Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1191

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Chapter 1191

"Damn it! How stubborn these things are
Xiaobai is very angry, but whether it's spider silk or the power of space, he has nothing to do with those evil spirits.
"In vain."
The limitless devil couldn't help laughing, "the evil spirit of this seat is so well tempered that you, a little demon puppet, can shake it!"
He said, reaching out his hand, ready to release the evil spirit, to seize the two beauties.
"Look at my Yang Shen sword array!"
At this time, Yuanying suddenly appears out of the body, displays his sword spirit, and pounces on the infinite devil.
"The Yang Shen sword array of Emei?"
The infinite devil laughed and didn't hide at all.
Those swords hit the evil spirits around him and were immediately bounced away.
"This sword array is really good, but at least it needs a group of Emei women to be together. You alone will not hurt this seat. "
With that, the evil spirit on his body rolled over and in a blink of an eye formed a magic palm. He grasped the opposite Yuan Meng and Xiaobai.
The Yang God sword array is invalid. Yuanying returns to his position when he sleeps. At the same time, he looks at the huge talons coming from his face in horror.
"Sister Xiaobai What, what to do... "
She has no way, even the Yang Shen sword array is invalid.
At this time, Xiaobai is still struggling with those evil spirits.
Fate dream despair, is it, their lives, really to the end here?
At this time, the evil spirit wrapped in the dragon water town suddenly trembled.
The infinite devil stopped the claw in surprise and looked around, "does the evil spirit of this seat feel fear? Who is it that can shake the evil spirit of this seat? "
Xiaobai's eyes suddenly brightened. She stopped and looked at the black evil spirit blocking the outside world.
"It's Mr. Qin. Here comes Mr. Qin..."
She was relieved.
"Brother Qin, is he here?"
Yuan dream also surprised, heart pressure all put down.
As long as brother Qin comes, there will be help
"Your reinforcements are here?"
"Does anyone want to join the game? But can't, this seat's game, once started, can't stop. Outsiders are not allowed to join in. With the evil spirit of this seat here, he will never enter. You'd better wait for me to be lucky. "
He laughed and began to condense his claws again.
And just then the earth began to shake.
The expression of the infinite demon is dignified.
"This seat is the power of the meat immortal period. Who can shake the evil spirit of this seat? Are those semi disabled immortals coming? "
He murmured, "no way, those immortals, one by one, think that life is more noble than anything. It's impossible for them to come at the risk of being burned by the demons. "
Is surprised, the top of that layer of evil spirit, suddenly began to roll up violently.
"If you want to break through, there's no way!"
The limitless devil quickly mobilized the vitality of his whole body and filled the surrounding demons.
Originally like smoke and cloud like evil spirit, suddenly hard as iron.
There was a heavy dull noise outside.
The evil spirit vibrated for a moment, and the earth trembled again.
"The people outside seem to have a lot of strength"
the infinite demon laughed, "it's a pity that those immortals will not come to save you. The leaders of the eight sects are all in the second place. You are already in this seat's bag. No one can save you. "
"Infinite Lord, you said that too early
Just then, there was a blast outside.
Then, the hard evil spirit was suddenly hit by a huge force.
The huge power concentrated on one point, and a huge palm cherry suddenly broke open above the evil spirit. From the palm print, a man in tricolor armor jumped down.
"Mr. Qin!"
"Brother Qin!"
The two girls were pleasantly surprised to see the man appear.
At the same time, he was shocked and tasted a little.
This handsome man can't compare with you?
Why do you appear, the two chicks are happy with what like.
"I came in time."
The Qin Dynasty flies down and falls on the side of Xiaobai and Yuanmeng.
"In time, in time, Mr. Qin will never be late."
Xiaobai said with a smile.
"Brother Qin, you are here at last..."
Yuan dream eyes red, see the Qin Dynasty, before the grievances in the heart of what all came up, immediately shed tears."Who bullied you? I'll beat him for you."
"Brother Qin, it's him..."
Yuan Meng stretched out a finger and pointed to the infinite devil standing on the other side, "it was he who bullied me However, elder brother Qin, he is very good... "
"Can you be as good as your brother Qin?"
Qin Dynasty fondly touched the forehead of the dream of touching fate. The girl always felt like her little sister-in-law. She was very cute.
"Where do you come from?"
Wuji devil looked at the Qin Dynasty, how to see how he felt that this guy was very strange.
This guy is dressed in tricolor armor. It seems that he has the accomplishments of thunder robbery period.
This cultivation, at this age, is very rare in the realm of cultivation.
But, thunder robbery period?
Tan Hai is only nine gold bodies.
A master like him should be famous in his own time.
Why, no impression at all?
Is it because he died too long and didn't remember too many things?
"You are the infinite Lord?"
Qin Dynasty looked at the opposite youth, "unlike ah, I thought you were a wretched old man."
"You call yourself this seat?"
"You are The master of luochamen
It's their master who can make the puppets so happy.
"Yes, this seat is the master of luochamen, the disciple of rod."
"No way!"
"Lord, you don't have any apprentices at all! He is arrogant and suspicious. How could he have an apprentice! Besides, I have never heard of you! That's bullshit. "
Qin Dynasty ha ha a smile, "wait for you to taste the taste of nine you devil's palm, you will know."
Qin Dynasty said, the body suddenly appeared in front of the limitless devil, white as jade left palm pasted up.
"It's up to you!"
Wuji demon Zun's evil spirits roll over and form a protective film in the blink of an eye, blocking the palm of the Qin Dynasty.
The evil spirit and evil spirit interweave, and the white flame also surges out and rushes into the evil spirit.
"The body protecting evil spirit of this seat is thousands of times stronger than that of the outside! How can you fight with me as a practitioner of thunder robbery period? "
The face of Wuji is ferocious.
"Thunder robbery period?"
Qin Dynasty on the face light smile, "who and you say, this seat is thunder robbery period of the true person?"
Qin Dynasty to hide part of the strength of all open, meat immortal period of the power suddenly began to surge.
His palm, suddenly burst out white turbulent flame.
The infinite Lord's face changed greatly, but it was too late.
Qin Dynasty's palm, has broken through his body protection evil spirit, rammed into his body.
The body of the infinite Lord was printed into the ground, and a huge palm print appeared.
There was a white flame burning in the pit.
"Good boy You, how dare you cheat me... "
With blood in his mouth, Wuji slowly climbed out of the pit.
There was anger and shock on his face.
"You, how can you be a master at the meat fairy level! Have you passed the robbery already? "
"Crossing the robbery? Not yet. "
The Qin Dynasty lit up a cigarette, just like the usual words, and said, "this seat is far away from the thunder robbery period, but it's enough to hit you."
"Hateful, still pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger!"
"Wuji devil was furious," dare to tease me, how dare you! Even rod would not dare to tease me like that
"Rod, don't you dare?"
The Qin Dynasty couldn't help asking Luo de.
Rod yelled, "his grandmother has three grandchildren. This idiot is full of nonsense! At that time, the infinite devil did not deserve to carry shoes to this seat! Now something's wrong with me. He dares to come out and shout! "
"Hey, who knows which one of you is true, and I don't know what happened then."
Qin Dynasty deliberately angry rod.
"Bah, you did it on purpose
Rod yelled and scolded, and the Qin Dynasty dug his ears and said to the infinite devil.
"Old man, rod, you didn't deserve to lift his shoes!"
"How do you know Fart! Don't talk nonsense here! This is the first person in the devil's road. Rod is a fart
"Lying trough!"
Rod angry, "Qin boy, you let me come! I want to teach this boundless son of a bitch a lesson
"Well, all right."
Some of the requirements of the Qin Dynasty can still meet rod.
So he raised a finger and said to the infinite, "old man, wait a minute. An old friend wants to see you.""What old friend?"
The infinite devil's eyes were sharp.
"Infinite son of a bitch How dare you say this seat is a fart
"How dare you call me a son of a bitch..."
The infinite Lord was angry, but suddenly he was surprised.
"No, no, how do you know that..."
At that time, there was only one person who called himself that way.
If others dare to call themselves so, they are looking for death!
But he said, he dare not say anything, but also have to listen honestly.
He's rod.
"Did your master even tell you that?"
Now the Wuji demon believes that Qin Dynasty is rod's Apprentice. Otherwise, he shouldn't have known about it.
At this time, the Qin Dynasty, which was attached to Rhodes, gave an angry rebuke.
"Tell nimale Gobi! I don't even know you! "
"Said rod, his smoke billowing.
Three thousand luochagui, immediately flew out, entangled in the body of the infinite devil.
The evil spirit of the infinite devil was torn by the three thousand luochagui of Rhode in an instant.
"You, you..."
Wuji's face turned pale and looked at the Qin Dynasty in disbelief.
"You, you are rod..."
"Yes, this is my seat! Then, go to hell
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