Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1193

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Chapter 1193

When the Qin Dynasty returned to Longshui Town, this seemingly peaceful town has now become a mess.
Many practitioners gathered together and demanded something in anger.
He had been flying in the air, and found these practitioners gathered together, and then quietly fell down in the distance.
"Mr. Qin."
Xiaobai in the crowd, when the Qin Dynasty came back, had already sensed.
She stepped out of the crowd and met her own Mr. Qin.
"What about the infinite?"
"It's settled."
Said the Qin Dynasty, and then motioned to those who are surrounded by the practitioners.
"What are those people doing?"
"When they found out that the infinite was no longer there, they ran out one after another, and then began to discuss who revived the infinite."
Xiaobai told the Qin Dynasty, "Tomb watchers also came, standing in the crowd is an old Taoist."
"Do they come to any conclusion?"
"Not yet. Mr. Qin will listen to it."
Xiaobai and the Qin Dynasty returned to the crowd together. With the help of their profound cultivation, the Qin Dynasty just squeezed in from these practitioners.
"Lying trough, who is squeezing me?"
"Squeeze again. My spell doesn't grow eyes!"
Those who practice the truth are crowded and look away.
When you see the Qin Dynasty, one by one there is no sound.
I'll go. This is the master of luochamen, the first one of the devil's ways. It seems that the infinite devil was taken away by him just now.
Now that he's back, the infinite is gone What does that mean?
Infinite devil! Was it killed!
"The infinite devil is the great demon God hundreds of years ago. Now that he is born, it must be very important. "
The grave keeper, with a white robe and a sad face, stood in the middle of the crowd and said, "take pity on my disciple. I've been robbed."
"It's not just you who are pathetic."
Some practitioners couldn't help saying, "many of our disciples were killed by the old devil! We have to avenge this kind of revenge
"It's natural to take revenge, but who will do it?"
A Kunlun disciple couldn't help but sneer.
"Shushan, isn't Shushan the first school?"
People pointed their spearheads at Shushan.
"You may rest assured."
Mo Tianya immediately said haughtily, "if the devil falls into my hands in Shushan, he will never return. Originally, I Shushan was also ready for the sword net grand array, ready to subdue the devil. As a result, the master of luochamen suddenly appeared and did not know where he had taken the demon. I even suspect that they are actually a group. "
Mo Tianya a word, let everyone look at each other.
Qin Dynasty and Wuji devil are together?
It's not that there is no such possibility. After all, they are both demons, and this kind of thing is not impossible to do.
"Mo Tianya, you are really good at fighting after the horse"
and just at this moment, a lazy voice sounded.
The crowd turned their heads and were shocked.
It's the master of luochamen in Mo Tianya's words just now!
Boy, he came back.
"It is clear that this seat has removed the infinite devil. You are not only ungrateful, but also discredit me. It's really funny."
"The infinite is dead?"
Mo Tianya was shocked, and all the virtuous practitioners were shocked.
The tomb keeper was even more shocked and looked at the Qin Dynasty.
"Yes, I can assure you that he will never appear again."
In the hands of Li Baishan, I'm afraid the infinite devil will be very miserable.
It's impossible to survive.
"My poor little apprentice is in the way..."
When the infinite devil is dead, his apprentice will certainly not be left, and the tomb keeper can not help but cry.
Qin Dynasty can only comfort one sentence.
"Well, how can we know if you have hidden this infinite devil?"
Mo Tianya had a black face and said, "after all, you are the same devil gate. If you want to protect him, it's not impossible!"
"Mo Tianya, is your head growing in the dungpit?"
The Qin Dynasty couldn't help but sneer, "why should I protect the infinite devil?"? I'm afraid, if he's here, none of you is his opponent! What's more, Mo Tianya, you're ridiculous. You still have a set of sword net and grand array waiting for the infinite devil
He looked at the opposite Mo Tianya and said without mercy.
"Do you deserve it! If you have this ability, you have to wait for me to do it? Do you dare to be more funny
"You, you look down on our Shushan mountain!""Yes, I look down on it. What's the matter?"
Qin Dynasty snorted coldly, pointing to their people in Shushan and saying, "if you are not convinced, you can use your set of sword net to deal with me and see if it works!"
Said, Qin Dynasty body a Ling lie momentum, flip out.
The power of meat fairy period spreads everywhere.
People from the eight sects were all shocked.
I pull a grass, this power, good terror!
Tan Hai, these leaders, are even more wide eyed.
Meat fairy! It's the power of meat fairy!
What kind of bolus does this guy eat? The realm is so rapid!
What an international joke!
There are many practitioners who are envious and jealous of Qin Dynasty, but no one dares to provoke him.
Mo Tianya is honest.
After he hid his swordsmanship, he was only a master with eight gold bodies.
In other words, the eight heavy body is already very powerful in the cultivation world.
But compared with the Rouxian period
If you really do it, you can crush yourself with one finger of the other party.
What's the use of seeing the magnificent sword net.
If the strength gap is too big, the effect is not obvious at all.
I'm afraid the other party will have killed himself before the battle is over.
Besides, Shushan is not famous for its sword array.
Hateful, how did he practice in the end? How did he become more and more different from himself?
I am the body of an immortal!
Such abnormal constitution, unexpectedly was compared by a guy who practices evil way.
Mo Tianya doesn't speak any more, just flickering in his eyes.
"Amitabha, since the infinite devil has been removed, it is a great fortune."
Master Shitian put his hands together and murmured a Buddhist name, "the great Revenge of the monk's younger brother can be regarded as revenge. I hope you can put down your obsession and ascend to the Western Paradise as early as possible. "
"No, it's not over yet!"
At this time, tiandanzi, whose face was very embarrassed, stood up and said, "the infinite devil will never be resurrected for no reason!"
Tiandanzi is very unhappy now.
The people in the sect forced him to step down. In addition, he was given a move by the infinite devil before, which made his popularity in the sect drop sharply.
In the past, some elders who supported themselves have also begun to hesitate.
The writer of Wuxing Pavilion, in addition to fire Yan is still supporting himself, the attitude of other people began to gradually fall to the old man of wooden ran.
If you don't do anything else, I'm afraid the leader will change his position.
"Someone must have resurrected him on purpose!"
"Leader of tiandanzi."
Tan Hai, holding the dust in his arms, asked, "but who can have the strength to evade so many tomb watchers during the golden period of the thunder robbery period, and then resurrect a great devil hundreds of years ago?"
"The answer is obvious."
Tiandanzi said, "only zombies can revive other people easily. There is also a man who has such a high power to revive the infinite devil. "
Speaking of this, tiandanzi sold a key point.
"Who is it?"
"Yes, leader tiandanzi, tell me quickly!"
"Let him continue to live in the world. If he can resurrect other demons casually, it will not be chaos in the world."
A group of practitioners asked in a hurry.
"She is the owner of Shanhai tomb, Xuanyuan Yingji!"
Tiandanzi said a name that surprised everyone, including the Qin Dynasty.
Will Xuanyuan Yingji revive the infinite demon?
I'm kidding. These fierce beasts in the mountain and sea tombs don't care about the affairs of the Xiuzhen world.
What's more, Xuanyuan Yingji is boring enough to want to revive a former demon.
The Qin Dynasty didn't believe in tiandanzi's bullshit theory.
In his opinion, he is diverting the attention of the whole school.
This contradiction and the edge of the struggle, on Xuanyuan Yingji body.
People were also surprised.
"Yes, Xuanyuan Yingji is the highest level of zombies, and should have the power of meat immortal period! It is very likely that she will revive the infinite devil! "
"Is that still possible? It must be her
"Shall we kill Shanhai tomb?"
"It's said that it's all the masters of thunder robbery period and golden body period..."
These practitioners began to talk.
Qin Dynasty wanted to laugh.
Is Xuanyuan Yingji the power of meat fairy period?
I'm kidding.
An ordinary draught dog may be about this level.
But Xuanyuan Yingji, is the object that should be favored by heavenShe had been taught the power of God.
In particular, her state of cultivation in the tomb of tens of thousands of years is immortal level.
The same level of existence as the emperor of heaven!
Even the Emperor didn't dare to touch her, so the practitioners wanted to find her?
That's going to die.
"This Xuanyuan Yingji, as the owner of Shanhai tomb, is a disaster to stay in the world."
Seeing that the people supported him, tiandanzi was elated and went on to say, "so, we have to smash the tomb of Shanhai in one fell swoop."
"However, Xuanyuan Yingji is also the power of Rouxian period. How can we fight her?"
"Yes, leader tiandanzi, give me an idea."
The crowd asked.
"Don't worry, although Kunlun has no way to deal with the infinite devil, we have quite a lot of experience in dealing with drought."
Tiandanzi touched his beard and laughed, "this Kunlun sky fire is just a kind of flame to restrain the zombies. What's more, as long as I invite the magic weapon of Tianhuo Pavilion and burn the devil to light the sky lamp, I will surely subdue the owner of the mountain sea tomb! "
He turned his head and looked at the grave keeper.
"Mr. an, I'm afraid it's not enough to rely on the strength of our spiritual world alone. I hope you grave watchers can make a contribution."
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