terms of financial resources, you really can't compare. So, give up. ""Well, sometimes, don't trust your own subjective judgment too much."
Qin Dynasty said, stood up, and played a ring finger.
"Waiter, come here for a second."
"What can I do for you, sir?"
Just now, the waiter who spilled Si Zhengkang all over his body came over and bowed to the Qin Dynasty and asked.
"Let the manager come to see me."
The waiter who dares to disobey the order of the Qin Dynasty, hurriedly went to look for it.
Fang Baichuan and they all looked at the Qin Dynasty strangely. They didn't know what medicine he sold in the gourd.
After a while, the manager bumped over and nodded in front of the Qin Dynasty and asked, "Mr. Qin, what can I do for you?"
"Inform all the guests that the venue is cleared today. I'll treat them in the Qin Dynasty and let them go now. I want to talk about something. "
"Ha ha!"
Si Zhengkang couldn't help laughing and said, "who are you? If you want to let someone else clear the market, you know what this is? Dihao Hotel, a catering company of Dafa group! This is a five-star hotel. It's a national chain. If you eat it once, you will be stained with Fang Wen's light. You think you are their director... "
But before he finished, the manager had already nodded.
"Oh, yes."
If the chairman says so, the manager will follow suit.
He clapped his hands in a loud voice.
"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm sorry to say that our hotel is closed for one day because there is something wrong with our hotel. However, we, Mr. Qin, have said that he will treat you today without any charge. If there is something wrong, please forgive me. "
As soon as these people who are having a meal listen to it, they are free to go.
And the other party is the chairman of Dafa group, and he can't afford to. As a result, in the waiters around the discussion, soon, the first floor of the hall are all gone. Including Yang Li that small peeping maniac, also was forced to leave.
So big restaurant, blink of an eye, left Qin Dynasty and Fang Baichuan they, big eyes stare small eyes.
They all heard what the manager said just now.
What do you call this kid? Qin, Qin Dong?
"Mr. Qin, would you like to call Chuange and them to talk with you?"
The manager, standing behind the Qin Dynasty, asked carefully.
Qin Dynasty glared at him, "I talk to my father-in-law, what do you want him to do! Cut people down
The manager's face was a little ugly, "but my staff have already informed brother Chuan..."
"Damn it..."
Qin Dynasty touched his nose. He just wanted to tell Fang Baichuan that he had some money. He didn't want to frighten him
While talking, the automatic door of the hotel opened.
A group of well-trained black suits, each with a red tie and a cold face, came in with his hands on his back and stood behind the Qin Dynasty.
Liu Chuan, carrying a seven hole knife, came in fiercely and said ferociously.
"Damn it, who the hell has provoked my brother Qin! I'll cut him to death
See Liu Chuan come in, Fang Baichuan a head of cold sweat, a head of paralysis in the chair.
Others don't know Liu Chuan. It's OK to say that he doesn't know him.
Now Sunan city wants to do business. How can it be done without Daqin Gang?
Liu Chuan looks like a fat Maitreya Buddha. But people on the road all know that he is a famous black faced evil spirit!
Is there still a lot of mafia boss and white rich man whose arm was cut off by him?
The most important thing is that there is support from government departments behind the big Qin Gang.
Chen si used to support himself, but now
If he had committed it, he would have survived.
Unexpectedly, the boy came to the front, but he was slapped in the face by the Qin Dynasty.
"Go away, son of a bitch, this is my father-in-law! Are you going to chop my father-in-law? "
Liu Chuan suddenly woke up and threw the seven hole knife to one side and bowed to Fang Baichuan.
"The old man is frightened. My fault, my fault!"
Liu Chuan's attitude made Fang Baichuan a little surprised.
"I didn't know you were brother Qin's father-in-law. I'm not good. I'm not good."
Liu Chuan apologized while thinking.
Actually, I can't blame me, brother Qin. I can only blame your father-in-law too much.
"You, who are you..."
Fang Baichuan's voice trembled slightly. He looked at the Qin Dynasty and asked.
"I'm just a little security guard."
As soon as the Qin Dynasty stretched out his hand, his younger brother immediately handed over a piece of Chinese, and then six or seven people sent fire machines to light cigarettes for the Qin Dynasty.
He took a puff and continued, "but I'm also the chairman of Dafa group. People on this road also habitually call me Lord Qin. ""Lord Qin..."
Fang Baichuan seems to have lost all of his strength, his legs a soft, almost kneeling on the ground.
Why hasn't he heard of Lord Qin's name.
However, what he never expected was that the famous Lord Qin would be his daughter's boyfriend
Is the world, is it crazy?
Although I don't know who Qin Ye is, Jingli, the chairman of Dafa group, knows it.
Now she, with shame on her face, does not know how to face the Qin Dynasty.
I still laugh at others for their lack of financial resources. Now it's good. It's like slapping myself in the mouth.
The chairman of Dafa group, which is a large group across the north, is not worth mentioning compared with them.
Because the Fang family is only in Sunan City, this is a very big piece, out of Sunan City, it will not work.
"Fang Wen, now that I want to take you away, no one will stop you."
Qin Dynasty very gently took Fang Wen's hand and said to her.
"Brother Qin..."
Fang Wen suddenly felt like a dream. She had been dreaming that one day, a prince charming would rescue her from the cage of her family.
But this man, all the time, never showed up.
She has been waiting for a long time. When her heart is tired, her expectation has been given up, until today.
But I didn't expect that Qin Dynasty became the prince charming.
Moreover, I really like the Qin Dynasty, although he has a girlfriend, but this does not hinder her love for this man.
This man is always so mysterious and powerful.
Their own vision, as expected, is not wrong.
Her eyes twinkled with tears, and her head leaned gently against the body of the Qin Dynasty.
"It turns out that you've been playing with me all the time!"
Si Zhengkang gritted his teeth and looked at the Qin Dynasty.
But the Qin Dynasty waved his hand, "every word I say to you is a fact. When I work as a security guard, I only earn 4000 pocket money a month. Besides, spicy noodles are really delicious, and Erguotou is really delicious. "
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