Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1215

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Chapter 1215

What Roxie said made Qin Dynasty swallow her mouth.
It's very bold. It's a devil.
Still working in a police car Thanks to her.
Every time she was able to lift her desire to burn her body, and then ran away without a trace.
Amitabha, Vajra Sutra, Vajra Sutra.
I can't be cheated by her any more!
The Qin Dynasty recited the Vajra Sutra silently and finally got rid of his desire - hope.
"Look at your eyes. It's starting to fire."
Said Rosie, jumping to her own police car, leaning on it, gently bent down, and suddenly revealed the white of her body in the open collar of the skirt.
At the same time, he took out a pair of handcuffs from behind and swayed in front of him.
"Officer Qin, how do you want to interrogate people..."
Roxie made this gesture, and immediately broke the Diamond Sutra of the Qin Dynasty.
Grandma's, read for a long time, so white read!
"Officer Qin..."
"Elder sister, I have promised to take you there, so you don't want to hook up with me again, OK?"
The Qin Dynasty is going to kneel down and beg for mercy.
He's had enough of Rosie.
"Not good No one else colludes with you. They just miss you. "
Roxie said, throwing a wink at Qin Dynasty.
"Yes, yes, you miss me..."
Qin Dynasty repeatedly nodded, "Auntie, we should start."
“OK! Officer Qin, I'll drive you! "
Said, Rosie opened the back seat door, "officer Qin, please get in the car!"
How nice the assistant is!
Beautiful, can drive The point is, you can do it!
Bah, where can I do it? Qin Dynasty has known her for several years, but she has not been able to eat the female devil.
This female demon, seemingly very dissolute, is actually conservative.
There is a saying how to say, under the appearance of debauchery, in fact, the cover is conservative heart.
"Officer Qin, come on."
Seeing the Qin Dynasty slightly stunned, Roxie couldn't help but cover her mouth and smile, and said to the Qin Dynasty.
"Coming, coming."
The Qin Dynasty walked past and sat in the car.
"Ready, we're going!"
Rosie also got in the car and started the car.
Chen Jiantao, whose English name is LUCs.
When it comes to Chen Jiantao or LUCs, few people may know who it is.
But if we talk about the night devil, I'm afraid the police in Beijing will be surprised.
The night devil is a world-famous robber.
According to legend, as long as the objects he sees, none of them can escape his magic.
This time, the night devil came to Kyoto with his keen sense of smell.
"Master, will the black and white paradise be transported to the art museum for exhibition?"
Next to Chen Jiantao, there is a little boy about 16 or 7 years old.
The boy's name is Xiaoxin. He has no other name. He is an orphan and apprentice adopted by Chen Jiantao.
As an international thief, I will wash my hands when I am old.
And this skill can not be lost, it must be inherited.
Xiao Xin is Chen Jiantao's valued disciple.
He's smart, with a strange skeleton, and he's a creative talent.
"Yes, I have many sources of information."
Chen Jiantao nodded, walked back from the window, picked up his laptop and opened it for his apprentice.
"This painting is of great value. Your master decided to do this, so he quit. At that time, I'll buy a villa in Canada, and then I'll teach you this skill. "
"Master is going to retire when he is so young"
Xiaoxin can't help feeling, "that's too bad, the name of night devil will be forgotten."
"No way."
Chen Jiantao shook his head. "When I retire, you will inherit the name."
Xiaoxin was a little excited, "I, I will try my best, and I will not fail to live up to the expectations of my master."
He was very happy because he knew what the name of the night devil meant.
How many policemen, hearing these two words, will be shocked.
Night devil, come and go, is the devil in the night.
There are countless works of art stolen by him.
For these international thieves, the name of night devil is not only a symbol, but also a kind of glory!
"But this may be the most difficult task of my life."
Chen Jiantao said, and then went to the window and looked at the art museum opposite."This time the precious paintings are directly related to the friendship between China and France. Therefore, the Chinese government will certainly keep the Museum of art as an iron barrel. "
He said, pointing to the notebook behind him.
Above, there is an anatomical map of the Museum of art.
"You see, there's my sign on it. The location of the red dot is the monitoring equipment of the art museum. "
"I'll go, a lot"
looking at the anatomical drawing of the building, Xiao Xin couldn't help speaking.
"With the security system, if it was you, where would you choose to enter?"
Xiaoxin looked at it, then pointed to a position above and said, "I'll get close to the art gallery from the underground water pipe. Then enter the hall on the first floor, go up from the fire escape to the second floor and take away the treasure painting. "
"It's a good idea, but it still fails."
Chen Jiantao laughed and looked at his frustrated apprentice. "If I'm not wrong, every water passage here will be strictly monitored. After all, this precious painting will only be displayed for one day, and all monitoring will be strengthened in the surrounding days. If it's authentic, it won't be let go. "
"What shall we do? Master
"I will choose to enter from the air."
Chen Jiantao laughed and looked at the top of the art gallery with his telescope. "It's there. I'll start from there tonight."
"Ah, from the air It will be too conspicuous. "
Xiao Xin looks out of the window at the art gallery, where there are searchlights all around.
"I have observed the law of the searchlight."
Chen Jiantao laughed, "there is a route, in five minutes, there will be no light swept. Five minutes is enough for me to fall on the other side. "
"That's great. It's a master."
"Well, you'll be here in a moment. When I get into the art gallery, you go under the manhole cover over there. When I finish stealing the painting, I'll throw it into the well cover, and you can connect it below
"I see."
"OK, let's get ready."
After Chen Jiantao's command, the two men immediately started their preparations for the evening.
Today's precious paintings are coming, which should be the most relaxed day of defense.
This is the only chance to steal the painting.
At this moment, the police car of the Qin Dynasty also drove to the downstairs of the art museum.
Without waiting for the car to drive in, a line of soldiers loaded with live ammunition had stopped in front of the police car.
One of the soldiers, who looked like an officer, reached out and waved to the people in the car.
"Please get out of the car for inspection."
"The defense is tight."
Qin's clothes had long been changed into police uniform. He came out of the car and said to the soldier, "I'm officer Qin. I've been ordered to maintain the order here."
The soldier watched a man in police uniform come out of the car and saluted first.
"Please show me your ID card."
I only have the ID of section 7, but I am a policeman now.
"I'm in a hurry to leave the house. I forgot to bring it. You go and inform the person in charge. He knows me
Said the Qin Dynasty.
"I'm sorry, you can't enter without a certificate."
The soldier said strictly.
Typical certification deniers.
The Qin Dynasty was in a dilemma. The heart said whether to call Liu Chang.
And at this time, dressed in police uniform, a heroic Rosie got out of the car and said.
"Officer Qin, your ID is here with me."
She took out two police cards and handed them to the soldiers opposite.
"Here are our documents."
The soldier checked his papers and nodded, "no problem, please come in."
The Qin Dynasty looked at Roxie with some surprise.
Roxie returned to the Qin Dynasty with a charming look.
Just now that heroic female police officer, in the eyes of the Qin Dynasty, suddenly became a uniform temptation - confusion.
Roxie's eyes were so obvious that she seemed to be saying.
Look, I still work.
After the first pass, the Qin Dynasty and Rosie walked towards the art museum with their legs raised.
After that, Qin no longer needed to check his clothes.
The two men went all the way into the art gallery, where guards were scattered.
"Excuse me, where is ice, the person in charge here?"
Qin Dynasty pulls a guard and asks.
"The third floor, go up the stairs and turn left. 301 is it."
Said the guard.
"Thank you."
Under the gaze of a group of guards, the Qin Dynasty went up to the third floor of the art museum.This time, the government has made great efforts.
"Tut Tut, there are so many people."
Rosie also whispered in the ear of the Qin Dynasty, "such a tight defense, I guess, even if I want to do it, it will take a lot of effort."
"can you do it?"
Qin Dynasty hey hey a smile, "I am here, who can start?"
"Hum, I may not be your opponent."
"But when it comes to doing bad things Can you compete with me? "
"What bad things have you done?"
The Qin Dynasty was curious.
"Don't tell me. It's time for you, a policeman, to arrest people."
Rosie shook her head, and then said, "it's time for you to handcuff people and do some bad things..."
"I'll go. It's a little too evil."
"Because we are all evil people."
"So, there is no need to cover up."
The Qin Dynasty announced that he was defeated by Rosie.
A row of soldiers were stunned. These two people, laughing and making noises, were not like the people's police.
When I came to 301, the door of the room was open.
The Qin Dynasty still knocked politely on the door.
"Get out! I don't have time to see anyone! "
In the room, however, came the cold voice of ice.
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