Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 474

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Chapter 474

Many of the fighters anchored on the aircraft carrier had fallen into the water before they could take off. Wells was convulsed. He wanted to throw an atomic bomb and die with this damned robot!
That's an aircraft carrier!
Build an aircraft carrier! Keep an aircraft carrier! How much does that cost!
The great Washington is history!
Rouge didn't care about the aircraft carrier. The propeller behind him was blazing with blue flame. The whole person jumped up again, jumped into the air, and then jumped onto the top of the cruiser.
"Bang!" Feet on the deck of the cruiser, rouge Gaga strange smile, a grasp of the rail gun extended above.
The Rouge's strength is also quite huge. The rail gun connected with steel was torn off by him, and then it was assembled on his body in the sound of "click".
After a while, his form changed again.
In his chest, a long barrel stood upright like a javelin. This is the orbital gun invented by the island country, which used to blow Rouge into pieces.
When I saw the gun on the track, I almost fainted.
This time, the loss of their combined fleet is too great!
Although frigates, cruisers, and command ships of all grades are still in good condition. However, the main carrier of the seventh fleet of the United States, "Washington", was destroyed, and the island super weapon railgun was destroyed. These two alone were enough to make the two commanders vomit blood.
The Prime Minister of the island, Xiaodun, is also sitting in front of the TV, pale.
"Your honor It seems that our plan has failed... " The intelligence officer said the fact that no one wanted to believe.
"For the honor of Dahe nation..." Little idiot took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. "By sending my orders to the army of heaven * *, we must kill the man of that country completely on the island country. I'm going to use his head and blood to commemorate the whole of Tokyo and the United Fleet
"Wow, isn't Laozi very handsome?"
After the rouge was installed with the railgun, he did not care how bandit his behavior was. As soon as the flame spurted, he flew into the air and flew rapidly towards the direction of troll man.
At the same time, also excited to play with the body of the rail gun, as if to get a new toy as happy.
“……” Qin Dynasty looked at the guy in front of rouge, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said, "don't you think You look like a JJ on you? "
"I'll stop!" Rouge suddenly tiger body a shock, curse way, "you just grow JJ."
"Don't you feel like yourself?"
"Ming, it's like Rouge gazed at her chest for a long time. At last, with a black line on her face, she began to dismantle the railgun.
Soon, he modified a little, and made the huge railgun, like a Remington M700 sniper gun, in his hands.
"My God!" Qin Dynasty issued a exclamation, "you even pulled your own JJ, too strong!"
"Pull your uncle..." Rouge was completely defeated by the Qin Dynasty. He hummed and stopped speaking, quietly accelerating the speed of flight.
Soon, the huge demon man entered the two people's vision.
Huge things, larger bodies, are moving between buildings. From time to time, he let out an angry roar, spurting out flames, and turning everything he saw into coke.
His arm, also constantly waving, smashed the surrounding high-rise buildings.
This thing is a disaster for mankind. If you want to completely destroy it, you may have to give up a city, drop nuclear weapons and turn it into dust.
"Aurora!" Rouge fell to the top of an iron tower, and the rail gun in his hand pointed to the troll roaring on the opposite side properly, "Ya Ya, bear my angry little steel cannon!"
This guy, estimated to vent his resentment on the troll.
"Roar!" Troll also saw rouge, for this guy who escaped from his hand, naturally will not let go again. As soon as the guy's body shook and his mouth opened, all kinds of fireballs spewed out again, converging in all directions towards rouge.
"Die for me!" Rouge also pulled the trigger.
"Bang!" A huge blue beam of light spewed out from the muzzle of the gun, tearing open the air in front of him in an instant. The huge recoil force lifted Rouge's body directly from the tower.
The light of the destruction of the railgun turned all fireballs into steam, and with a bang hit Dr. Watanabe's face above the troll's forehead.
The troll's head quickly began to twist, then inflated, and instantly exploded into a mass of dirty flesh and blood.
Black blood covered the walls and floors. There was still a huge headless corpse, which fell to the ground in a strong wind.
"Oh, too!" Rouge made a victory gesture, "it's done!""Well, your JJ is very fierce." Qin Dynasty also patted his head, angry rouge to the rest of the words stifled back to the stomach.
"It's over at last," Qin Dynasty just no matter how much rouge's resentment, he looked at a mess of Tokyo, sighed, "finally can leave this ghost place."
"Yes, I can finally leave you as a pervert." Rouge is also wiping the oil on her face, "555, I miss my gentle and beautiful, big breast hostess."
The Qin Dynasty was so cold that he just wanted to put the disgusting guy away. Suddenly, there was a movement on the ground under his feet.
All kinds of trivial sounds attracted the attention of two people. As they looked down, they saw pieces of meat sprinkled all over the place, as if there were life. Pieces began to wriggle, and then they gathered towards the huge body.
After a while, these pieces of meat gathered in the original position of the head, and then fused with each other to become an ugly big meat ball.
The meatball squirmed for a while, and it was restored to the head of troll man.
"Oh He murmured, held his hand, and climbed up a little from the ground.
Looking at the troll man standing in front of him again, rouge widens the eyes of the machine.
"Well, how could this be possible?"
"Is the body reborn?" The Qin Dynasty finally moved. He jumped down from Rouge's shoulder, stretched out his hand, and said, "rouge, OK, come back."
"Damn it, I'm not reconciled!"
"Go back and stuff you in the panties of the island men!"
The rouge did not make a sound, and suddenly turned into a multicolored light, flew out of the huge machine body, and then fell into the hands of the Qin Dynasty, and turned into a makeup box again.
And that just had a great power, swept the self defense forces, destroyed the assembly robot of the United Fleet, so it turned into a pile of scrap iron, began to disintegrate with a roar, and then fell to the ground with the dust all over the sky.
Qin Dynasty took Rouge into Xumi ring, and then took a deep breath.
"Come out Nine hell fire. "
Forest white flame, quietly jumped out, floating in the palm of the Qin Dynasty.
And in a flash, the flame turned black.
"Jiuyou summoning skill · attachment!"
He swallowed the black flame into his mouth.
In an instant, huge power filled his body, making him feel invincible.
As if, in front of this huge thing, can not withstand their own one punch attack.
Therefore, the Qin Dynasty began to laugh. He lit a cigar for himself, then took it in his mouth and took a puff.
"Get ready to revel, you punk." The Qin Dynasty raised its middle finger to the troll.
"Roar!" In the face of a small provocation like dancing Sao, the troll is angry. It launched another million fireballs.
The fireball in the air, like the flame rain of doomsday, fell madly towards the Qin Dynasty.
"Fireworks before the carnival?" Qin Dynasty put down his cigar and looked at the flame rain in the sky. His face suddenly flashed with excitement, "come on, resist busy!"
Mind, go!
Ten million fireballs, like the freeze frame lens in the movie, are so hard to stop in the air.
One of the fireballs stopped in front of the nose of the Qin Dynasty.
But even if it's less than two centimeters away, it can't make it any further.
"Go back!" Qin Dynasty a burst of drink, fire rain down when the roll back, crackling, back to hit the troll man's body.
For a moment, the troll's huge body was covered with red flames.
However, the troll is very resistant to the fire, and those flames hit him, only a wisp of smoke.
But this aroused its ferocity. It clapped its chest and roared, ready to reach out and strangle the damned mosquito.
But in a twinkling of an eye, that small mosquito actually lost track from its sight, did not know where to go.
"Here it is, ugly."
A sound is not very loud, but it resounds through the whole space clearly.
Qin Dynasty stood at the foot of the troll man. He bent his knee and suddenly jumped up. In a flash, he rose to the position of the troll's head.
"Keep busy and cheer In Qin Dynasty, the right fist was raised high, and the white intense light was condensed on the fist. A pair of gloves with image patterns symbolizes the incomparable power of the Qin Dynasty.
The atmosphere turned with the blow.
In the calm sky, a strong wind stirred the clouds in the sky.
On the fist of the Qin Dynasty, the intense white light formed an oval cyclone. The speed of the cyclone convergence was so crazy that it finally formed a black vacuum.
When the power is strong to an extreme, even the space can be broken!When the Qin Dynasty gave a big drink, the incomparable punch was pressed heavily on the troll's face.
"Oh Troll man only uttered a half sentence wail, and its huge body, starting from its head, was immediately frantically torn apart. Black vacuum, sharp cyclone, and huge force, it is more than 20 meters high, into a pool of meat.
"Boom, boom!" The power continued to radiate from the troll's body in all directions.
The ground has set off a fault, the rubble flying, the surrounding buildings, windows and glass all cracked, even the wall peeling off.
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